Saturday, 28 August 2021





Read Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11:32-34, KJV

"32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: 33 Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, WAXED VALIANT IN FIGHT, turned to flight the armies of the aliens."

Isn't this contradictory? "To wax valiant in battle!" How can you continue to be strong in something you've been doing? Boringness or monotony of the task ought to depress you. If it were something you do but didn't expend energy, I'll also agree it is easy keeping at it. However, let soldiers chronicle their narrative to you at battle. You'll know that the events of battle saps strength and decreases energy. If you look into the context in which that place was written, it's a context that reveals the traditional way of waging war. This involves fighting with swords and skill. It is physical clashing that involves killing of the opposite force. I know the opponent won't want to give in like that too. So, imagine a soldier who is waxing strong in fight yet that's after he has singlehandedly killed many soldiers. Take all other soldiers and put them in the same experience of having combated many soldiers as well and yet still standing. Can you mention how easy it will be defeating one soldier let alone many skilled soldiers? So, any who could have gotten to three hundred for instance must have done so by skill, swiftness and perseverance. Lifting of sword, shielding or throwing of javelin isn't easily come by as you think. It takes effort to stay in battle when you clash with an opposing opponent. 

One time, I went into a very minimal days fast with my beloved and another sister. Due to some reasons, I couldn't post for prayer an organized collated prayer points for our first day and didn't encourage them on our created group to be persistent in what we were doing. Around afternoon, I stood up to drop there a quote on prayer and to put adrenaline inside them that men ought to pray and not faint. After that as I ruminated on having persisting faith, this part I quoted from Hebrews hit me. The Spirit told me, "let me show you he who will win battles. It is he who wax valiant in battles."

There's difference between fighting or warring and waxing valiant in it. There are many people who started a thing but did not continue in it. To start is easier, to progress is hard. Staying on a thing and not turning back in it until one sees and conquers is where the hard work lies. So, any that enters into a battle and keeps fighting by not getting physically wearied until he gets to a place of victory is such that'll be praised for having entered into battle at the first instance. 

When you wax valiant, you grow much stronger. Instead of you lapsing back, decreasing in strength as you use your energy to resist and slaughter the enemy, you rather increase in strength for the accomplishment of what you've started. Your swiftness, speed, wavering, waving, shielding and other skills would still be deemed intact and corresponding. In a physical battle as I'm saying, any that dies may do so on the ground of having decrease in strength. That's why they call warriors men of valour because it involves accomplishing a hard task. When you're valiant in battle, it means you're not tired nor have you given in though you've been fighting for awhile on the battle field. Physical warriors expend physical energy and the tendency is there to be so weak as not to lift a hand again. Any who gets here will become a victim of the opponent force.

But as for you, may you wax valiant in battle. What is your destiny? The path of the just is as the shining light, it shines more and more unto the perfect day. There's no decrease. The sun always increases in intensity as the day goes on. That's the picture of any born again in a spiritual battle. It is not for you to faint but wax valiant.

Show me the faith that wins and I'll show you a persisting faith. You have to pray until you pray through. The day Daniel knelt was the day his answer was sent but there was an hindrance to his receiving it. However, though he didn't see any physical result, he kept on praying (persisted) until by his same prayer, notices were brought to heaven of the fact that the holy messenger hasn't reached Daniel. That led to the dispatch of Michael who mediated and contested with the Prince of Persia. 

Wax valiant in prayer like a warrior would wax valiant in battle. It is better not entering a spiritual warfare than entering it and waxing cold. One will become a victim there and then.

I say, "by faith, they wax valiant (firm, resilient, robust, stout, bold, brave, courageous, strong, daring, determined, staunch) in fight."

This is a fight (bout, wrestling, boxing) - you too, hang in there without blinking the eye.

PRAYER: I receive the warrior's spirit that wax valiant in battle. In marriage, ministry, business, intimacy with God, parenting etc, I go from one degree of strength exhibition to another.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22

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Friday, 27 August 2021





READ Genesis 5:19-24, II Kings 2:1,11-12

I Kings 2:1-2, KJV

"1 Now the days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he charged Solomon his son, saying,  2 I go the way of all the earth: be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man".

