Wednesday, 25 December 2024



If you're a parent and you take parenting very seriously, after the season of taking care of your little ones is over, you might begin to receive the passion to start a CRECHE. 

Would it be right heeding that? Yes! It isn't what came out of the need to cope with the economic situation first of all. Rather, it was born out of your variegated trainings and experiences which you have accumulated as a father or mother who allowed parenting to shape him/her in character, patience, discipline, research, hard work, resilience etc. 

The deception might be, "I'm a man not a woman. I can't found a Creche or a Nursery." Who told you that lie? You can found, be part of it and employ other passionate people (men and women alike) to work with you. 

There's a woman by my house. She and her husband waited for 11 years before they carried their own babies. When she gave birth, she delivered triplet. She didn't give thought to a creche until she started raising those three chaps. With the fact that those babies confined her movement, it occured to her one day that she could extend what she's doing for her babies into a full time work. That's how they turned their big sitting room into a creche. They've gotten a wider space in the same property now. 

Listen people, certain things will be birthed out of your training and experience. Don't mind those putting their hands forward when they're shallow on the inside. They're only looking for means of livelihood! That's why you must not cut corner in training. All my leadership years on campus and in those different places I served naturally processed and made me a minister. I don't need a title to function. When I mount up, whether I've been processed or not will show. Even if you live with me, you could decipher same. 

God might just be using your own complicated boy to mount you up and tease you to look for solutions on how to tackle adolescent problems. Sooner or later, you might be shocked that you might be made adolescent coordinator in church. If you handle these two assignments faithfully, one day it might occur to you as your call to start an NGO seeing to adolescents and helping them overcome their peculiar challenges. 

So, this is it. Whenever you're offered responsibilities, don't reject it. If you're called to serve in the creche or nursery or the children's church in the ministry you attend, kindly avail yourself. Out of that experience if you really submit to it may come your own school later on. You'll just feel equipped and experienced to start a thing like that because you've experienced a look alike to it. 

Recently, my school's cooperative society (with incorporation of outside members) elected me as its new Financial Secretary. Imagine, I'm not even a year old in that school. To qualify for election, I had to quickly fund my savings with a minimum of #50,000 which also would qualify me for the AGM (which has been held already). The subject I hate and don't want to have to do with is Mathematics. The fellow who handed over to me was a Mathematics teacher but I accepted because I wanted to be trained. Let me go out of my comfort zone once more. If you visit my home now, you'll see the long bank statement I'm imputing. I want to see where that responsibility would lead me. 

This Cooperative Society isn't a small one. A society that processes close to 100 Million yearly isn't small and I guess you could paint how many members it would have. While I use a certain designed spreadsheet yet I submitted to this new assignment because I don't want to miss a lifetime opportunity of how money, loan, interest and certain underlying things work. The chairperson  while speaking said I recommended you because you're not frivolous. You're pact together and you'll be able to take enquiries of people and input their necessary financial details. The truth is this new assignment might have a thing to do for me later on though I don't know for now how and where. What if God is seeing that I'll later have an institution where the accountants would present to me transactions in millions and He doesn't want me to be confused seeing I hate Mathematics or calculation but rather wants to work on me now to have accommodation for it. Or else, one might be cheated. I tell you, if you have an organization, even if you have financial managers, you must still understand how your money is doing. You need certain education to see deeply and into some people's shady business or calculation. Don't forget my wife is an accountant also and from the experience she has shared, I've learnt that some other accountants are good thieves. For this reason, that knowledge might be useful. 

It pays when things are born out of your experience and training. They're easily birthed since you've already been capacitated for them. 

If you're a parent and you won't shy from rejoicing in every areas of raising your baby, by the time you'll be finishing those babyhood or childhood stages, you should have become a teacher and an excelling trainer. The training and experience of an educator should have been impacted into you. As such, you could go into Education even without being officially certified in Education. 

What we should beware are people calling themselves ministers because they have certificate for it but haven't walked the road that makes one. What we should beware is anyone saying he is something when he hasn't walked that road. It's better to have a training and life for something than just being certified with a paper. If you have the life presently, the life will attract or naturally confer on you the paper. 

So, let's pursue right.

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Friday, 20 December 2024



I want us to look at this picture very well and ask ourselves, "who's the one destroying discipline in me?" "Who's the one collapsing, distorting, reducing quality and substituting it with another thing in my life?"

Once you find the answer in all honesty, even if you won't delete that person, don't emulate or obey them again. 

Imagine these two sons and how they've turned differently because one was held to the highest responsibility and now towing the road that made the father great (as a renown body builder, action movie protagonist and politician - ex Governor of California). 

Look at the other son like an over ripe pawpaw ready to give way (that's far away from body-shaming please). He is not even mindful of his health and if he continues this way, he'll gain extra pounds, develop breathing problems and be mandated to lean down. So, he might eventually do what he should have embraced but under a bad condition. 

All he knows is food with no force of discipline ruling his body (and probably mind and life). 

Let me say this. In the home setting, who a child should really look at or emulate might be one of the parents and not both at times. Yes! 

If one of the parents is deficient in character and the other is better and upright, the children have their high model and priest. You can't tell me if the father is a ragamuffin, all his daughters should take after him and become prostitutes when the mother is sane, faithful and a good home keeper. 

In calling at times, it's either one of the parents a child might take after. And let me tell you, those who have not been trained cannot train you. 

The consequence is what you're seeing in that other child. 

I'll drop enough pictures of that well trained son who emulates his father and you'll see that his role model is the man with the calling and not the woman with the feeding bottle. 

Is this a prejudice against women raising children? No! As long as she's the one who could train them for their calling, she should be allowed to. 

Susannah Wesley raised John and his brother, who went on as cornerstones of the Methodist Church. 

Ben Carson's mother though an illiterate motivated and created a schedule under close monitoring for Ben and the brother to study. 

The results are in our faces. 

Once you see the calling anywhere, defer to it. Let it train you. What I heard is that, "it is where the dead is that the vultures gather." Has it changed in your own opinion?

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Thursday, 19 December 2024



In the Pan-African movie, "Black Panther (Wakanda Forever)", we see the bid to explore a mineral dubbed "vibranium." To detect this precious metal, a machine had to be built by a young intelligent Black female inventor for that sole purpose. Without this machine, vibranium couldn't have been detected where it lies buried in the belly of the ocean or wherever God had destined it (or where the foosils are as Science told us). 

