Wednesday, 21 December 2022





Read Luke 19:1-10

Acts 19:19, KJV

"Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver."

This teaching was ministered to me as I and my beloved travailed in prayer. I've worn out all the fine wines God had afore given me and now have to rely on Him for what next He'll desire me prophesy or else pack off this series. We were singing repeatedly, "we've made a room for You; Holy Spirit, come and be enthroned." At a snap of a finger or what you'll describe as the speed of light or let's say instantaneously, there was a spark and then I saw two verses with different stories to tell floating to me. I therefore praised the Lord who gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater. Hallelujah!

The Spirit told me, "to make a room for the Lord, they took out and took away their books of curious art and burnt them all." They didn't throw it away or give it to others to excuse themselves of not using it any longer. Rather, it was burnt (to be consumed and no longer available to be ever interacted with). Do you know what "books of curious arts" are? These are not books used in Humanities or Art Department. They're rather magical, fascinating and enchanting sorcery or spell books. They are where knowledge of satanic and occultic things are deeply seated and kept for their users to tap into at will. This is what these people have as their library. As in, demons were living on the pages of books. These are books that you could call forth an action from by just reciting or saying some words and before you know it, a whole human being could be suspended in the air or smoke could be created to confuse. These are books that if a pot get broken, only the saying of something will bring the entire pot of clay, steel, wood etc back to wholeness and what it used to be, so much more that it could be used to fetch water again. These are books that make the enchanter (a magician) beguile humans yet they won't resist him. Many have used such powers to win lovers, contracts and cases though it's lesser to God's. What a mystery! What a power though evil power! However, there came a day that these books possessors and handlers gave them up. What a treasure they're yielding up because of Christ, just because of Christ (a greater find)! It was that day, salvation could be described to have come into their houses. And if you'll remember, Jesus said the same of a particular man - a man who turned a new leaf almost out of the blues or what you'll call the effortlessness of no man - though we knew he must have been convicted through Jesus and His ministry. Who's that man and what conversation ensued to learn from. 

Luke 19:8-9, KJV

"8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. 9 And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham."

Did you read, "this day is salvation come to this house" as said by Jesus Himself of Zacchaeus. But did Jesus just say, "today is salvation come to your house" without any afore trigger? No! How did we know? Afore time, Zacchaeus had come to the realization of what was not right that he should give up and restitute. And so he did. It was after Jesus saw this profession, act, involvement and commitment which befits only a new life or the born again fellow (who's willing to yield his unworthy life for the joy of gaining Christ) that Christ Himself says, "today is salvation come into this house - (or this life). That is bringing forth fruits which meet with repentance (Matt & Luke 3:8) and Christ wouldn't have acknowledged that if Zacheaus isn't worthy of it. And may I say a thing to you, I have a witness while writing this teaching that there are still many that salvation must enter their houses and lives today 21st of December, 2022. Meanwhile, today is 23rd Day on "His Pleasure Series" where we've being examining being the planting, called, ordained or sent of the Lord and not otherwise. I have a great leading that there be many that the Lord is calling unto to let go of their treasures of darkness (not physical wealth or prosperity) and everything they rely on and have been using as power as false ministers or sent ones. You're charlatans, thieves and robbers (John 10:1). That's what the Bible calls you. So, don't be offended but rather repent. It doesn't matter what it is called in your own language, whether it is jazz, voodoo, juju, God is saying give it all up and that includes "The Seven Book of Moses" that might have found its way into the hands of some of you ministers. "The Seven Book of Moses" is not the Bible and that's not what God says you should get involved in. Stop every intimacy, dabbling and communication with strange spirits and transporting demons. All these books teaching you the hows of spirit things apart from the Bible will open you to demons and false spirits. Kartegeo (cut them off).

When those people voluntarily packed out their sources of power which is estranged to what God endorses, obviously they received new life and consequently begin to be groomed in same. That's God's offer to you. God is telling me to ask you, "will you voluntarily submit and willingly use your hand to handover all your strange power, amulets, tally and charm to be burnt? Will you burn this library of wickedness and do away with all these ancient evil accounts passed down to you by your fathers? If you'll submit, hearken to God and not become rebellious like some in the wilderness (Heb.3:7-8), you'll earn the remark of the Lord which He said to Zacheaus - "today salvation has come into your house" and He shall likewise do to you like He did to Him. When Jesus told Zacheaus, "today, salvation has come into this house, it didn't end there." Rather, what Jesus said He'll do to anyone who receives Him into his or her life was immediately done. What did Jesus promise people like Zacheaus and what's that thing which He eventually did to them? "It's that He and His Father will come and make their abode with such person and live with him (John 14:23)! What a mystery and greater power? That Christ and His Father tabernacle and live with you. That's why I and other believing saints are powerful because Christ and His Father have made their dwelling with us. That's He that's greater than He that's in the world living in us and now with us. So, I can say, "I'm powerful and can do all things through Christ who strengthens (enables, inspires, inflates, quickens, elaborates, teaches, instructs and arms me). In this wise, tell me what mountain we can't unseat and what challenge of life we can't surmount? Are you reading this, quickly inspect your life, your library, your wardrobe, your treasure box, car, shop, house, office etc for anything strange that should be done away with. What are your own "books/materials of curious arts" that must be burnt? Things you hide in secrecy or hang somewhere. Until then, you'll just be there hearing people share stories of their own salvation. You'll never have one to share. Backslided believers should restitute also. If you've taken this step and you're also singing "I surrender all to Jesus", then you may take this prayer: "Father, thank you for forgiveness. I'm made your child and I'm henceforth victorious."

Now, I'll need to pray for your enduing with power: a greater power than the one you've contacted in satanic books, rocks, trees or things that specific parts of nature were used to make. Now, lay your hand on yourself and receive. As I pray, God's Spirit will rush at you, invade you like it was in the upper room and you shall be baptized in the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4). You'll be steeped in God and He'll swallow and possess you henceforth.  "Father, You're the One who endued me with power to cause, set, change, build up and pluck down. I call you to anoint with the Holy Ghost the reader and that repentant fellow who's receiving this prayer. With the evident of speaking in tongues, let manifestation take place. Possess these former sinners and use them mightily." You might be experiencing a stirring to speak forth some strange thoughts that are cooking, simmering, bubbling and are desiring to be vomited through your lungs and voice. Feel free, give it voice. Allow the Holy Ghost. That's that power. I'm already giving you my embrace and welcoming you into the kingdom because you're now the child of my Father: God, after your salvation. If you have enquiries; need counsel on other things to handle in wisdom or blatantly set ablaze, just call me on this line: +234 81 3704 6812. "Today has salvation come into your house." I love you and Jesus loves you more. I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings and you are...?

PRAYER: Lord, I let go of all my inheritance in darkness. I'm therefore translated from the kingdom of darkness into that of God's dear son. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Haggai 1:1-2:23; Revelation 11:1-19; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 30:15-16

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