The way of all the earth is the path that all must take. No one can say he won't take it when his time comes. This gives all men one destiny of passing through the same road - physical death in this context.

Of all human beings, Enoch didn't see death and Elijah didn't. These ones broke this process of the way of all the earth. What equalizes all men seems to exempt them. They rather took another path to the same destination - eternity before the Father. They didn't die, get buried to perish in the soil. Even Jesus who died and was buried resurrected without decay to ascend into heaven (Matthew 28:5-7).

What is the way of the whole earth God wants you to avoid today? One day, I heard a General Overseer said when God called him as a founder; people were not founding ministries but were joining one even when it's obvious that they have the calling of a founder. Those ones took the easy path (joined an already known denomination, were given houses and were being paid) which is the way of all the earth. The road they took is like the wide gate, admission into it is easy. The narrow path is scarcely trodden by men except by those who will to their own hurt reject all antagonizing voices to follow God's. There are many users than producers, followers than leaders and eaters than sowers. The commonest path is the way of all the earth. It has the greatest devotee and adherents. For fear, public or popular opinions, some shrink back from threading the path of their uniqueness that will single them out and reveal them to the world to taking the commonest that can't separate them as a mould of God built for speciality on this earth. They follow the crowd into the world's crowded arena. He ought to become a painter but he has followed after Medicine. He has gone to a place where God didn't earmark he shines. Now there, he struggles to compete instead of supernaturally being above board. Even if he succeeds there, he can't ever amount to the totality of destiny's dictate for him in Painting.

Somebody may say, "you're calling people to purpose because of the affluence? Who don't know prestige, wealth etc follows a purposeful living." Being called as a founder isn't prestigious at the start. That's why I don't question a man if he says he's called as a founder. I know it's not easy to pretend when called as a founder. Even if it's pretence, it shall be discovered before a mile's walk. No one says he's called into a uniqueness as a founder for instance when he knows it's easier tapping into what some men have already originated from the ground than groaning to build from the scratch.

There is the way of all the earth the devil wants you too to take. He just wants you too be like the rest and be assembled together with them. Once you're convinced, persuaded or assisted into that path, you've sold out destiny. You will just be there running somebody's race. I do ask myself. What is next after marriage? Will I settle down to begin to raise some few children and be satisfied with that only and then make supplications to God that my children become what I couldn't become. I said "no". When I look at my heart, I saw there's an invisible pull calling me to where I should be. I believe I should be known even to the ends of the earth and heard from in many languages. This is not ambition coming from self but one that the Lord Himself laid there when He was making me in secret and curiously wrought me in the lowest parts of the earth. When God wants you to come out and make a name for yourself through Himself, don't be shy, reluctant or be made unwilling by what denomination, religion, belief, value or system etc might say. If there's a thing I'm grateful for for years, it's a constant sense of calling in me calling me to where I should be and what next I should do. If God destines you for a unique path, on your inside, you'll be hearing a call that will be speaking louder than thoughts persuading you to push towards an area of the circle. A place will just appeal you and if you show persistence there, you'll have your mark made for eternity to bear you witness.

I believe God won't deny you the voice. Guidance is always available for those God is calling from following the common way of all the earth. God will open a channel in you that will be clearer than the discovery of Jordan's or Red Sea's bottom. Since this channel is totally opened, there won't be hindrances to hearing and discerning the path that's calling you to come. By God's breath, the foundations of the earth were laid bare and seen. This same God can cause you to see the very bottom of what road to take. 

God has a great future for you which awaits you if you can trust and follow His leading (whose channel) is revealed inside you. God don't hide from those He seeks to guide out of the way of all the earth. He reveals himself early to them to call them to their inheritance. If you heed, your testimony will swallow regrets. God is not partial. He wants all men come to His knowledge and stop taking the way of all the earth but rather pursue after individual mandates stocked into them purposefully. That's the only road in making of stars. If you won't silence this voice until your heart becomes seared or stony, you'll mark the differences later on between those God called who follows and those He called who withholds.

