Tuesday, 5 April 2022





Read John 4:1-38

John 4:35, AMP

"Do you not say, It is still four months until harvest time comes? Look! I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields and see how they are already white for harvesting".

Any action of yours is a product of a revelation that dawns on you at a particular time. You can't carry a step beyond or outside the understanding that has come to guide your activity at a particular time. Without revelation, there may not be a change in old actions and practices. This is the case with what the anointing is bringing us today.  Jesus told His disciples, "is there not a saying that harvest comes in four months time?" There is a saying like that and the disciples themselves knew it or might have quoted it ahead of time which brought Jesus to remind them of same. However, Jesus said, "Lay four months to come aside. The harvest is already here and is now". What you have slated for and anticipated to come sooner or later; this is its season of dawning upon you. God is saying, go enquire, check introspectively and you'll discover that you're already in the so long awaited season. However, you still don't know. At the time Jesus said this to them, He was been persuaded to eat upon the arrival of His disciples from town. He declined the food while declaring His meat is to do the will of His Father and finish His work. He even said He has food to eat which they know not of. On this ground, they became more confused and began to wonder whether somebody has brought Him food. It is in the bid for Jesus to bring them out of this slowness of heart and understanding that He said, "Do you not usually say in four months time comes the harvest. Meanwhile, look at the field. The harvest is already here". Jesus said this to intend a deeper thing. What's the deeper thing? That work to do has finally come. It is not a kind of work that is to come but one that has arrive and as at that time has even taken operation. As we would all testify, Jesus had just finished speaking with the Samaritan woman who having been touched by Jesus' prophetic ministry ran to town with shocks and echo of, "come see the man who ever told me all I ever did. Could this be the Christ?" She's half won! It means she has been touched already and is on the verge of making her choice. Any little push will finally win her. It is on this ongoing task that Jesus was concentrated on and so refused food. Purpose wrapped Him wholly for His Father. He has seen why He came to the earth and He won't let that assignment alone to attend to food. Imagine His passion for souls. So much more that food was collected from His mouth. Has calling, purpose, assignment and Christ make you sacrificial this way?

God is sending to those who are fond of comforting themselves with the saying that, "it is not now. We still have some time to go." He's saying, "you have none to go". Has God afore called you to His vineyard even as a missionary, minister etc? Don't say it is still four months to harvest and that you still have time to consider before joining. He's saying, the field is ripe already and your service is needed outrightly. A season seems to have stolen upon you unawares but God is sending to tell you that the season is a "not-to-come" season. It has already. So, join the move. Jesus said that to the disciples so that they'll be caught up in the revelation of hunting souls like He has been consumed to do. He wanted to recruit them and get them busy with His own business. So, He was telling them, "You do say the harvest will be here in four months. However, open your eyes, look around. See that the field is already white and ready for harvest". Tell yourself, "it is not coming. It has come". If that be, my action must change to fit the season. Christ is also coming in the cloud sooner or later, do you still retain this consciousness? If you do, you'll be warmed after souls.  

If the field is already white and it's time for harvest, it means all things are ready also. The souls Christ is calling them and us to come and harvest are those some have laboured over that we just need to reap the reward of their labour. They are like that doubtful Samaritan woman who was saying, "Could this be the Christ?" She has heard and to win her takes just a little effort. So, if any one confirms and answer her question, she will believe in Jesus. Jesus has appeared to some sinners already in dreams and visions. They just need a preacher to finish the process. This is where somebody sows and another reaps. That's what give rise to the words Jesus used to encourage his disciples later here [John 4:36-38].

It is not in four months time again. What you've been anticipating, what you were trained for is now upon you. Step into it and benefit of it. Let your revelation change to discerning the season you've entered into. It is the season of recruitment of men. It is the season of discovery of purpose. It is the season where what is paramount to the Master's heart is what you should do also. May the fire catching Christ catch you. May His heartbeat becomes yours. May you run with His vision. May you not tarry. May His thought become yours and whatsoever He feels per time be your experience. It is only by this that you won't be lagging behind or act sluggishly to practically involve yourself in the kingdom activity of the season. Only those who have not picked revelation needs explanation and teaching on same so that its understanding would dawn on them. Did you see how much Jesus laboured to let His disciples get caught up in the revelation of "My meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish His work. I have meat to eat which you know not". I pray, receive a quickened understanding. I chip away dullness off your heart. Your heart won't be too fat or gross to receive, perceive and understand the motivation of God for your day or season. Be a partaker and co-labourer with God (the Holy Spirit). It is interesting because He'll do the greater of the job. 

PRAYER: I rebuke every spirit veiling me from understanding of my usefulness to God, the kingdom and sinners. I discover purpose and follow same. I'm aware of the time we're in.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 28:1-68; Luke 11:14-36; Psalm 77:1-20; Proverbs 12:18

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