Sunday, 25 June 2023


SUNDAY - 25TH JUNE, 2023



Genesis 2:7, KJV 

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

Today, I present to you Adam, the living soul. Prior to that, Adam was a lifeless statue. Thanks to the God investment. Thanks to the breath. It is known for its ever wonder. 

On that day when God said, "let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness", He got to work and eventually arrives at a man with the body of clay. He lies there rigidly, immovable and static on the slab. His body has been made but the body is not only what makes a human. Adam still lacks one vital thing. The ability to give Adam that sole thing posed a threat to Science and Technology for years. Go check the earlier toys. They were mere statues. Now, toys can talk. I'm not saying they have life but to an extent, they have a style of life either because they're powered by a battery etc. They therefore can speak. They've been given a recorded or programmed voice. Humans have discovered how to replicate and create after God. What a wonder that man could not only beat into his own creations speech making but the lifting of limbs and the exercise of actions.  

God stooping down breathes into Adam's nostrils His own breath. This breath is described someway. It is called, "the breath of life". If you say something is the breath of life, it means it can revive, rouse up, wake up, make work and activate. That breath is a self activating breath. When Adam receives it, like a fellow receiving blood transfusion, every inner part of him the breath travels or gets to immediately at that snap receives life. It comes up "from the dead" and from "lock down" and rigidity where it immediately is. This breath is simply wind. So, it can travel and travel but at an amazing speed. So much more that within a second, life has been caused in Adam. I mean life in its mature stage. The wind so much travels at such hard to measure velocity that though some parts had received life earlier than others, Adam as a whole became a living soul at a jiffy of the breath's roaming. Therefore, he came alive. This wind filtered through his nostrils immediately travels and tranfuse round his head/brain to his entire body, energizing and stirring him to activity. At that instant, man became a living soul. He came alive or awoke. At that instant, he receives sensitivity or irritation. Note it, at this instant that the Bible says, "man became a living soul", it seems to me there was a standing ovation in heaven celebrating God having caused Adam to live and having communicated life to him. Looking at the wonder He has created, God was just to be praised as He unveils and announces the man. Till today, you know He's still to be praised for having made us with such details. At that instant of becoming a living soul therefore, he could have opened his eyes, moved a finger and then moved or lifted his whole body. 

This is when life makes sense! Not when Adam remains bedridden and couldn't exercise his will or weaponize himself. When does life makes sense? When does it not make sense? Which experience do you want to have and retain of the two described above? The experience of the body without breath or body with breath running around in it. I want the kind of life that breath whirls and plays round in it. So much more that if you shake me or examine me, you could hear or feel me being overinflated with the breath. Life makes sense when you have the breath in you. When you do have the breath or this wind, you'll be like an inflated balloon. You can't sink. Depression can't dampen you. You'll always have and maintain buoyancy. You'll ever float in spirit. This floating in spirit and being of high spirit or in joy is what will outwardly be borne by your body that is now robust and full of activity from the contagion of your made alive human spirit. You'll always want to be engaged and occupied. You won't suddenly find yourself depressed with crossed hands and bowed head - casting in the towel and saying, "my hope is dry." You'll always be hopeful and full of a bright future. That's why any without this breath is easily broken, conquered by thoughts, criticism, persecution and eventually casted down. 

