Monday, 12 June 2023


MONDAY - 12TH JUNE, 2023



Read Acts 10

Acts 10:3,5, KJV

"3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter."

The first cure to not being worried or perplexed about your not being here and there is that you know that God is with you. Christ's intention for which the disciples were called also is to first be with Him and then that He might sent them out to preach (Mark 3:14). It is always that He might sent them out to... However, we know that He can and will send you out. That's because the harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few (Lk 10:2). Coupled with the fact that we are in the last days that the devil himself is hurrying because he knows he has a short time (Rev.12:12). God also can't withhold but open His armoury and deploy men by great admnistering where they ought to be in order to counter and eliminate the needs (as problems) Satan is creating in people's lives. However, though it is, "that He might sent them out", if you'll purge yourself of what's ignoble, I can bear witness that He'll use you (II Tim.2:21). 

This truth above will always help you as a minister. Bear it in mind. On door(s) of ministry today, you must know it is not the act of man but God's. While people now use ministry door to do, "one good turn deserves another", yet you must know that's not chosen of God. The Holy Spirit, the great Minister Himself ought to be the One who tells and makes choices of which ministers we invite at a particular time. The Holy Spirit knows what the needs of the masses are and He can meet them and bring to you a vessel who He can have glory by. Don't forget that God chose for Gideon those by who victory would be given him (Judges 7:7). He can give you ministers in whose hands and through whom He could give you the victories, expectations and such needs you want met. Someone may be your friend in ministry, that doesn't warrantee calling him everytime. Nobody's position or status is fixed with us except any the Holy Spirit approves and gives us for His own use at a particular time. It is of utmost importance to pray always on being led to bring those who God have chosen for a time and a season. Or else, you can destroy God's work. 

In today's reading, without effort or lobbying, Peter got an invitation. Especially as a minister, seek to receive the endorsement of God. He enlists you and you must please Him. When you're endorsed of God as a minister, God might begin to open ministry doors to you. Like I said yesterday, these doors will be commensurate to what He wants to achieve or do through you and with you. Don't take more than He apportions you. Be very careful. Peter didn't request to be invited. He as a matter of fact didn't know Cornelius except for the brief intro God gave him in a trance (Acts 10:11-16) and until later time, he couldn't make a connection of both (Acts 10:28). However, God brought him to minister where he had not thought, planned or had any work with them as to be invited. Solely, it's God's work. 

Won't you like such kind of invitation where from a town, city and even beyond your shore, you'll receive a mail saying, "God will have need of you for us?" They don't have to have known you before. All that matters is that heaven bears witness of who you are to them. They don't have to have seen your video on YouTube or heard testimonies from one big minister about you. No! God's endorsement and recommendation is all that matters. The witness of heaven clears all doubt. Like I said yesterday, such kind of door is void of reproach also. I found out that what the Lord does is always straight and you can wait for that time when God will recommend you and spread your aroma before men or you take shield and buckler to begin to find a way for yourself. 

I want a miracle invitation. Someone might say, "this does not happen frequently." It can become your very smooth way of being invited if you'll always wait on God to ascertain where He wants you to go minister and where He's refraining your legs from. Many there be of ministers who have never rejected a ministration before. You don't have to have rejected any if God is not rejecting it but do you ever pray to God to know His mind about that invite. When honourable men came to invite Balaam for a ministration at Balak's Place, he told them to sleep that night so that he might enquire of God. He did and when God came, His question to him was, "who are these men with you?" (Num.22:8-9). God is still asking that question. It indicates those you must never answer their invites. It doesn't matter what they promise or what they could give. If you're propelled by the gain and error of Balaam anyway, you may despise all these but that'll be to your destruction as a minister. For this reason, a minister ought wait for a door that's solely opened by the Lord. A door could be opened slightly and widely even by the Lord. The Lord can from a ministration give you a long time friendship and relationship with your host. This would be because of God's solitary work of giving you an allowance with them. But never make the mistake of always running at first whistling. Even Peter might have been in contemplation because we heard the Holy Spirit told him not to doubt anything but rather follow them (Acts 10:19-20). He seals his ministration. 

