Tuesday, 25 October 2022




HINDS' FEET FOR HIGH PLACES - Large Place Series 009

Psalms 18:33, KJV

"He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places."

The hind is a female deer. This animal is unique and specially created to survive its terrain or habitat. One, it has a special ability for swiftness or fleetness which makes it an escapee from predators. Metaphorically and in the context it was used, this alludes to the special characteristics that warriors especially footmen must possess in ancient times. They must be full of endurance to cope with rugged places and then full of speed to pursue and overtake their enemies when they turn the back or escape from their enemies as befitting the occasion. Any warrior that has this mixed with stamina or valiance in battle is bound to do well. This animal, the hind is also known for such fitness that it could walk on steep or vertical downright mountains. Yet, it won't fall. You may be wondering, "how?" If you ever watch the video of a hind walking on a steep hill or height, you'd be taken aback and wonder at how talented or specially gifted or crafted it were to be able to make such moves or walks without being afraid of falling or falling. I'll say, "it's because it's Creator made him for his environment." Another animal can't come around to perform in the naturally steep terrain of a hind and think of having the result of the hind. Never! It's because that one's characteristics - specifically its feet has not been made like the hind's. All animals have special body parts for adaptation to their environment. That's the hind's and it's special to it. Apart from fitness, they have fleetness. A hind could place her hind feet (two of them) at the same time and at the same place the front feet are. Any animal that could do this is an animal of speed. Apart from that, the ability to do this made the hind survives the jagged mountain and manage narrow spaces available for turning on the mountain. I call this animal, "suitable for all situations; the joy of the mountains especially steep, jagged, rough ones." Why? All the problems and difficulties associated with the heights where it could be found to live, this animal has been naturally equipped for them by God. So, where other animals are failing or falling off and can't mount to their mounts because it is steep, this animal would be seen on the very pinnacle. So, no hindrance or limitation placed on its reaching the very heights of his calling. If God had said, "he'll become the head and not the tail" in his chosen field, fill his path with all sorts of sufferings and difficulties right from childhood, he'll scale all of them and scape through until he becomes that. 

So, when the Psalmist (David) says, "He makes my feet like hinds' feet...", we ought grab the context now. Who doesn't know David as a warrior. When he said that, he meant God had made him suitable to win victories and cope with the rigours of war either to pursue or to flee as occasion would demand. David didn't die in battle and it could be as a result of these characteristics of the hind. He's wind in fight. Also, he said, "and sets me upon my high places." While the "high places" suggest the heights, hills or mountains yet we know the high places here also refer to strongholds from which David ruled and reigned. Anyway, those strongholds or fortresses have been located on the mountain tops as well. From there, like an eagle, he lords it over his enemy and exercises dominion.

Now, this devotional title is "Hinds' Feet For The Heights." It is asking the question, "what to develop for your high places?" What are the provisions or factors to put in place to live habitually or survive continuously at your own high places? Our high places are different. You might be a footballer but I am a preacher. I watched the videos of J.J. Okocha recently. Worldwide, he was known as a melodious dribbler. Players like Ronaldinho of Brazil took mentoring from him. For him to be fitted for dribbling, what are the things he did that new footballers who would like to perform like him must put in place sacrificially and painstakingly? That's what we're talking about. As I prepared this message, I also watched the videos of boxers who are training for foot work. If you know Muhammad Ali, that greatest Black boxer of all time, you'll know what it means to have a good, fast foot work and body maneuver with skills like shadow boxing that could make you survive in your high places (profession) as a boxer. I'm a preacher. What are the terms of the profession to be kept? Should I not keep fit by praying, fasting, studying and maintaining all that won't spoil me to render me ineffective at my place of work? All of us have our places of work - a place where we declare professionalism. If your feet is not like the hinds' feet there (suited for living and survival there), you might soon come down. That's why I'm praying for you today that God will keep you fit for your profession, duty and calling. What you need is not what I specifically need if narrowed down. But all in all, may you not fall from your heights. If you're in leadership, you may need wisdom and we were told to ask of God who gives liberally without reproach (James 1:5). Solomon knew the hinds' feet he needed on his heights (his place of great placement) when he became king. So, he asked God for a discerning heart as to be able to judge God's people correctly and same was given to him. So much more that when people heard of the judgement he discharged between the two harlots and how he discerned the matter, all Israel was shocked and confident of him and his reign (I Kings 3:4-28). I pray, be equipped for your calling. Be ministered to in order to survive. Be given abilities meant for the job and execution of the task. Whenever occasion demands it, may you grow new abilities and skills to cope with the adaptable nature of your profession or high places. You won't be caught up with because you're always evolving. On your heights, you'll reign as Lord securely and well established by the Lord. You're God's planting, you can't be uprooted. I see you threading, jumping, maneuvering, coping, surviving, enduring and winning on your heights because of who God has graced you to be. Look, you have the hinds' feet, the heights are yours.

PRAYER: Gift me for the task. Season me for the job. Equip me for my calling. Culture me for the habitat. Make my mouth like the pen of a ready writer as a speaker. Ask for other qualities as befitting your profession or the future you're expecting.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 48:1-49:22; 2 Timothy 4:1-22; Psalm 95:1-96:13; Proverbs 26:9-12

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