Tuesday 29 August 2023





Luke 11:24, KJV

"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out". 

There are those seeking expression. It's a category of people. I pray for such set, may you find expression. May the burden in your heart, the expression that has filled your inside and the calling that's inditing you all come out in beautiful colours. 

It's a blessing when you're not denied expression. Until then, there's a dissatisfaction and discomfort that you'll bear for having not found a place, platform or means of spewing out the burden written all over you. The truth is that you're the only one who feels the way you're feeling. You can describe your feeling to people probably they might see from your perspective and be instrumental in your finding expression. But often times, they just can't relate. They just can't understand. 

I pray for you that when a burden is high in your soul so much more that it grips your entire being and its fibre, may God gives you an outlet of expression even in the gift of men that could be instrumental to that. If you're denied, you'll be like Jeremiah who experiences discomfort inside of him because he couldn't hold or endure the burden tarrying again in him. He confesses that God's word (unspoken and unexpressed) is like burning fire in his bones.

Jeremiah 20:9, KJV

"Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay".

So, he now wants to speak though he's been holding it down since. You know what that alludes to? It's causing him discomfort and putting him in unease. He's dissatisfied and unfulfilled that he has not spoken. Because it is therefore urgent, important and very hot that he speaks, he needs an outlet of expression. So, he can no longer forbear or withhold it. May you get here where you'll take permission of authority who has oversight over you to let you go. Benson Idahosa never completed his Bible School Education in Gordon Lindsay's Seminary. When the burden for Africa was driving him strongly, he requested to leave and so they had to organize a private consecration service for him. That's because his appointed time has come. We're all witnesses to how much he was used by God.  

One time and over a period that lasted more than a year, I kept sending messages and speaking with those I believed could be aids to my having an outlet. That time, I sent an elder a text message. I told him that I can't wait any longer and that I wanted to start a church. I told him, I needed a body to indwell, a house to occupy and express myself through. This same message or content alike was sent to two elders (fathers of faith) and two friends or colleagues in the journey of faith so that all hands might be on deck and so that I might bring forth my burden (pregnancy). 

The truth is this, where God wants you to be and what He wants you to do above others will appeal to you the most and when the time for it nears or has neared, it would grip you and become the most consistent and incessant thing coming to your mind. I don't know whether anyone doubted my starting a church but I know that if any did, they would have doubted likewise if I had told them I wanted to start a ministry in 2016 (though I've been in ministry and calling before then). When I started ministry, I did only at God's instruction. I didn't even confer or consult with anyone. I just followed the prompting that came persistently. Today, Morning Wings Ministry has touched nations. The devotional has gone to places I have not even been. These are results that we couldn't have unless we commence first of all. 

As I was saying, why did I tell those people to begin to help me scout for a considerable venue that we could occupy and kick-start a church from? It's because a burden was driving that act in me. Something was calling me out to the more gracious and anointed things God wanted me to take. So, I was not comfortable at that moment. If I turned here in prayer, thought or study, what faced me was on starting a church and doing so then! I was so surrounded that I had to send those messages repeatedly to them to be on the watch for me and so that they might confirm some things for me. I was seeking a body, a house and a platform not for vain glory but because it was a call coming from a burden that stems from my calling. God wants to reveal what's next and so I was moving in that same direction. Look at me, God will soak you up with the thought of what's next. Just be obedient, risk it and follow the prompt. As long as you can prove He who has spoken to you, you'll have a level of confidence to start. As long as you can witness that those thoughts are not self originating thoughts from you but the Holy Spirit, it'll work. The passage for today talks of demons seeking rest after going through dry places. It's not only demons who seek rest. The human spirit does as well. And as far as God is concerned, your real you is your spirit. So, if your spirit is gasping for the fulfilment of your calling, the thoughts that may beset your own mind may be getting a scholarship and funding to study abroad. It would appeal to you so well that you would give diligence in that aspect. What next to do would just appear to you and even though the road is rigorous or its difficult to secure one, you wouldn't see it as an impossibility until you by attention secure one. Many there be gasping for fulfilment, asking for satiation and seeking expression, may God gives you an outlet. Until then, even if the burden lifts for awhile, it'll come back beseiging and besetting your mind towards action. You'll lose your peace until you pursue that next call to seek a body or a platform for the expression of what you're seeing and perceiving. I pray for you, may you have an entry. May the door open unto you. May you find a place or a platform that would afford you the opportunity to do all that's in your mind as put there by God. No evil spirit could maneuver or sway any human critically unless he inhabits him first of all. That's why demons always seek the human body to occupy. That gives them their highest fulfilment. A man who's demonically inhabited and ruled will destroy much good and could be turned here and there easily by that evil spirit. That's why they don't stop until they have gotten a human host. Their acts of wickedness is revealed maximally through their hosts. They so much desire a house that they can take time to go back to see if there's still space in their former house from which they were dispelled. I pray for you, you'll be given an outlet for expression. Demons seek houses for their expressions of wickedness without which they're curtailed in action. I pray for you that those divine burdens won't perish in/with you. It won't dissipate and evaporate to nothingness inside you. A body, platform or  means of dispensing it all shall be availed you. 

