Monday 9 September 2024




THE TURNING POINT: JUDAH TURNED - Kingdom Administering Series 009

Genesis 38:1, KJVc

"1 And it came to pass at that time, that Judah..."

Judah departed from his brethren and he could find no other place to dwell but to TURN IN to a certain Adullamite. The Bible calls that man Hirah. I'm still on administering and how to be properly administered. Though we're humans, in God's kingdom, we're resources in His hands. He can allocate us and send us wherever He wills and for whatsoever need He chooses. Though we don't have it in black and white that Judah was led or guided of God here but a man of revelation and one full of God's Spirit could begin to sense something. First, we might need to probe why Judah went down from his brethren. Why did he stop living with those he had grown up with? Why would he take the bull by its horn and depart from family care, comfort - leaving the benefits of being with one's own people. It may be a drive to seek one's own achievement and be made. Anyway, we know that the promise of "a seed will crush the head of the serpent" seeks to manifest through him. He's the chosen one through which this promise must be perpetuated. As that seeks for expression, Judah for a reason he himself might not be able to point to leaves home. We could say, "he went abroad." When he did, he found no one to turn to but Hirah. The Bible puts it this way: "Judah went down from his brethren and turned in to a certain Adullamite. There, he saw a certain Canaanite woman, the daughter of Shua and went into her and she conceived."

Underline "to turn in". It means Judah made a choice to abide or stay with Hirah. While he was looking for who to stay with as a foreigner, he found a son of peace in Hirah and he turns to live with him though Hirah is a Canaanite. We were not given details but a sort of agreement must have existed between both. It may be that when he got to the city gate, the only fellow who was willing to accommodate him was Hirah. As such, he turned in to live with him. In turning in therefore, he jettisons others. There cannot be any turning in to dwell with someone without agreement or contentment issue having been settled. Or he might have been pressed or desperate to have a place to dwell amidst having known Hirah before. Irrespective of which is correct, Judah was contented to turn in and dwell with Hirah.

His turning in began being calamitous marrying that daughter of Shua but through his ignorant intimacy with Tamar, his journey and turning that could have ended on a sad note took a new turn - he raises a seed to perpetuate the promise. This found fulfilment in Jesus down the line.  

I pray for those of you yet to find your foot that the right man will open his door to you. You'll be jealously guided where only good, destiny, the promise and prophecy would happen to you. You'll find a place to turn in and shelter in. They don't need to have known you before. Like Jesus said, "if a son of peace dwells there, they'll accommodate you and will even provide for you" (Luke 10:5-7).

Also, the relationship Judah came into with Hirah blossomed to that of friendship so much more that they now visit sheepshearers together at Timnath. It was so profitable to Judah that he could even trust to deliver the fee of prostitution through Hirah to his daughter in law, Tamar who he unknowingly slept with.

Your own turning in to which ever place will be profitable. You'll see people to accommodate you. I'm declaring concerning those of you in a land with nobody you resemble but with desperateness to be helped even to become citizens, your Hirah will come. Only that he won't be the cause of your downfall but rather promotion. So shall it be.

PRAYER: Lord, ordain men and relationships meant for my destiny for me wherever I turn.


Romans 3:1-31 & Psalms 42-44

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CONTENTED TO DWELL WITH HIM III - Kingdom Administering Series 008

Titus 3:12, KJV 

"When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis: for I have determined there to winter."

As my time drew near to handover as Anglican Students' Fellowship (ASF), Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) president (this was on campus) in 2015, I began to pray to God on what He'll have me do next. God spoke to me; He didn't refrain. He gave these Bible verses for my guidance: Titus 1:5, 3:12. 