My prayer is that you'll be an answer to people's prayers. Peter is to Cornelius'. Won't you be joyous if before you're called to mount the pulpit, they share a testimony of how they had witness to invite you despite the impossibility of ever reaching you. Peter has such testimony to give. He was saying to God, "I have never eaten anything unclean before. I have never have to do with the Gentiles before" but he bears witness that God has told him not to call anyone "unclean or common" (Acts 10:28). Invitations can come from across the sea, a new culture, tongue and people entirely. That's what Peter went to experience. He might have eaten a special dish also and saw another view of life while tarrying with this Gentile household of Cornelius. What the Lord is doing, let Him cook it. Wait until God sends men to come and seek for you. They came for Peter. They had his address. Your phone number, mail or address isn't difficult to see. With God, all things are possible. He can fling you across a city, town or even your nation. Just let it be by Him. When it is, you'll have a better testimony where the people would be in earnest expectation and where even as you minister, mighty things happen effortlessly. The reason is simple. That meeting and ministration was orchestrated by God. May you not go on a ministration where heaven becomes of brass to you. Ask Peter about the honour with which they honoured Christ in his life. Cornelius was falling before him big time but he never took advantage of this. He said, "I myself I'm also a man. Rise up" (Acts 10:26). While He yet speaks, the Holy Ghost fell on the people (Acts 10:45). Look, the meetings and ministrations God calls for, He's committed to coming forth in them. Let God have the glory. 

PRAYER: Father, teach me Yourself and the understanding of how prosperous what You do is. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 8:1-66; Acts 7:51-8:13; Psalm 129:1-8; Proverbs 17:1

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Sunday, 11 June 2023


SUNDAY - 11TH JUNE, 2023



Acts 10:3,5, KJV

"3 He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cornelius. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:"

Here, God opens a door of ministry for Peter. God will give you a door but one that'll be commensurate to what by allowance He wants you to do for Him. It's of His fullness we have received grace for grace (John 1:16). From Him also every good gift and perfect gift comes from (James 1:17). This solely situates us somewhere. Where we know by revelation and even experience that the door that any man ought have opened to him ought be from the Lord. If it is not prompted, slated and caused by the Lord; please, let it slip. I believe such doors can then cause you vexation of spirit and grieve of heart. Such doors always fulfill this verse. 

I Timothy 6:9, KJV

"But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."

I want to be rich but not somehow or someway. When that place says, "but they that'll be rich...", it tells of those who takes every offer and are unmindful of sifting it because they have a determinate counsel of, "I must be rich." These are those who are always blinded from seeing the blessing that's not the Lord's. They've been overwhelmed, taken, ridden, chained and caressed knittly by, "I must be rich." Off course, it means, "at all cost." This is not a sole motivation to success but one that always bite more than it can chew and seeks to entreat all helps. When will such not fall into hurtful lusts that leads to destruction?

That's why the Bible says, "the blessing of the Lord makes a person rich and he adds no sorrow with it" (NLT). How many of you are here who wants to have a blessing now and by tomorrow begin to be queried for it? Look at this funny typology. When that place says the blessing of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it, it is best illustrated with God giving you a car. A brand new car that if you kick once, it'll start that once. The other blessing that adds sorrow comes of the devil and through men that God is not using for you but who might have sent themselves. They know what they're looking for. They know the recompense they want in return. This in itself is a kind of sorrow. The fact that they'll hold you to an obligation that'll be above your head. Someone once wanted to help me get a job. He said once he does, "we'll partition my salary and he'll also have a share." Both culturally and as a Christian, I was not brought up this way. This is selling and buying of favours. But I'll have been grateful in a way that that kind hearted heart would praise God for me. All these and many more are doors the Lord is not giving. They're blessings He's not sending.