PRAYER: Meet my heart cry. Open me a door, offer me an entry, give me a body and opportunity to express the burden in me. I know what's next practically and I do it.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 31:1-33:33; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9

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Monday 28 August 2023





Ecclesiastes 1:4, KJV 

"One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever".

You really need to have a heart of wisdom. Not because of any other thing but the words written above. One generation passes away and another generation comes. It means you won't always be here. The generation that'll pass will be the one that currently occupies the earth. We call them the living. You may be happy you're part of the living and on a planet where acts could be lived out. The essence is not to be happy and roam around but rather engage that mist opportunity of being here now. The generation that comes are the unborn. Once you are a living spirit on the earth, the question you should be asking yourself is when you'll go back. You're not part of the spirits just coming (with maximum time at hand) but part of the spirits seeking to return one day. On this note, we ought cultivate a heart of wisdom and make this our one life count. 

People are produced in batches and they as well leave in batches. We all have our generation. We always come and go enmasse. It is always "one generation comes" and another "generation goes". Reading that chapter further tells us somethings about the natural elements and how it fulfill the years of those on earth, thereby culminating in their eventual departure off the earth. The sun first of all. 

Ecclesiastes 1:5, KJV

"The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose".

Did you read that? The sun rising is a typology of a man being born. At birth, you're just rising. You still have much of the natural years ahead you to spend. But as the sun arises, it does what? It hastens to where it comes. As a matter of fact, the intent of the sun is to go back to where it comes from. Don't be deceived by the little hours it takes out to shine and get accolades. Its face is set towards its passageway and that describes our journey. Naturally, it's the dawning and closing of the day that fulfills our years on earth. As one day breaks and closes, we age whether we like it or not and one day, we might find out that returning is near. What you must observe is that the only period you have for righteous/purposeful activity is the time within when you rose and the time you'll set! The sun always rises and sets. The sun's only shining time is the moment between the time frames when it rises and when it sets. That's why one generation comes and another generation goes. The circuit keeps going.

The second natural element with which to understand the ephemeralness of life on earth is the wind. 

Ecclesiastes 1:6, KJV

"The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits".

You read the going of the wind to the South and its turning to the North. That exemplifies human life. How at arrival he dashes here and there on earth seeking to live its days. However, what happens after this going here and there, amassing the earth's goods, satiating the longing or purpose in one's heart? The wind is said to return again according to its circuit. That it has a circuit means there's a lined up plan or natural law that it can't break but fulfill. It must always follow. Its 2 + 2 equals 4 always. Just like the wind parades the atmosphere to the South and to the North and then whirls about continually for awhile (still enjoying life or breath if translated human), so are we left with only some time to engage life and answer the calling on us. Other than the time the wind goes to the South, turns to the North and then whirls about continually (moment of human existence) before it returns according to its circuit, there's no other time given to man for life activity. Your works after death have no rewards or consequences. 