So, I took it upon myself to ensure the next leaders were rightly chosen under the vetting of the alumni body. After handing over however, the Part B was no where to be fulfilled. God had afore told me that He'll be sending me to Nicopolis and that He'll be there ahead of me and that I should come there. But here we are, I had handed over but don't yet have any place of assignment. Anyway, I knew Nicopolis is where God would have me trained for ministry. I had perceived God's calling on me long before then and was towing its lane. I once met the then presiding priest at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun (where we students use for our services as well) to disclose to him my burden to be trained for ministry. It was Canon  Wale Omotayo then (now Venerable). He was willing to see to helping me but my spirit was still not settled. My spirit was like the Spirit which hovers on the surface of the water in Genesis 1. By training , when my spirit is unsettled, I know it's because I'm missing something. Just like the birds of Noah, I couldn't find a suiting resting place even as I go out awaiting the fulfilment of what I had received. I was going to and fro in my mind and caught up by indecisions. One thing that I didn't feel called into was going to join the Anglican Communion as a priest. I felt that was not my call or style of operation. I felt God would have me found something and not join. So, I let the offer go. I then packed my luggages to go stay with Bro. Emmanuel Awofeko (now Dr.) at Adefisan, Ijebu Ode while awaiting God to show me Nicopolis and with whom to winter. 

Just then, I came back to Abapawa (a community where my hostel was while a student) to pack my books to Bro. Awofeko's place where I now stay in town. There at Anglican Bus Stop, Ijagun, I met a priest dressed in a green lace with a Dag Heward Mills book in his hand. We had met before but I had not been in any continuous relationship with him since I handed over to Bro. Ngu Barak (the new fellowship's president). Moreso, I felt I was done. It is now the turn of another person to go on and see to things without my interference. Probably if it was Canon Omotayo who was still around, I might have checked in. But, this was a new priest and who knows him really well but God?

That new priest was Canon Johnson Oyebode (now Venerable). He asked what I had in those teeming bags I was carrying and I declared, "my books." He said, "so, you read?" I said I do. The next thing he did was to say, "come and see." I went in with him and for the first time in my life, I saw the library I had never seen before bulging with various books bothering on spirituality and ministry. I was impressed to see all the kinds of book I'll like to read. We conversed for awhile and we left the matter there. Meanwhile, he'll invite me over for night vigils with him. I repeatedly attended this vigil until I eventually moved into the vicarage. He gave me a room upstairs and I was contented to dwell with him having learnt by experience that he's an oracle of God. Indeed, I learnt a lot from him. His family became my family and even till now, his wife is my mother and he's my father. 

But first of all, I was brought to a place of contentment. I was brought to a place of agreement. I saw him share revelation and more importantly, I just found him attracted to. I knew it was his anointing drawing me. Over the years, I now know that if any minister carries a portion meant for you, you'll be attracted to his anointing. Today, I function as an exhorter, teacher, prophet and minstrel just like him. But all started from a singular instruction to go and winter at Nicopolis where God eventually guided me to.  This description of mine is well known by all ASF Executives who graduated with me in 2015 and subsequently after. They all knew I said before hand at our excos meetings and before my handing over or anticipation of the fulfilment of what God told me that God would have me go to Nicopolis - a place I'll be trained for ministry. I was specific to the core and all happened just as I heard. When I eventually found it, they bore me testimony. Someone like my Sister Coordinator, Sis Eunice Olabode and other executives who served with me but were reordained to serve with Bro. Ngu Barak would bear me witness. I'm a testament to God's leading and provision. There's a place to winter or be at a particular moment indeed. 

When you find your person, you'll be contented. There will be peace in your heart. Assurance will make you strong and you will sense and see for sure, this is what I've been looking for. You'll see that this person is as I am and is the mould that can form me. Don't just choose a mentor. Let your needs under God choose him for you. I've gone on to continue to minister on my own but I continue to reference this anointed Anglican minister as also being critical in my journey. As a matter of fact, he's the first ever anointed man who preaches, heals, casts out demons and live as testimony of all Jesus believed and did that I ever lived with. He practices identification with Christ to the core and like E.W. Kenyon, he is a revealer of same. He's a bundle of testimony.

PRAYER: Connect me to my next phase, assignment or my God given mentor.


Romans 2:1-29 Psalms 38-41

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 MONDAY  - 26TH AUGUST, 2024


CONTENTED TO DWELL WITH HIM II - Kingdom Administering Series 007

Acts 10:5-6, KJV

"5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter. 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do."