To have also the correct image of a blessing that adds sorrow; let's say the blessing that adds sorrow is typified by a terribly overused car which before it'll start, you have to daily sweat. Imagine what much sorrow comes with using a vehicle that is already over with but which you're trying to manage due to lack of resources. You have a car but it's a car that adds sorrow. While you're grateful for having a car yet you don't desire facing the troubles that car often brings. You may be blessed but it may be one that'll bring what you'll soon live to despise or detest. In being blessed, admitted, assisted, promoted, recommended etc, some have come to grow weary of the slavery and the sorrow with which they're paying back. It ranges from being a partner in immorality, to being initiated into the occult or being made a puppet or second fiddle to their helpers. They're never allowed to exercise dependency. They're always taking dictations on their false seats. 

Another place admonishes us to ask of God who gives liberally without reproach (James 1:5). And I can tell you, it isn't wisdom only God gives liberally without reproach. If it's inherent in God to give liberally without reproach, I'm sensing a contrast being subtly made between God and man here. It means man is prone to reproaching you even with what he has stingily and grudgingly measures out to you. Yet, all God's gifts, blessings and open doors always come without reproach. You can wait for His or you ride in false alternatives.

Promotion the Bible says does not come from the East, West or South. God is the judge of all (Psalm 75:6-7). Say, "God is the judge of all!" If indeed we have settled the fact that God is indeed or should indeed be the only one qualified to fling doors open for us, then it means to say, "we should await him for our open doors." Until your word comes, please let it tarry (Psalm 105:19). Many doors there be that God didn't open for His children. These are blessings and happiness courted through another means. Most times, something is always at stake or to be compromised. Be mindful of false doors. Doors that are not doors. Doors that'll seem to open but are actually trap doors. Opportunities, privileges and come-up- hithers that are snares are now many and mass manufactured to detour people from ever knowing real joy or having a taste of the good and perfect gift afore prepared for them by God. Joseph's door would open after he might have fulfilled his course with God but Satan came ahead of his graduation into his prepared joy to open unto him a false door and hope. Beware of anything that comes to relieve you with pleasure when you should still be in labour. Like Satan says to Jesus, "bow to me and all these shall be yours" (Matt.4:9). That was the same implied words of Potiohar's wife to Joseph. It is, come lie with me and I shall promote you in this house. It can't be more than that. Potiohar's wife does not have national influence. May household and parlour influences not substitute national and international influences in your life. God does greater if we wait for His arrival. Thank God Joseph saw this was a false door. Thank God He didn't enter by it. Thank God he didn't take it but despises it as not being authored by God. What is being a head of a house to being the head of a nation? However, you need to be aware that once you enter or take the false door, it's Satan's intention to use it to trap you so that reversal into the joy God has prepared for you from the foundations of the earth are at all not known. This is why I cry and say, "Lord, may I not go the way of error. May I not take the help that's not your gift to me." All such gifts come with a dose of payment that weighs down! Those who collect them are forced to escape from temporal suffering but behold, their sorrow shall soon be multiplied.

I'm hearing, "I've opened you a door which no man can shut." Now is your time! And let me ask you, what the Lord does, who can revise or reverse it? It's always a case closed and a done deed. You have open doors but which only comes from above!

PRAYER: Lord, may I not despise Your waiting spirit. Thanks for the opened door.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 7:1-51; Acts 7:30-50; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 16:31-33

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Saturday, 10 June 2023





READ Exodus 4:19-26

Exodus 4:24, KJV

"And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him."

What is this? Why would the Lord seek to kill His messenger? The Lord has just given Moses his call and with instructions on what he should say to Pharaoh once he gets to his field. But, why would the Lord act contrastingly and seek to kill him? 

May you not become a reprobate. May you not get here. As you journey step by step and line by line into becoming a reprobate, may it be that you'll have nipped it in the bud, once and for all and upon an earlier correction. Further steps of disobedience may be regarded as open defiance that may  warrantee the Holy Spirit leaving you to yourself. He'll regard it as you grieving Him but we have an instruction.

Ephesians 4:30, KJV

"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

Don't forget He's a perfect gentleman who you must not offend. He'll strive with you but He'll also not always strive with you (Gen.6:3). Meaning, He can eventually let you be. However, seek not to have Him conquered in your life by refusing and refuting to act on a commanded area. Being a delicate Spirit, you must seek to incline to Him whenever He brings you a word for a season (that may even be correction) but which must be acted on. No human likes telling  another something repeatedly that he won't do. That's why such humans would eventually go silence and let such disobedient alone. However, you must seek never to get here - where you'll be without divine voice or sound (communication). Those who did are always on Satan's ground and into his teeth soonest.