In same manner, toys are detectors. While they may not serve as conclusive detectors (especially at your ward's early stage) yet they are (especially if he shows interest in a particular set of toys than others). 

I'll advise that you furnish your ward with different range of toys. We sure know they'll change toys as their age or growth advances. From dolls or empathy toys to cognitive toys or those that'll help him/her develop motor skills. 

As you do, begin to watch them at play. Play with them. Enjoy the task like they do. Offer assistance where necessary and set them on motion of what tasks to do with the toys. 

You might be shocked to see your ward gravitate towards certain toys than the others. If your ward would love to play on end with certain toys or refuse to share it with any other, it might be because that type of toy sparks certain curiosity in him than others and he's saying, "I want to have this field for myself to own, dominate and advance." That's jealousy of protection for his love or obsession. It therefore means that's the toy waking up his natural passion or giving him a rare sense of delight or sublimity. Is he showing uncanny interest in animal toys? It's an indication of an attraction to animal science, wildlife photography or animal husbandry. What about a deep seethed obsession for technological toys? You might be looking at a future inventor or designer of something. 

This sense of gratification will heighten as they grow especially as they meet the subjects that fit their natural inclinations. It's on that they'll spend more time. It's on that they'll shut out distraction and even delay pleasure. In childhood, I was drawn to Fine Art and I drew most of my time with special attraction to folklore, story telling and world's cultures. When I got to Senior Secondary School, my love for Literature knew no bound. It just struck something in me. I just loved it. I'm not surprised at my eventual studying of English and having M.A in English Literature, becoming an Educator and a fine creative writer cut-crossing many facets. 

If you can make a good connection, you might have detected by now what possible area your child might fit into. While he might still need to choose a niche but these earlier and latter signs would have indicated the community he should go. For instance: Art, Science or Commercial.

However, his journey to narrow down will continue until he fits himself into a colony that most suits him. This journey begins at infancy when you begin to delight with toys in order to wake up their latent energy and ability where it resides. This will help because if this awakened interest is sustained, it'll help them carry surely this obsession to where they would make decision (without being confused) on which career choice or field to go into. Those who don't recognize the voice of their vocation early might have trouble hearing it later. Those who have heard it once have something to compare with, search for or wake up again. 

Toys and the effective use of them can help us begin to have a glimpse into this. As a matter of fact, great masters of their vocations started out loving something or someone in their fields. It was the flickering camera with pseudo pictures, mathematical compass, folklore and world's cultures or experimental and laboratory tools that woke up the curiosity of some. 

This simple sign made some writers, scientists, cinematographers or inventors. Toy is therefore a kind of machine built to help us locate where that precious natural resource - vibranium is hidden in our own kid. Even as your toddler or adolescent indulges in toys or games, we might infer where they'll end just by studying which wakes up their curiosity the more and for which they admire to replicate or explore more. 

Toys are therefore not only tools to keep our babies or toddlers from crying. It is rather a means of awakening them to their world, cultivating social, cognitive, eye-hand (motor) skills etc. 

For a body builder to sculpt a body that'll impress anyone, he needs some certain tools just for that. Those are located in the gym right? Several tools have been invented to develop and carve out muscles where necessary. There are tools and exercises just for training and sculpting the thighs, shoulders, belly, chest and other parts of the body. Without using them or indulging in those exercises, no materialization can happen. You therefore can't bring out the possibility that's possible in your muscular self!

To breed a creative child is simple. Stimulate him. Put something in their faces to watch. Be like Jacob who wanted a type of sheep and so peeled white streaks in poplar trees and set it at the animals' feeding troughs. At day's end, they gave birth to what was erected at their faces! He brought out what he was looking for. He created a device to call that forth. That's simple invention through the power of faith and visualization. Occupy them and once you're lucky to strike on their innate ability or passion, take that and train it to its height. But for now, you need to have a nursery of toys!

This is how some have child prodigies earlier on. It is not by leaving anything to chance but by making available the necessary tools, toys, games and exercises that can lead to the discovery, training and then realization of their individuals. 

If you don't know, individuality wants to speak and through each of us. May that of your kid voice out. May it thunder like the voice of the Lord that breaks the cedars of Lebanon. May it be that strong, gracious and commanding on the day of its manifestation when it cries out. 

Remember, we not only train/develop with toys, we discover with toys!

Who we are in our deepest self is gravitated towards and embraced once sighted in reality - even in toys, certain subjects, games, mentors and exercises!

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812 or

Wednesday, 18 December 2024



1. Emiko Amotsuka - a Nigerian preacher and teacher. I saw him first 3 or 4 years ago at Faith Easter Seminar when Reverend Olusola Areogun invited him as a guest minister. One of the faith fathers in Nigeria. Poju Oyemade recently celebrated his 75th birthday or so with him. 

2. Salif Keita - Malian musician and songwriter. He has a special voice that makes him chant unimaginably. He also has a daughter who's an albino.

3. Nantenin Keita - daughter of Salif Keita and a professional para-athletics runner. She has competed in the Olympics severally. Both father and daughter are the direct descendants of the FOUNDER of Mali Empire, the great Sundiata Keita we all read about in History. 

4. Connie Chiu - born in Hong Kong. She studied Arts and Journalism. The first ever albino model the world recorded. 

5. Diandra Forrest - African - American model & actress. 

6. Jake Epelle - Nigerian policy developer and advocate.

7. John Chiti - Zambian song writer, musician, humanitarian and albino advocate. The movie, "Can You See Us?", is based on his life. 

Gift overcomes disability. Grace wins over impotency.

@ M'Wings.



Parents look with hope and great anticipation for their child to be born, especially their first born. 

But this anticipation has become disappointment for some parents. Such is that of Kennedy, a waiting father whose wife gives birth to an albino. 

Kennedy would have none of it as albinos are seen as deficient and inferior to the normal child whose skin are not lacking in melanin or sufficient of it. The society has labelled such as the rejected and dejected. In many places, albinos are even targets of ritual killers. 

You need to watch the movie CAN YOU SEE US?