The Bible says David serves the will of God in his generation and then was buried with his fathers (Acts 13:36). No matter how much you desire to stay, you can't but return according to your circuit like the wind. God is re-emphasizing it to you, the only time you have is the one given your wind to whirl about before you return after your circuit. That been said, irrelevant living should be katergeo (cut off) from your life. You should only live for purpose. You should be single in focus and refuse to be shifted or diverted. If you've lived any years in sin and under Satan, you should let it suffice today. You should come to Christ, receive Him, find your purpose and live it even if yours is not to become a minister (called into the five fold offices). 

Just like the sun that rises, shines for awhile and hastens to its place, so is man. Just like the wind that goes to the South, takes time out to turn to the North (fulfilling all its intention of creation) and whirling about for awhile (having fun or living its ordained life, trying to stay here and in a continuous act) but which finally fulfills its circuit, so is man. Man shall one day go to his long home (Eccl.12:5). Note the word "long". Observe the fact that the sun also hastens to set as soon as it rises up. Observe that the wind returns after its circuit as soon as it launches. Nothing is static. Everything is in a state of an intentionally programmed and continuous flux and instability. It is not built to last. Life on earth isn't everlasting. We shall pass and it'll be fulfilled that one generation goes and another comes but the earth abides forever. Since the earth shall be after us, we can leave our marks on it and also live to amass treasures where it utmostly matters (Matt.6:20). 

PRAYER: Lord, I commit my life anew to my revealed purpose. [For unbelievers (Lord Jesus, I come as a sinner to receive Your forgiveness. Hallelujah, I'm born again!)]

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 28:1-30:31; 2 Corinthians 2:12-17; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 22:7

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Sunday 27 August 2023





Numbers 21:33-34, KJV

"33 And they turned and went up by the way of Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan went out against them, he, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei. 34 And the LORD said unto Moses, Fear him not: for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon".

In the journey of the children of Israel to possessing Canaan, they come against many nations or tribes that resist them. One of them is Og, the King of Bashan. As soon as he sights them, he went to battle with them with all his people. Nothing is to be taken for granted and he's not sparing any of his potent weapon. He didn't make pact neither does he ask for negotiation. He rather comes with a boldness and belief of he who will vanguish Israel. Indeed, he might have been terrifying because God had to strengthen Moses not to be afraid of him. 

The journey of the children of Israel is a portrayal of the Christian's journey to his or her Promised Land. God says his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil, to give us a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). If it be, then God is at work in us and for us to bring us unto a land and destination that in the true sense of it flows with milk and honey. However, we may encounter one challenge or the other. There may be roadblocks and mountains that we may need to surmount. It may even be an examination that must be passed, a habit that must be broken or cultivated to standard and with rigour etc. However, God with us gives us hope of victory. 

You see, what I want to hear is that God is with me. When God is with you, what is against you becomes prey because He who is with you will be against it. Your battle therefore becomes His battle. God told Moses from the indices He has gathered of him and probably the congregation being afraid not to be afraid of Og because He has solely given him, his people and even his land into his hands. Don't you like that? Don't you like God tell you your greatest fear has been given to you in victory? Yet, before you go in for an attempt! When you walk with God and indeed have Him at your right hand side, you won't be shaken. Shaking can come but He will strengthen you for victory with His words. There's no time that assurance, reassurance and affirmation are important if not when there's a shaking and an uprooting is targeted at you by the devil. Moses is shaken but God allays his fear not to be afraid of Og, because He has given him into his hand already [I want that! Smiles].

The first problem all of us has is seeing by sight and not by faith. If we are this sense ruled, we'll be scared many times and confused. Moses must have seen something scary. He not only sees but believes in it as potent and superior enough. If you know your opponent can't even scratch you let alone harm you, you wouldn't develop a position of inferiority towards him but this is not the case with Moses. So, God had to say to him, "fear him not!" That's your first instruction - fear him not! It may be an exam that you've repeatedly failed or an attempt that looks scary. God is saying, "fear it not!" Not fearing always positions you for the absorbing and right mindedness of what next to do. Fear dispels faith and it'll go contagious affecting your team, family and leadership while toppling their high spirits. That reminds me of David's word. He says unto Saul and the congregation. "Let no man's heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight this Philistine" (I Sam. 17:32). You wouldn't have had such comment if people's hearts were not skipping for the sake of Goliath. That he speaks even looks like a thunder to them. Everybody flees from him. But the first law is, "let no man's heart fail because of him". Are you afraid at how to feed or have sponsorship for a project? Are you afraid of safe delivery? One can fear until his heart fails, becomes hypertensive or have heart attack but the instruction is, "to put your mind at rest" because God fights your battle and is at hand for you. He's working things out for your sake. Just for your sake. He's finding a path for you. Just for you.  

