Monday, 5 December 2022





Read Acts 5:23-42

Acts 5:38, KJV  

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

Have you heard God's commandment? He's saying refrain! It is salvation to hear God when He's sounding the alarm and blowing warning. Or else, one's bones will be broken because a crash and a collision with Him and His pleasure will be inevitable. God is saying I should sound the alarm in Zion and say to some who are currently found in the wrong estate and doings like the High Priest and Chief Priests in today's passage to refrain. It is coming out loud and as a blast. God intends you'll hear and hearken immediately. The refrain of the Lord here isn't what you can postpone. It is what you should agree to and take as the final and last order or else, "you'll dash your foot on a stone" with no bearing up or remedy. This is therefore an address to believers, backsliders or any who could be faulted by the Lord. God is saying , "refrain." It means, "don't persist in that particular act."

What was the shout of Gamaliel to the entire congregation? "Refrain!" Refrain means to "hold still, stop doing, put an end to immediately, bring to a halt, let stop, shut down, shut off etc." When God said "refrain" through Gamaliel's mouth, He intends none of those there would continue to persecute the disciples or continue in their former ways to them. Whenever God issues the word "refrain", He wants to give people a fresh start and wink at their days of ignorance. Apostle Paul while speaking says "the time of ignorance, God has winked at but now commands all to come to repentance (Acts 17:30)." That's God's mind and that abrupt, sudden, blasting, fearful salvation and preservation call is to halt you from going the way of Balaam and reaping his reward. God doesn't come with a loud well written stop sign to someone if they're doing His pleasure and they're doing it right. It's either they're not doing His pleasure at all or they're not doing it right. So, God is saying, "stop building." You must have seen houses under construction with the stop sign before. That means, "refrain." Such work has not earned approval. If God calls you to refrain from a thing, I'll say He loves you. What is dangerous is God having to refrain you from a work by calling you away because you've become heady and wouldn't surrender and agree to refrains. God doesn't want any to stand as an opposer to His will. That's why He manifested wondrously to Paul and asked, "why do you persecute Me?" But if you persist being heady, in that manner, you'll leave God with no other option but to be taken away by the owner of your soul. 

On another ground, this refrain alarm may also be to those who started out with God genuinely but who in their walk and partnership with Him in ministry are now being found wanting. If you refuse to refrain, God won't be blamed because your chance was given to you but you didn't want people to perceive something is amiss by being out of what they've known you with so there won't be sudden enquires that could give you away. Therefore, many keep on labouring as if nothing is wrong between them and God. Wait soonest for the final "refrain" that will take you off the earth and you'll see that in the grave, there's no repentance.

Where are you and who are you to trouble God's people and work? God is not joking here or taking it lightly with you. Like He spoke to these gathering of haters and contenders with His will, He's saying, "refrain from that your persistent wicked act against My work and people." I'm hearing His voice in me and I can perceive His motivation quickly, He's saying, "stop and go on no more." Not refraining is consequential. May you not therefore become the simple who doesn't see ahead; breaks all instructions by yet going ahead and eventually get punished. May you hearken, take a U-turn and be today refrained from every way of error and falsehood. 

PRAYER: Lord, enlighten me on a way of life or action I need to refrain from. May I not become a clog ignorantly or intentionally to the doing of Your pleasure. May I exercise prompt obedience even when it's disgraceful. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Saturday, 3 December 2022






Read Acts 5:23-42

Acts 5:38, KJV

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

If it is not God founded, established, called forth, spoken forth, ordained, anointed, expressed, willed, decreed, announced and published, death and decay will finally catch up with it no matter how high sounding and prosperous it is or might have been. So, if you see someone come around doing something, let them alone. God is their judge. Don't fight them lest you find out their reality and you're put to shame later. It's better to be silent and watch He Who gave gifts to men and Who's also the Head of the Church do His work. God has an overall administrative power over His kingdom. He's powerful and omnipotent enough to cut off a branch that should not exist and be linked with the whole body. That's what someone with this knowledge identified with also. "And Joash said unto all that stood against him, Will ye plead for Baal? will ye save him? he that will plead for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, because one hath cast down his altar (Judges 6:31, KJV). I believe that falsehood cannot exist forever but rather those who do God's will. On the long-run, their lies shall be exposed and the end of false or fake set men shall be revealed. But till then, just give it time, set yourself aloof and watch. My principle is if I haven't discerned a thing to be God or God's, I won't say yes or no to it. I won't support or oppose it. Until God shines words on that thing to me, I shall sit to watch God's dealings with it. This call of Gamaliel is a revelation of mature people who don't want to miss what God is working with or join what God isn't. So, they watch so they don't join the rewards of sinners and be partakers of their sins or oppose a new setup to later find it's God's and be ashamed.