It tells the story of the birth, childhood, challenges, stereotypes and stardom of a lone albino. 

This simple movie challenges the status quo and calls us to embrace shared humanity, not discriminating in any way. 

Apart from this plot, you'll be immersed in what it means finding your gift/calling, nurturing it and becoming it. 

Music is the theme here and motherhood and adoptive parents are to be praised. 

You can be the next hit like Joseph (the albino boy) and protagonist in this movie. 

@ M'Wings.

Saturday, 14 December 2024





Matthew 2:1, KJV

"1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."

God is still working with this verse. He still has some juice to squeeze out for our edification. 

Confusion is banished when you have seen, heard or known for sure before stepping out. You'll be so on point. You'll be so bold. You'll enter action with no shadow of doubt. People will look at you like this and wonder at your focus and effectiveness. Why? You heard, "that's the right place to be and you went there." Because that's the right place to be without doubt, you'll not reserve or withhold your labour because you know you do not have any second choice.

I love the way the magi chose to enquire of the precise location of Jesus when they got to Jerusalem. They say, "where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him."

They are clear on who they wanted to meet though the entire populace is still in oblivion of any King of the Jews' birth. Even the inn where they were denied space, that resulted because the innkeeper didn't know Jesus is the King of the Jews or Saviour of mankind. If he had known, probably he would have made room for them. However, these magi are not without information like the rest of the populace. They know! It is this information they have at hand they now use to wage the warfare of tracking down Jesus. They asked by giving a vivid description, "where is he that is born King of the Jews, for we have seen his star in the East."

Later on when they were taken to Herod's palace (in their quest to know), he had nothing to capitalize on with which to confirm Jesus' birth and place than to ask the priests and scribes of the people where Jesus was to be born. 

"And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be  born" (Matthew 2:4, KJV). 

He or somebody must have interpreted "King of the Jews" to mean Jesus Christ. So, without that description and specifics of the Magi which they got from God's revelation to them, Herod and others might have wandered in darkness. 

You will know what you want and who you want to see when you have gathered such specifics through divine revealing more importantly. You'll just be straightforward and be bold, making audacious claims and requests like, "where is he that is born King of the Jews for we have seen his star in the East..."

As such, confusion and ignorance are banished. You'll therefore no longer say, "I don't know what to demand of life or ask for." You'll immediately know and when you make your tender, it'll be straightforward and strong. You won't shiver and be in doubt of being found out for the lie you want to tell. You'll have no fear rather because you know it is truth you tell and not lies. 

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I set my face like a flint into Year 2025 and call it mine. Declare good into it.


Revelation 6 & Amos 1-4

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Friday, 13 December 2024




WILL THIS BE YOUR TESTIMONY? - Knowing The Planned Time Series 013

Mathew 2:2, KJV

"Saying, where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and are come to worship him."

Do you know the testimony of some? It is, "for we have seen His star in the east..." Before we launched, we bear record that we had seen his star in the East. 

However, it is not everyone who can open their big mouth to say they have seen his star in the east before launching out. Some never had that experience of knowing God's mind before choosing their life's partner, choosing school, entering a career or relocating somewhere. They can lie about it or fake response to having received God's testimony before launching out, yet they will know deep down that they lie. 

The magi were able to boldly say it to whomsoever they come across in Jerusalem to help them in the location of the new born King of the Jews because we are sure of what we saw - "...we have seen his star in the east."

God wants this to be your testimony son/daughter. He wants you to be able to look back and testify that you had a prompting of the Spirit before you leaped out. He wants you to be able to tell people that you are not like other men but that, "you saw His star (heard Him) before you left your fatherland to another country."

2025 is not for the careless to dwell in. Except God initiates your journey or launches you on a path by providence (which you can testify of). Those who have gone on journeys on their own initiative will be falling for it. What the Lord is knocking this morning is this, "can you speak assuredly like these magi that you've seen my 'star' (revealing) before taking any step?" You're now in Jerusalem right? You've left the East. However, if you call people back home or meet new people where you are, can you tell them without any shadow of doubt that "you saw the star before departure." 

If you cannot, you need to repent and submit to the Lord who guides the feet of a man without letting him slip. The Lord is a good shepherd and because He is, those He leads will never live in perpetual want of a thing. He always meet their needs. That's why I'll like you rest in him without having guilty conscience that your operation is outside Him but only in pursuance of bread and not towards fulfillment of purpose where you are. 

When the magi saw the star in the East, it launched them to Jerusalem on a journey that God initiated for a purpose. The fact that such caliber of men have come to pay obeisance to baby Jesus proves His destiny as a great King indeed. He's a King that the whole heaven and earth will worship and according to Philippians 2:9-10, "God has highly exalted Him and given Him a name which is above every name...that in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess irrespective of their locations". Also, through the magi's visit, God was able to support the newly born family through the precious gifts they gave Jesus. It could have been sold to finance their journey or take care of baby Jesus while in Egypt. 

That men from afar came to Jerusalem to bow down also shows how the fame of Jesus and His name would reach the ends of the earth. Today, we see all these in manifestation and we can reckon why God started the magi on their journey. 

They weren't idle men. They are wealthy and honourable men who have businesses to take care of before the appearance of the star cut them quit and gave them a new assignment to embark on - to find baby Jesus and pay homage to Him.

I pray for you that God will end frivolity in your life in this year and 2025 majorly. May you not do anything that'll make you not to be able to say capitally that, "we are here because we have seen his revealing in our heart."

Imagine how they spoke assuredly. When people shiver, stammer and are lost for words, it may be that God didn't initiate their journey before them. And what He didn't initiate, He won't prosper. May you not be on your own in life. 

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am not lost. I am not alone. The Good Shepherd is with me and it is He who leads me on.


Revelation 5 & Joel 1-3

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Thursday, 12 December 2024




PUT ON A JOURNEY! - Knowing The Planned Time Series 012

Matthew 2:1, KJV

"1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."

I have hinted on the importance of seeing a sign before you're launched on your journey. There are those who are waiting for a sign that'll give them the go ahead or certainty of restrain towards what they needed an answer for. Is it that you want to relocate or take a new job but you need the sign that'll launch you on what you should do or not do. God will surely speak to you and you shall be able to decipher in truth and in honesty what God wants done. Such is the testimony of the magi. 

