Monday, 6 November 2023





John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

When Jesus turns water to wine in Cana of Galilee, one thing summarizes that act He does. 

It is, "this He did and He manifested forth His glory..." The doing of a miracle here is interpreted as the manifesting forth of the glory of the Son of God.

There's a witness that a physical miracle registers about the vessel used of God for that miracle. It immediately triggers estimation of him and belief in Him. It immediately changes people's view of him. If you don't know, such man immediately is esteemed as a hero (though he must seek never to make himself one) and divinity clothed in human flesh. Though Paul and Barnabas refused worship after working a miracle at Lystra yet they were treated as gods, deified and venerated as same. 

Acts 14:11-12, KJV

"11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. 13 Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people."

Did you see that? Despite the fact that Paul and Barnabas had to stop them from that act, they yet still do it (Acts 14:18).

That place of consideration about Jesus says, "and He manifested forth His glory..." "What glory", we should ask? It's the almightiness of Jesus. The fact that what the Father does, He can as well do. The fact that He's not different from the Father in acts. The fact that the Son, Jesus Christ should be able to command our attention and suffice us. You know, Philip once asked that Jesus should show them the Father. Jesus told them that he who has seen Him has seen the Father (John 14:8-9). He Himself suffices and satisfies. He has a glory that is shed abroad and manifested forth whenever He does any act of wonder. It reveals Him as One to be worshipped and venerated. How great, big or of a mighty manifest He is then dawns on them all. We are struck by the fact that this is a superhuman (divinity) in the human flesh. Hallelujah!

Read what Message Version says. 

"11 This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of his glory. And his disciples believed in him."

It says that reveals, "the first glimpse of His glory". It means the greatness of Jesus was seen and reackoned with immediately Jesus' disciples saw that miracle. If there was any argument afore then, it died after they saw that miracle. Moreso, while the Master of the Ceremony was praising the couple mistakenly (and not Jesus) for having reserved the best for the end, the Bible has this to say.

John 2:9, KJV

"When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom."

While he (the ruler of the feast) does not know where the water turned wine was gotten from, yet the servants who drew the water that became the wine stand as witnesses (though in awe of Jesus who actually provided the wine). They also with the disciples have seen Jesus' greatness now. Jesus added nothing to the water turned wine. It was water that was turned to wine miraculously and not water that any additive or flavour was added to by following one man made procedure. So, Jesus not only manifested His glory or greatness forth in the sight of His disciples but the likes of these servants who knew for sure where the water turned wine came from. They can't but have been wrapped in awe as well (seeing His mightiness) and having known where they collected the water turned wine from. They are the best witnesses to the fact that what Jesus did was a miracle. Knowing no abracadabra was done by Jesus, they must have had cause to even believe in Jesus' glory or greatness more. I therefore pray for that minister that people lightly esteem now and sees nothing importance in or his ministry, God will answer you by giving off signs through you by which greatness of God will be manifested. When signs are thus given, perspective of men are changed or raised higher about you. It's a work God will do for you. He'll use it to fill all your valleys. So shall it be. 

PRAYER: Lord, answer with a miracle where I've been despised. Be permanently attracted to me in glory.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 14:12-16:41; Hebrews 7:18-28; Psalm 106:1-12; Proverbs 27:4-6

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Sunday, 5 November 2023




AND THEY BELIEVED ON HIM - My Very First Day Series 005

John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

Miracles are to a specific end. They are not done erratically, proving the minister is a superman amidst men. They are importantly for conversion. It may be from sin, Satan or even from doubt as the case of Jesus' disciples is. That place says, "this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and He manifested forth His glory and..."His disciples believed on Him."

