Wednesday, 25 December 2024



If you're a parent and you take parenting very seriously, after the season of taking care of your little ones is over, you might begin to receive the passion to start a CRECHE. 

Would it be right heeding that? Yes! It isn't what came out of the need to cope with the economic situation first of all. Rather, it was born out of your variegated trainings and experiences which you have accumulated as a father or mother who allowed parenting to shape him/her in character, patience, discipline, research, hard work, resilience etc. 

The deception might be, "I'm a man not a woman. I can't found a Creche or a Nursery." Who told you that lie? You can found, be part of it and employ other passionate people (men and women alike) to work with you. 

There's a woman by my house. She and her husband waited for 11 years before they carried their own babies. When she gave birth, she delivered triplet. She didn't give thought to a creche until she started raising those three chaps. With the fact that those babies confined her movement, it occured to her one day that she could extend what she's doing for her babies into a full time work. That's how they turned their big sitting room into a creche. They've gotten a wider space in the same property now. 

Listen people, certain things will be birthed out of your training and experience. Don't mind those putting their hands forward when they're shallow on the inside. They're only looking for means of livelihood! That's why you must not cut corner in training. All my leadership years on campus and in those different places I served naturally processed and made me a minister. I don't need a title to function. When I mount up, whether I've been processed or not will show. Even if you live with me, you could decipher same. 

God might just be using your own complicated boy to mount you up and tease you to look for solutions on how to tackle adolescent problems. Sooner or later, you might be shocked that you might be made adolescent coordinator in church. If you handle these two assignments faithfully, one day it might occur to you as your call to start an NGO seeing to adolescents and helping them overcome their peculiar challenges. 

So, this is it. Whenever you're offered responsibilities, don't reject it. If you're called to serve in the creche or nursery or the children's church in the ministry you attend, kindly avail yourself. Out of that experience if you really submit to it may come your own school later on. You'll just feel equipped and experienced to start a thing like that because you've experienced a look alike to it. 

Recently, my school's cooperative society (with incorporation of outside members) elected me as its new Financial Secretary. Imagine, I'm not even a year old in that school. To qualify for election, I had to quickly fund my savings with a minimum of #50,000 which also would qualify me for the AGM (which has been held already). The subject I hate and don't want to have to do with is Mathematics. The fellow who handed over to me was a Mathematics teacher but I accepted because I wanted to be trained. Let me go out of my comfort zone once more. If you visit my home now, you'll see the long bank statement I'm imputing. I want to see where that responsibility would lead me. 

This Cooperative Society isn't a small one. A society that processes close to 100 Million yearly isn't small and I guess you could paint how many members it would have. While I use a certain designed spreadsheet yet I submitted to this new assignment because I don't want to miss a lifetime opportunity of how money, loan, interest and certain underlying things work. The chairperson  while speaking said I recommended you because you're not frivolous. You're pact together and you'll be able to take enquiries of people and input their necessary financial details. The truth is this new assignment might have a thing to do for me later on though I don't know for now how and where. What if God is seeing that I'll later have an institution where the accountants would present to me transactions in millions and He doesn't want me to be confused seeing I hate Mathematics or calculation but rather wants to work on me now to have accommodation for it. Or else, one might be cheated. I tell you, if you have an organization, even if you have financial managers, you must still understand how your money is doing. You need certain education to see deeply and into some people's shady business or calculation. Don't forget my wife is an accountant also and from the experience she has shared, I've learnt that some other accountants are good thieves. For this reason, that knowledge might be useful. 

It pays when things are born out of your experience and training. They're easily birthed since you've already been capacitated for them. 

If you're a parent and you won't shy from rejoicing in every areas of raising your baby, by the time you'll be finishing those babyhood or childhood stages, you should have become a teacher and an excelling trainer. The training and experience of an educator should have been impacted into you. As such, you could go into Education even without being officially certified in Education. 

What we should beware are people calling themselves ministers because they have certificate for it but haven't walked the road that makes one. What we should beware is anyone saying he is something when he hasn't walked that road. It's better to have a training and life for something than just being certified with a paper. If you have the life presently, the life will attract or naturally confer on you the paper. 

So, let's pursue right.

Olusola ADEJUMO,


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