They didn't carry a step until they were put on their journey. They didn't presume to journey. As a matter of fact, they didn't know where to journey to but at the signal or appearance of Jesus' natal star, everything was clear to them. They found the compass and knew exactly where to journey to from the East where they were. The East (Babylon) to Jerusalem isn't a little journey and they couldn't have picked such specifics on where God wanted them to travel to or be if they haven't received a signal or notification for their directives. 

God will not hide Himself from you also. He will come to you. The magi asked, "where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."

Ask yourself, how did they know he is a king and even of the Jews? You see, all those are details unraveled in the interpretation of Jesus' natal star. We know these magi are also astrologers who have special knowledge deciphering what the stars mean. 

They interpreted correctly and the journey to Jerusalem began! I pray for you that God will intimate with you. If God does not give you any sign, you might stay there and keep waiting and wasting time. But once your sign or signal appears, you're armed for progress even when it is a restraint or a "no" that you got for an answer.

That singular phrase, "for we have seen his star in the east" is the beginning of all they did. Without having seen Jesus' star first in the east, they wouldn't have taken a step outside their native land. Warn those who are relocating without having seen the 'star' in their native land first of all. Warn those the 'star' didn't beckon on or tell to undergo a journey who are planning great things and dreaming of big steps. The journey God didn't author or the one the Holy Spirit didn't call you to embark on will mostly be a disaster. You're a Christian. You have a prophetic destiny. Do well to follow the prophetic outline. 

Many times, people launch out of their own accord yet wants the wisdom of God on the way. For instance, when Herod could have outsmarted the wise men, God appeared to them and told them not to return to Herod. Do you know why God is committed to them, so much more that He gives them information they didn't pray or ask for? It's because He was the One who launched them out at first. As such, He has to see to what He started when by Jesus' natal star He launched them out. Don't expect God's wisdom or aid on the way over the project or journey you chatted and started in your own wisdom. However, you can be dependent on Him like this magi who won't take a step until they had seen and interpreted correctly. If you're waiting to see, hear or know, you're your Father's (God's) son/daughter. He will come and not tarry. 

PRAYER: You will come and not tarry Lord. I will know what to do at every juncture in 2025.


Revelation 4 & Hosea 11-14

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Wednesday, 11 December 2024




RECEIVE A DISTINCTION IN THE SOUNDS - Knowing The Planned Time Series 011

I Corinthians 14:7, KJV

"7 And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? 8 For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?"

Why should a Christian complain that he couldn't hear or decipher the voice of the Shepherd? That's inability to distinguish sound from sounds. Things without life like cymbal or pipe do give distinct sounds that rightly prepares the hearer for correct act. God is not wicked. If non life giving things give distinct sounds, do you think your Father doesn't want to communicate to you distinctly. Jesus says, "my sheep hear my voice" (John 10:27). If you aren't hearing or recognizing His voice, you either are not His sheep or you have not been trained to hear Him. More so, many people are looking to hear God through one channel they have defined for God and not through the One He may want to choose and be consistent with to speak to them. You may be there dying to hear the audible voice of God because you know someone or a fantastic testimony where God led someone through that. However, God might have been speaking to you through inner witness. However, you're not perceiving or recognizing His communication for what it is. It means you are unlearned like Samuel. You need to be put through on how to recognize God's voice.

However, "my sheep hears my voice" is a sure statement that doesn't shake. 

Our anchor verse talks of non living things giving distinct sounds which in turn prepares the hearers for a definite action. For instance, the specific sound interpreted to be a charge to battle will launch soldiers to battle while another will do something else. 

If these invalids couldn't distinguish the sounds, they wouldn't know they were to rush for their healing in the pool. All of them could have waited, not running or making attempt towards the pool and that'll be because the angel didn't give a clear signal by which they'll know the water has now being armed with a healing virtue. However, they are said to wait, "for the moving of the water" (John 5:3). 

So, those of you who are there who couldn't decipher the voice of your Maker, Father and Lord because of one confusion or the other. I speak, may those other voices competing with the Lord's be drowned. May your hearing and perception be fine-tuned. May you pick accurately and hear correctly.

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am a hearing sheep. I hear my shepherd.


Revelation 3:7-22 & Hosea 7-10

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Tuesday, 10 December 2024




THE WATER IS STIRRED! - Knowing The Planned Time Series 010

John 5:3, KJV 

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water."

So far, we've been learning about knowing the time. Not knowing the time of danger is what makes the fishes to be caught in an evil net. When you know the scheduled time for a purpose, you can work it for your advantage instead of letting evil fall on you. 

Today, in knowing the time or the time that has come, I want to talk on the role of signals or what it means being hinted. Unless you have perception like I've earlier taught, you may not be able to foresee a danger or know the time that's coming on you. So also, anyone or any person who takes an action or carry a step at a particular time that is later to be praised could have done so for certain information he was privileged to. As such, let's talk about signs and signal. 

One time, I needed to collect a form. I had been waiting for this form to be out. Unfortunately, I didn't know what specific time of the year it would be out. However, when it was out (though without seeing that information anywhere), the Holy Spirit began to motivate me to enquire and ask some people if the form had been out. The first call I made confirmed it just came out. Yet, it was only a move of the Spirit on my heart that hinted me of that. So, I was on time. The Holy Spirit knows the time and He sure sensitizes us to the moment that has come upon us. 

In today's anchor verse, we read of the invalids waiting for one thing - "the moving of the water." There's an angel who comes to stir the pool at certain time, therefore heralding healing. The sign that this angel has visited and that each invalid can go for the water is to see the clear sign of a troubled water. It therefore means that if this angel visited but the invalids couldn't read the signal of the troubled water, they wouldn't have learnt or known for sure it's time to take their healing. Though it is "first come; first served", meaning the law only favours the first who gets in the water yet they must see the sign of the troubled, moving or stirred water. 

It therefore means there's rarely anyone who gets something done who didn't receive a prompt one way or the other. It is this prompt, either divinely or humanly given that separates them in results from others after they might have acted on it. 

For instance, if there were 100 invalids at that pool and 99 are dozing or have slept off but it's only 1 who saw the water stirred, it means only that 1 would be able to take the handle of that information to get himself healed. Without signal or a kind of receiving or notification, man may not know the time that has come upon him. How will he know when there's no one to pipe to him distinctly for that purpose? 

