Thursday, 22 December 2022





I Kings 18:21, KJV

"And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him..."

Yesterday, God came to do a quick and thorough job of clearing you of all uncleanliness and anything (trait or material) that may give a foothold to Satanic assault of your life or home. I once read a foreign author who wrote on purging your tree and cleaning your house. In there, he narrated how a fellow had gone to buy an art work supposedly a natural work but which he didn't know had to do previously with a shrine or an idol. He never knew why he was experiencing all sorts of assaults until through prophetic insight and instruction, he was made to take it off. After then, peace be calm. You must quickly know that Satan operates like a lizard who can't enter into the wall or the house itself unless there's a crack (an opening) first of all. So, check if your life and house is clean. Hope there's no artefact, image/picture, book, object that has to do with pornography, the occult, shrine, idol etc with you. I once visited an ancient tourism site and town settled on a rocky mountain in a country. It was my church denomination who took the youths there and that was while I was in secondary school. I brought back one of the stones in a river on that mountain just to build my museum and keep the memory alive that I once visited XYZ Hills. It was in my house until one day I just had an attraction and conviction to let it go. So, I threw it away. Though I couldn't pinpoint the reason for which I was convinced to let it go or speak authoritatively that it has become a foothold (since I've not been having any strange experiences), yet I have learnt that objects, even a piece of furniture or artefact could be a leverage for a demon to harass you. Why? That property is dedicated to an idol and so that demon could go into operation even in your own house. They'll claim it's their thing and that they're in mutual association. Having said this, I should warn you to mind the music you as well harbour or listen to. All these were seriously flogged yesterday as God instructed that you should clear yourself of all your "curious arts books (as depicted by the Ephesians in Acts 19:18-19) and deeds of ungodliness (as depicted by Zacheaus in Luke 19:8)." Until then, you can't receive the testimony of Zacchaeus that, "today has salvation come into your house."

Meanwhile, God is saying I should take it further. He's persuading me about those who are still in doubt and are still lingering to act on the meat (teaching) God descended down to us yesterday with a cry, "rise, kill and eat (Acts 10:13)." Despite the cry to act on that teaching however, some remain unmoved but rather contemplate acting. Why harden your heart? God is saying I should ask you in Elijah's words, "how long will you limp between two options?" You've been thinking of repenting: stopping sinful life, deleting all those pornographic contents and keeping clean yet you're thinking they're too precious and that you might need them sooner or later for stimulation. You don't want to let go of your sorcery, magic, witchcraft, fornication, uncleanliness yet you want to have and hold to a part in God. God is saying, "it can't work." You'll have to decide, make a choice of which to go and be home with. God hates what does not belong clearly somewhere. He hates what's neither hot nor cold. He always reject them (Rev.3:15-16).

When the Ephesians were confronted with the Word, they didn't limp between two options. Rather, they were prompt. The feedback was, "and many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:18-19). Did you see how instantaneously they acted under convinction because they didn't harden their hearts? It was an immediate response as they didn't allow any carry over but rather allowed themselves to be touched at heart. Zacchaeus is a man who also didn't limp between two options. He had been in falsehood and had falsely accused and robbed people of their substance. But when he was convicted, it shows immediately in the kind of fruits that meet with repentance that he begins to bring forth. Without being coerced or having being sermonized, he said before Jesus and all other witnesses at the table, "behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold (Luke 19:8, KJV)." These words show he's ready to walk out his salvation with fear and trembling, showing also he's not ready to boast and rely on the vain words of "I have Abraham as my father (Matt.3:8-9). Did you see the mile he was willing to go to be vindicated? Willing to give four fold to fulfill all righteousness and be justified even in the sight and estimation of a strong accuser who may want to shame his salvation experience later. The same happened to the Ephesians. What they gave up worth it. It was just too huge, valuable and indescribable. The materials burnt is valued to be several million dollars. For Christ's sake, that money will build a  church or fund an international crusade successfully. Imagine that! Look at the miles and things they were all willing to give up just to gain Christ. No wonder, even Paul the apostle also said, "he counted all things loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ..." He called it all "dung (Phil.3:8). So, why are you still debating in yourself to be retained in your old way or come to Christ? Look, if the Lord be God, follow Him and if be Baal (Satan and all unrighteousness), follow it. Life and death is before you. Make your choice. There's nothing you give though costly, painful that should pain you as such. Some have given theirs and much more already. Find encouragement in that. Even in your giving up, there's a new find - even a worthwhile find (Jesus Himself). May it be that you'll close your eyes, take this personal decision to repent, rid yourself of sin and clean yourself and house of all footholds of the devil. 

PRAYER: I cut off and separate from all uncleanliness and unrighteousness. I shall not be a fake or false Christian. I'm purged and I'm clean. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 2:1-3:10; Revelation 13:1-13:18; Psalm 141:1-10; Proverbs 30:18-20

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