Moses has a gray area in his life though he's the called of God. He's the anointed we can say. He's the man appointed of God and deliberately chosen to bring out God's people from the house of bondage but He is openly causing disinterest to God. Despite confrontations and many corrections, this slip of Moses was still not taken care of. What you must know is that God is no respecter of persons. Though Moses be a man of God yet God came to hold him accountable to the utmost standard. God doesn't lower His standard for any even though we are His beloved and we're accepted in Jesus Christ. The foundation of God still stands sure bearing this seal... (II Tim.2:19). "Let every man that calls on the name of Christ depart from iniquity". There's no time when refusal to God in an area won't become sin to you eventually if you choose to persist. Thank God, the Bible also warns that we "abstain from all appearance of evil" (I Thes.5:22). Even if that thing is not outright evil but a shade of it with just a dot or tittle concentration of evil or such that could ever be counted as evil or become sin, the Bible still advises that we flee from it. Here's God justified over you and I or anybody who seeks to persist in refusal that could outrightly label him as sinning and therefore make him a sinner. Anything that you know indulgence in it could eventually lead to sin ought to be abstained from all together. This will be your protection instead of opening yourself to a strife and continuous struggle with the Holy Ghost. 

The matter between Moses and God is one thing - circumcision. God commanded Abraham on circumcision (Gen.17:9-14). It'll be a token of His covenant with the Hebrews. Moses must have tarried long enough in not circumcising his son (which may be because he's a respecter of persons (his wife who's not an Israelite). Until the Lord says, "now or else", no deliberate action was taken on that pending instruction. As a Christian, don't get where God uses concrete authority to address you. If God begins to force your hands or body into action on certain matters, it only reveals you as an unyielding clay. You're just not fit for moulding. But that's the situation in which Brother, Minister and Anointed Moses found himself? He was regarding his wife until God's wrath is beginning to be incurred. Let me ask you ministers especially, what is your highest love that can put you in trouble with God? Go and slay that Isaac and prove to God He has no rival. But if you won't, just know that you can't be used. Or let me say, "you can't be used unhindered." 

It is this situation Moses' wife - Zipporah seeks therefore to ameliorate. She knows what gray area exists between Moses and God. The husband must have disclosed to her the need for circumcision over time but she might just have been unwilling. She might have by murmuring objected to it and in so doing incapacitates Moses. She might have done all that. However this day, when she saw the confrontation and fierceness of the Almighty, she helped Moses to obey God herself. Many like getting here before flinging to action. Ok, continue to reduce your witness before heaven. Though she did, it was still grudgingly done. After doing the circumcision, her comment was that Moses is a bloody husband to her. It means till the circumcision, she still wasn't seeing reasons with Moses why any circumcision should have been done. Many there be like that. You can't but have this result when you marry someone outside your faith. God takes thoughts for moments like this when He straitly says, "do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (II Cor.6:14). That place goes on to say, "what concord exists between light and darkness?" Imagine, calling one person light and the other darkness! Ok!

Today, God is seeking to shake you out of the lethargy of growing familiar with God's Word or instruction and then taking such for granted. This is also a word to you spouse, especially those who are hindering their partners from completely obeying God in an area that you both know. When the rebuke comes, you'll be a first-hand risk taker and partaker of that disobedience. When Zipporah saw what the consequence would have been, she shivered into obedience. May it be that there'll never be a pending area of action but disobedience in your life. May it be that when you're inspected, your testimony will be, "and nothing is found in him implicating or incriminating" (John 14:30). May there be no ground in your life for which the Holy Spirit will still come to strive with you and not let you be. And may there be no reason for which He'll let you to yourself. 

PRAYER: Lord, cause me to have perfect light on any struggling area of my life that I may repent. Lord, I release it all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 5:1-6:38; Acts 7:1-29; Psalm 127:1-5; Proverbs 16:28-30

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Friday, 9 June 2023





READ Gen.16:1-9

Genesis 16:9, KJV

"And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands."