When Gamaliel said, "refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought (Acts 5:38); he's indeed saying, "God is enough to defend Himself. Stop defending Him you zealous people. God understands enough to support what He originates and not let same come to nought or vice versa." Defending unnecessarily rather is the exact thing that many do in the name of religion. They defend their object of devotion and could maraud or kill because of him or her. While it shows zeal and devotion, it also shows the impotence of such god. If it is God's intentional work indeed, what's God committed to doing? He'll see to its prospering. If it's not, will God show His support to it? If that happens, will the work not naturally die by itself? You see, before you get frustrated at why what you're doing is not moving, do ascertain whose hands fetch it for you. If it's not God, quickly repent and let it go. Irrespective of how naturally collosal your might had expanded such work, let it go. Any tent that God didn't set up is dangerous to operate or even dwell under. The One who spread it in the name of God is impersonating God and so is taking God for granted. He's not different from someone who's taken God for a fool. God will shut Him down so that He won't be introducing himself to men instead of Himself to men. The danger is this, if God doesn't call you, you'll manufacture your standards to keep the people you have gathered by yourself. So, you'll be a compromiser in order to hold them still. You'll be the kind of pastor who gives people what they want and not what God's mandate prescribe. You'll become Aaron who makes golden calf for people according to their lusts. And what God wants to build must not deviate from the pattern. He won't allow you continue this fake or false ministry but rather expose you and call you away in disgrace. 

People of God, say with me, "for if this is the counsel or work of God, it will come to height and great tower but if this counsel or work be of men (it would be defenceless therefore) and so come to nought. To come to nought means to dwindle, fall down (having lack the strength to continue) and then die off. How many here wants that to be their portion? Do you want to run for years with a thing before being confronted you're mistaken. Therefore, take your time to search and find your own pleasure of the Lord before you start at all. Don't do another's or one never allocated to you. If you do, your center will be shut down. You'll just see yourself lacking the necessary inspiration, understanding, wisdom etc needed to run what you've started. Why? God is not funding you. Kingdom funding or funding itself is not only about money. It covers all resources that'll make God's will or pleasure in your hands to prosper. I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings. Who knows whether you've been convicted and will like to expose Satan and do so publicly in order to break his power and hold on you. Then, you may freely  call, chat or email the following: +234 81 37 04 68 12 or / Those are hotlines. Never continue partnering with Satan and doing ministry under him. Even if you've joined the occult, redemption is still in Christ for you. I pray, may you not serve people poison for having not been called or called forth by the Lord. Today, desist from running your own race.

PRAYER: Lord, having detected what's not Yours that I've began, I ask for forgiveness, willingness and shut same down. I'm opened to You and free from the spirit of error and deception afore misleading me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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STAY ALOOF AND HOLD YOUR PEACE - His Pleasure Series 003

Acts 5:38, KJV 

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

It's better for you not to get involved at all and let the work die a natural death if it's not of God than opposing it and later finding it is God's. Over the years, I have taught Christians and ministers from this verse. What is not of God don't need to be fought by any man. If it's not of God, let's give it time, it will drop dead on the way and die. When we speak of what is not of God, people's minds immediately turn to Satan and any satanic sponsored work. That's one of what is not God's. There's another. Men's work! Many people founded something themselves. It wasn't God who called them and told them to found. Such work therefore don't have God's certification. It doesn't win His favour or approval and heaven never minds for once providing for such work. Since it is men initiated, it must be men fed, provided for or sponsored. No divine provision or providence ever crosses the mind of God to be torn for such work. Since the mouth of God didn't call it forth, His hands can't feed it. Such work therefore having been let down for not being sponsored or prospered by heaven will then seek means to fund and sustain itself. This is where fake ministers come in who unnecessarily levy people and fleece the sheep for sustainment. But those who stay in this level don't always stay there. They do consequently move from being fake to being false. Those who are false are those who now enter into agreement with Satan and covenant with him to oversee and discharge to them what the Lord of all the earth could have been doing to them if their work is genuine and is the stone caught by God's hands. Such people are suddenly empowered by him. They may have miracles like the magicians of Pharaohs did but their time is only for awhile because they shall be swallowed, searched and not found. 

In this wise, what will come to nought is not only what men originate ignorantly or intentionally but what Satan initiates or is responsible for. They may be allowed to exist till the harvest but they'll eventually be removed because I keep hearing as written in II Corinthians 6:14-15, "for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial?" I'm also hearing as it's in Psalms 1:5, "therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous." They'll fade away because God is not committed to them. They'll be starved, grow lean and die. Those who don't want to die are those who will be forced to partner with Satan for sponsoring and sustainment but we know that their falsehood have been revealed and even though they gather crowd or work miracles, they shall be broken in pieces like a potter's vessel by the rod of the Almighty. Today, God is putting in my mouth to ask you ministers, especially set men of anything spiritual that people are tapping into "whose is the work you're doing?"

a. Men's or Flesh and Blood

b. Occult or Satan's

c. God's or the Divine.

Know principally today that if it is men's or Satan's, even if spared till the harvest, it shall definitely be uprooted and burnt. Such work at God's appearance can't but be found wanting.