It means prior to this time, though Jesus has made followers, they didn't believe or really believe on Him. Now, we have come to the nitty gritty of the matter. You have not yet made disciples until there's no doubt about your call and your position with God to them. If there remains one yearn of doubt, Satan will detach them and use them to tear your ministry down. A man is said to have made disciples when they're fully persuaded of Him and His ministry. Only God knows those who are this way persuaded of me and those who are near me but are still in doubt because they haven't seen what would strengthen their mountains in me. So, they're still looking for some sorts of physical manifestations. Some have seen this and known this of my ministry but others might still be seeking some other signs - like flying flyers of programmes everywhere every time. Irrespective of what sign you're waiting to see however before you can be converted, as long as it's not sinful, criminal or occultic, God can give it to win you. I've seen God does that for people before. He always seeks to win people over. He even converts Thomas the doubter (John 20:24-29).

But the Bible records concerning Jesus, "this beginning of His miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and He manifested forth His glory..." This then is followed by the conversion of His disciples to believe on Him as that God sent. They therefore become ones who are ready to even rugged it out for Jesus. Peter therefore becomes a fellow who could cut off an ear for His Saviour (John 18:10). James and John also become those who could now seek to call fire on those who resist their Master (Lk.9:54). All these acts stem from having been first persuaded of Him. These men have been fully converted and persuaded of He that they have believed in and now follows. This is where God wants to bring many of you to. A place where no doubt has space in your mind; where you're totally given away and believe that person is who He says He is (just like God calls or reveals Him). 

Summarily, a physical miracle when wrought converts people. So, when they see Jesus does that, all doubt is cleared off. They see the supernatural side of Him other than Bible exposition and they believed. Miracles are to an intent. Even Jesus says unless these people see signs and wonders, they won't believe (John 4:48).  

Today, if you're there as a minister who has been waiting, hoping and thirsty of being ascended here, just raise your hands and receive this dimension. Whatsoever you turn will now turn. Water will begin to become wine in your hands and where needful, wine also will return to water. What you plant will be planted and whatsoever you pluck shall be plucked. You're given the mouth of Jeremiah the prophet and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Just pray for people and over situations and let people testify that when they tasted the water made wine, "it has become wine indeed" (John 2:8-10). No struggle. It's authority you're using. Go and manifest forth God's glory and turn people to believe in God, in you and your ministry. 

PRAYER: Lord, use me for the miraculous. My heart is right while I desire that people's impossible needs be met.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Saturday, 4 November 2023




IN CANA OF GALILEE - My Very First Day Series 004

John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

If you enquire from my audience and congregation, they'll tell you that often as pastor writes or composes, you'll see him mark his writing with the date, start time of writing and ending it. I do this for so many reasons. 

However, there's one more thing I do but which I only document in my book of revelation and receiving. Whenever God speaks to me or an event that's critical happens to me, I always document it down with the date, time and place of event. 

If I should ever give you my book of revelation, you'd be surprised to see many receivings with their places of receivings, time and date. Thank God for recording. It helps a lot. At times, you yourself might forget or partially lose accuracy but thank God for the invention of documentation. It is aiding humanity in that regard. 

Why record where events take place? It's critical to the event itself. The turning of water into wine didn't happen in Gaza, Tyre or Sidon. No, it happens in Cana of Galilee. The place of mercy where this holily event occurs is at a wedding - a function that any might believe a miracle ought not to be wrought. However, God chose that place for that very first miracle. For your witness to be complete and thorough, "where" must be settled. Many times when I write or speak, I usually mention specific places critical to my journey and the description I'm giving. That's to prove the worth of those events I'm narrating. If I were lying, somebody who was there at that time could confront and reveal same as a lie since they were co-witnesses. The Bible says, "this is the beginning of His miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee..."

There's always a place where people take off from. There's a place that each of us can reference in our journeys as the very beginning and start of the greatness people see us with today. For Samson, his day, experience and greatness began here. 

Judges 13:25, KJV

"And the Spirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol".