Then, God told Moses, "for I have delivered him into your hand". Shout hallelujah! This is how all the things you fear shall be given to you. When a thing is delivered into your hand, you exercise little effort in possessing it because you have it already. It rather comes to you like that. That thing itself might not understand how but it sure must submit to you just like that. Imagine, before the attempt, Moses had the assurance and went in the assurance. Look, this is why you're a son or daughter in the Father's house. A son is privy to what the Father does even before it is executed. Imagine that privileged information that Moses would subdue his fear. As mighty Og of Bashan and his people are or might have looked, God has given them up to Moses. Moses will have a mastery over them. They are his to take and that's because God is willing it so. Today, anything that threatens you, makes you feel insecure, inadequate and not enough are delivered to you. Your eyes shall open to your superior position and you shall wage a good warfare from such understanding. Look, you're a winner. Don't cower at life and its events. Go face it headlong with the words and assurance of faith. Before the battle, we already have the results and it's that you won!

PRAYER: Lord, give me a mind shift: from the position of fear to faith. Make my mountain strong and my victory shall follow suite. I have delivered to me all my fears and I squash them all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

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Exodus 1:16, KJV

"And he said, when ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live".

Pharaoh is clear as to when the midwives should come in in murdering the male children of the Hebrew women. It is when they are on the birth stools. The next question could then be, "why when they are on the birth stools" or "the birth stools to what end". Pharaoh wants their children to be killed by stealth. What would be blamed on some other complications of birth. "When on the birth stool" also hints at their delivery and a time when the physical baby could be done any type of harm. 

When a woman is on the birth stool, it is her time to push and deliver. At that time, she is giving all effort to ensure that her baby is birthed. So, while on the stool immediately brings you to the place of a dream or vision soon to be realized but which the dreamer is seeking body of manifestation for. Any human being who's on the birth stool is one who's near delivery and is seeking an outlet for the manifestation of his dreams or vision. While on the birth stool, a woman in anguish and labour cries and pushes to have birthed the baby. When you're also on the birth stool, you're just at the edge of delivering your dream. Things have worked for you until the time to publish that book, record that single, go for that higher education, found that system comes and becomes now! At this edge of delivery, may no spirit or human be appointed to frustrate your dream. Pharaoh is just full of wisdom. He knows when to target in ensuring the effort of those Hebrew mothers is in vain. He told the midwives, "when you see them on the stool". That is, when they're in labour and are ready to deliver. Just ensure at that point, you kill the baby as it's being delivered. In other words, you don't have to come in at any other time until then when all their efforts for those nine months or those years (of nursing their dreams) could be all wasted together. This is the spirit that terminates people's dream at just a step to success and celebration. 

We have two options on us. To terminate people's dreams and frustrate their visions at the very edge of fulfilment and breakthrough or to bring in all our energy to help them find fulfilment at such times. What time is best for a midwife to give her help to a pregnant woman if not that very time when she's in labour and at the edge of delivery? That's when she needs assistance to deliver rightly but may it not be that it's when we see youths and adults who are at the edge of their breakthrough we'll organize restrictions and mobilize resources to hinder them. What would be your gain? What would you say was your profit? The fact that as somebody was giving all the attention to change levels you were the one Satan finds to pull him down? Would that be your testimony? 

