Sunday, 4 February 2024





READ John 4:25-35

John 4:35, KJV

"Say not ye, there are yet four months and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest."

You may be expectant of a season but still be oblivious of it when it comes. That may be because you're not actually as expectant as you seem to be. It may also come upon you without any change in action because you've become complacent or weary having waited for long. 

There's a saying that, "four months and there comes the harvest". Four months to the minds of Jesus' disciples is a very long time. They were living in that illusion of "it's not now. We still have time. We could therefore indulge in other businesses of eating/drinking and taking our ease." As at the time Jesus speaks to them, none of them perceives that the time has neared for the harvest of souls to be done. As a matter of fact, they were trying to persuade and win Jesus to their side. They began by asking him to eat. When he didn't and  he told them He has meat/food to eat that they don't know, they were all amazed asking if any had brought Him food to eat. However, what meat was Jesus talking about if not to rank the Father's work above any other thing including earthly or personal pleasure? For that reason, Jesus told them, "say ye not that there are four months then comes the harvest? Behold, look now, the fields are already white for harvest". 

May God bring you and I into rightful understanding. May we have a grab of what season we are in or we have entered. If not, we can stand in hope for the season of harvest to come and we may lack discernment when it does. It'll just pass by quietly. It was passing the disciples by quietly until Jesus sensitized them to the time that has come upon them. That's why we need the prophetic in our midst to sensitize us to the times and seasons we are in. Or else, you can't take advantage of times and seasons. Jesus is the sensitizer of the disciples here. He's awakening them to what as well is their expectation. However, they are lost in the now - having spoiled themselves with physical food. They therefore failed to see what is the urgent consuming business that a man should plunge himself into at the time. No wonder, they debated Jesus! When Jesus talks of doing God's will and pine after that, they talk of mere food which they'll like Him to give attention to. Yet, they don't know that there's a pleasure that comes from having done the Father's will and eaten it all. Jesus focuses on that and calls them to that. 

Wake up you sleeper. The dawn is here and darkness is becoming light. We can no longer wait. No more dilly-dally. It's time for action. The Gentile nations are ready for harvest. Jesus could perceive that as He spoke with this Samaritan woman in John 4. Like He said of the field being white and ready for harvest, so we see a corresponding act because an entire city came to believe in Him later (John 4:39). What are you expecting but which you're thinking is still far away? Wake up! Here's it at your door. Are you a student anticipating an exam? Stop saying it's four months between planting and harvest. That saying will cool you down if not outrightly blind you to sensing the time. See! See that it is closer to you than when you first anticipated. This is the season of harvest. Jesus is as well telling us we'll be prosperous if we cast our net or hook into the water. He only knows when the timing is right. He told Peter, "launch out into the deep and let down your nets for draught" (Lk.5:4). This was after Peter had toiled and had caught nothing. However, He saw the harvest and He predicted it. Peter didn't have anything different from that prediction. By saying, the fields are ripe also, it means we have an opportunity to take. It means we have been availed an open door. It means we won't have to stress ourselves very much before conversion of souls are done. It'll happen beyond our expectation and that's because it's the season of harvest. Souls await to be saved. There's a longing in their own souls already. They are wishing and willing for salvation. That's why that woman herself said, "I know the Messiah comes. When He comes, He'll teach us all things" (John 4:25). Those Gentiles are not totally void of God's knowledge you know. We're being expected. However, they need a preacher to preach the gospel which they'll believe to them. What are you doing therefore? Or are you still deceived to say, "it's still four months between the planting and the harvest". Be warned! The Spirit of the church is saying, "now is the time. The field is ripe'.

PRAYER: Father, sensitize me to the current work you're working on the earth. I am a soul winner and I shall not be drunk with wine or debauchery when the field is already ripe.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19

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