Monday, 19 June 2023


MONDAY - 19TH JUNE, 2023



Read I Kings 17:1-17

Matthew 4:4, KJV

"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God".

The Bible has told us how man ought to live. "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that comes out of the mouth of God to him on daily basis" (Matt.4:4). It is this essential because yesterday's Word cannot keep man today. New ones must be processed and milled for his needs on daily basis. Else, debauchery and decay will begin with man. But I have found a remedy for that. It is the essential Word spoken at their fitting times that keep evil at bay. This Word which comes out of the mouth of the Lord, what is its intent? We should ask that question. To pull rank for that Word, it is Jesus who said it also. He said there's a problem man has found himself caught in. Instead of living by the Word of the Lord daily, it is food he solely prioritizes to live by. Man has come to believe that it is physical food that gives sustainance first of all but God is rerouting us to see that though man can't but eat and feed, yet he must never seek to live by physical bread alone. God is saying, it is not destined and fit man created in His own image and likeness yet the very target of Satan and all his strategies to live by physical food only but by instructions fitting time and season that God will author perterm for this individual man. This is how we are created. We are created to be ordered from above and have a life above that of the cattle or beast of the field which have no reason. To have this, live and experience same, you must daily receive Words, leading and guidance from above. This will separate you from experiencing the fate of the common men. This is when you can be regarded as not living "by bread alone" but by "every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." These are therefore the new generational men that have ceased the mouth of violence, sword and evil just by their obedience to the Word (not the logos now). 

Do you know that God has instruction for you to live by daily? That's why you're admonished to live by every word that proceeds from His mouth. For A in your life, He has a Word of concern and for B, He wants to speak to you also. There's always a new word that we can humbly gather and live by on daily basis. Since God expects our Christianity would be daily, in that we pray daily, study daily, cultivate holiness daily and do all daily, then we are put in a status where the daily God can guide us by Words that He speaks steadily and vomits for our well-being daily. And if I may tell you, if you're not here, you're yet not living life. The Bible won't tell you specifically the fellow to marry though it'll give you the general rule of not marrying an unbeliever. But, how will you know who amidst believers to marry? It is by living not by bread alone but by the rhema Word that God will speak at a time or season. This Word is tailored fitted for you and you only. Another has not heard such and if they have heard such, it won't be with your own specific details. The reason for that is simple. Your need is different from the needs of other Christians on the surface of the earth. One million of you may need a spouse but your calling, destiny and makeup are different. So, if God would not misfit you all, He must endeavour to find you a suitable helpmeet that can fit and couple you. That's what He did for Adam. Eve was found for him. No man could have married Eve and cope with her but Adam has an inbuilt ready made to accommodate her. God makes helpmeet to suit you. Not otherwise.  That's why all of you will never have the same details though you receive your requests. But, how does this happen if not by daily Words that we gather like the Israelites gather manna in the wilderness. This Word is so important that not having it in a day can hamper or handicap you. Your company can fold off within a day if you don't have this rhema Word when it should be with you for action. Lives may suddenly be lost and it may look like God is not the God of the called and calling again. No! He is but all these hurts may be as a result of being out of tune so much more that communications intended to aid your daily living aren't reaching you any longer. 

God told Elijah provision abides for him but he must do something. He must turn Eastward first of all. That's where provision is located and unless he changes direction and turn Eastward, he can wish for satisfaction but he'll have nothing. The instruction didn't compass him Southward or any other wards, it is Eastward. Then, we may want to see where Eastward would lead him to. Eastward would place him at Brook Cherith before Jordan. It is here God said he'll find protection. Protection not only from Ahab who will later seek his head but from the famine that he himself has prophesied. God takes thought for us and if you'll be a horse with bits in his mouth, you'll easily give Him the chance to turn your body to where He sees fit perterm. Unless you are, you'll be beaten by what shall beat others but if you can be tuned, turned, directed, located and situated just pertime by His Word, you'll always live above every expression of Satan. I don't care what he wants to bring or manufacture next but you shall always have it differently. Those who can sacrifice their will and ego to be turned by the Lord shall find pasture with Him as they'll be led to where He has sited the carcass of provision lies. But all begins with taken heed to the daily authoring and expression of Himself out of concern for us. Those who despise this daily Word will be overtaken and destroyed. They'll be sought and not found and that's because they shall not continue on the long run. I have a witness that God is calling men back to intimacy. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit so that by accuracy they might hear specifically and in order where God desires they should be and what He desires that they should do. Let me tell you this morning that death actually has no power. Apart from the fact that Jesus has stripped him of his power so much that the Bible says, "death, where is your sting (I Cor.15:55)", days of death are also over for any who can live by this communicable Words of God. If He does, how can his own path and that of the destroyer cross. Even if the enemy has made a cook up, he'll have a testimony that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord shall lift a standard against him. Herein is our testimony and continuity. Here's why we continue to exist and why I believe that the tomorrow we have not seen has been seen. Daily Words lift and live us above daily floods. Those who lack these will pass on and suffer for their simplicity. Oooooh, we have an Oracle who knows all. The Spirit of truth knows all things and He can share same. This is our security and why the days of death and destruction are over for us on this Earth. As long as our steps are set on the path by the Words He solely speaks, we are assured of an expected end. You can curse as you want, send bewitchment in its multitude but if I ever live by the Words that daily proceeds from His faculty, I shall live and not die; I shall be fat and never be lean and even in famine, I shall laugh. This we have searched out as faithful word. Live by it. 

PRAYER: Father, open Your heaven and speak to me in and out season. May I not be dry and in want of Your word. May Your word to me make me smooth and effortless.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 19:1-21; Acts 12:1-23; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 17:14-15

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