Tuesday, 20 December 2022





Read Matt. 12:22-30

Matthew 21:23, KJV

"And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?"

If you see someone manifesting, someone doing the will or pleasure of the Father; someone doing what God gave, which they have accepted and swallowed hook, line and sinker; have personalized and have made their thing like Jesus says, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me (John 4:34)", you should raise an alarm and quickly delight to know by what spirit (Holy or unholy), by whose authority and power they do the teachings, impartation, miracles and drag all the tangibilities that were once in the invisible realm to the site of eyes can see it.  

Meanwhile, in asking or wanting to know by whose authority, spirit or power they do what they do, you may take either of these two positions. The first is the position of asking to accuse, demean, mock, reject, cast away or slander because you've already formed your opinion and what you want to believe in. You're not asking to be converted! The Pharisees, Sadducees and the Sanhedrin all together took this position with Jesus many times. Whenever He does a thing, they're always at hand to query it. What you'll hear is "by what and whose authority do you do these things (that includes Jesus' teachings, healings, miracles and the gathering of multitude He has etc?" People like that meant Jesus should have visited them earlier, in secrecy or in the night to take their permission before He teaches and does all His good works in the day. They wanted Jesus to be submissive to humans and to them by always applying before fulfilling His calling. They want to treat Him like Saul who always need a letter from them and do apply for one before he goes around with the business of arresting those of the Way (Acts 9:2). But Jesus takes no authority from them. He takes no delegation or delivery of duties from man. He's rather Spirit taught and directed. Once, He was directed of the Spirit to the wilderness where He fasted forty days (Matt.4:1-2). His orders always come from above. Like Saul who later became Paul, He has learnt not to confer with flesh and blood but rather to depart often to the place of seclusion to pray, intimate with God and hear Him (Gal.1:17, Mark 1:35).

Once Jesus was teaching, they all marvelled obviously at all they've seen Him done but instead of glorifying God and believing in Jesus and His ministry, they diminished Him and ask in order to find Him out (as if He was an error and One operating in falsehood) by saying, "by what authority do thou these things and who gave thee this authority?" That question contains two questions apiece:

a. by what authority do you do these things?

b. and who gave you this authority. 

Many people have asked me those two questions as one also. I could remember the first time I began to say I was called; the very first time I launched out and said I've been anointed and that God had given me a voice to express and words to speak, the look on people's faces - that disbelief was asking, "by what authority will you do these things?" And when I began, people still queried by whose spirit or authority I do what I've been doing. It's nothing to be offended at though some just didn't believe me. But over the years, I've added diligence to make my calling and election sure and with God's witnessing to many hearts, I'm now believed to be a prophet in the land. People will ask you when they see the good works stemming from you by what spirit, authority or power you do them. That's not wrong in itself if it's not to reject, mock or validate a wrong opinion they already have of you though you're really the sent one and not some fake people. The Bible admonishes that we prove all things (I Thessalonians 5:21). Until then, we can't hold fast unto that which is good even if it's available and obvious. This is my counsel to anyone. Don't just receive someone or accept their utterance. That's truth! Prove the spirit by which they're speaking, teaching or prophesying. Test all things and hold unto that which is good and true only. The second group are therefore those asking genuinely as to know the good and truth to hold unto. Those are the people the Father will reveal His beloved son (in the anointed) called by Him to. Those are the people that after getting their answers won't be offended by that anointed man or his works but rather flow to receive God's mighty works through him. 

By what power do we all ministers do these things? Let us ask, "Olusola ADEJUMO M'Wings, by what power he preaches, teaches, prophesies, heals and do miracles?" My answer is by the anointing or you best say the Holy Spirit. I'm a commissioned man. I did not begin my thing calling it God's. He called me by making certain demands on me. Yielding is what makes you see some of the works like this teaching you're currently reading. What makes any minister a charlatan or falsehood is that all the works stemming from Him are not originating from the Holy Spirit. "Who gives you the authority you're using for ministry and ministration is key." Is it God or the devil? That's what they wrongly accused Jesus of here:

Matthew 12:22-24, KJV

"22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. 23 And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? 24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils."

Did you see that? What some saw and rejoiced to; when it came to the Pharisees' turn, they didn't give glory to God. They diminished and destroyed God's' work by saying He casts out devils and does healings/miracles by Beelzebub (the Lord of the flies). That accusation sounds familiar. There are those who sees great and mighty works today and say, "he has subscribed to the occult" and you can't persuade them out of that error because to them, it's everybody who's wealthy that has gone where it consequently adds sorrows before they have it. Obviously, the Pharisees speak many times out of envy and jealousy and so many accusing those God has sent truly in our days. Don't feel bypassed. Rather submit to what God is doing and you'll find your place too. 

If you build a church and it's bigger than Lagos and God doesn't inspire it, it's dead work. If you're prophesying and God is not the inspirer, you should know it's either your fallen state as human speaking or the spirit of error speaking through you as you've yielded your vessel to the devil or demons to hijack. I ask you ministers, I'm putting it to all of you who have a thing to do with ministry, "by what authority and whose authority, power, spirit do you do all that's visible that all of us could see." You may have miracles but it may not be the workings of the Holy Spirit. You might have gone to request for assistance elsewhere indeed other than leaning on the Spirit of truth and great grace. We shouldn't forget that the Magicians turned rods into snakes  just like Aaron but where lies the different (Gen.7:11-12)? In the fact that one stems from God and the other Satan, the occult and falsehood. Where do you belong ministers? Be truthful to yourself. Operate in Spirit and in truth. Be of one mind with Christ. Be aligned and only led in the paths of righteousness. Naked yourself before God naked you and do away with all unclean things in your life. Come under God's great grace that picks a man from nothing and puts him on the hill where all eyes could see him. He's still the God who raises the poor man from the dunghill and makes him sit with princes yet without having solicited from the devil.

PRAYER: Lord, may You be Lord over me indeed. May my acts, procedures all proceed from you. Wash me clean, refresh me. I rededicate myself to You.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Haggai 1:1-2:23; Revelation 11:1-19; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 30:15-16

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