Monday, 29 May 2023


MONDAY- 29TH MAY, 2023



Acts 1:8, KJV

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

Something seeks to hurt people especially those who minister. According to its programming by the devil, it seeks to scare you away by holding the promise or ability of hurting you. But what does the Bible say than, "...and nothing shall by any means hurt you." "Any means" means "any means." It means in one million encounters, you'll always come back clean. Nothing in whatsoever manifestation will by any means repercusively affect you. 

One of the functions of God being with you is that after you have ministered, nothing shall by any means come to hurt you. I hope you have heard both mythology and non-fictional narratives of those who seek to minister to a captive of the devil that the Oppressor comes after? If you have heard such and you're a minister, you have a thing to contest with and by which your faith could be tested, shaken or uprooted. But your faith needs not shake because you're not of yourself. All power has been given to Jesus. He said it Himself.

Matthew 28:18, KJV

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

It is "all power" and that means not one is withheld or reserved that is not in His custody. If all is now in His custody, it means as His children and ministers, we have such power available for us because He has already delegated it for our use. Say, "I have Jesus' delegated power; I can use it and transfer it also." Through this, we can triumph over Satan. 

An elderly minister who I respect a lot once told of a lady who was afflicted by the devil with lice in her private part and the affliction is such that any who tries helping her out of it will have that same affliction jump on them. It is the replication of that affliction that scares help and attempts of people away. Indeed, this scared away a lot of people including supposed ministers. What you must know is that as a minister, you have to discern whether you're an administrative or power minister. While God does not intend all of us settle only in administration but rather weave power, yet that's the area some specializes in and have gone to stay. They're limited either because they are not called at all or because they're not taking the provision of God and exercising themselves towards exercising such powerful ministrations. Such case described above is the means by which Satan wants to keep his captive a perpetual captive. He'll give people fear of praying or taking hold with the Holy Ghost in delivering such captive. But you need not fear because God has furnished us with provision. Ahead of time, Jesus told His disciples to tarry for the equipping and promise of the Father - in the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8). It is this that makes any a witness and an effective witness for that matter. What many have not realized is that witnessing is not of words only, it is of words backed up by power of the Holy Ghost - power to deliver, destroy, create, recreate, repair, restore, complete, diminish or even regulate. It is therefore a witness but of power. A witness of power that even expels demons. In witnessing, you will meet what can hurt you but because of power in you (which you have swallowed in the Holy Ghost; which inhabits you as the Holy Ghost and works through you), you can minister effectively and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Jesus while sending the disciples said, "behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you" (Luke 10:19, KJV). 

What does He do here? He gives us power to tread (mercilessly in victory) upon serpents and scorpions and over every or all power of the enemy. It means there's no other new invention Satan can create or manifest than what he already has which you have been given power to glory over. It means everything Satan has become yesterday, is becoming today and can become tomorrow shall all fall under, "I have given you power to tread (in vanguishing victory) over the devil and his demons and over all their manufactured inventions. That singular word of Jesus and promise to us vanguished all the potent powers and manifestations of Satan in any colour, variety or deceptive forms it might want to take. Even if it's a human being holding that power or threatening you with that power, as long as it is the power of the devil, it has been long judged and over ruled to be under God and His children's power. It shall bow to you. And then you have a sure word of assurance. It's that, "nothing shall be any means hurt you." This is why some are not laying hands on the sick or praying for the oppressed in any way. They are afraid of repercussions. It is either you're not called or you're called and you're living below the minister's standard: either in sin or in weak or no preparation at all. So, your confidence is under attack. Jesus says, "and nothing shall by any means hurt you." It will seek to hurt you but it is Christ who shuts the mouths of lions for you. He has led captivity captive (Eph.4:8). He has afore stripped him naked of his power. He has gathered them all as booties of war. He has even made a public show of them. What a triumph! They have no other power again with which to rule over you except fear and ignorance. And I'll say if you're afraid that your ministration won't be successful, don't minister. If you're afraid in ministration that something might jump on you, don't. You can parry it until you're ready. The reason is because fear will expose a flank of your life for the inroad of the devil. In fear or doubt, you become vulnerable to him. But if you are all sealed and ready; clothed in the full armour of God with Christ's righteousness as the garment you're wearing, then, you can minister and the Lord of glory shall through your hands heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and assaulted. And we shall go on to raise the dead. Yes! Is any sick there? What's your challenge? If Jesus would fit ministration to be tailored towards those who dwell in the region and shadow of death, I say, whatsoever may be your need, let it be met (Matt.4:16). I hand it over to you. Receive your diverse needs. God has come for you. 

So today, if you're a minister, let me minister impartation to you. I cut off the root of fear in your life. May the Spirit of faith and assurance by the Bible leap on you. Receive power, God's power, delivering power, healing power and His curing and meeting needs power. 

PRAYER: Lord, I claim your promises and live out the minister's life. Nothing shall by any means hurt me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22; John 18:1-24; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 16:8-9

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