This is why it is possible for you to suddenly wake up in the midnight without knowing why you're awake. God might want you to pray or intercede on something that the Holy Spirit knows which you'll later discover through experience. But now, you're woken up, can't go to sleep again. 

My own prayer is this, God will bring you the right signal to interpret. God won't leave us without witness. He will speak to us but our interpretation of what He says matters to what we act on or how we act. If any invalid at this pool misses out of what the signal of the troubled water means, I bet it, he cannot be healed. The first prompt to healing is knowing for sure that the angel heralding healing has blown the whistle for same by troubling the water. Therefore, I pray for you to receive your sign, sight that signal and be launched into that thing you eagerly wait for.

PRAYER: Lord, You're the Launcher. Launch me in hope and mercy into the greater heights I expect and dream of in 2025.


Revelation 2:18-3:1-6 & Hosea 3-6

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Monday, 9 December 2024




THIS MAN WILL BE SAVED - Knowing The Planned Time Series 009

Hebrews 11:7, KJV 

"By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith."

God quickly wants to show you the man who'll be saved from scheduled or predicted evils. As we read from the verse above, it is the man who hears and being moved with fear (deep respect or assuredness coming from the recognition) of the predicted event who'll be saved.

The difference between Noah and the world that perished at his time is their having different hearts. Noah believes all things. They aren't noble enough to believe in the forecast of a flood that would destroy the whole earth. It looks like a fable to them. Noah not only believed but he rushed to action without delaying. What else is proof that someone believes in a prediction or prophecy than seeing him begin to prepare and act in line with that prediction. That is exercise of faith even when all you have at hand is just a warning. The Bible says, "by faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house..."

On the other hand, the world is busy with their activities. They are buying and selling, marrying and giving out in marriage. Nothing changed in their attitude or action towards that great day. They are still steeped in the same old ways. This is the distraction the world gives itself to when it should begin to prepare to go into the ark. 

If you look at our world now, it's just like that of Noah's or Lot's day. The wickedness is so much that it's also ascending to God for a witness. The wickedness is so much that there are many violation of the use of sex. The wickedness is so much to the extent that people no longer rever or heed holy calls that should lead to repentance or shedding of their fat to entering by the narrow gate. Warnings sound like noisy cymbals to them. 

When Noah made an announcement of "water upon the earth", you'll think everybody would move in deep reverence like he was moved in fear to obey God. You know what? Those people don't fear God. They neither know Him nor worshipped him. As such, they just couldn't obey. Nothing in them created a sense of urgency or need for second thought. 

Those who'll be saved now and tomorrow are those who hears, believe the genuinety of the coming event and carry a step towards it. 

You too, you'll be warned of events to come. If you recognize God as a truthful speaker, you'll act accordingly. Those who refuse will be like the simple that passes on and are punished. Those in the days of Noah knew the truth eventually but it was too late for them. Don't learn by experience. Let God's warning suffice. 

PRAYER: May I not trivialize or commonise God's warning.


Revelation 2-3 & Daniel 13-14

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Sunday, 8 December 2024




A JOURNEY TO THE CITY OF PALM TREES- Knowing The Planned Time Series 008

Luke 10:30, KJV

"And Jesus answering said, a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead."

May God anoint you with sensitivity to know the time to undertake your journey. Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, "for everything there's a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." It means one could carry a step or discharge an act at the time not appointed for  that matter. 

Such is the case of this Jewish man who journeyed from Jerusalem to Jericho. New Living Translation (NLT) identified him as a Jew. If we were to accord that properly, it means he is a Christian. Without disclosure of a reason for journeying, he went down from Jerusalem (a place associated with Yahweh Elohim] to Jericho (a city of palm trees where fun, treasure and exploring) is the order of the day. This man journeyed at the wrong time. We wouldn't have known if he had not been a victim of certain thieves who robbed him of all he had and left him almost dead. The Bible in describing his encounter with those thieves says, "he...went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves."

He "fell among." "To fall among" is a very suggestive phrase. Remember the sower who scatters seeds and how his seeds fell on the sites they choose to fall (Luke 8:4-8). Some amidst thorns, stony ground, fertile soil etc. If you'll recall as well, Psalm 16:6 says, "the lines have fallen for me in pleasant places..."

However, this man is said to "fall among thieves" who know nothing but to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). The idea of "falling" passes a message that this man made a wrong move and chose the wrong lot or allotment in life. It was as if he was preordained to meet with evil. The trap was waiting and he walked straight into it without warning or any knowledge. It could have been otherwise for him but when he chose to travel at that time and season when those thieves were looking for who to swallow and profit by, he chose the bad lot and it fell for him to his disadvantage. Like someone scheduled or slated for something, he fell amidst robbers (who did him evil). 

It is my own prayer that in your journey in Year 2025, you'll not fall amidst thieves, scoundrels, rascals and any who can endanger you. Some people's lot are always with the wrong people. It happened to the mariners who were with Jonah in the ship. Jonah is the wrong man due to his disobedience and it is for his sake the wind does not cease. Until they yielded him up and were separated from him, the wind didn't cease. When men are being distributed to interviewers in Year 2025, may you fall where it is good. May you encounter and meet with men who'll be favourably disposed to help you. It'll not be you that'll fall in the wrong site; with the wrong supervisor; at the wrong location etc. Your lot is with the living and not the dead. Fall where it is good. When the women who care for Jesus out of their substance came to his grave looking for Him, the angels they met said, "Why do you look for the living amidst the dead? He is risen! He is not here" (Luke 24:5-6). 

Jesus' lot is with the living and He proved so. Though He died, He rose! In hundred encounter, if they look for you to have fallen in the other extreme place, you wouldn't be found there in Year 2025. If your name is being searched for amidst those who failed, it'll be a surprise that you're on the list of those who passed. Your allotment or covenant is not with failure.

PRAYER: My allotment is not with the dead but the living. My lot is good and whenever I fall or things fall for me, it shall always be good.


Revelation 1 & Daniel 11-12

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Saturday, 7 December 2024




CONSEQUENCES ARE SURE - Knowing The Planned Time Series 007

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"...but the simple pass on and are punished."