The Bible says, "only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom" (Prov. 13:10, KJV). If conflict is birthed by pride, another cause must have triggered pride itself. Today, you will have an insight into a major trigger of pride. 

Sarah is not giving birth. As fit the cultural practice of the days they lived in, she gives her maid to her husband. One, be mindful of unbiblical practices and culture. This same practice is very popular in many cultures today though may be exhibited in another guise. It is the very excuse for which many men ended up in polygamy. Friends and the elderly would advise such barren woman to let the husband marry a second wife under the pretext that the mercy of that one may make her too give birth. Often in Yoruba land, the husband might have impregnated a woman before seeking to make it official by declaration  through the family's elders. It is on this wise you'll see these elders encourage the first woman to accept the second wife (with child) and let it be. They'd say "who knows whether your toleration of her would bring your own long awaited joy also." This is a fallacy and a great error though we plainly know that rejoicing with the joyful and sorrowing with the sorrowful reveals us as good Christians and also has great rewards. Yet, let no one put you in bondage or make you believe this cultural practice is an acceptable thing for you to do especially when you tarry in childbirth. Never encourage your husband to get another wife. This is calamity. If you profess being a Christian, then it still means, "none shall be barren in the land" (Exo.23:26) must be fulfilled on you and so it was fulfilled on Sarah eventually and at God's time for the unfolding of that promise child - Isaac. However, if your husband betrays your trust which results in impregnating another, you may need to exercise forgiveness and wait for God's vindication. In such case, you may show your disappointment but never seek to revenge anyone. Vengeance is solitarily the Lord's. 

This offer of Sarah to Abraham rather proves to be a counter assistance because as soon as Hagar gets pregnant, she despises Sarah and loses total regard for her. It must have been a very obvious act because Abraham himself couldn't deny it not happening. No wonder he says, "your servant is in your hands, deal with her as it pleases you." And I'll say that's wise of Abraham to allow. Abraham does well to give Sarah the recognition of a mother and lord over Hagar. As her mistress, let her take responsibility and think wise how best to deal with her maid. There and then, the Bible records, "and Sarah deals harshly with Hagar so much that she flees." Did you read that? She deals hardly, terrifyingly and bluntly with her. Where one should take a stand against misbehaviour or plain evil, one should. Where a leader should be strong and demand a call and meeting up with the standard, he shouldn't mellow down. He should exercise leadership. He should exercise authority. He bears the sword not to take advantage of any but to pay unto them as their works may be. No wonder, God regards the state itself as the minister of God (Rom.13:3-7). Leadership is just like that. 

But fleeing isn't the solution where pride is the cankerworm eating your Hagar up. That Hagar is blessed with what Sarah do not have yet and by which Abraham could be forever won to her (Hagar's) side isn't and shouldn't be a call for the disrespect of Sarah - the one who made her, who gave her life as it were and permitted her to live and take a being in her being. This is a message to many of you who are fond of turning as dogs to bite the hands that have fed you and to cut relentlessly the tree under which you have received shade that God will never support you. Rather, a fire will come out to devour. All of you, in your measure and multitude shall meet with disgrace and disappointment. If you'll push it further, you'll witness what it means for the flood to carry unrepentant rebels away in their rebellion. Herein, the Lord Himself shall put a stop to you. A total full stop!

