Monday, 5 June 2023




IT IS YOU WHO MAKES ME HOPE - Hope Maker Series 001

Confess Psalm 22

Psalms 22:9, KJV

"But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

The Lord will make you hope. The Lord God, the Creator of heaven and earth will appear to make hope for you. At every juncture of life, at a new level you're entering or at a certain time, the Lord will rise to make hope for you. You will never have fulfilled on you this saying, "our bones are dried, our hope is lost. We are cut off for our parts (Ezek.37:11)" but your testimony shall be, "never stranded" because where hope is lost and where no expectation should be expected, God will come bearing hope to you. Therefore, receive a testimony of hope. Receive new hopes like tender shoots. Be assured of a living hope. 

You can get to a place in life where you earnestly look up for your help to come. At such time, one may call it a life or death situation. It's when if a situation is not salvaged, things might turn for the worst, and so recovery, quick recovery must be get at. On that note, with all earnestness, one looks up to the hills in expectation of manna to fall, descent to be made and joy to be caused. At such time, I say, "may you find help. May your hope not be dashed. May arrival and delivery always be made for you. May God makes you hope. The Psalmist says, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help? (Psalms 121:1, KJV). He is looking for hope, a need to be met and so he's on the lookout for it but at his search, he affirms his help could only come from one place - the Lord.

Psalms 121:2, KJV

"My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."

Did you see what his resolution was? Did you see where his help, strength and hope comes from? It is not elsewhere but from God. It is God who makes him hope when he's earnestly in search of one. Look at me, if you're young and have not being bessetted by any life's issue, you may not know there are occasions when one will need to gaze to that place or there for help. And I mean, an earnestly expected help. Have you read Acts 3 where a crippled at the beautiful gate earnestly expects to receive from Peter and John and so fastens his gaze on them with total attention? That's how it is when you're dying for hope to be made you. Your entire thought is on that thing. You're filled with the besetting fear of, "God, let it turn to my side." But that day, his own hope was not dashed. He received beyond expectation. He walked! How I pray for you that when you earnestly have your eyes on God, you'll not be disappointed neither receive less. Your expectation will always be met and that beyond measure. 

My help comes from God he says. It means he identifies God as the only sure and good help. Gazing to humans for help might lead to disappointment but may you have a confession like the psalmist that after gazing to the hills (looking here and there), your help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and the earth. Of a surety, your testimony will be that it is God who makes hope for you. 

To make hope for someone means to revive hope for him. It means where nothing seems to be happening for him, a revival of events should immediately take place for him. The making of hope for anyone signifies God has never forgotten such. It signifies God is ever mindful of same. That's why I pray that when you get to a juncture of confusion, tiredness and darkness, God will make hope for you. From unseemingly situation, from situation where your confession is, "my bones are very dried, my hope is lost and I am cut off for my parts", may the Lord make hope for you. You may be a student at a juncture that's critical in your academic journey where you need sponsor to further and finish to the end. Look, God is making hope for you. He made me one while on campus. If not, I'll have ended a drop out. But on the mount of the Lord, it must be seen for you. You may be pregnant and by now expecting the labour room, even there, on that birth stool, God will make hope for you. Live hope! It means when you least expect or are in doubt or in need of hope, God is always appearing for you to take you further where you should have ended. It is this that makes you have the testimony of "never stranded". I know a boy that God made hope for. Just like many who thought they couldn't go to school or complete school, so is his case but the Lord is using a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) to make hope for him. He's one of the most delighted persons on earth because God has come to fill and bridge the gap that his background and immediate situation would have forever put him into. You don't talk of God making hope for you when there's no contrary situation on ground. We do when there's something that God must arise to glory or show His almightiness over. And I declare today that irrespective of your condition, what the doctor has said, what medical diagnosis has revealed, God shall make hope for you. You will see hope come like a new shoot from heaven and that shall be to your saving. Today as you go, God wants you to put one confession in your mouth. It is that, "God is making hope for me." Say, "irrespective of the economic situation in my country, God will make hope for me". And I tell you, your salvation is near you. 

PRAYER: Lord, You're my hope Maker. Thank You for making me hope. I receive lively hopes.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25; Acts 3:1-26; Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 16:21-23

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