While serving my fatherland in Kastina, Northern Nigeria some years back, I met in camp a man named Pa Joseph, an Ibo Christian in his sixty who sells all sort of topical books. I bought some books from him and eventually familiarized with him. At any short break, I'll hang around where he displayed his books which was under a tree shed. Then, I began to advertise the books to other visiting corp members. I have read a great deal of the books I saw on display. As such, I told patronizing corp members what the books would do to them when bought and read. He was impressed with my skill and vastness of knowledge on books. That's how our friendship grew. 

Soon, I was done with camping and was given two weeks break mostly used by corp members to revisit their family in other parts of the country. I didn't want to revisit Ogun State but had no place to stay. He asked me out if I could stay with him and I agreed. Contentment was at my heart. I felt secured, assured and compensated for. 

If you ever studied the background given above, you'll obviously observe that I just didn't agree to his proposal. I have come to know him and trust him as a good Christian. He also believed in me, finding me resourceful. So, we were both in agreement. At day's end, I was contented to dwell with him and he was contented to accommodate me without having known me from Adam. 

I not only stayed with him for those period of two weeks but would go on short visits to his place after my deployment. Though his children were some two ladies, yet he opened his house to me. I was a big help to his trade. Eventually, I learnt the business from him and started selling books independently even before I left service. 

I even went on to hand over to another corp member who I took to Evangel Publishers in Kaduna and taught how to get books at good prices from there (just as he mentored me). However, I was contented to dwell with him and he was contented to have me. It flows both ways. I didn't receive anything supernatural from God before I said yes but I sure felt pleased and assured of life and my safety with him. 

Mark contentment, it is a function of where God wants you to settle. You might have searched and searched until you see a portion of land to build on that you're contented with. At times, through our beliefs, trainings, expectations of our hearts or revelation from God, we're inflated with the images to look out for. When such images match with what we afore had in mind, then we're easily pleased and contented. As such, when we see those, we immediately develop fondness and contentment. We therefore know that this is home. This is Ebenezer. This is where to settle. Finally at Rehoboth! The ark has come to hit and settle at Ararat. Destination at last. 

For those abroad, you may be led this way. Don't despise the place of being contented especially after checking with all standards that are righteous and lawful that you know. God has a right person in mind to shelter you. He has a specific address to send you to. He told Cornelius, "send men to get one Simon Peter, he dwells with one Simon, the tanner by the sea" (Acts 10:5-6). God is not frivolous but intentional and directional. So you should be. There's shelter and accommodation for you wherever you go or turn on this earth. You can't be forlorn. God will make people ready for you and you shall know by experience that your Father owns the earth and its fullness thereof (Psalm 24). 

PRAYER: The earth is my Father's and its fullness thereof. Wherever I step on, I collect as inheritance. Wherever I get to, I shall be courteously treated..


Romans 1:18-32 & Psalms 35-37

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 SUNDAY  - 25TH AUGUST, 2024


CONTENTED TO DWELL WITH HIM I - Kingdom Administering Series 006

Exodus 2:20-21, KJV

"20 And he said unto his daughters, And where is he? why is it that ye have left the man? call him, that he may eat bread. 21 And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter."

Contentment is not ordinary when leading is concern. When you're contented, it means you're at ease and satisfied with something. Nothing troubles you about the matter at hand. As in, your spirit or mind isn't raising any red flag. As such, you'll be deemed to have come to the position of being contented or pleased. To be pleased just don't happen. It is either it happens after measuring the facts and weighing sides or from an instilled peace, assurance and confidence from the Holy Ghost to you. 

This is homeless Moses! Imagine a prince who's suddenly stripped of his princeship. Moses is just like that. Now in asylum, no one recognizes him let alone esteems him as prince. He is now by himself, waiting to see what'll happen next. Just at that time, the set up of God takes off to work. Ruel's daughters arrive at the well to fetch water. Facing the bullying of rascal shepherds, Moses stands up to secure their rights for them. Upon being asked to dine and abide with them, he agrees with no qualms. 