PRAYER: Lord, let me find my uniqueness, accept it and live in it. May my mandate not be substituted, perverted or unfulfilled.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalm 40:11-17, Proverbs 22:2-4

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Thursday, 26 August 2021





Psalms 34:19,KJV

"Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all."

Do you know what rejoices my heart, makes me sit comfortably and assures my heart calmly that I won't perish? It's the truth that says " the duty of rescuing me will not be done by any other but by God Himself."

That place said " The Lord shall deliver him." It wasn't an army general that was mentioned but the Lord God of hosts of heaven. The one whom nothing is difficult for. As for man, many things are difficult for him. Many things poses challenges to him. He is in danger and elimination a lot. He knows he's not sufficient. That's why he seeks after gods that mutters who are not indeed God. That's in his bid to stay secure too.

And those gods? They have ears but can't hear. They have mouth but can't speak. It's just a myth. It's a fabricated lie that those gods came from heaven. These were either men who were heroic and so a legend was made out of them or just some idols carved out to seek after as God.

Look at Moses, the one who understood the rudiments of this message. He refused to go unless God Himself goes with them. He must have stumbled on this truth that there is no other person who could execute perfectly a task but God. God can't do a work and yet not perfect it.

Exodus 33:15,KJV

"And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence."

Things don't get marred in God's hands. If it does at all, He refashions it into that which seems good in His sight.

If it were the president of my nation or any of the world powers that place mentioned, I'll be shaken and would have had cause to doubt my deliverance without being singed let alone torn. If I was promised rescue by the US Army and the leading security company on earth, I should still be shivering..

Why? All of them are humans. They are prone to failure. They are vulnerable to frailties. Have you not heard a case of a man who promised another man (a less privileged) money but died before next day? Isn't the hope of the man assured broken into pieces? Surely torn asunder!

I believe God will see me through and will keep that which I have committed unto Him. I'm assured 100% like Paul if my rescue is hanged on God.

II Timothy 1:12,KJV

"For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

Why did I believe strongly and wholly in Him. Look at it here:

Numbers 23:19,KJV

"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"

This is where the difference lies. God is a sure anchor. The anchor of man might loose without notifying me. Even if he notifies me, I'll still remain helpless. For what purpose have I called for help at the first instance?  Unforseen contingencies could hit the man that has been sent to rescue and see to my needs. At that time, he'll love himself first before loving me. Before he turns back, one might have drowned.

I therefore need a man whom nothing could catch up with, hinder or deter from saving me. I want a man that traffic jam, lack of fund, rain etc can't stop from digging me out in one piece. That person is God. I can never mistaken any man for Him.

PRAYER: Lord, I have confident in You as my present help in trouble.

Wholeness always!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 4:1-5:15, 2 John 1:1-13, Psalm 125:1-5, Proverbs 29:9-11

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Wednesday, 25 August 2021





READ II Kings 5:1-27

II Kings 5:26, KJV

"And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?"

Where can we go from the presence of God? Psalm 139 is a psalm of discovery that shows our not being able to escape from the Lord.

Psalms 139:2-3, KJV

"2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways".

God is the one that compasses your path. He is the God that surrounds you. In today's passage, Gehazi runs after Naaman to demand of him things that his master, Elisha had rejected after Naaman has been healed of leprosy. After his arrival back to the master, Elisha requested of him where he was coming from. He lied and said " thy servant went no whither (II Kings 5:25, KJV).

Elisha then replied, "went not mine heart with thee when the man alight from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to collect this and that?" The following consequence is that Gehazi is cursed and he carries the leprosy of Naaman.

