Exodus 1:16, KJV
"And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live".
Do you want to find yourself in a situation as a pregnant woman where you are on the birth stool but you know that death sentence awaits your child? No one will be happy with that. Not a mother. Not any mother! It is not easy to have borne for nine months a child and lose him. It is more unfortunate when it is not lost but someone (a trusted and entrusted hand who should assist in proper delivery) seeks him to kill. Such is the errand of death Pharaoh of Egypt gave to the midwives of the Hebrews. He told them, when you see the Hebrew women on the birth stools, if it's a girl, spare her but if it's a boy, kill him. Everything that's precious in God's sight is always aimed at by Satan for destruction.
Imagine a child having a sentence of death over him even from birth. That's the case with a number of children that were born at that period. However, thank God that the Hebrew women always bring forth before the midwives come. They're said not to be like the Egyptians. Since they've been put to work enough, they're rigorous having exercised bodies and so gives birth easily. Thank God for that.
However, the incident here portrays some real life incidents. It is not every time a pregnant woman delivers by herself. On many occasions, they always need the service of a midwife. A midwife therefore becomes a delivery taker, aid and assistance in bringing forth what they've always carried. She helps in the safe delivery of the baby to this earth. Take her for a mentor or your destiny helper in this context. Many times, you'll see those who have been pregnant with a vision, ideas and conceptualization yearn for delivery. They might have been in that form for years. However, they may be seeking for outlet where what they have inside of them could be given birth to. It is a blessing when God sends you fearful midwives (helpers of destiny) who will have no ulterior motive but rather to see that your vision is safely born.
In this world, you'll meet many midwives. Some don't want a new vision to be birthed. What they hunt down are precious destinies. May you not first of all fall into their hands. My prayer for you today is that when your delivery time nears, God will solely send to you or send you to someone who is under heaven's supremacy and has the fear of God not to tamper with your pregnancy. In our world, those who have been there don't want competition. They don't want another to come and make them feel insecure. You rarely would see somebody who will appreciate your ingenuity when you reflect one. People rather are pushed to the edge and begin to fret wondering if they won't lose their position. That's the kind of insecurity this Pharaoh who demanded all the male child to be killed was in. He could go to any length to see that your destiny mandate is not delivered.
But would it be kind in God's eyes that the pregnancy of nine months isn't delivered? Would it be precious in God's eyes that the incubation of the vision you've done for years is not fulfilled? That's why God is very much concerned with your delivery time. I know the visions that are in my mind. They await years to come. I've been incubating and carrying some for more than ten years now. Would it now be kind if at delivery time there's a contest with its fulfilment? No! What about all that has went into seeking its fulfilment and grooming it ready for delivery? Should they be all wasted? No! On this note, God is committed to ensuring that He sends to you mentors, teachers and people who'll jealously watch over your life, destiny and ensure a proper birth. They are not of those who have ulterior motives. Their motive is clear that a student could become perfect like his teacher and that a disciple could do greater works than his master. Those are the people God is giving you. Did the Bible not says, "I will give them teachers after my own heart who will feed them with Knowledge and understanding (Jer.3:15). That's what you're receiving. Aids, help and all assistance even from the end of the earth that could help you in becoming who you should be, birthing what you've nursed and carried for long in your heart. Yours won't be a still birth. Your baby won't die. You'll fulfill your dreams. Your heart's intents will come to pass. So shall it be. Amen!
PRAYER: Lord, give me the right atmosphere and people to assist in the birth of my dreams and visions.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 1:1-3:26; 1 Corinthians 14:1-17; Psalm 37:12-29; Proverbs 21:25-26
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