Saturday 28 August 2021





Read Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11:32-34, KJV

"32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: 33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, WAXED VALIANT IN FIGHT, turned to flight the armies of the aliens."

Isn't this contradictory? "To wax valiant in battle!" How can you continue to be strong in something you've been doing? Boringness or monotony of the task ought to depress you. If it were something you do but didn't expend energy, I'll also agree it is easy keeping at it. However, let soldiers chronicle their narrative to you at battle. You'll know that the events of battle saps strength and decreases energy. If you look into the context in which that place was written, it's a context that reveals the traditional way of waging war. This involves fighting with swords and skill. It is physical clashing that involves killing of the opposite force. I know the opponent won't want to give in like that too. So, imagine a soldier who is waxing strong in fight yet that's after he has singlehandedly killed many soldiers. Take all other soldiers and put them in the same experience of having combated many soldiers as well and yet still standing. Can you mention how easy it will be defeating one soldier let alone many skilled soldiers? So, any who could have gotten to three hundred for instance must have done so by skill, swiftness and perseverance. Lifting of sword, shielding or throwing of javelin isn't easily come by as you think. It takes effort to stay in battle when you clash with an opposing opponent. 

One time, I went into a very minimal days fast with my beloved and another sister. Due to some reasons, I couldn't post for prayer an organized collated prayer points for our first day and didn't encourage them on our created group to be persistent in what we were doing. Around afternoon, I stood up to drop there a quote on prayer and to put adrenaline inside them that men ought to pray and not faint. After that as I ruminated on having persisting faith, this part I quoted from Hebrews hit me. The Spirit told me, "let me show you he who will win battles. It is he who wax valiant in battles."

There's difference between fighting or warring and waxing valiant in it. There are many people who started a thing but did not continue in it. To start is easier, to progress is hard. Staying on a thing and not turning back in it until one sees and conquers is where the hard work lies. So, any that enters into a battle and keeps fighting by not getting physically wearied until he gets to a place of victory is such that'll be praised for having entered into battle at the first instance. 

When you wax valiant, you grow much stronger. Instead of you lapsing back, decreasing in strength as you use your energy to resist and slaughter the enemy, you rather increase in strength for the accomplishment of what you've started. Your swiftness, speed, wavering, waving, shielding and other skills would still be deemed intact and corresponding. In a physical battle as I'm saying, any that dies may do so on the ground of having decrease in strength. That's why they call warriors men of valour because it involves accomplishing a hard task. When you're valiant in battle, it means you're not tired nor have you given in though you've been fighting for awhile on the battle field. Physical warriors expend physical energy and the tendency is there to be so weak as not to lift a hand again. Any who gets here will become a victim of the opponent force.

But as for you, may you wax valiant in battle. What is your destiny? The path of the just is as the shining light, it shines more and more unto the perfect day. There's no decrease. The sun always increases in intensity as the day goes on. That's the picture of any born again in a spiritual battle. It is not for you to faint but wax valiant.

Show me the faith that wins and I'll show you a persisting faith. You have to pray until you pray through. The day Daniel knelt was the day his answer was sent but there was an hindrance to his receiving it. However, though he didn't see any physical result, he kept on praying (persisted) until by his same prayer, notices were brought to heaven of the fact that the holy messenger hasn't reached Daniel. That led to the dispatch of Michael who mediated and contested with the Prince of Persia. 

Wax valiant in prayer like a warrior would wax valiant in battle. It is better not entering a spiritual warfare than entering it and waxing cold. One will become a victim there and then.

I say, "by faith, they wax valiant (firm, resilient, robust, stout, bold, brave, courageous, strong, daring, determined, staunch) in fight."

This is a fight (bout, wrestling, boxing) - you too, hang in there without blinking the eye.

PRAYER: I receive the warrior's spirit that wax valiant in battle. In marriage, ministry, business, intimacy with God, parenting etc, I go from one degree of strength exhibition to another.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22

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