I pray for somebody there, every abortive spirit of dreams and visions that has found no other juncture and time to await you but at delivery time shall be terminated and hindered themselves in Jesus' name. Any power or system that seeks to carry your child as soon as its delivered shall be strangled in turn for you in Jesus' name. Rather, if you're there with the mind and energy to manifest and give birth to the dreams and visions with which you've been pregnant for years, the Lord will send you assistance right in time and at that same juncture of need when you need help (of good midwives) for delivery. The Bible says, "God is our very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). It means at the bus stop where the Pharaoh spirit of destruction has fixed the destruction of your dreams, help shall locate you right away. It is this help that will carry you over and above whatsoever Satan might have planned to do through frustrators to your dreams and plans. Receive such testimony now in Jesus' name.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive your immediately immediately aid at the point of manifestation.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 1:1-3:26, I Cor.14:1-17, Psalm 37:12-29; Prov.21:25-26

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Tuesday 22 August 2023





Exodus 1:16, KJV

"And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live".

Do you want to find yourself in a situation as a pregnant woman where you are on the birth stool but you know that death sentence awaits your child? No one will be happy with that. Not a mother. Not any mother! It is not easy to have borne for nine months a child and lose him. It is more unfortunate when it is not lost but someone (a trusted and entrusted hand who should assist in proper delivery) seeks him to kill. Such is the errand of death Pharaoh of Egypt gave to the midwives of the Hebrews. He told them, when you see the Hebrew women on the birth stools, if it's a girl, spare her but if it's a boy, kill him. Everything that's precious in God's sight is always aimed at by Satan for destruction.

Imagine a child having a sentence of death over him even from birth. That's the case with a number of children that were born at that period. However, thank God that the Hebrew women always bring forth before the midwives come. They're said not to be like the Egyptians. Since they've been put to work enough, they're rigorous having exercised bodies and so gives birth easily. Thank God for that. 

However, the incident here portrays some real life incidents. It is not every time a pregnant woman delivers by herself. On many occasions, they always need the service of a midwife. A midwife therefore becomes a delivery taker, aid and assistance in bringing forth what they've always carried. She helps in the safe delivery of the baby to this earth. Take her for a mentor or your destiny helper in this context. Many times, you'll see those who have been pregnant with a vision, ideas and conceptualization yearn for delivery. They might have been in that form for years. However, they may be seeking for outlet where what they have inside of them could be given birth to. It is a blessing when God sends you fearful midwives (helpers of destiny) who will have no ulterior motive but rather to see that your vision is safely born. 

In this world, you'll meet many midwives. Some don't want a new vision to be birthed. What they hunt down are precious destinies. May you not first of all fall into their hands. My prayer for you today is that when your delivery time nears, God will solely send to you or send you to someone who is under heaven's supremacy and has the fear of God not to tamper with your pregnancy. In our world, those who have been there don't want competition. They don't want another to come and make them feel insecure. You rarely would see somebody who will appreciate your ingenuity when you reflect one. People rather are pushed to the edge and begin to fret wondering if they won't lose their position. That's the kind of insecurity this Pharaoh who demanded all the male child to be killed was in. He could go to any length to see that your destiny mandate is not delivered. 

But would it be kind in God's eyes that the pregnancy of nine months isn't delivered? Would it be precious in God's eyes that the incubation of the vision you've done for years is not fulfilled? That's why God is very much concerned with your delivery time. I know the visions that are in my mind. They await years to come. I've been incubating and carrying some for more than ten years now. Would it now be kind if at delivery time there's a contest with its fulfilment? No! What about all that has went into seeking its fulfilment and grooming it ready for delivery? Should they be all wasted? No! On this note, God is committed to ensuring that He sends to you mentors, teachers and people who'll jealously watch over your life, destiny and ensure a proper birth. They are not of those who have ulterior motives. Their motive is clear that a student could become perfect like his teacher and that a disciple could do greater works than his master. Those are the people God is giving you. Did the Bible not says, "I will give them teachers after my own heart who will feed them with Knowledge and understanding (Jer.3:15). That's what you're receiving. Aids, help and all assistance even from the end of the earth that could help you in becoming who you should be, birthing what you've nursed and carried for long in your heart. Yours won't be a still birth. Your baby won't die. You'll fulfill your dreams. Your heart's intents will come to pass. So shall it be. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, give me the right atmosphere and people to assist in the birth of my dreams and visions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 1:1-3:26; 1 Corinthians 14:1-17; Psalm 37:12-29; Proverbs 21:25-26

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Monday 21 August 2023





READ Jonah 1

Psalms 139:5, KJV

"Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me".

