Sunday, 27 August 2023





Numbers 21:33-34, KJV

"33 And they turned and went up by the way of Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan went out against them, he, and all his people, to the battle at Edrei. 34 And the LORD said unto Moses, Fear him not: for I have delivered him into thy hand, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon".

In the journey of the children of Israel to possessing Canaan, they come against many nations or tribes that resist them. One of them is Og, the King of Bashan. As soon as he sights them, he went to battle with them with all his people. Nothing is to be taken for granted and he's not sparing any of his potent weapon. He didn't make pact neither does he ask for negotiation. He rather comes with a boldness and belief of he who will vanguish Israel. Indeed, he might have been terrifying because God had to strengthen Moses not to be afraid of him. 

The journey of the children of Israel is a portrayal of the Christian's journey to his or her Promised Land. God says his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil, to give us a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). If it be, then God is at work in us and for us to bring us unto a land and destination that in the true sense of it flows with milk and honey. However, we may encounter one challenge or the other. There may be roadblocks and mountains that we may need to surmount. It may even be an examination that must be passed, a habit that must be broken or cultivated to standard and with rigour etc. However, God with us gives us hope of victory. 

You see, what I want to hear is that God is with me. When God is with you, what is against you becomes prey because He who is with you will be against it. Your battle therefore becomes His battle. God told Moses from the indices He has gathered of him and probably the congregation being afraid not to be afraid of Og because He has solely given him, his people and even his land into his hands. Don't you like that? Don't you like God tell you your greatest fear has been given to you in victory? Yet, before you go in for an attempt! When you walk with God and indeed have Him at your right hand side, you won't be shaken. Shaking can come but He will strengthen you for victory with His words. There's no time that assurance, reassurance and affirmation are important if not when there's a shaking and an uprooting is targeted at you by the devil. Moses is shaken but God allays his fear not to be afraid of Og, because He has given him into his hand already [I want that! Smiles].

The first problem all of us has is seeing by sight and not by faith. If we are this sense ruled, we'll be scared many times and confused. Moses must have seen something scary. He not only sees but believes in it as potent and superior enough. If you know your opponent can't even scratch you let alone harm you, you wouldn't develop a position of inferiority towards him but this is not the case with Moses. So, God had to say to him, "fear him not!" That's your first instruction - fear him not! It may be an exam that you've repeatedly failed or an attempt that looks scary. God is saying, "fear it not!" Not fearing always positions you for the absorbing and right mindedness of what next to do. Fear dispels faith and it'll go contagious affecting your team, family and leadership while toppling their high spirits. That reminds me of David's word. He says unto Saul and the congregation. "Let no man's heart fail because of him. Your servant will go and fight this Philistine" (I Sam. 17:32). You wouldn't have had such comment if people's hearts were not skipping for the sake of Goliath. That he speaks even looks like a thunder to them. Everybody flees from him. But the first law is, "let no man's heart fail because of him". Are you afraid at how to feed or have sponsorship for a project? Are you afraid of safe delivery? One can fear until his heart fails, becomes hypertensive or have heart attack but the instruction is, "to put your mind at rest" because God fights your battle and is at hand for you. He's working things out for your sake. Just for your sake. He's finding a path for you. Just for you.  

Then, God told Moses, "for I have delivered him into your hand". Shout hallelujah! This is how all the things you fear shall be given to you. When a thing is delivered into your hand, you exercise little effort in possessing it because you have it already. It rather comes to you like that. That thing itself might not understand how but it sure must submit to you just like that. Imagine, before the attempt, Moses had the assurance and went in the assurance. Look, this is why you're a son or daughter in the Father's house. A son is privy to what the Father does even before it is executed. Imagine that privileged information that Moses would subdue his fear. As mighty Og of Bashan and his people are or might have looked, God has given them up to Moses. Moses will have a mastery over them. They are his to take and that's because God is willing it so. Today, anything that threatens you, makes you feel insecure, inadequate and not enough are delivered to you. Your eyes shall open to your superior position and you shall wage a good warfare from such understanding. Look, you're a winner. Don't cower at life and its events. Go face it headlong with the words and assurance of faith. Before the battle, we already have the results and it's that you won!

PRAYER: Lord, give me a mind shift: from the position of fear to faith. Make my mountain strong and my victory shall follow suite. I have delivered to me all my fears and I squash them all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

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