I pray for you that God will begin with you. May He rightly locate you where you are or where He might transplant you. You'll be where the atmosphere is right and the people are expectant. You'll be where the people are eager to hear. If not, you'll reap the testimony of Jesus that "and He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief" (Matt.13:54-58). You'll therefore be restrained by such unbelief and lack of acceptance in a place. However, may rightful location not suffer you. The Bible says, "he's like a tree planted by streams of water..." "By streams of water" speaks of a location or a place that aids such tree planted by the water stream. May you therefore be where your audience pines after your deliveries; where the ground is ready for the word to be sown; where rejection and unbelief are far from you. Yes, Jesus' audience pines to see His miracles in Cana of Galilee. First Jesus' mum, Mary motivated Jesus to doing something to their lack of wine. May you not lack encouragers and those who'll stir you to do the miraculous in this life. May you have the support of men just as you have of God. May you hear, "go, go" until you meet needs as sent by destiny. Apart from this, Mary told the servants standing to do whatsoever Jesus commands. All of them are therefore in expectation and anticipation of what Jesus would do. They had already received His ministry in their minds. This acceptance communicates a sense of being wanted and indeed this demand they placed on Jesus leads to the birthing of the first of His (public) miracle in Cana of Galilee. Look, may God give you people who will call things out of you. May you not have a congregation and a people that are as dead as the grave. May you rather have those who are waiting for what you'll tell them that they might obey. That's the atmosphere of miracles. You also as a minister will be able to see God in different dimensions and graciousness you've never known or seen Him before. Mary's word of trust in the capability of Jesus and the waiting of the servants on Him is therefore the first trigger for this Cana of Galilee miracle.

To God's glory, the recipient and holder of this first miracle of Jesus is Cana of Galilee. It happened no where else except in Cana of Galilee. Immediately, that place became popular. Some of you would start from somewhere. That place would be your Cana of Galilee. It's there you'll launch from and if you ever tell your story, you'd referenced it. There's always the place. It's always a specific place. There's always a place that beckons you to come to start in it. Others like Jesus' hometown would just be stiff and tightly closed to you but your Cana of Galilee will want you to turn water to wine. They'll instruct themselves concerning you that whatsoever you command should be done. They'll just be self taught. Herein, you know that you're at your Rehoboth where the right season meets with opportunities. I pray for you, you'll locate where you can start that company that would become a world phenomenon from. What will go round or does go round eventually started somewhere. There is always a place and may your place (when situated) not hinder you. May it not be a place that will murder your dreams, clip your wings and tie your feet. 

PRAYER: Lord, keep my feet, sight and desires from places where the works of my hands won't be floral. Rather, set my eyes like a flint rock, direct my path to the place where men would ask of me a miracle (in what I can do and delight doing).

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 10:1-11:25; Hebrews 6:1-20; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 27:1-2

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Friday, 3 November 2023




THIS BEGINNING OF MIRACLES: Understanding Your First - My Very First Day Series 003

John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

What do you understand by, "this beginning of miracles...?" 

What do you think that expression means if it were to be rewritten in other words? It would have been, "this is the first of His miracles..."

It would have mean, "this is the first of His miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee and He manifested His glory and His disciples believed in Him". 

That, "it is the beginning of His miracles" therefore means it didn't end there. As all of us know and would testify, Jesus still does much miracles after this one. But this carries the label, "His first". From there, we learnt a lesson that anything that's first in your life should be acknowledged, marked and recorded. You must not let it go unrecognized. It is not easy to come to experience the first of anything. It usually takes time before such event appears. Imagine when you first observe you're now a man or a woman. That was at puberty when you begin to see some changes in your body or passion. That's when the guys see semen, have deep voice etc and when your body even as a female changes to begin to grow into that of adult women you know. What a thing that a girl now sees menstration come. This is what she has not experienced before. It should be marked. Tangibility and recognition should be attached to it. It's her first and it'll one day testify to her "motherhood". 

Now, I was saying that being their first does not means the end of that experience. The first day a boy saw semen ejaculated and a girl, blood for menstration is not the end of those experiences. Rather, it marks the beginning of those consistent experiences. 