You should know the Lord as ever present. His ever presence everywhere makes it impossible for any of us to escape Him. That Psalm says," Thou [God] has beset me behind and before..."

To beset behind and before means nothing than to encompass or surround. What is surrounded paints the picture of what can't escape but that's already taken. "Beset" itself means to hem in or surround. Now that it is both besetting before and behind, it means there's no place for any [who seeks escape or independence] from God could go. 

Today, God is addressing those with calls but who like Jonah are on the run. God is seeking to tell you that He God has hem you in. It means you're really surrounded and can't escape. Irrespective of what you do or think, you're just still in God's garden. If you want, travel abroad in the bid to escape your call and you shall see its futility.

The latter part of that statement says, "and laid Thy hand upon me". God's hand is on you. On you means He has placed a demand over you. On you means He'll need you for a purpose and earlier, He has collected you for Himself and for same purpose. By laying His hand on you, He has come to identify with you. It's not different from putting a mark on you so much more that wherever you go, you'll be identified for a particular intent that cannot be debated or mutilated. 

"I have laid my hand on you" should also be comfort to many people. God's hand on you suggests His presence, His abiding presence ever being with you. This is what any man or woman of the calling enjoys. While God's hand on you claims you for God irrespective of where you run to or seek to go, it is what also brings God's power and commitment through you to people. 

In verse seven, it becomes clear that the intent of this Psalm is on the inability of humans fleeing from God. 

Psalms 139:7, KJV

"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?"

Did you read that? Always ask yourself, where shall I go from God's Spirit and where shall I flee to from His presence? If you ask Jonah, he sure has a lot to say on that. Knowing this, it'll be very foolish of any of us not wanting to deliver the errand of God. The command to Jonah was, "rise, go to Nineveh and preach against its wickedness". However, Jonah boards a ship and goes to Tarshish. You know what happens next. That tells you that you have no place of refuge from the Lord. You just can't escape Him. There are some of you there this morning that the Lord has marked as vessels for Himself. He called you all to Himself. And those of you that He doesn't give a specific founding call to [especially of the five fold offices], He as well has assigned that you'll be attached to those founding callings. As a matter of fact, God has planned that some women would marry ministers of God. You may be there seeking to escape that plan and the fact that God has surrounded you about and laid His hand on you. However, you can't escape. Jonah did his best to escape from God's presence but he meets God every inch of the way. God is where you are going. The truth is this, if God has laid His hand on you, it means He has interest in you and would like to use you. On that note, you can't even marry just anyone. So, if your wife to be is refusing to heed her call, God who has laid His hand on her (to fit into your calling and be your helpmeet) is faithful enough to encompass her and bring her to her knees. 

The Bible says, "before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations (Jeremiah 1:5, KJV). God is not just laying His hand on you or setting His mark on you for nothing's sake or just recently. No! He had done that earlier and according to the times specified in that verse above. So, it'll be futile agitating for your will now. He has taken interest in you long before, marked you and separated you for Himself. There's no where you can go from His presence now. While you were a baby, He made you hope on your mother's knees that it might come to pass that you're set apart for Him and for His use. As you were in school, He watches over you till now. Now is not the time to deny Him. Now is the time to heed the ancient call that has been on you. Now is the time to go on the errand of destiny and let it be known that He who He called, He justifies to glorify. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to your will in every conceivable way. Do with me as you've always intended. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 1:1-3:26; 1 Corinthians 14:1-17; Psalm 37:12-29; Proverbs 21:25-26

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Sunday 20 August 2023





Read Exodus 2:15-21

Exodus 2:21, KJV

"And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter".