Many times, we all make mistakes. When we do, one thing we wish or do request for is to be forgiven. When people pleads for forgiveness, they intend, "let go of the punishment that should follow and let us continue to relate." But some other times, we could be made to bear full cost of the matter though with continued relationship or opportunity. 

Paying back or restoring what is lost or stolen through our carelessness is not easy but it'll equip us with vivid remembrance not to repeat same mistake again. It produces a more cautious (prudent) man who'll do his diligent best to be aware. When you're pardoned, it comes easily and you might not reckon the weight of the destruction you have caused. However, if it costs you a little discomfort, you'll really know what to prepare against next time. 

Our verse for consideration says, "...but the simple pass on and are punished."

Who are the simple? Those without foreknowledge. Those who haven't heard, seen or known as to be properly guided or decide what course of action is best. They're the ones who'll take a journey that'll land them in trouble. They're the ones who'll go down on their way from Jerusalem to Jericho and land among robbers who'll strip them of their valuables while leaving them half dead. They are the ones who'll say they're travelling abroad, sell their properties and lose their position here but to awaken to the opposite of their expectation abroad. Why? They simply couldn't foresee. They carry no head lamp that lights their path before them. That's why such would say, "if I had known..." They weep for what they should have known which they didn't know. 

So, you must seek to know so as to avoid punishment. Because man failed to know his time, he's therefore like fishes caught in an evil net and like birds ensnared. If he knows his time, he'll journey differently or postpone his travelling. He wouldn't walk on to fall into a trap. The possiblity of doing something differently or putting a preparation in place comes in the moment he knows. However, he lives in darkness and oblivion of his true realities because he lacks awareness. 

So, he is punished! The cost is always high when you pass on and you're punished. May God give you fortitude to bear any consequence of your omission and wisdom to prevent against a repeat of such. 

PRAYER: In Year 2025, I refuse to be a victim of any ambush or unforseen contingency.


Jude & Daniel 9-10

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THANK GOD FOR FOREKNOWLEDGE - Knowing The Planned Time Series 006

Proverbs 22:3, KJV

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished."

It takes prudence (sort of observatory and analytical mind which calls for cautiousness) to be able to forecast events and begin to put plans on ground because one believes in their happening. A fool therefore doesn't have an equipment of the mind to sum 2+2 together and conclude something might result. First of all, he doesn't engage in meditation or critical thinking. He just lives on. 

Also, you're prudent when you have foresight. It'll show in the multitude of what you'll be able to escape but which will come near others or take them.Thank God for foreknowledge. If not for the foreknowledge of certain events of life that we had, we might be ill prepared and not have acted differently. Foresight would give you foreknowledge about things to come that you can maneuver or play around for your own good. 

Without divine revelation, projections are often being done into the future by different professional bodies and systems of the world. Often time, you'll hear reports that water level might get high, typhoon, earthquake or other natural disasters should be expected and dated. Such projection is being done because they care and value human life. Many times, there are legislations to desert such areas marked as dangerous zones. However as you'll agree, some might despise such order and continue to live on as if there's no coming event to avoid. This is why people perish. Assuming it cannot come to them when they are not doing anything to hide themselves from what has been clearly slated to occur is the greatest proof of foolishness. Economically wise, you'll hear financial forecasts and reports like that as well. As a matter of fact, whenever there's no divine revelation or report (Isa. 53:1), I'll counsel you to go with the reports and findings of experts on any matter. It'll save you many times. God gives us intelligence and dominion over all of creation for a reason - to dominate it. It means we can find things out just by scientific process or deductive reasoning that'll yet be true. If humans cannot be true, then all hospitals and human enterprises meeting needs of humanity and recovering them one way or the other should have been scrapped. 

When you foresee the future (and you have foreknowledge of what it contains), it means you now have information upon which you can act. A Yoruba proverb says, "a foreannounced war doesn't take a cripple at short notice." It is always expected that he'll have started fleeing for refuge since the report of the tentative war. By the time the war eventually breaks out, he'll have been so distant from the war zone that he could declare himself safe. 

That's the meaning of foreseeing the evil -  counting the cost of staying back, seeing the consequences and what'll be at stake and then acting to prevent it all. Acting to prevent the foreknowledge of what you have through foresight (either by divine revelation or human projection) is what the Bible calls, "hiding oneself."

The imagery being portrayed is that of a man on a journey who observes bandits coming his way but hides himself for awhile till they pass before resuming his journey. When the evil is gone, he could do whatsoever but while the evil still tarries, he needs to avoid it. Henceforth, may God show you things to avoid. It is wisdom to know and avoid the avoidable. You'll have to go through certain things but the avoidable ones provide you solutions or escape without fighting. I wouldn't want to waste my resources and energy on something that I can dodge and let pass. Avoiding is not a sign of cowardice but wisdom and maturity that saves you from being used, worn out and then in search of repair. Take counsel, avoid the avoidable and only go through the unavoidable. At such time, God won't fail you likewise. 

PRAYER: I discern the avoidable evils and receive wisdom to avoid them. For the unavoidable, I'm made their equal - having a way of escape at day's end.


III John & Daniel 7-8

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Thursday, 5 December 2024




WHY IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR YOU - Knowing The Planned Time Series 005

Psalms 91:7-8, KJV 

"7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.  91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked."

Call: 2025!

Response: We know our time!

So shall it be for you. You will always know your time! Let's launch into today's teaching. 

We all like to have the experience in the verses above. We like to smile at evil, having escaped it. However, that verse or the experience written in it doesn't come cheaply. It doesn't at all. May God open your eyes to see that it is really your obedience to stand still under the shadow of His protection that guarantees that victory side. 

That place says, "a thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you." What a wonder! Imagine people dying left right while you're spared. Imagine robbers visiting a community, robbing houses on both left and right while sparing yours. Imagine the flood or fire operating on both sides but not crossing to yours. That is nothing but awesome wonder. If this continues long enough in your life, you'll force your neighbours to one day accuse you of using witchcraft or using them as sacrificial scape goats for your own escape and salvation. However, we all know that is not so but rather is the Lord's doing to you. 

Apart from the fact that the Bible says, "it shall not come near you", it goes on to say, "only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked" (Psalm 91:8, KJV). 