You should know that God's eyes follows you all-around. There is nothing done in secret that won't be made manifest is what the Bible says. As a child of light therefore, let your deeds be wrought in God so that you won't fear being exposed. If you have good deeds, you'll want to manifest it in light/public but if your deeds are evil, you'll want darkness to cover you. This year is a year where secret sins and abominable deeds are really irritant to the Lord. You shouldn't indulge in any because God's heart and eyes would always go with you. Your conscience would bear you witness and call you to questions and order.  

There's no time like any other to stop secret sins also than now. It is God before whom we all have to do. Fear Him as one that knows all, sees all and surrounds you about. Decide today not to carry any consequence resulting from secret sins like that of Gehazi. When your ways are straight, you purchase for yourself clear conscience before men and God. Gehazi though lied he goes no where that day knew deep down that his conscience bears him witness. As he denies his master, his heart tells him, "you lie". Your first judge this year is your heart. So, pay attention. 

PRAYER: I break loose from any habitual sin. I shall keep no secret sin that would bring me losses, harm or death. I'm a child of light and I manifest so.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 21:21-22

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Tuesday, 24 August 2021





READ Esther 6

Esther 6:6, KJV

"So Haman came in. And the king said unto him, What shall be done unto the man whom the king delighteth to honour? Now Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the king delight to do honour more than to myself?"

King Ahasuerus found out that Mordecai averted the death planned against him by two of his chamberlains. In order to compensate this fellow who after scrutiny was discovered to have been left unappreciated, the king requested of Haman who came to ask that Mordecai be hanged by him what he'll suggest as the honour that fits such a man that so much makes the king happy. 

Haman, having been swallowed by selfishness thought it was him. Haman therefore suggested something which was the peak of a gratifying honour for himself and for anyone who should fall into that position. He requested the fellow to be worn the king's royal apparel, ridden on the king's horse and shown around town with the shout, "this is what the king would do to whomever he is pleased with."

May you not incur the wrath of the king. If he could go to any length to bless, he could to the extreme go to hurt also. After mentioning a sampling of what honour the king could do the man he delights in, the king commanded Haman to do what he has described to him to Mordecai without diminishing one of the descriptions. 

This is how Mordecai began to have upper hand over Haman who seeks his life. Though it was hard for Haman, yet he dressed Mordecai up and showed him to the entire citizenry. It was shame to him but glory to Mordecai. 

Ask yourself as you look up to heaven while racking your head, "what could God seek to do a man He delights in?" 

We may not be able to say it is A or B for God had done a lot of different things for different people who delighted Him. For Solomon, God gave him all he didn't asked for when he delighted God by asking for a discerning heart to judge Israel. For Abraham, he believed God and God took it to the extreme by accounting it as righteousness for him. So, it varies from one person to the other. One thing that we do know is that once a man delights God like Mordecai delighted Ahasuerus, God will always go big. The compensation is always rewarding and verily felt. God just don't withold. He opens His treasure and spends it freely. Once God does you this honour, only then will you experience what it means for God to seek to do a man honour.

For you to earn God's honour isn't far fetched. Please Him. God is looking at your heart and only He really knows if you're satisfying Him. If you pass God's test of having a right heart, God seeks you to respect. May you enter into the record book of attention.

PRAYER: Lord, search me and see if there be any wicked way in me. Lead me in the way everlasting. May my life be a living sacrifice, attracting your endorsement and honour.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Judges 19:1-20:48, John 3:22-4:3, Psalm 104:24-35, Proverbs 14:22-24

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Monday, 23 August 2021





Genesis 8:10-11,KJV

"And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth."

If they have gathered and have gathered to feast on you like before; to mock you and laugh you to satisfaction, you can be assured the table has turned. "They'll be the object of mockery now" says the Lord.

Noah sent out the dovecraft to scout if the waters has abated from the face of the earth. That dovecraft is a reconnaissance aircraft. She couldn't find a landing space let alone coming back with an evidence to proof that the waters has truly subsided or dried up. Her to and fro wasn't  profitable as expected nor with an evidence of the abated waters. Mockers might have scorned. They might have said all sort of things that the experiment isn't succeeding. They must have said "the project failed and mocked till their knees knock each other." Noah accepted fate that the water has not dried up, stretched forth his hand and fetched the instrument of his experimentation into the laboratory. Noah isn't angry at the unsuccessful programme. He is neither angry at the dovecraft but rather receives her to himself and seeks trying next time.