Why would he agree? He first of all had to come to a place of contentment. Whether out of desperateness or from having reasoned that here's an avenue to meet the need of my homelessness, he agrees. Whenever God sends you on an errand to a people either as a Christian or minister of the gospel, contentment is one of the things to look out for in your heart. Contentment will bring sound peace and assurance that herein the Lord wants me lodge or stay. Also, there'll be willingness accepting you where God has sent you. Meanwhile, there won't be any willingness or acceptance to even see your face where God has not put your help. It's possible to have suffered some rejections until one meets with acceptance and settlement eventually. This happened to Isaac until he was eventually tossed to Rehoboth at last (Gen.26:22). Irrespective of the case that unfolds, if you're a man led of God, you'll know where and with whom God wants you to dwell. You'll be able to decipher if God wants you to make a tabernacle with a certain person in a certain place and at a certain time (obviously for a purpose God already sees which you'll reckon with after it might have happened). That contentment will be unusual and very pushy and revealing in you. You'll testify, "I'm contented to dwell here, work here or even go with that man or woman as my spouse" even when you do not really know their history or when there are contrary opinions at first. The trust will just rise and develop both ways. 

PRAYER: Guide me in the path I should take. Show me my Rehoboth - where to dwell and take godliness from.


Romans 1:1-17 & Psalms 32-34

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Saturday 24 August 2024




KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 005

I Kings 17:9, KJV 

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

Where God wants us to get to is where the resources in our hands and our barns await kingdom administering. God will call for it as He sees need. When He does, it is yours to give to whomsoever He ordains or instructs you to give to. How I wish all Christians will know this so that when they have need, they'll rightly turn to he in whose hands God has kept their resources. Turning to the wrong person (uncommanded) is what has led to the many rejections that many Christians have come to take offence at. They'll say, "I know he is able yet he didn't give me." Why should he give you when you're not the one he's waiting for. Every resources in heaven has owners. So is assignment. David wanted to build the temple but God restrained him and called it Solomon's assignment (I Chron.22:8-10). If a label carrying your name is not on a package, will delivery service mistakenly bring it to your house? When an angel brought a package as answer to Daniel's prayer, was it couriered to Shadrach or any of the other two friends? Everything has designation! Then, why should we make a mess of divine administering of resources?

If you turn to me, I'm not always obligated to help you. That's because you might turn to me when the resources in my hands await another fellow. Should I disobey God by not being a good manager of the resources He made me steward of because I want to keep human relationship? No! So, start by being led right to the commanded fellow first of all. Are you a minister or a Christian in need? You can ask God to send men to meet your needs or ask God to show you who can. 

If Christendom operates like this, no one will be hungry neither will A have more bread to eat and spare at the expense of B who has none basically because A keeps collecting what was meant for others. God is looking for obedient disciples that He can keep resources with who when He snaps a finger will release it to the commanded who now approaches him. In same manner, if you too will have your needs met, mark those who are commanded for your sake. Unless they're put under command for you, they may be helpless to help you. So, let us all learn the meekness of running only when we've been commanded. This way, resources will be well distributed and everybody in the body of Christ or this colony called kingdom will be provided for. 

PRAYER: I refuse to run helter-skelter. I hear the Shepherd's voice guaranteeing my leading.


Acts 28:17-31 & Psalms 30-31

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Friday 23 August 2024


 FRIDAY  - 23RD AUGUST, 2024


KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 004

I Kings 17:9, KJV

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

The truth is this, "you must be commanded." This is the basis of confidence. It is also your shield against error or being outside God's will. When God wants to meet the pressing need of Elijah, what did He do? He commands him to go to Zarephath which belongs to Zidon. First, we're seeing a sending to a location. Indeed, God do send people to places. Kingdom administering covers God telling a Christian where to live, who to marry and even which church or ministry to join. God has plans for all Christians. He wants to use them but it is not all church or ministry that are the same in function. As such, it's possible for a ministry not to have some operations which God expects would prepare a particular vessel for him. All secondary schools may have similarities in subjects offered but we all know that some have other engagements that make a better student. All Christians might share in some fundamental doctrines but there may be a place of differences in what calling God has given to some men with which to bring others up for a purpose He (God wants) fulfilled. Even if we feign there are no differences, ministries and callings will tend to emphasize diverse truths differently. 

