Saturday, 3 February 2024





Genesis 40:5, KJV

"And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, which were bound in the prison."

Say, "it is each man his dream". Yes, exactly that! Our dreams will differ. So will its interpretation and so will its fulfillment or ending. 

It is always, "each man, his dream". God has not left each and everyone of us without witnesses of what to do or become. Our prophesied future is written all over us if we let the inner voice guide us and reveal itself to us. God at our Creation has written in us who we should be or become. This may manifest in our motivation, talents and what we just love doing. I've proven this with many proofs hinting at the two brothers - Esau and Jacob and how their temperaments, talents and natural inclination  put them in the fields they colonized (Gen.25:27). This may turn into an aspiration. It may become a dream. However, how it's doing you may not be how it is doing me. What is pushing you may not be what is stirring and seeking to direct me. We can both have dreams but... You can have a dream - not necessarily of images of the subconscious while asleep in the night but of who to become and what life's endeavour to pursue. However, these dreams would always be different from one another.

We may want to start looking at this from the life of the butler and baker of Pharaoh. They both had a dream the same night but the Bible has this to say concerning them. "And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream..." They not only dreamt differently but interpretation as influenced by their dreams and as echoed by Joseph also differs. We all know that a dream would differ in interpretation from another if in storyline and plot it is different. God has not given to us equally. The Bible even wrote, "and He gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some pastors and teachers". I hope you know with these different offices goes different gifts and abilities. It's those that'll make men of different callings. He has not dealt to us the same dreams even if we all have a call. He might have given to us marks in our souls of who to become and pursue but we are motivated differently by different motivations. I've argued it over the years. I couldn't have become a Mathematician though my father was good at that and taught me a great deal - helping me with assignments. Why didn't I aspire or got obsessed after Mathematics? That's because I have no natural or God given inclination towards it. No special love for it. It is that special love for a subject, field or life's endeavour that eventually could transform into a dream and life that a man can pursue. 

It is each man according to his dream and each man according to the interpretation of his dream. Our call which differs is what tells us what to do. We won't all have the same ending as it concerns which field or life's endeavour we pursue. The destiny of the baker is different from the butler's and they weren't the ones who decided it. Guess what did? The dreams they had. Their dreams sent one back to the palace and hung the other. Joseph while interpreting their dreams said, "yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place; and thou shall deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler...(Gen.40:13). However, things didn't answer for the baker this same way. Yet in three days, his own head was lifted up from him (Gen. 40:19). While our own end is good and not evil, for we have read that God's thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil and to do one thing to us - to give us an expected end (Jer. 29:11), yet our dreams and where they'll lead each of us in order to become who we should become are different. 

What is my prayer? It's that each of us won't break rank. We'll stay where we should stay. You and I must stay within the dictate of our dream. May that Bible verse that says, "each man his dream" come to pass in our lives. May your dream not convert me to itself and may mine not be able to convert you to its pursuance. May we rather stay true to our dreams and to its interpretation/fulfillment - where it'll lead when fully subscribed to. However, I can bear witness. It'll lead to an expected end because God's thoughts are good towards us. Hold unto that. "We dream differently and so we become differently". It'll forever be, "each man his dream; each man according to the interpretation of his dream". God has not given all of us to go one way. He has spread us all around. But what decides that is our passion, talents, obsession which are never the same. That's why someone may want to colonize the space by going there and another may be interested in only writing about space in an imaginary way. This is why it is calling that chooses us and not we choosing calling. Look, it is "each man his dream and each man according to the interpretation of his dream".

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to the dream breathing inside me. I shall not be persuaded to take another's lane. I follow and I have its intent done unto me. I see the glorious day.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19

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