God uses contentment to rest us. Did you get that at all? Moses is on the run for his life from Pharaoh who seek to kill him for the despicable offence he was discovered to have committed. Now in a foreign land, Moses shows generosity to the seven daughters of Reul, the Midian Priest by defending them against the shepherds and helping them to draw water. Reul observing his daughters were quickened than usual enquired the cause only to discover that a stranger had helped them. On this note, Moses was invited for a meet and refreshment but conclusively with a note that he was contented to dwell with Reul, the Midian Priest [otherwise known as Jethro].

That verse reveals that a kind of proposal must have been made Moses which he sees fit to agree to. If one was not formally made him, he must have decided from his observations of Reul and family that he's a worthy man to abide with. One way or the other, Moses gathered his convictions from a solid base of what he's assured of. That's why I said earlier that God uses contentment to rest us. If you haven't gotten where you would love to stay; find who you would love to be associated with or discover your calling in life, you can never be stayed. Irrespective of the deal or offer made you, you'll not be contented to stay or abide. Even if it were glamorous but does not still fit your yearning and envisaging, you'll probably continue on a search. I see that happen often in the work place. In order to hold body and soul together, some might take an employment offer [in what they least like] but with continuous pursuit of their life's task until it is made. However, contentment in each person's heart is the gauge and what distinguishes us from each other. First of all, all of us are not destined to meet the same needs. Due to this, we are not made for the same trade, vocation or profession. We're placed in different offices or callings therefore. It means while one is vying to becoming a policeman and could give anything for it, one would be vying to become a teacher. No matter your persuasion of each of these people, they'll never switch dreams or pursuit and the reason will be because they're contented to abide in their callings and do only the passion in their individual soul. If one has fulfilled being a teacher and the other still seeks to become a policeman, the latter will continue to give diligence to become that policeman because he'll have no contentment of heart until he has fulfilled it and he's also in his calling. Look at these two brothers. 

Genesis 25:27, KJV

"And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents".

Did you see contentment in that verse? Did you see how each of them abides by what they have natural like, calling and ability for? Why would Esau be a cunning hunter, a man of the field [one who loves adventure and goes for it] and Jacob, a man who dwells in the tent and stays at home? Why couldn't they become same thing? Why couldn't one become so envious of the other as to choose the way and life of the other, therefore jeopardizing what he's made for in pursuit of another? It's because each of them have contentment for their types of life and profession. God is the one who puts contentment in our hearts. If we're on the right jobs, we'll feel contented to stay and abide with it. If we are not on what suits our soul and fits our calling, no matter the deal, we'll continue to seek contentment by searching for that soul satisfying life's task. But if you get somewhere and you suddenly stay (even with the small offer or reward being promised you), it'll be because you're contented. You may be telling others, "I like it. You may not understand why I'm staying". And indeed, they won't understand because they're not made for it.

So, what you'll stumble on before you find contentment, get satiated and so rested from further search may be different from another's. While many are opting nowadays for abroad as the place to go for a better life, there are some without the heart for abroad at all. The thought of travelling abroad doesn't content or inspire them. They want to remain here. That ain't because they can't cope there but they might just have discovered their place already [and that is revealed in the country they are currently]. They just have little or no motivation for traveling and I can tell you that what fails to motivate you is what, where or who you're not made for. I know I couldn't have been a Mathematician because Mathematics was not my chief joy amidst all subjects. So, what people pursue or could pursue with their lives is what they're fully persuaded about and have an inner love, persuasion or conviction over. If you were to meet another who's different in opinion or love from you, you'll probably wonder why they aren't feeling the way you're feeling. You'll wonder why they are not embracing what you think is best. You see, that Moses was contented to dwell with the Midian Priest doesn't mean another refugee would be contented to stay with him. If God denies such contentment or gives him no inner satiation, he'll move on, seeking for his rest. God has created humanity in their varieties and put in them different desires and longings that only different things could satiate. This place says, "he hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart...". Mark, "He hath set eternity in their heart". What to long for is solely put in our souls by God. If yours has not been perverted, your passion and love could be indicators of what you should do, where you should be or who you should become. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me have rest over what You have willed me to do. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Esther 8:1-10:3; 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13; Psalm 37:1-11; Proverbs 21:23-24

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