Wednesday, 27 December 2023





Luke 1:26, KJV

"26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary."

I know you're burdened. I know you're in anticipation of when it'll be and whether you'll just pass the earth like that without manifesting sonship. That's a good burden. It is what makes any man responsible and live within the confines of the requirements of his calling or destiny lest he desecrates himself.

For those of you with destiny pangs inside you seeking expression, one question God is asking you today is if you'll be ready and in the right condition at His appearance to call you hither for use. 

The angel Gabriel was sent to a city of Galilee called Nazareth at a very specific time. We don't have any documentation that Mary had been expecting him or any divine visitation but Mary is obviously somebody who lives holily enough to have the will of God done in her life anytime God wills or arrives. Your time will come also. Mary's happened at the sixth month. Your time is in God's hands and He shall kick-start your entering into manifestation and manifesting at the time appointed only by Him. However, what condition should you be met when the assignment that eternity has thought wise to use you for is eventually lowered unto you? Your condition must be that of a ready soldier who has not entangled himself with any civilian matters. When that angel was sent, the Bible made it notable that he was sent to a VIRGIN espoused to Joseph of the House of David. You see, Mary is a virgin and that's one of the requirements for the Messiah to be born apart from the power of the Holy Ghost that will overshadow her (Luke 1:35). She must be a virgin according to the prophecy that bear witness (Isa. 7:4).

Now imagine the angel arriving and Mary not being in the condition of a virgin. Mary would have been knocked out of that purpose first of all and then out of the lineage of Christ. God is watching His Word to perform them. None of His Word will go unfulfilled. Because all shall be fulfilled, you can then trust that it shall one day be unto you according to what God has said to you one time or the other. However, God will visit you for use. When He comes, may He not meet you in shambles, disarray, drunkenness of sin, lust and love of the world and in the act of contradicting the very essence and purity of your calling. 

Mary's own call requires her to be a virgin. She must ever be in that state until she gives birth to Christ. That's why Angel Gabriel didn't make a mistake of visiting any who isn't a virgin. God knows us and sees us. He sees our preparedness and He knows if we are usable. Your responsibility is to be in the condition of life where God does not bypass you for divine assignment. Though it was said a virgin shall conceive and brought forth the Saviour yet we know that no woman's name was specifically mentioned or attached to that prophecy. However, it found a virgin amidst many to latch unto. The first qualification is that Mary was a virgin. That was not compromised. She was prepared still. God might have considered some other things because Angel Gabriel revealed that in his greeting to Mary when she says, "thou that art highly favoured among women". 

Luke 1:28, KJV

"And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women."

Being highly favoured among women talks of being chosen above others. This might have made Mary agree to the proposal of Joseph and so was brought into Christ's lineage. If Mary had never been first espoused to Joseph or let's say someone in the lineage of Christ (of the House of David), God wouldn't have come to her at all. So, she's favoured being chosen above others. Where others despised Joseph, she might have received a nudge to go with him. This is what makes the difference at day's end. She might also have been highly favoured because amidst the few virgins that might have married into the House of David at that time, it was her God found attracted to to birth the Messiah. 

However, what I'm saying is this. Don't neglect your consecration because it is the very basis of your usability. It's the beginning of God's attraction to you. God is attracted to those who are given - given to Him somewhere. You'll be fought to lose your virginity (consecration) but if you'll hold on, you'll see God come around to tender to you a proposal on an assignment.

In being ready and qualified, ensure you're not like Peter who still harbour prejudice in himself against the Gentiles and wouldn't rise, kill and eat (Acts.10:13-14). That singular problem proved him unprepared and it hindered him from exploring the new world and fulfilling an assignment that became credited to Paul. Ensure you're ready. Ensure you have nothing in you that can discredit, slight or throw you out of the challenge. If you're no longer found a virgin, even if 100 virgins are called, you can't be amidst them let alone make it into the list of God's choice. The foundation of the Lord on this matter stands sure! You must be a virgin in consecration! That in place, be ready for your angel. 

PRAYER: Lord, I will not lose my virginity (consecration) even in this festive periods. I hold unto your promises until Your arrival.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 10:1-11:17; Revelation 18:1-24; Psalm 146:1-10; Proverbs 30:33

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