It means the only kind of experience you're permitted to have when evil is ravaging is that of an eyewitness or someone seeing it on TV and not really the victim. You'll only behold, see with your eyes and justify God's judgement. 

Psalm 91:1 already tells us that having this experience is consequent upon dwelling in the secret place of the Most High and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. You come under His secret place when you get born again. However, you need to stay there continually by being obedient to your Lord as He'll instruct you to do per time. So actually, your abiding and remaining still under the shadow of the Almighty is made potent by your continual obedience. If God were to tell you, "refrain" but you run, you'll be opening yourself to the wiles of the devil. Not that God doesn't have power to overcome evil. However, He likes to make us obedient and rather keeps us from keeping appointment with evil. So, instead of having common experiences of failure and disappointment like others left right, obedience will keep you from such common harm. Why a thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand without it coming to you is because you haven't broken any hedge through your disobedience. If your hedge or fence of protection still stands intact and you haven't gone outside it, why would vulnerabilities bring you down? Why would you be in danger of any harm? Rather you'll be secured inside your hedge or fence (built by God for your defence). 

The only people who'll not fall when others are fallen are those who lived and acted differently in obedience to God and the specific instructions He'll bring per time. How many knows Nigeria will be this tough economically? Yet, God had been calling for diversification and multiple streams of income since yesteryears. If you had listened, now that people are burdened by how to cope and are falling down due to economic hardship, you'll just be there observing their fall as an obedient son or daughter. What you therefore adhered to but which they jettisoned is what made all the difference. "A thousand shall fall by your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you" depends on what you see or know to implement ahead of others (the wicked) who'll be disobedient to same instruction. God will forewarn you. May you see to implement. That's your escape valve - that you know what's coming and you hide yourself from it.  

PRAYER: I am hidden in Christ and I remain hidden in Him through my obedience and implementation of His will.


II John & Daniel 5-6

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Wednesday, 4 December 2024




OVERTAKING SATAN AND BEATING EVIL II - Knowing The Planned Time Series 004

Matthew 2:12, KJV

 "And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way."

God is our eyes and it gives us advantage that we are people who do receive divine communication. Imagine a soldier or a troop that's cut off from communication from the base. Will they know what ambush they're walking into headlong? Imagine a life without divine communication! I assure you, there can never be a testimony of divine escapes. 

We need to know! If we don't know, we will be played and toiled with. People will take us for granted and call us ordinary. You have heard people say, "I played him or I outsmarted him'. That's usually a mockery on the outsmarted person. God wants us to be above our enemy - the devil first of all. He's a player, a cunning serpent; a strategist to the core who beguiles and disarms his prey. However, through the purchases of Christ at redemption and through God's mind constantly revealed, you are above him. 

These wise men would not have been wise after all if God had not stepped in to be their eyes. May we not be otherwise known. May the reputation of good we have borne for years not suddenly disappear due to one event that proves it otherwise. You see, Herod was almost gaining an upper hand over them. His trickery had worked on them and none of them suspected the underlying evil and desire lurking in the secret corner of his heart. Many times, without planning it, I have outsmarted people even without my own knowledge but because I was very obedient to God's Word or specific revealed instructions for the time being. You cannot always tell what the devil has planned or is planning for you. You cannot always tell what it is he is faking or what he is camouflaging into. However, God can expose him. Just walk closely with Him and you'll receive knowledge of what you both prayed for and those you won't but which are priority to God to be revealed to you to act on.

Anyone will think Herod cares. As in, who'll have been suspicious that a king doesn't share goodwill for a new born baby. To confuse things, nothing in his speech or demeanor gives him off. He rather said, "go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also" (Matt. 2:8, KJV). 

Have you played with such people before? People who are impure and morbid inside but don't appear so outside. They'll sell you to the slave market if God doesn't become your eyes and light! However, God was their own eyes and they outsmarted Herod who thought he had outwitted them. He rather was wrath that he was made a fool of. 

"Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked (outsmarted) of the wise men, was exceeding wroth (angry) and sent forth and slew all the children..."

So shall it be for your opposing enemy (the devil and all humans he has found to use against you). Their schemes will turn on their heads. Herod wanted to make a fool of the wise men (and he already did) but God turned it back on his head through His own divine communication to the magi. So, instead of being the victim of his trickery, they escaped to their nativity through another way and made him the exact fool he wanted to make them. 

I pray for you that you'll not be a victim of the devil's strategy. God will expose the subtle acts of the devil in your life. Anyone who's fooling you is exposed. You're warned of them at this hour. Receive a knowing about their acts and by that, take dressing and know how to relate with them. Let God warn you of relationships to cut off in Year 2025, beginning from now. See those who don't share good will for you but who you often assure you'll contact once you make arrival. You're not a prey here. You're on the winning side and God is playing with you. I assure, your playing is playing to win!

PRAYER: I am playing to win. No matter the enchantment, bewitchment, subtilty etc, I shall not be confused or confounded.


I John 5 & Daniel 3-4

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Tuesday, 3 December 2024




OVERTAKING SATAN AND BEATING EVIL I - Knowing The Planned Time Series 003

Matthew 2:13, KJV

"13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him."

The kind of man or woman God wants you to become is he or she who outsmarts Satan in his plan and beats the evil he has planned. That place says, "because man does not know his time...(Eccl.9:12). As such, evil happens to him. However, God wants you to know the time (specific hole punched time) Satan has planned and cooked to take you out so that you can avoid it. When you know, you carry steps and implement counter plans to avoid the hole he has dug. When you successfully avoid his hole and you escape his snare, you continue to live on to see the tomorrow you shouldn't have seen if your life had been taken yesterday. As such, you outsmart the devil and beat his plans. 

