Tuesday, 20 June 2023





Read Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:30, KJV

"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised".

"Favour" as it's used above is also translated "charm" in some versions. That place says, "charm is deceitful". That's actually the truth and you shouldn't begin to seek an alternative to that saying except you're a rebel. If any thinks he is knowledgeable or has become something as to improve on what God has said, the fellow will soon see his straying by the time he's caught in the tangle of his error and rebuked of the Lord. "Charm is deceitful" isn't an ordinary speech. The unsaid message the writer of that chapter wants you to take away is to be warned against the deception of charm. What it has potency to do can blindfold you from seeing what you should see. Not seeing this reality will therefore make you conclude on people's projected appeals and before you know it, you'll become the right victim of that saying that, "charm is deceitful." If someone who has experienced the truth on charm being deceptive should talk to a congregation of the inexperienced, they might not believe his words on being careful for charm. 

Charm isn't the first parameter to prioritize in choosing a spouse. Don't be carried away. That's because that's what charm seeks to do to you - to disarm your reason and off course your spirit from proper judgement. It'll enfold you like a gulf of smoke and before you see clearly, you're already in a marriage that how she pronounced each word phonetically, how he played the musical instrument with style and skill or how she danced are what brought you into it. No one continues to exist in such union when the nitty gritty of marriage begins to beat them. Immediately, the charm or projected attractiveness or spell of the beginning would have won of. There and then, you'll see what you should have saw. You'll see she's morally bereft and that she does not fear the Lord. You'll see his own manners too that are ill and you'll even observe in him a lot of frailties and imperfections. You'll be shocked at yourself if this is what you have acquired in the name of marriage. Yes, that's it. It has now become what you shall live by and endure. The Bible says of Adam and Eve that, "and they were both naked and were not ashamed" (Gen.2:25).

Nakedness does not happen except in marriage. You can court somebody for donkey years and you may not have their inner courts revelation. The day you pack into the same house is the day you'll begin to have additional revelation of who they are, capable of and could become. May it not be cry for you then by the time you begin to let loose of, "now, I see". In marriage, charm is not at the centre, it is sincerity and nakedness. Even if your spouse still has something he wants to camouflage, it's a matter of time before it comes out and you're aware of same. Openness as what characterises marriage is what gives couple that conscience to act like they are really are. They believe "I'm in my rest. I'm no longer hunting. I have no one to unnecessarrily charm again. I've been settled and so I can take things easy. I'm in my privacy, why wear a cover or mask?" Whether said or not, this will subtly characterize the life of anyone in marriage where their reality is what they live. Nobody lives with another person in marriage and all they do is to impress or let me say unnecessarrily impress the other. No! They declare themselves even unknowingly where they don't intend so. You know the bridegroom in John 2 was praised to have reserved the best wine for the end (John 2:10). It's not of man, any natural man to do that except a man who's operating at the level of, "but a woman/man who fears the Lord shall be praised." An operation in godly characters and not human appeals or mere gifts etc that blindfolds is what really lasts. But if you've been deceived, you may learn too late that charm is deceptive! At such and such time, you know as I do that reversal isn't possible. God hates divorce even if you have come to discover that an earrings is better in the nose of a pig than a jewel of adornment in the nose of your wife. 

Charm is deceitful! God's trying to arm us on mastering charm and protecting ourselves against what appeals to our unreasonableness. Whenever anyone exhumes charm, you can't but be exhilarated, delighted, bewitched, fascinated and transported. But that is the emotional part of you being worked on. Don't let that part makes judgement for you or you might be judged later. If you'll go on with those parameters, you may be deceived unfortunately by a woman or man who does not fear the Lord. So, instead of judging and concluding by the exhumed power or attractive personality of someone, first count the cost and ask yourself, "what is the wheat to the chaff?" The chaff is destined for one thing - to be swept away by the wind. It doesn't abide. But you, try and cultivate what abides and is most precious before God (Psalm 1:4). 

PRAYER: Lord, give me understanding not to be deceived. I cultivate Christ like virtues. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 20:1-21:29; Acts 12:24-13:15; Psalm 137:1-9; Proverbs 17:16

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