To affirm God's justness, an angel of the Lord appears to Hagar telling her to go and submit to her mistress. You see, this is the problem of many Christians though born again. Submission is not an impartation. It is learnt. It is a road that must be walked. You can't catch submission; you can't receive it just like that. It won't fall on you like water from the waterfalls. You'll learn submission just like I climbed many years ago by effort the Idanre Hills in Ondo State, Nigeria. May I say a thing therefore this morning that all of you who have escaped submission must as a matter of fact learn it. You may flee and seek to establish yourself like Hagar in a new colony; you may run from that 'burdensome' parents, master or mentor but an occasion will always recall you back to the course on submission that you haven't taken. As a matter of surety, you must learn submission. The Bible wrote of Jesus that, 'though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered" (Hebrews 5:8, KJV). A true mark that submission doesn't fall on any like an over ripe fruit anticipating the ground. It is gathered. Yes, it is, at the point of hardship where confessions like, "I can't take it any longer; I'm weary; but he or she is not always right etc" are predominant. God just wants you to be there enjoying it though you're only long-suffering to endure it. God might be speaking to somebody today that you can't really escape. Wherever you go, this carry over course on submission will be the albatross in your life. It will sell you cheaply to the world and hinder your promotion until you can swallow your pride and relinquish your office of, "I am the bird laying the golden egg". It is until then you can be unto Mary who sits at Jesus' feet with the intention to be taught. If you're still arguing or debating the issue of submission, it is not good for your making. There are those God is targeting today. They are the rebellious children, spouse and disobedient and unyielding to correction generally. Now that you've escaped for your life to declare an unripe independence, God needs to make you see that He doesn't sponsor or support rebellion. If He tells Hagar to go back and submit to her mistress, He's telling you to go submit where you've openly defied it all. And may I tell you, you can choose to go on in your rebellion. But be assured that no wise fellow (in any Abraham) or God's minister will endorse you. You'll rather become godless by losing God as you persist in this disobedience. It is either submission or nothing else. It's yielding of that right of yours and saying, "put your yoke on me", even if it's heavy, I'll esteem it as light that can present you acceptable. But I assure you that you'll find it light. Only what you struggle with is what is heavy and full of strain. What you submit to will be easy to bear. So, the end of all arguments and self vindication is that when you're wrong and have offended, God can tell you and you can submit to His saying. If God can convince you you're wrong like He did to Hagar, you'll stop striving against rightness and its acceptance in your mind. Many people are afflicted with prejudice. They believe any who sees a speck of wood in their eyes can't be correct. They'll quickly apportion blame and show such the log in his own eyes too. On this ground, you need the Holy Spirit as a Christian to speak strongly to you and convict you of sin and all unrighteousness. Trusting He's not bias and human, that'll be the end of all arguments. However, this is only a recommendation for  rebellious Christians who have defied and openly resisted voices of correction first to them. I mean, "the run away and fleeing" Hagars. If God has shown you your area of disobedience, do well to repent immediately. Persisting in disobedience is a threat to your Christian journey. 

PRAYER: Show me the area where I've refused to learn submission. I receive the grace and perseverance to bear the yoke of submission.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 3:3-4:34; Acts 6:1-15; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 16:26-27

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Wednesday, 7 June 2023





Psalms 22:9, KJV

"But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

This verse quoted above actually could be interpreted as, "but I am your property." With the saying of the Psalmist above, he meant but I have been your property O God and if I have been, I should continue to be." He is undeniably because over the years, God has made him hope and saw to his continuation. That right of "watching over" God has over him is what makes him God's property. That's the exact that makes him ask one more time for God's presence and protection. 

The Psalmist here said, "it was God who made him hope upon his mother's breasts." Do you know there's no other suiting story to stamp here than Moses' whom God made hope at birth. We are all famalir with the story and knows it but have you ever considered the deliverance of Moses as divinely planned (Exo.2:1-10). How many children of the Hebrews have such kind of saving grace? While on the Nile, lonely and desperate for help, God moved a hand that collected him for adoption. Moses is unto a hopeless man. He's without a father and mother at his placement among the reeds. The hands of care (her mother's) has reluctantly cast him over to God and His protection. He becomes a vulnerable property, a forlorn one but God came and made hope for him. God redeemed the situation and soonest, he's in safe hands (his mother's) again with permission to be raised.