I'm hearing my Father. My Father and Lord is near. The anointing is heavy on me. The garment is worn me now. What I'm hearing is that, "you have started and you shall go on until you reach the climax of that experience. You won't die young. You won't get cut short in the midst of your days. This experience of witnessing a change of level and being transcended has started but it will not stop". Jesus started in Cana of Galilee where His first miracle was wrought at a wedding. Water was turned to wine but that wasn't His last. The Bible calls it, "this beginning His miracles." I'm hearing, "there are many more after this".

Look at me brethren! What you have seen or what has began to happen to you is just the beginning of the experiences you'll still see and behold. Jesus would still see the dead raised in His ministry but He began with the turning of water into wine. It began with the event in Cana of Galilee. Today, yours will start and from there will flow ceaselessly ever until you reach your old age and fulfill, "and they shall bear fruits in their old age" (Psalm 92:14). Some of you who have founded something by inspiration and calling on you, you'll see that thing grow and go on to become a world- wide phenomenon. It's not staying here only. It's going there - getting throughout the places and reaching its height in its day and time. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me experience grace, move in the Holy Ghost, utterance and all divine abilities and aids ceaselessly. I go on to fulfill my calling. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 3:16-6:14; Hebrews 4:1-16; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 26:27

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Thursday, 2 November 2023





John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

It has to be recorded. It cannot be taken for granted. It should not be taken for granted. The beginning of anything a man does is landmark and historic in his life. So, it should be marked and archived. 

The Bible records that, "this is the beginning of His miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee..." It had to be taken note of. There are so many reasons for that. One is the fact that such has never happened through him (publicly) and in His ministry before. It is therefore his starting point - very baffling and full of awe when seen. On that note, all attention and spot light was turned to that. So, it had to be marked as, "His first miracle which He did in Cana of Galilee..." First things are always very precious in our sights. 

This is not different from the recording our parents keep on the day their children made their first step or first articulate words (and not babble). It becomes more exhilarating when the first utterance of such child is "baba" or "mama". It's a moment not to forget. It's a thing to always remember and pen down for that child so that he or she might know the first day or designated time he performed the miracle of speaking [which will now be carried into adulthood to remain forever in his life]. 

Great moments that should be marked and recorded by any parent includes birth day, first speech, first step, first schooling day, first award/prize giving day amongst others. All these should be documented and kept secured that they might be handed over to their kids when they reached adulthood. You'll see that they'll treasure and respect it as the beginning of a special day in their lives. No one takes that day for granted. Irrespective of what He finally turns or becomes, he keeps recalling that day as the beginning of it all. 

I'll never forget the first day I was taken to school. I'm trying to remember faintly even as I was also told. Also, I remembered the day I packed and left home for the University. Mama (my mother) saw me to the bus stop and we both cried as I left for campus. That was the beginning of my miracles and all the great things I'll become on campus and later off campus. On campus, that day began my being president of various religious bodies and my excelling academic life there. Off campus, that day started my becoming a minister (which you know his repute now) and then a great educator also. Imagine. If that day had not happened; if that first step to campus was never taken, would I have been reputed to have been a minister and a great educator today? No! Everything all starts with that first step. That first step is the beginning of your miracles. That you take it (first of all) and then continues in it is what will make you what you should be. However, your destination begins with that first original step. It's always to be anticipated, remembered (after it had happened) and then cherished in thanksgiving to God when remembered. 