After some time, Noah who will never give up despite the first failure puts on another experiment. He sent out the dovecraft again.  What would become of this again? Meanwhile, something has changed. The waters has abated off the surface of the earth. For this reason,the dovecraft picked an evidence to support its claim as it goes back to the base. The dovecraft went with a proof that's tangible enough to silence anyone who will doubt or raise questions about the abated water. It was a freshly plucked olive leaf.

Look at me now. Who are the ones expecting another fall or failure of yours? Who are the ones  anticipating this recent pregnancy of yours to come down like the other one? Failure! All of them have missed the point this time around. The anointing is superintending over your matter now. Tell them that the waters has abated this time around and you won't but return with evidence of a successful journey. This new pregnancy will become a child living amidst us. It is not like other times. Even Jesus Christ wasn't terminated in his mother's womb nor delivered by Caesarean section.

Those of you that have failed in businesses, came back with debt and are shy launching into another one because of the fear of the outcome; be assured that the opposite result is what will now be generated.

I declare that you receive evidences and proofs of the journey you're taking (to and fro) and the transactions you will do. 

PRAYER: Lord, abate the waters for me. Make me return with proofs of transaction. Where I've known failure before, may I be successful. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26, Psalm 123:1-4, Proverbs 16:21-23

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Joshua 6:1, KJV

"Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in."

You can take chances but you ought not to. You can't tempt God. You can't take things for granted and think of getting the best out of life. Life is lived to the fullest by those who bring special attention to it. 

Thoroughly furnished preparation can give you success. What is facing you can be prevented from conquering you if you have received ahead of time a basement of strengthening qualities in you. Israel came against Jericho but Jericho wouldn't surrender like that. To defend themselves, they closed their city gates with a description that shows their unwillingness to be conquered. That's the only opening to their city. No other space is in their city wall.

"Strait" means tight, close, tight-fitting. A thing that's tight-fitting has leaned down people that could enter. It has even shut down entrance. That is, Jericho didn't take any chance. They gave Israel no ground or advantage to get through to them. Another place in the Bible where the word "strait" was used with a very close relation to our matter here is:

Matthew 7:13 - 14, KJV

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

What you need to know is that military leaders and commanders of forces are strategists. They can deflate and bring to damnation a whole city by just a crack in the armour or an exposure thereof; which is why Jericho blocked all such opportunities against Israel. All they needed is just a thing to leverage on to confound their enemy. How I wish you'll become Jericho that is not willing to give an inch of his land to intruders. Has the Bible not spoken in Romans 13:14, KJV that "but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." It is what you make provision for that can be fulfilled. It is what you give handles to that will creep into your life. Some are making provision for the enemy. David didn't go to battle at the time kings lead battles. He eventually made provision for sin. He entered into what made the sword not to depart from his house (II Samuel 11). Some are making ground for poverty. He's always spending like a spree when he could begin to make bricks for a house.

Make no provision for your opponent. Satan goes all around prowling, looking for whom to devour. Those he will see to devour are those who didn't close their gates tightly. I don't mean being holy but being very holy. I don't mean praying but always praying. Jericho just didn't close their gates, they did very well without leaving even the slightest space that an animal could have entered through.

Today, I'm hearing in my spirit God telling me to give you an instruction for your continuity. That's to take things very very seriously. To handle things straitly: without space or advantage for the enemy to leverage on. To handle things in such a way that even other Christians would tell you "yours is too much". Christian life should be lived in such a way that even the devil would not have a thing to accuse you of. Blamelessness is your goal. Occupy everything. Defend your ground against invaders.

PRAYER: May I be thorough. I make no provision for the flesh. I won't assist Satan against my life

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 18:1-19:10, John 20:1-31, Psalm 119:153-176, Proverbs 16:14-15

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