This is the making of hope for one. This is the revelation of, "it is you who made me hope upon my mother's breasts." Moses should have been dead but God came to save his destiny. Any child of destiny enjoys such kind of move and you or your seeds are not different. God moved also for Jesus in this manner when He sees to His saving (Matt.2:13-17). Herod would have killed baby Jesus but God caught him to Egypt. God takes thought for the light that shines at your birth which will shine again in your future. For that reason, He's obliged to make hope for you, even for babies who are upon their mothers' breasts. Moses didn't die as a baby, it means you can tap into this to declare the position of your baby surviving and graduating from babyhood to manhood. The reason is basically simple, irrespective of the trouble or threat facing that baby, God is the One who makes hope for babies even at their mother's breasts. We have babies fighting medical diagnosis but I tell you, "God is their hope maker." And if I may say, "this one shall live." His or her destiny shall only be assisted. Since you also survived babyhood because it was God who made hope for you, you can expect salvation and help like this Psalmist received. The God of ages past is still your God of years to come. You shall not be crushed. You're the assisted one. The one that'll be borne up. The one that won't touch the water even if drawn out of it. You have testimonies of "being caught up" today. Yes, of being rescued to the effect that you might live and proclaim the works of the Lord. 

PRAYER: Lord, my baby is your property, make him hope from this day onward till destiny fulfilment. Always make me new hope at such junctures also. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 1:1-53; Acts 4:1-37; Psalm 124:1-8; Proverbs 16:24

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Tuesday, 6 June 2023





Psalms 22:6-9, KJV 

"6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. 7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, 8 He trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. 9 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

What an invocation! What a call to He who did it yesteryears to come and do it again! Your hope won't be dashed. Brethren, God will once more make hope for you. New levels are always marked by new devils. No two seasons are the same but if at this time you are in need of God's salvation - needing God to save your face and save your life, then God is very much up to the task. He will deliver you. If they have mockingly said, "let God come and deliver him", you can be sure that He won't forlorn you but make haste. 

The Psalmist here acknowledged God as He who took him out of the womb. That's one salvation. We know it's not all pregnancy that's birthed and those birthed do not always survive afterwards. However, God granted salvation to the psalmist first of all by ensuring his safe delivery from the house he had known into another he should know. That's the first God's doing to praise Him for. His being birthed safe and sound is the first sign that God has a plan for and watches over him. After this, God continues to see to his survival and so God makes him hope when he was upon his mother's breasts. We don't know whether it was how God saved him from a sickness near death or a similar situation that he references here. But we do know that as a suckling, you can't protest anything. You're weak. Another is rather a watch over you. Despite being in such position, he also survived that stage to grow into an adult who can now take responsibility over himself. He survived once more. Hallelujah! Now looking back and accounting how God kept him and made him to continue in life, he utters a speech of hope that the God of those years would be near him again. Now, if God was with him at all these times, it won't be now He'll let him alone. If God would watch over him in the womb and deliver him from all possible vulnerabilities while a weakling, that God of ages past must answer for him again. It is in this we can trust -  that our Rock is not like their rock. Ours is trustworthy and always reliable. He has promised, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Heb.13:5).  

And God never disappoints. The God of yesterday is the God of today and tomorrow. He'll always be there for you. Jesus once told Peter, "31 Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not" (Luke  22:31, KJV). That's God appearing for Peter. "That I have prayed for you that Jesus uttered" means "but I have made hope for you." The making of hope for him lest he slips and goes into extinction in faith. It is that prayer of Jesus that cut off the discontinuation plan Satan plans towards him. God also won't let the desire of your enemy come to pass over you. Rather, He'll continue to deliver and make you escapes and hope from such life threatening situations. For the sake of the boastfulness of your enemies, for the manipulations of Satan which is at work around you, God will rise to set them all at naught. Seeing the mockery, the ridicule and their challenge of God to action, He'll indeed rise to ensure you continue. You won't be ended here. You still have life to live, purpose to achieve and testimonies to bear. 

The Psalmist says, 'He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters" (Psalms  18:16, KJV). Any in many waters needs external deliverance. That Psalmist has a splendid testimony of God coming from above and saving him out of many waters. That's your testimony. Irrespective of the hardship or situation you're in, your help which comes from above will always come. It's on the way. Await its arrival. 

PRAYER: O God of ages past, be my God of years to come.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25; Acts 3:1-26; Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 16:21-23

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Monday, 5 June 2023




IT IS YOU WHO MAKES ME HOPE - Hope Maker Series 001

Confess Psalm 22

Psalms 22:9, KJV

"But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts."

