Saturday, 23 December 2023




SEPARATED FROM HIS BROTHERS - Gone To Prepare A Place Series 008

Genesis 49:26, KJV

"The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren".

That place says, "blessings shall be on the head of Joseph who was separated from his brethren." What does this idea of separation seek to achieve? Why would the Lord come for Joseph? Why would the Lord forcefully collect and harvest him away just at seventeen? Why would the Lord put him in a boarding facility far from home? When Joseph was collected away, he was like a baby collected from his mother's breasts and like one unripely or recently weaned. If you had asked Joseph's opinion if he'll like to be separated from his brothers and family, he wouldn't have nodded to it. No! He wouldn't have agreed to leaving the comfort of his father's house. He would have refused going to an unknown land and hearing constantly an unknown language. If you had enquired and given Joseph a choice, he wouldn't have wanted to travel abroad (Egypt). Never!

However, God separated him from his brothers. The Bible says Joseph was seventeen years old and he shepherds the flock with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah (Gen.37:2). These are his brethren - his family. However, something happened that disappeared Joseph away from them. My question is, "why would Joseph be taken amidst many? Why would he be separated from his brothers?" 

People, it's an observation well made that anyone with call on his or head always faces being called out or separated from something or familiar people. There's always a forsaking of houses, family and precious things. It may not be delightful but this separation will delight at latter end. Joseph was separated to the end that he might be sent ahead and become a saviour of his people that he might preserve them a remnant when the need that God had foreseen arises. So, when God separated Joseph because of the call on his head, His intention is that He'll run ahead of others and by special favour of God and cooperation of him also become somebody that can open the land to his people. He did when through him his people possessed Goshen. 

I want you to know that God works from our future into our present. Your tomorrow that He knows and that He has seen is what informs what He does in your life presently. Why you're passing through certain things now is because of the conclusion God wants you to have. If God didn't come to collect and send Joseph ahead of his people, Joseph would not be different from them and he wouldn't have been able to achieve his calling. The resources for achieving his calling isn't in Canaan or elsewhere but in Egypt. Apart from this, Joseph wouldn't be in a place where he could use his influence to save his people. He couldn't have become a mighty leader in his father's house. His brothers and the ranks into which he was born already contested that when he shared his dreams with them. So, he needed to travel! Because of this, God flings him elsewhere and separated him from his brothers. 

Are you there this morning in a solitary land, solitary place or all alone in your mind (even while with family)? Do you think differently, have separate, new and noble ideas? Are you wondering why you've always had things differently from your siblings? Are you wondering why your experiences differ from theirs; why you're the most favoured, accelerated or beloved? Did you ever reason why you got born again and knows Christ even before they did or why you're the only one amidst them all? All these differences are God's act of revealing that there's a call on you. Mark any one or any child who has it specially different from others, that child might as well secure the throne one day. Joseph was separated from his brothers! The question should be, "to what end if not to save them alive (Gen.45:7)?" Some of you reading this have been to schools and have had education your siblings or family are not opened to. I ask, "to what end?" Did God just give you these special privileges to be pronounced blessed or is it a way of accelerating you and seeking to use you to salvage and save many alive (your very family) even economically and in other ways. Today, think about God's benefits to you; think of how He has saved you alive from inevitable and unexplainable deaths that killed others and you'll probably begin to see why you were separated from many and their experiences. There's no one who's separated unto a peculiar path, life, experience or process that God doesn't plan for or has a definite destiny for. That's who you are!

PRAYER: Lord, let me manifest all the reasons for my separation in life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 14:1-20; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 30:21-23

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