God commanded Elijah to go to Zarephath. He didn't send himself there. He's like John the Baptist, a man sent from God and on a mission God approves (John 1:6). However, if God commands A and refrains from commanding B on the same issue, then agreement can never be reached. On that note, God had to command the Zarephath widow by putting her in a condition where she'll be favourably disposed to Elijah. If she were not the commanded widow, she might have blurted off Elijah even at the first asking of water or at his second request. Anyone you're sent to will tolerate you. There'll be this contentment and agreement to accommodate you. 

So, master that principle. Don't run the errand you aren't sent. Shame and embarrassment is what will await you there. That's when you'll begin to use human gimmicks to ensure things work. Many are cutting corners to meet needs now because they simply despised kingdom administering. They might have missed who to marry or relationship to keep, where to live or work or even place of worship. As far as God is concerned, there's someone that God has provided for or will provide for to provide for you. If you're a sheep who'll allow the Shepherd guide him indeed, you shall not be in want because every need of yours shall eventually be met until you can testify and say, "the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." They once wanted wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee but because the Lord stepped in, their confession changed to be, "I shall not want [continually]". Such is the confession of those who'll always carry God along in what they'll do or are doing. When the need arises, the One they had earlier invited all along would answer them effectively. Are you?

PRAYER: Lead me to where to live, work, church/ministry to join and then who to marry.


Acts 28:1-16 & Psalms 26-29

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Thursday 22 August 2024




KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 003

I Kings 17:9, KJV

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

When God told Elijah to get to Zarephath which belongs to Zidon, it wasn't an empty sending. God has made preparation afore his arrival. God gossips this to him when He says, "I have commanded a widow woman to feed you there." First, God can use the foolish things of this world to debase the wise. God didn't send Elijah to any noble's household. He rather chose to use a widow. A widow is helpless, lacking economic power since he has no husband, a right arm. So, that choice of word ought be probed. Listen, do you want your needs to be met? Then, follow God and don't mind where and from whom the bread comes from. God can use a prostitute to pay your bills. It doesn't mean God sanctions prostitution as moral or lawful but that'll be the displaying of God's sovereignty over His creation. There's no one God can't command. When God wanted to keep the promise land safe for the Israelites, into whose hands did He put it? ...into the hands of seven nations that are very very wicked than others around them who could keep it safe until he who owns it arrives. God exercises His sovereignty over all creation and when He's doing it, don't let tradition or orthodoxy fight you not to see in whose hands your bread is kept. 

When Jesus needed to feed the five thousand, He asked Philip where they could get bread, proving him. Later on, the provision for meeting that need Jesus saw came from the lunch of a young chap (John 6:9). If it were today, who knows whether the media would have reported that, "Popular Preacher Swindled a Young Chap!"

Don't let fear or tradition fight you from seeing where your need is allocated to be met. Bro. Gbile Akanni once shared a testimony. He once went to preach to some students. This was during his early years of ministry when he just started. Afterwards they presented him with a sum of money (as honourarium), he rejected it though not with any Kobo with which to fund even his journey back to his base. In short, he suffered a lot before another help was raised for him. As recalled to him by the Holy Ghost, he missed his provision rightly provided for by God through that student body by his not wanting to burden them. However, does the labourer not deserve his wages? (I Tim.5:18).

Don't look down on who the Lord sent or said should meet your needs. Don't even think they are incapable and should be excused. I felt that way often and that's because I am generally full of mercy for people. Knowing the will of God however, I don't refrain from carrying it out. What you need is healing, what's your problem with how the minister styles his hair? What you need is your bills paid, why does it concern you who the Lord has instructed to pay for it in all honesty? I pray for you that you'll be able to humbly receive he that is sent to you even if he doesn't look like it. May you see that he or she is the commanded fellow even if he doesn't look commanded. 

PRAYER: Put people under command for me as you put me under command for people.


Acts 27:27-44 & Psalms 23-25

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