The Lord will make you hope. The Lord God, the Creator of heaven and earth will appear to make hope for you. At every juncture of life, at a new level you're entering or at a certain time, the Lord will rise to make hope for you. You will never have fulfilled on you this saying, "our bones are dried, our hope is lost. We are cut off for our parts (Ezek.37:11)" but your testimony shall be, "never stranded" because where hope is lost and where no expectation should be expected, God will come bearing hope to you. Therefore, receive a testimony of hope. Receive new hopes like tender shoots. Be assured of a living hope. 

You can get to a place in life where you earnestly look up for your help to come. At such time, one may call it a life or death situation. It's when if a situation is not salvaged, things might turn for the worst, and so recovery, quick recovery must be get at. On that note, with all earnestness, one looks up to the hills in expectation of manna to fall, descent to be made and joy to be caused. At such time, I say, "may you find help. May your hope not be dashed. May arrival and delivery always be made for you. May God makes you hope. The Psalmist says, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help? (Psalms 121:1, KJV). He is looking for hope, a need to be met and so he's on the lookout for it but at his search, he affirms his help could only come from one place - the Lord.

Psalms 121:2, KJV

"My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."

Did you see what his resolution was? Did you see where his help, strength and hope comes from? It is not elsewhere but from God. It is God who makes him hope when he's earnestly in search of one. Look at me, if you're young and have not being bessetted by any life's issue, you may not know there are occasions when one will need to gaze to that place or there for help. And I mean, an earnestly expected help. Have you read Acts 3 where a crippled at the beautiful gate earnestly expects to receive from Peter and John and so fastens his gaze on them with total attention? That's how it is when you're dying for hope to be made you. Your entire thought is on that thing. You're filled with the besetting fear of, "God, let it turn to my side." But that day, his own hope was not dashed. He received beyond expectation. He walked! How I pray for you that when you earnestly have your eyes on God, you'll not be disappointed neither receive less. Your expectation will always be met and that beyond measure. 

My help comes from God he says. It means he identifies God as the only sure and good help. Gazing to humans for help might lead to disappointment but may you have a confession like the psalmist that after gazing to the hills (looking here and there), your help comes from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and the earth. Of a surety, your testimony will be that it is God who makes hope for you. 

To make hope for someone means to revive hope for him. It means where nothing seems to be happening for him, a revival of events should immediately take place for him. The making of hope for anyone signifies God has never forgotten such. It signifies God is ever mindful of same. That's why I pray that when you get to a juncture of confusion, tiredness and darkness, God will make hope for you. From unseemingly situation, from situation where your confession is, "my bones are very dried, my hope is lost and I am cut off for my parts", may the Lord make hope for you. You may be a student at a juncture that's critical in your academic journey where you need sponsor to further and finish to the end. Look, God is making hope for you. He made me one while on campus. If not, I'll have ended a drop out. But on the mount of the Lord, it must be seen for you. You may be pregnant and by now expecting the labour room, even there, on that birth stool, God will make hope for you. Live hope! It means when you least expect or are in doubt or in need of hope, God is always appearing for you to take you further where you should have ended. It is this that makes you have the testimony of "never stranded". I know a boy that God made hope for. Just like many who thought they couldn't go to school or complete school, so is his case but the Lord is using a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) to make hope for him. He's one of the most delighted persons on earth because God has come to fill and bridge the gap that his background and immediate situation would have forever put him into. You don't talk of God making hope for you when there's no contrary situation on ground. We do when there's something that God must arise to glory or show His almightiness over. And I declare today that irrespective of your condition, what the doctor has said, what medical diagnosis has revealed, God shall make hope for you. You will see hope come like a new shoot from heaven and that shall be to your saving. Today as you go, God wants you to put one confession in your mouth. It is that, "God is making hope for me." Say, "irrespective of the economic situation in my country, God will make hope for me". And I tell you, your salvation is near you. 

PRAYER: Lord, You're my hope Maker. Thank You for making me hope. I receive lively hopes.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25; Acts 3:1-26; Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 16:21-23

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