Tuesday, 5 April 2022





Read John 4

John 4:35 ,NIV

"Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

The incident in this chapter is one of the popular incidents and loving story of believing in Jesus that we have in the Bible. Jesus and the Samaritan woman are in conversation. Not long, Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah they've being awaiting. At the proclamation of Himself as the Messiah, the Samaritan woman left for the city in surprise, having being afore caught up in surprise that Jesus was a prophet also - one who revealed a part of her life supernaturally. So she a questions, "could this be the awaited Christ?" Upon this, Jesus' disciples came. They persuaded Him to eat but He would have none of their physical food. He rather told them that His meat, food, motivation, morale booster, calling, assignment is to do the will of He that sent Him and then finish it. Jesus further told them that He has food to eat which the disciples know nothing about. They were just confused. So much more that they began to ask if any has brought Him food. 

You see, they're being confused. Jesus said, "He has food to eat which they know not of and that His meat is to do the will of He that sent Him". What's He referring to? Living the will and expectation of the Father over Him is what He called His meat. God has done all things well to have made His path and that of that Samaritan woman cross. That's the woman who has become meat - a work to concentrate on until she believes in Christ. It is not different from the work of evangelism that Christians does to win people. 

At the persuasion of Jesus by His disciples to eat and at the observation of their still being confused at why He is not eating, Jesus then asked them, "Did you not usually say or quote, it is four months to the harvest. Look at the field. They're white already for harvest". What's Jesus saying? You all have a saying to show the nearness of harvest, "Is it not four months to the harvest?" They use such to hint at their closeness to harvest. Jesus in essence was saying, "what you however do expect is here. It is no longer four months to harvest but it is already harvest (soul harvesting though). This is the season for reaping. It is not even four months away. Let's get into the ride and take this opportunity. So, why be careless. So, why at harvest not harvest. Jesus was speaking in association with His meat of winning that woman and doing the work of He that sent Him while it is day. He wanted the disciples to also see the urgency that all of them don't have much time left again. The long anticipating harvest is here. If you say it is four months to the harvest and the field is already white and ready for harvest, what should you be doing? Harvesting off course. Going about that same king's business that has become urgent. But, it seems the disciples were only concerned about physical food. The revelation Jesus had of the harvest time being then, they didn't catch it let alone understand him despite the obvious presentation of the season of harvest (time to win souls) that has come upon them suddenly. 

Jesus was saying, this is a fitting time for harvest of souls and I will harvest souls. The field is already ripe. You have a saying that the harvest is almost near but in this case, the harvest has even come fully. What matters is now to get the job done. Jesus' teaching here shows what every Christian should busy themselves with. Also, "harvest is near" is what we've been saying but the harvest has come now". Put the reaper to the field and bring in for Jesus. Don't just be a Christian who confesses and don't do. The disciples all are caught up in saying, "Is it not four months to the harvest" yet they couldn't understood the time they had entered into. Don't be such soul. You must have the revelation of what is major in Jesus' heart and what pains or motivates Him so much more that while on earth, He even turned His face away from physical food. See the urgency that made Jesus do away with physical food when He saw the high calling that He should give attention to. Listen, "Is it not four months to the harvest" has become "now is the harvest?" Let's harvest!

PRAYER: Lord, may I be signalled as to what opportunity to take which I've been expecting since. May I understand and see the field (souls) as ready for reaping.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26; Luke 10:38-11:13; Psalm 76:1-12; Proverbs 12:15-17

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