MONDAY - 26TH JUNE, 2023
Read Gen. 38
Acts 8:29, KJV
"Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot".
The Holy Spirit will sensitize you to opportunities but He won't take it for you. The Holy Spirit owes you communication but He doesn't owes you action and obedience. That is your own faith steps. May I say why the future now seems bleak for a lot of Christians isn't because God didn't make provision for them but because they missed the provision of God. We have the Word of God. Taken and accepted but we do have the Holy Spirit as well. The Holy Spirit won't tell you to do anything that's not consistent with the Bible. Both always agree. There's leading in the Bible and you can learn and see how to be led. This will be beneficial because a day will come when your life will depend on a swift move of obedience to the Holy Ghost. You can open a whole generation to the blessings that follow just by one taken step of the Holy Spirit. As Philip is at the road that leads to Gaza and as a chariot begins to drive by, he hears, "go near and join thyself to this chariot". More than any man's expectation, the rest was easy for him and great was his reward for keeping that Word.
That instruction of Philip hasn't just being spoken to die. It is still in the mind of the Spirit to communicate to those God wants to join to a flow, work and destined people. However, will you hear and if you do hear, will you obey? We all know Tamar. Tamar is a lady married to Er, Judah's first born. For Er's wickedness, God slayed him. So, Tamar is given to Onan to raise seeds for his brother but he knew the seed won't be his. So, he spills the semen every time on the ground. This displeases God and so he kills him also. Seeing this cycle, Judah fears that death might befall his last born Shelah. So, Judah told Tamar to go and dwell in his father's house until Shelah becomes a grown up. In the meantime, Shelah becomes a grown up but Tamar is still not given to him in marriage. On that note, Tamar prepared himself like an harlot and goes on to get pregnant by Judah himself. Her excuse is, "for Shelah has grown up and she's not given unto him for wife".
More importantly however, there's a beat I keep hearing; there's a voice that keeps speaking to me. May we all be sensitive and jealous in our spirits for the future. If you look at the insistence of Tamar and how far she went to marry into the tribe of Judah, you'll wonder if she couldn't have conveniently married another instead of almost putting her life in jeopardy. Satan will seek to separate you from those you should be join to. Offence has equally and successfully done so to some people. Lot separated from Abraham and we all know it was the beginning of his undoing. Curses and blessings are summarily the two things that each of us are carrying. It's either we carry destiny or woes and God having made a plan for you in His will would seek to move, breathe and lean you towards companying with the right multitude. In this way, He'll separate you your own crowd. As a careful observer of what God does, I have found out that Tamar could smell a specialness in the Judah's tribe, in his children and in himself. She knew there's an opportunity, flow, destiny there for the taking. The Messiah would come from that tribe. She is a Canaanite woman, she couldn't have read about that but I judge her as a woman with a special faculty to pick Spirit things and what the future holds. So, at the time her husbands were dying and she would have been forever seperated from the tribe of Judah (because Shelah was not given to her) and because it's improper for her to marry or be with child by her father-in-law, she disguised and sought her way into the Judah's tribe. In this way, she arrived somewhere - a place where the Bible could account her as one of the great grandmothers of Jesus.
Matthew 1:3, KJV
"And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram".
That is what she saw when it seems she was pushing too much. Like the Wise Men, she saw the star and the lion in Judah's tribe but secretly and silently in her heart. She has the eyes of faith to pursue what is invisible probably to Judah himself. She saw "this family is mine for a taking. I'll not agree to be separated from the history and greatness of this ancestry". Eventually, it was, 'boom' for her. Result time. If you check the ancestry record of our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 1, you'll observe only three women made the record apart from Mary. I don't know why but since all Scripture is breathed by the inspiration of God, I have every confidence to believe the Holy Spirit would want to make a special choice of women to list. The first was Tamar, second was Rahab the harlot and third was Ruth herself. Now, if you study the Bible, you'll observe these three were not originally Israelites. However, they weaved their faith to join the flow, the move and the ancestry of the Saviour. This radicalness of faith might have informed their being noted down. Sarah and Rebekah were not even mentioned.
Christian, I believe God is still joining people to the future greatness that they themselves may not have a total comprehension of. There's no one God invites on a journey of faith or asks to take a leap of faith that has full explanation for it. That would be bribing if you have one. Faith would be cancelled. Can you as a person see that this is the fellow to marry, partner with or join his chariot? Do you have that special awareness of who to choose, agree with, succumb to, knowing, "theirs is the kingdom, the future and the glory". If you know, when you hear the Holy Spirit giving you hand out saying, "join this chariot", you'll immediately like Philip leap at it. When the Holy Spirit told Philip that, there may not be any other chariot at sight yet we know that God was making a choice - a choice of whose chariot to join. All of us can be happy for Philip that he obeyed. From that obedience, the Ethiopian Eunuch got born again and the gospel entered into Africa. What will happen if you obey the "join yourself" of the Holy Spirit can't yet be measured. But after joining yourself, you'll begin to identify the whys as you go on the journey. The whys never end. It is always transgenerational. No one can because of envy now says he'll remove Tamar's name from Jesus' ancestry. Don't waste time, the Scripture has been written. History has been made, purpose and special awareness have been lived out. May the Lord give you hearing ears and obeying heart. May your steps be hastened to things that will make you to be numbered among God's jewels. May you not forbid good and destiny for yourself.
PRAYER: I increase the unction that knows all things. I have special awareness. I shall not be passed by.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 8:1-9:13; Acts 16:16-40; Psalm 143:1-12; Proverbs 17:26
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