Friday 27 August 2021





READ Genesis 5:19-24, II Kings 2:1,11-12

I Kings 2:1-2, KJV

"1 Now the days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he charged Solomon his son, saying,  2 I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man".

The way of all the earth is the path that all must take. No one can say he won't take it when his time comes. This gives all men one destiny of passing through the same road - physical death in this context.

Of all human beings, Enoch didn't see death and Elijah didn't. These ones broke this process of the way of all the earth. What equalizes all men seems to exempt them. They rather took another path to the same destination - eternity before the Father. They didn't die, get buried to perish in the soil. Even Jesus who died and was buried resurrected without decay to ascend into heaven (Matthew 28:5-7).

What is the way of the whole earth God wants you to avoid today? One day, I heard a General Overseer said when God called him as a founder; people were not founding ministries but were joining one even when it's obvious that they have the calling of a founder. Those ones took the easy path (joined an already known denomination, were given houses and were being paid) which is the way of all the earth. The road they took is like the wide gate, admission into it is easy. The narrow path is scarcely trodden by men except by those who will to their own hurt reject all antagonizing voices to follow God's. There are many users than producers, followers than leaders and eaters than sowers. The commonest path is the way of all the earth. It has the greatest devotee and adherents. For fear, public or popular opinions, some shrink back from threading the path of their uniqueness that will single them out and reveal them to the world to taking the commonest that can't separate them as a mould of God built for speciality on this earth. They follow the crowd into the world's crowded arena. He ought to become a painter but he has followed after Medicine. He has gone to a place where God didn't earmark he shines. Now there, he struggles to compete instead of supernaturally being above board. Even if he succeeds there, he can't ever amount to the totality of destiny's dictate for him in Painting.

Somebody may say, "you're calling people to purpose because of the affluence? Who don't know prestige, wealth etc follows a purposeful living." Being called as a founder isn't prestigious at the start. That's why I don't question a man if he says he's called as a founder. I know it's not easy to pretend when called as a founder. Even if it's pretence, it shall be discovered before a mile's walk. No one says he's called into a uniqueness as a founder for instance when he knows it's easier tapping into what some men have already originated from the ground than groaning to build from the scratch.

There is the way of all the earth the devil wants you too to take. He just wants you too be like the rest and be assembled together with them. Once you're convinced, persuaded or assisted into that path, you've sold out destiny. You will just be there running somebody's race. I do ask myself. What is next after marriage? Will I settle down to begin to raise some few children and be satisfied with that only and then make supplications to God that my children become what I couldn't become. I said "no". When I look at my heart, I saw there's an invisible pull calling me to where I should be. I believe I should be known even to the ends of the earth and heard from in many languages. This is not ambition coming from self but one that the Lord Himself laid there when He was making me in secret and curiously wrought me in the lowest parts of the earth. When God wants you to come out and make a name for yourself through Himself, don't be shy, reluctant or be made unwilling by what denomination, religion, belief, value or system etc might say. If there's a thing I'm grateful for for years, it's a constant sense of calling in me calling me to where I should be and what next I should do. If God destines you for a unique path, on your inside, you'll be hearing a call that will be speaking louder than thoughts persuading you to push towards an area of the circle. A place will just appeal you and if you show persistence there, you'll have your mark made for eternity to bear you witness.

I believe God won't deny you the voice. Guidance is always available for those God is calling from following the common way of all the earth. God will open a channel in you that will be clearer than the discovery of Jordan's or Red Sea's bottom. Since this channel is totally opened, there won't be hindrances to hearing and discerning the path that's calling you to come. By God's breath, the foundations of the earth were laid bare and seen. This same God can cause you to see the very bottom of what road to take. 

God has a great future for you which awaits you if you can trust and follow His leading (whose channel) is revealed inside you. God don't hide from those He seeks to guide out of the way of all the earth. He reveals himself early to them to call them to their inheritance. If you heed, your testimony will swallow regrets. God is not partial. He wants all men come to His knowledge and stop taking the way of all the earth but rather pursue after individual mandates stocked into them purposefully. That's the only road in making of stars. If you won't silence this voice until your heart becomes seared or stony, you'll mark the differences later on between those God called who follows and those He called who withholds.

PRAYER: Lord, let me find my uniqueness, accept it and live in it. May my mandate not be substituted, perverted or unfulfilled.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalm 40:11-17, Proverbs 22:2-4

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