Also, it was recorded in order to register a witness to heaven and to earth about Jesus and His ministry. That's also to silence anyone who might want to debate Jesus as a minister who just springs up without foundation or trace of something that has its foundation in time long ago. Those who know the beginning of Jesus miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee can't but take such on and point to him that they were witnesses of it and how it testifies of Him as the Messiah and Lord. That's why that place says, "this He did and He shows off His glory and his disciples believed on him".  Brethren, I'm not joking. Olusola ADEJUMO is my name. The Lord calls me and then anointed my head with oil (the Holy Spirit). I am raised to proclaim and declare. What I say is "so be it" because they're the very mind and declarations of God. I therefore declare that today is your beginning of miracles. As it'll be special to what God wants you to do and be, "do miracles". You'll be reputed for glory and you'll stay in it. I cause a change in your family life, situation and affairs. Let abundance take over from scarcity while scarcity gives way to your being a blessing to others. God has spoken. He who will reverse it does not exist.

PRAYER: Lord, make today a drastic turning point on things that I've made prayer points till now.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 3:16-6:14; Hebrews 4:1-16; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 26:27

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Wednesday, 1 November 2023




THE BEGINNING OF MIRACLES - My Very First Day Series 001

John 2:11, KJV

"This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him".

Brethren, it's a day good starts in a man's life. Anything that goes on repeating and replicating itself in any man's life (good or evil) always has a commencement date. You might have known one level of good and not be transcended into another. However, the good news is that you can know the next level of joy, ministry and purpose fulfilment that's next. 

Jesus has started ministry. The disciples assuredly know Him for His teachings and so praise Him for being a teacher. However, that's not all. We can always go on. We can always proceed unto the more excellent things in what we do. Just one day, a day that no one would have suspected would have been that D-Day (because it was at a social function), Jesus however does His first miracle and then it became recorded to have been done in Cana of Galilee. 

The Bible says, "and this is the first of His miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee..." His first miracle. Imagine! The beginning of his greater things. His being transcended and transported into a greater ministry other than He or anyone had known. Anyway, we may vindicate this as His first public miracle yet we should still take cognizance that the Bible vindicated it as the first of His miracles. 

Do you know that even Jesus didn't start doing miracles the first day He started ministry? Physical miracles if you ask? He's the Miraculous and I'm not saying He lacked the capability to wrought miracles until when He did. However, a thing is being shown us about progress, growth and timing. There's time for everything (Eccl. 3). That's why the Bible says, "and this is the first of His miracles..." That testimony didn't come until a certain time in His life, walk and ministry. He came to a point where He did His first miracle and how would Jesus have felt? Very good. If you had put a mic in His mouth, Jesus would have spoken good things and testify really big. The joy Jesus have here is not different from the joy a couple have when they birth their first child. That joy is exhilarating and fulfilling. 

"And this is the first of His miracles which He did in Cana of Galilee..."

Your new phase will come now. You'll be promoted and ascended into your next level. Receive your open door. Receive your come here hither. Enter into what is next, operate in what is next and stay in what is next. There's always a day, a day that marks the beginning of a day to celebrate or a thing to celebrate. Your day is here. This is the beginning of your miraculous days. From today that the flood gate has been opened, you'll begin to experience the unsual. You'll have the testimony of receiving God's visitation and then tarrying in that visitation. It'll be the beginning of your miracles, new days and experiences. It'll become marked that today, 1st of November is the beginning of something good but which you've never experienced before. Write it down. 

PRAYER: Lord, Jesus had His day wherein it was stated, "and this beginning of His miracles." Let mine start now.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 1:1-3:15; Hebrews 3:1-19; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 26:24-26

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HE EVEN CALLS TODAY - What Is Purpose Series 007?

Mark 1:16-18, KJV

"16 Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.18 And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him".  

Yesterday, we saw how God called Matthew the revenue collector away from the revenue office into ministry. God do call professionals. It doesn't matter what they do or who they are. He doesn't discriminate. Rather, He uses men from all walks of life. He has intention for all men. However, something else could keep them busy until the calling that has predated them is revealed. 

In today's reading, Jesus called some pairs of people. He first called Simon, also known as Peter and Andrew his brother. Later, He calls James and John. The Bible records that these four are fishers. These are professionals whose lives till then have been built on how much they can catch and how much they can sell. They have gained mastery of the water and nothing frets them of that practice. However, Jesus calls them. He told them to follow Him and then issues out a promise of who they'll be on that journey. 

