Tuesday, 24 January 2023




AND WHEN HE HAD SPENT ALL - Violator Series 006

Luke 15:14, KJV

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

"And when he had spent all", the Bible records concerning the prodigal son, "there arise a mighty famine in that land." Poverty or need feasts on lack and continuous lack. 

Money or resources is the fuel that the natural man survives on. Our transaction in this world is based on the money you have and the goods you could exchange with it. There are so many earth goodies that could lure your money away from you. That happens to the prodigal son until it's said of him to have spent all. My concern is that he forgets tomorrow. God is however very concerned with your remembering that living continues after today. Many times, we humans do comfortably hope that "as it has been is how it'll be. If I have, I'll always have." No law assures that if you're foolish with what you have currently. No two season is the same also. The truth is that you should ever be anticipating the future. This is what makes the wise to give thought to the carrying of extra oil. It's not every time that extra oil would be needed because the bridegroom might not always delay everytime but you should ask, "what if he does?" It's this "unforseen contingency" which could be unleashed on the world in form of sack, accident, inflation e.t.c. that should make you arm yourself with an extra oil and take caution on how you admnister your resources.

When the "bridegroom" tarries somewhere one time, the foolish virgins couldn't help it any longer. Since salary has delay to drop at its usual time, they're already spent and needed help (Matthew 25:5,8). Their not having prepared ahead of time by anticipating what time could come on them made them go in search of oil at the late hour. While it's necessary to help yet the wise won't share their own resources with them because they yet don't know if it'll be sufficient for both of them.

Matthew 25:9, KJV

"But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves."

And I'll say, the future I can't predict, I won't live it boastfully or carelessly. It also sounds wise to minimize the casualty if there'll be any at all instead of rendering everybody a victim of a bad decision or lack of foresight that there might be delay. Until you have an assurance that what you have with you would take you through, don't freely disburse. Herein is not where to live by faith because you afore time didn't earn same by faith and if you do, you're not under obligation to throw it away. Unless you're constrained by the Holy Ghost, you don't have to sacrificially give. The woman of Zarephath gave to Elijah when he said, "make me first." Though it was her last meal, she made first for Elijah because of the heart pulling she might have had. There's a propelling and an assurance that she had that this would be a worthy sowing (that would yield a return). Did God not afore tell Elijah that he'll send him to Zarephath where he has commanded a widow woman to sustain him (I Kings 17:9). So, you should ask, "when did God command this woman to open up to Elijah." And I hope you know what a command is. A command is a decree. It's forceful and lives you with no obligation. That's the voice this woman heard before acting despite knowing, "that's her last meal." Now, let me ask you, "having known what you have could only be sufficient for you, why should you make for another when you're not being instructed." That ain't that you're stingy or that you've sinned if you couldn't accommodate a neighbour. God will look pass your action to seeing the purpose of it. You don't want to be stranded. Why each is told to prepare for his own house is so that each would survive on their own but if there's need to lean on another, you should bear that they're not under obligation except they're commanded or naturally deems it fit. So, I'll say stop giving emotionally. Somebody could have defrauded me if I were looking at his look and outlook to determining giving to him. Rather, submit to being led. The Holy Ghost knows where needs are and those who have needs. He'll lead you to give to those places as Jesus would have things administrated. Some who were being restrained from giving have also gave where they shouldn't and so begin to witness mix ups that are only the works of the devil. 

The record is, "and when he had spent all..." When and how did he get here? It's actually a long process down the line but eventually he got there because of continuous spending. Let's not ask what he spends money on. As long as it isn't what could generate him more resources, he had wasted it all. If he bought a thing that's good, not criminal or sinful to own but yet couldn't put it to work at such hard time, then he didn't spend well. Those that'll be in want or those that'll begin to cry out to others to help meet their needs are those who have spent all and have no choice but to seek the hands of others. Meanwhile, by being a discrete manager of resources, by sending money where he should go and by reproducing it, you can continually wax valiant in "fight" and not have the testimony to have run down before the  appointed time. Those who will survive the financial armageddon or famine on the way are those who haven't spent all but have a witness against that day. 

PRAYER: Teach me to reserve, invest and reproduce some.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 42:18-43:34; Matthew 13:47-14:12; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 4:7-10

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