Wednesday, 6 April 2022





John 4:31-32, KJV

"31 In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. 32 But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of".

When you don't know in whom you believe, you'll believe many gods. Job said, "For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth (Job  19:25,KJV). Paul said also, "for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day" (II Tim. 1:12, KJV). Look at convictions and persuasions at display. These made them immovable. It is conviction and your knowing of same that stabilizes you. 

At the arrival of the disciples from buying food, they pleaded with Jesus to eat. Why the pleading? Jesus refused to eat. Food (physical food) was one of the things He awaited previously but when purpose appeared before Jesus in form of the Samaritan woman, Jesus was too consumed to give attention to physical food or any mundane thing until this will of God has prospered in His hands. So, they pleaded that He eats. On that note, Jesus responded, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of". They became confused and wondered whether someone has brought Him food. Then, Jesus solved the riddle for them. "My meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish His work". It means as at the time physical food arrived, Jesus was minding the Father's will or has been lost in it having not yet recovered from His interaction with the Samaritan woman. Though the Samaritan woman had left for the city at that time; yet, it's very possible to say Jesus was interceding or still minding her in His mind. All these, the disciples don't know. 

What Jesus discovered as at that time kept Him from flinching, distracted or moved. Why people are tossed to and fro is simple. They either have no belief system or the one they have is weak. So, they become victims of every wave of doctrine and pseudo persuasions. Jesus was begged long enough to eat but He kept answering He has meat to eat that they know not of. Your life begins to change and your flowing with multitude stops when you discover the will of He that sent you here after salvation. It will preserve you from turning here and there to give attention to what some other people consider important and so much believe in even if it is not evil. Did you see conflict of wills in that passage? The disciples were advocating for physical food while Jesus was advocating for purposeful living as the meat that matters. A was persuading B to come to their side of the table and join them in the living out of the mundane but B refuses and declares that, "to your ignorance, I have found a cause to live for. That's my own meat, concern, cup of tea, home work and focus". It is not to live for the moment but for eternity in view. I think this is the reply God is bringing to all children who are fully lost in God's will or serious matters of life but who those who distracts want to lead astray. Tell them you can't be distracted because you have found, "the meat that they know not of". Their not knowing of it is what still keeps them in darkness to think you're missing out for giving attention to godliness, spiritual exercises etc. They might have told you, "why stay indoor studying all day? Come out and dine and wine!" Tell them, "purposeful living is not general but as for me, I have found a meat (something pleasurable to indulge in) that all of you are ignorant of". Let that be your reply to any who will come around to say, "call it quit. Enough of that!"

Today, God is doing certain things for those who will recognize it. He's calling you away from mundane practices into purposeful living. He's calling you away to strive for meat that does not perish and then sow for eternity's sake. Secondly, He's making you strong will not to go in the direction of the crowd when they're wrong. Sinners will come to entice you but it's your responsibility to consent not. For God's sake, it was twelve disciples versus Jesus. 12 were persuading 1 to change his cause, objective, life's goal and join them. These are Eve who have eaten the fruit and won't feel reluctant persuading Adam to take a bite. Jesus was strong willed to refute. You'll be strong will to resist next time they come around. Any who has found the truth or what He's created to live for is such man that will be difficult to shift like Mount Zion. Be same today by discovering your purpose here on earth. Such will give you roots that wind of life can't shake. If you find same and you're persuaded of it, you won't be distracted also into offices, calling, assignments and plans that God does not have for you even though lined up for a fellow child of God by your side. This is my sixth year authoring this. I'm not doing another man's work. Except the Master calls it quit or calls me for further work, I won't because of envy or prestige follow after the meat of another. Purpose and discovery of your own meat (cause for living) is what leans your life to one or few things. Did Paul not say, "this one thing I do? (Philp. 3:13)" Take heed to these words and you'll always remain in the centre of God's will as you remain His delight. 

PRAYER: In the contest of will and will power, may the divine win over the mundane. Grant me eyes to see my "why on earth" and give me commitment to staunchly marry same.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20; Luke 11:37-12:7; Psalm 78:1-31; Proverbs 12:19-20

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