Saturday, 11 June 2022




WHOSE ARMOUR ARE YOU TO TAKE? - On Your Side Series 003

Read Eph.6:10-18

Ephesians 6:11, KJV

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Are you a fan of science fiction? I watched one. There are many creatures in their planets. Each including humans seek dominion and control of other planets. To get this done, they'll occasionally go to war and seek to possess an important stone-like implement that is said to descend some ages ago from where no one knows but which when possessed gives the right of dominion over other planets and creatures to its possessor. In fighting the war, the human community in their planet understand that many of the creatures they'll be fighting are not flesh and blood like they are. They do appear as a shadow, breath or something that you can't tangibly describe or grab until they fall dead and appear tangibly. Until you shoot that shadow that's quick to disappear with the specially created weapon, you won't see them become a tangibility. So, through many experiments, humans create weapons that could classify and take them down. If they were to shoot them with the ordinary gun, they'll just observe that the bullet has no influence on them. The enemy they're to fight which is not of their own composites necessitated the instruments with which they war them. 

God has also not left us without witness. He has given us what could get the task done. He disclosed specifics by which you and I can't be put to shame. That place says, "put on the whole armour of God..." That was to which end? "...that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." That definiteness of whose armour to take immediately reveals there will be other armours. You know as well as I do that there is armour of men and Satan also can't but have his. Consider the Roman soldiers or any who battles in ancient times, all of them went to war in a human armour made by the blacksmith. It is necessary they do if they'll be able to withstand the men of flesh that'll be coming against them. It's necessary they take a shield either made of wood or a sort of steel if they'll be able to quench all fiery arrows shut at them. Then, they can't but be equipped with a sword with which to launch an offensive attack on the enemy. As they're being attacked yet resist same, they must still be able to dish out real offensive punishment to their contenders. Yet, they must be coated in a coat of mail from head to toe. We see a typical example of all these in the care of Saul to David (I Sam.17:38-39). These are the requirements for meeting another man of flesh. No one just goes like that to meet his opponent. He must be equipped and take the researched, provided and guaranteed provision that could only get his enemy combated to himself. Imagine the extent to which man puts in preparation so he might be able to defeat another man. Dragging this revelation into the spirit realm, we'll have a similar end result because our aim is not to fall victim in battle. The Bible says, "put on the whole armour of God." First, we were helped as to what sort of armour to put on. That's the beginning of our doing valiantly and threshing down our enemy - these unseen forces (Eph 6:12). They are not flesh and blood (humans like ourselves) that can be related with with a stone like David related with Goliath. While the process of warring might be similar, the tools are not. The tools are not because the enemies are different and ones who need specific tools to withstand them. Their being invisible or being spirits is the first thing which necessitates what armour we take. Being spirits also means having a measure of power that mortals may not have on his own. If you take a physical armour and by that resolve to fight these spirits, your defeat has already being assured. How many of you has seen the devil and the arrows he shoots as thoughts before?

There are particular equipments that fit them however. That place says, "put on...that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." What does Satan fights with? Is it bullet, nuclear bombs etc? No! He does with wiles - tricks fashioned against another to ensnare him. What he fights with is what changes the mode of our operation. This is why we'll need something like the breastplate of righteousness to protect our mind so that we don't succumb to the devil's suggestion, luring and whatsoever he might sells us. The mind is the battlefield here. Your very mind. It is not one valley or a location in a country like we have in the Ukraine-Russsia case. Today, be sensitized to two major things. The armour to take are God's armour. They're not made by blacksmiths or any invention of men. God is spirit. Satan is spirit. Man is also spirit but living in a physical body. For one spirit to handle another successfully, he must war with what only has been researched, found and prescribed to be able to resist, withstand and defeat its opponent in the said area. God has not found for us any other implements but what he calls His own armour: His initiative for our victory and defeat of Satan one billion times. Take them please!

PRAYER: Lord, may it dawn on me what provision you've provided to battle with. May I conceptualize Satan and his hosts as spirits with wiles and battle them on God's terms and infrastructures .

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33

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