"Follow me and I'll make you fishers of men". 

God has an intent for coming to collect anybody He marks for use. Before He came, you were busy doing something. For Simon and Andrew, they were busy casting a net into the sea. They were really occupied. These are no idle hands at all. So, it won't be such people that'll be harvested into nothingness. They must be put to work and led the brighter path that awaits them. Indeed, the destiny that awaits them far outweighs the one they've been labouring in for years. There's a big difference between been a fisher of  fishes and being a fisher of men. It is damnable for any man to lose his soul (Matt.16:26). The most precious of all God's creatures is the man (Psalm 8:4-9). God is very mindful of him. That's why the Son came into the world to die for his sins (John 3:16). As such, this is a call away into a better pursuit - of harvesting the most precious of God's creatures. 

You may be there, like these two brothers - occupied with casting your net into the sea. But, what if the Master has need of you? Will the testimony over you be, they left their net right away and followed Him? I hope so. Don't miss this call. It's what others look for but which has not been extended to them. No man takes the honour of being called unto Himself. 

Hebrews 5:4, KJV

"And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron".

The other called people that we shall examine today are some other two brothers as well. 

Mark 1:19-20, KJV

"19 And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets. 20 And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him".

This one is even more graphic. When Jesus called this two, they were with their father in the ship mending their nets. These two immediately at being called like the first also left their nets, the hired servants and then their father. That's a bigger sacrifice in obeying the call. 

However, it should interest that God doesn't call people into nothingness. God speaks to us when He makes Abraham our example and tells us to look at him that we might derive one comfort or the other from him when called.

Isaiah 51:1-2, KJV

"1Hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the LORD: look unto the rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged. 2 Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you: for I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased him". 

This is the beauty that awaits you. If these brethren had tarried in their fishing business, they would have done so until they died. Their lives and works wouldn't have continued to echo after them. However, the calling magnifies a man. It makes him larger and bigger than who he is naturally. It not only gives him purpose to focus and fund but also gives him reward here on earth and thereafter. 

Are you there and you're thinking it's not your kind that God calls? If you've been developing burden for ministry and God's things, it might be that God is speaking to you. If you've tarried long in a godly atmosphere, your calling to ministry and its things might pop up from there also. What matters is to give obedience once we ascertain it is the Lord who calls us. Till Jesus comes for these brothers, none of them went away. That's because there's a voice that you must hear that's not like any other voice. If you're destined and called into a vocation or way of life, by the time the relatedness of that call comes, you'll notably identify it. It is always, "my sheep hear my voice and they follow me" (John 10:27). I pray for you that you'll be rightly situated in your calling. Any sort of labour at which you have tarried till now that you should be collected from for your greater good and the doing of God's pleasure shall not go in vain. I pray that you shall be harvested and that early. I pray that you won't block your ears to the call. Many are called but few are always chosen. That's not because God didn't have plans for others. He does but He has left every man to make choice of whether to follow or not. You won't miss your batch. Simon, Andrew, James and John are all a batch called into their calling. May you not miss your batch. The regret of many that miss their batches and their call is to see those with whom they were called at the same time later in their greatness and sigh in heavy regret that they wished they had followed also. May you follow and that immediately. May you have counted the cost before the eventual arrival of your Saviour and Creator calling you away into the very and proper ground you should till. That way, you'll be like a man who's been weaned and who has nothing to lose. It'll be as soon as you hear Him, you obey Him. You won't have to troubleshoot the call because it's actually what you've been waiting for. It's appearance would only be your confirmation. 

PRAYER: Lord, I shall not grieve your call. I receive grace to follow and be made.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 1:1-2:22; Philemon 1:1-25; Psalm 101:1-8; Proverbs 26:20

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