Only those who will live with the knowing of what time Satan has deliberately planned to take them out would live on to see other days. When King Herod enquires of the wise men diligently what time the star appeared in order to send to kill baby Jesus, God moved with a counter plan and notified Joseph (the step dad of Jesus) of the need to vacate Bethlehem. As such, Jesus escaped death and was not part of those their parents mourned. Later on, we read, "and a voice was heard in Rama, lamentation and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel (symbolizing all the women or parents), weeping for her children and refusing to be consoled because they are no more" (Matthew 2:18).  What difference would it have made if at the time an angel spoke to Joseph to flee for his life, such parents also received communication from God to escape from that community. The sword would not have caught up with them. The Bible says, "then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under..." (Matthew 2:16). Imagine the mass mourning that day! If God tells you or you begin to experience it like withdrawing your child from a particular school, do go ahead. God might be teaching your spirit an imminent danger to avoid. One might just be around the corner. We've heard of boarding schools kidnappers burgled. Could God not have told a parent to go pick his ward for weekend only to discover why he had that unusual feeling?

You could have relocated to live somewhere but the time to leave there might have come in God's calendar. I hope you won't be stubborn saying, "I've become a citizen. I have my estate and my wealth here. I just can't leave here because all my friends and support are here. It has not even been long I got here." Then, you should be ready to face the tune and dance to the music when the event God wanted you to escape comes. The businesses and the estates you're talking about might be things slated to be wiped off by typhoon or one natural disaster. However, God wanted to preserve you alive. He wanted you to move the movables amidst what you have, withdraw your money or make necessary transfers and put plans on ground in a new place without being caught unawares. However, here you are arguing. The problem with man being trapped like fishes and snared like birds is simply unrealization of the time that has come upon him. The inability to read the signal and interpret it for what it is spells and always spells great danger for man - even the taking of his life. 

Knowing is a matter that life and death hinge on. It is either you know and you live or you disregard and perish!

PRAYER: I know to live in Year 2025 and beyond. I am not dull of hearing or knowing. I see today, tomorrow and years to come. I escape the sword and Satan's punched hole.


I John 4 & Daniel 1-2

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Monday, 2 December 2024




AWARENESS II - Knowing The Planned Time Series 002

Ecclesiastes 9:12, KJV 

"For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them."

You have heard cases of a spouse telling the other not to embark on a journey. This is very common with men. When the devil wants to take the shepherd of the family (the father) out, what he does is to execute him under the pretence of an obligation he cannot say no to. For instance, receiving a call to come for a contract he has been expecting. It'll go like this. "Am I on to Mr. XYZ? This is the Republic's Ministry of Work. You're to appear for the signing of some documents that finalize your winning and executing the contract on Project Bee Plan." He'll tell his wife, "I just cannot disappoint. This is what we've been trusting for. And what will happen if I do not go? Even Mr. OPQ who recommended me would not be happy hearing I missed such huge contract because of a flimsy excuse bordering on what I perceived to be threat or danger to my life." As such, he'll kickstart the vehicle and go. Often time, if such person returns, it's usually his dead body. The lament of the other spouse would be, "...but I warned him. I tried to dissuade him. Probably, I should have reported to our spiritual overseer. Probably, he would have been restrained." A thousand guesses and regrets would then follow. 

Free yourself! Nothing is as important as you. There's a Yoruba proverb that says, "if we still live, we shall eat better meats." Let that be your consolation. Never let the restraint of God be overshadowed by a sense of duty especially when you need clear spirit and discerning reason to judge if your way is prosperous or not. Evil will always happen on the earth. Till the Second Coming of Jesus, that won't stop but you are responsible for yourself, house and those who are connected to you. You're to see to the proper shepherding of each of them through the divine communication or knowing that you'll have. It is nobody's fault when harm comes to you but you blame another. It is really nobody's fault. Everyone is supposed to be able to hear the Shepherd for themselves and protect against imminent dangers. 

God is calling you to a specific recognition and understanding of the ounce of time you'll enter into even in year 2025. When you do, confusion is banished. Where you need to enter event with action or boldness, you'll do so because you're so assured, you're doing what should be done at that time. May you know the time that'll come upon you in 2025. May you know both the good and evil times. May you know the time to retire at home and the time to hurriedly sprout out of bed to catch an early appointment. May you know the day and the specific hour to avoid a usual place and when to patronize same. May you know when to board a plane or cancel a flight. May you know when to call for a gathering or let men be! May you know and be full of knowing. 

PRAYER: I know! I am aware! I am conscious! Once has the Lord spoken but twice have I heard. My spiritual tentacles are sound and sensitive!


I John 3:11-24 & Ezekiel 47-48

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Sunday, 1 December 2024




AWARENESS - Knowing The Planned Time Series 001

Ecclesiastes 9:12, KJV

 "For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them."

God wants you to be aware. Without awareness, you will be carried away. Lack of awareness of the time that has come upon the fishes made them to be caught in an evil net and lack of awareness of the time that has come upon the birds make them to be trapped in a snare. They therefore become victims. Only if they had received a notification from somewhere, the fishes would have gone to hide in the deep and the birds would have rested in their nests for that day. They wouldn't have embarked on a journey that'll get them trapped. However, they just didn't know what time has come upon them. 

When you lack awareness of the time that has come or is coming upon you, you're made to look like a fool because events of life (evil ones) will just fall on you like that. You'll look like an unprepared and unprotected man. What could have been different if you had known and taken cover would just sweep you away like that. It is always painful when what we should execute now executes us. As such, God wants you to know! You must have awareness and at all times. 

For this cause, God wants to baptize you with awareness. Awareness is knowing and it doesn't come cheaply. Awareness or sensitivity comes by spending time with God. When you spend time before God in prayer, study of God's Word and fasting, without even asking, a part of God's plan and future events would sip into your spirit. It might seem natural to you or like something you didn't labour for but it is not. If you had not been in God's presence consistently, you wouldn't have been open to such information. But that'll be God sensitizing you to what you should do. It will include steps and plans. 

Henceforth, you'll not only sleep and wake up like you slept again. You'll wake up with knowings of what's to come. The future will break open before you even while awake and conscious. You will just understand. When you say you know and you're asked how you knew, you might not be able to tell the how specifically but the fact that you know will be confirm assuredly when the event you said you knew come to pass. Today, you're exempted from the camp of those who don't know. As you resolutely and commitedly fellowship with God on daily basis, even if that'll only be through the practice of a devotional habit, God shall bring you knowing and information that'll keep you standing when others have been blown away! You know and will always know!

PRAYER: Draw me nearer Lord! Draw me closer to fellowship and communion with you. May I see my relationship with you as life and as a crux for knowing.


I John 2:15-3:1-10 & Ezekiel 45-46

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