Friday, 2 February 2024





READ Matthew 6

Matthew 6:25, KJV "Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"

What is the purpose of life? For what reason was life given? We should ask that question in order to better ourselves and have an inkling which may then become a firm resolution on why we were created (given life or God's breath) and how then we ought live our lives. 

The Bible says, "is not the life more than meat" and "the body than raiment?" So, what's the purpose for which you were given life and currently lives? For what purpose and to what end did God gave the human body to you with which to relate and contact in this world? Is it to pursue food, clothing and shelter solely? Is the very purpose of life (that invaluable resource) only meant for meat and its pursuit? Or what else should we account our lives to be useful for?

God wants you to see that you're too valuable to waste the endowment of life and being made flesh on mundane things that pass away. You're rather being called to a higher life and purpose. Many people have not found a value or fair exchange for the life God gave to them. Some just existed in the human body to gulp up food and to have a wardrobe of clothes. No dream, vision or purpose to attack and live for. However, that place says, "life worths more than condescending it and spending it on such mundane things". Those ones are too petty. How could you use your life (as precious as it is) only to acquire properties and goods of this life without using it to fulfill the higher calling for which you were sent here? Look, life is more than meat now! When Christ says, "is life not more than meat and the body than raiment", He's trying to protect and preserve you for purpose. God wants purpose and the pursuit of it be the only and worthy thing you'll commitedly spend your life for. As for clothes, materials or properties,  they'll diminish. Therefore, they ought not to be your life's priority. While you need them to live life, you must ensure they don't take the first place in your life. If wealth becomes your pursuit instead of purpose, you're not wealthy. Moth and rust even corrupt and even robbers could break in to cart away (Matt.6:19-20). However, when you live for purpose, it transcends your life here on earth and goes into the eternal or the everlasting. 

Life is more than meat. Life is more than raiment. No one could have received the human body without first having been given life. It means, "life and body" in that usage are working as synonyms and so could replace each other. Tell yourself that life is more than the pursuit of bread or raiment. All these fine fine things you see on display as  attractions are actually distractions from purpose if you can't master it. That's what the thought and lives of some people revolve around. He keeps aspiring and living for the repeated purchase of man's goods thinking in them there is fulfilment and value for his life. This kind of life brings no glory to God in any way. Why constantly look for what to wear, what next car to buy, what next party to go flaunt your money, what next pride of girls to go out with, what next tourism and adventure to explore etc. Imagine! Look at the debris they are living for. Nothing more than these? Life is more than these. It's more than sex. It is more than any pleasure or pleasurable thing that's outside purpose of a man in this life. 

Brethren, God wants to ask you a question. On what would you spend your life? On meat and raiments or on the pursuit of the higher life? Higher life is your calling and the pursuit of why God gave you life and put you in a human body. You have that choice to make. The choice of what to live or give your life for.  May you not be F.F.O. (For Food Only) on the surface of the earth. May you not be an earth roamer but an intentional living being who doesn't depreciate the essence and value of the life and body given him by God. While God intends he'll use his life (his time) in the body given him to fulfill a part of His will and gain rulership over the earth in Science, Technology, Ministry, Music, Education, Agriculture etc by bringing discovery, innovation and advancement, this man has condescended and played down the value of life to the pursuit of bread only. May you be redeemed from such lowly life of yours. May you see the essence of life that it is more than meat and more than raiment. I ask you, "what is meat or raiment to life?" Could God have sent each of us to the earth only to earn millions, dine and wine, sleep with our spouses, buy all the goods and then die? That's not God. Satan or your personal self may have been involved - redirecting the essence of life. God knows the significance of life. He did not give it for us to squander it on what is inconsequential. May you see indeed that, "life (which you already have) is more than meat and the body (in which you dwell) is more than raiment that has become your goal, life's vision and pursuit now." Once you see you're created for value and to live for a high ranking value, you won't be enslaved by these petty deceptions and human worries again. Something in me resist such living. No significance is attached to it. It's too common. Don't live such too. Abhor it and let your life worth more than meat and raiments.

PRAYER: I understand that life is more than meat and the body than raiment. Help me keep my eyes on the higher call of my existence. May I not be distracted by meat and raiments and brought to low living.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19

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