When life makes sense is when the breath comes and roams around inside you. We understand this breath to be the Holy Spirit given the church on the day of Pentecost which makes the church functional - coming alive (Acts 2:1-3). One mystery about the breath is that it is life and a life causer. If you'll observe Adam at creation, he could therefore do nothing of himself or by himself until he was revived and woken up by that breath. If Adam will ever walk, speak, write, jump etc, he must first be filled with that breath. Unless the breath is given him, he'll have the body but he won't have the potency with which to drive the body. Drive the body as how? Move the body I mean. But you can witness what the testimony is when the Bible says, "and man became a living soul". Common, give God a round of applause! When a Creator is designing a robot, the robot is not yet magical because it has the stature of man and has holes representing eyes where they should be. That robot becomes a robot wonder when it begins to walk, talk and grapple things. Do you think a statue you call robot that can't do human actions is a wonder. No! That's why drones amaze us now. We have drones that can fly like birds now and see - storing information in their brain (memory). Previously, we only have a statue bird and not a "living soul' bird. For any to cause awe, for you to surprise me, for you to be a type of God, your creation must of necessity become a "living soul". What is Science and Technology doing that God hasn't done? They are only mimicking what God did here. God is the first Robotic  Engineer and Fashioner. So, here we are at this juncture where man can now declare the praises of He that created Him by being able to live to His glory and for His pleasure. That's the intent for which man became a living soul. It's so that he might  have God's coding to fellowship with Him. From the beginning, man is a spirit being like God. With the God flame in him, he can therefore meet God and be initiated into His council. Like we've always read. God comes visiting, interacting with man at the cool of the day (Gen.3:8). Thanks to that breath also. If not for it, where would Adam have the activation to till the ground and govern it from? He became lord of creation and exercises authority over it because he was made alive. 

You know, one part keeps striking me. The part that says, "and man became a living soul". Adam became what? A living soul! So, before, Adam was dead. So before, Adam was not alive. Now, what are the significant proves that he was dead with his back on the ground -  can't rise neither move. That's why at death when the spirit has gone back to God who gave it, man will once more lie helplessly like Adam here. The spiritless beginning of Adam is the end of all man. Our eyes shall one day be closed in death. The breath is all that makes the difference therefore. That you can rise, stand, run around is basically because of the breath with which the body of Adam was made alive. If not, you'll have the body but what a pity, what will a lifeless or spiritless body do? It can't perform one bit human actions. 

The being of Adam made alive here symbolizes and foreshadows Holy Ghost baptism. I know of nothing which makes life makes sense than the Holy Ghost. If not, you'll become a rigid choleric trying to make things run. I know of nothing that can author a devotional daily than the Holy Ghost and that's because He keeps breathing it and inspiring it. Authoring daily is not by memorizing doctrine and finalizing as a matter of fact on which to write daily. I know of nothing that can keep you fat, robust, peaceful, joyful etc in challenging periods when the outside is cracking than the Holy Spirit. You may be a human with life - like the one breathed into Adam that made him into a living soul to discharge all the human actions but without the Spirit (Holy Spirit), you're really not alive as a person and as a Christian. That's why baptism of the Holy Spirit is a provision to aid us. What became of timid Peter when the Holy Spirit came on him? He was enlivened. He began to preach extemporaneously and inspiringly. He's now being aided and made smooth and effortless by the Holy Spirit. What he thus says makes sense. He's not hindered in any way for all his human infirmities are gloried over (Acts 2:14).

When life makes sense is when you're alone and the Holy Spirit gives you a lamp to understand something. The thing will just come like that and in a moment, you'll have a progressive or perfect understanding of it. When life makes sense is when by the Spirit you are never tired but keeps living and breathing. This is what makes life meaningful. The mind of some will collapse and they'll commit suicide but if this breath be in you, you'll beat that. Him in us, we're buoyant. We don't drown! We don't sink! We keep existing and living. We become not survivors on activities but we give activities meanings. Oh, you must become a living soul. Therefore, if you're a Christian who has not yet being baptized in the Holy Ghost, you can receive now. As long as you're born again with desire, you can receive. After receiving today, you should get baptized in water by immersion also. But just have faith as I pray. Father, you're a good Father. What we ask is what You'll give us. If a child asks bread of his father, the father won't give him a stone. Today, I ask the Holy Spirit on behalf of those desiring it. Give them this your gift and let them burst forth in tongues. Adam moved his body when the breath came into him. He proved being alive. Let them also thunder and speak forth in the language they haven't learnt before to affirm the breath (better still Holy Spirit) having entered them as power. Receive that. Speak it. Don't withhold. Speak that language bubbling inside you. Thank God for it. You may as well call for further interactions. 

PRAYER: Lord, enliven me. Make me buoyant by your Spirit. Thank You for Holy Ghost baptism. My mind won't collapse. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 4:18-5:27; Acts 15:1-35; Psalm 141:1-10; Proverbs 17:23

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