PRAYER: Lord, I only move at your move. I will not start on a fake and false ground. I won't found falsely in your name. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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GOD WILL WARN MEN FOR YOUR SAKE - His Pleasure Series 002

Acts 5:38, KJV

"And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

Though yesterday's teaching wasn't titled serially yet I'll like you know it began and opened this series. Today, God wants you to be assured. He wants your assurance to come from the fact that it is He who makes and can make your enemy to be at peace with you. There are grieving opposers but nobody is persuasive enough like God to make them hold their peace over your life and God's pleasure in your hands. 

In today's reading, the disciples are being called to question as to why they preach Jesus which they've been afore warned not to preach. As they are threatened by the council of elders, one named Gamaliel becomes mouth for God to express His will and have it enforced. He told the elders to back off. He sites history to reinforce to them that the disciples and their works would naturally die if it's not one that originates from God. In essence, he warned others of his company to let the disciples be. He said, "and now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:"

This is God fighting and moving for the disciples in order to preserve His pleasure in their hands. You see, when a thing constantly meets with stiff opposition, though same eventually glories over that opposition yet that may reduce the early effectiveness of the work. But it is better when one has free hand, access and wide room of operation. It's only then one has arrived in Rehoboth. It's only then one's heaven could be said to have been flung opened. Until then, one will have to labour sporadically. One labours now and stops later because opposers are as well at work. For this reason, God seeks to silence and eliminate opposers and hindrances on your way perterm and as soon as they come. It's like a weed. The sooner they appear, the sooner you weed them off. That's the exact God did for Isaac. Where he couldn't raise a voice for himself, God did for him and that was all. God came in the night to Abimelech and told him he's a dead man for having taken a man's wife. Despite the innocence of his hands, God told him he'll be dead if he refuses to return what he has taken which belongs to another man (Gen. 20:1-7). I therefore tell you that God is more than able to warn people on your behalf even without your knowledge. You'll just see that those people now have a new disposition towards you. They may not come to beg you for their previous deeds but you'll see the sign of repentance or new life in them. That's God at work. If where you've once met stiff opposition, you're now meeting acceptance, it can't but be the Lord who has gone to put your enemy at peace with you. Today, for as many ministers, labourers and children of God facing opposition in having free hand, may God appear to your oppressor. Even if power is on their sides, may they hear God and fear.

PRAYER: Warn people concerning me and all that's mine.  God's pleasure is protected in hands.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Wednesday, 30 November 2022





Read Isaiah 53:1-10

Isaiah 53:10, KJV

"Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand."

If you read from verse one, you'll understand this place began by speaking about Jesus. And it is still of Him that speech is being made prophetically. It was said that "in His hands, the pleasure of the Lord will prosper." We should ask, what's the "pleasure of the Lord?" Simply put, it's also the "will of God." "Pleasure" refers to what has been found and one is delighted in; do recline in or like to habitually do." If a thing is the pleasure of anyone being willed to another, it immediately carries the potency to succeed since it's the pleasure of a greater fellow and a greater realm being acted out. So, "the pleasure of the Lord", is what He's  favourably disposed to. Let heaven and earth pass away, if a thing is the pleasure of the Lord, it must be done and must come to pass. What even makes it quickly burn and come to pass is that it's the pleasure of the Lord: what He founds, ordains, wills and then commissions to men by apportioning them. There's nothing in heaven and on earth that God is favourably disposed to if not His own will or pleasure. His pleasure is what He Himself ordains to be done. That's God's desire, wish or inner breathings. He seeks men on the earth to preach the gospel by which men could be saved for instance. That's one pleasure of the Lord. It keeps prospering daily. Wise people are those who seeks to know the pleasure of the Lord somewhere and then jump into it. Immediately, they'll begin to excel. Their excelling is not primarily because they're verily educated in handling that thing but because there's a word that goes with that pleasure of the Lord which their hands have found to do with all their might. So, they'll surf and rise on the energy of that pleasure or the Lord's will. They'll therefore become a wonder and be marvellous in people's sights.

Now, that place says, "and the pleasure of the Lord will prosper in His hands." This should be our prayer and then our objective. First of all, as a Christian or a minister, ensure you're in God's will and doing God's pleasure (what God is happy with). Ensure you're in alignment by doing only what you've found out by search that God wanted done. There are many things that God has ordained to be done. There's no time anyone does them that God is not delighted and gratified that they're been done. For example, what fast has God ordained? If not the one that'll loose the shackles of oppression? What did God command? That you will share your food and possessions with the poor and not close your eyes at them (Isa. 58:6-10). These amidst many are what God delight in. They are what consequently have a reward as well. 

Apart from finding out what the pleasure or will of God is before entering it, ensure you're the right man for a particular pleasure or will of God also. If not, you'll either destroy the work or the work destroys you. There are specific assignments identified with specific men from heaven. It's the pleasure of God but it has been dated, slated and apportioned to be done by some men. For example, the pleasure or will of the Lord of redeeming mankind was solely Christ's work. It's not the work of any prophet of old or apostle of now. So, it can't but prosper in His hands. Doing your work which is a fragment of God's will is what makes you constantly fulfilled and praised as a faithful or obedient servant. Why many don't have prosperity concerning what they call the will of God in their hands is because they're not the one appointed for that work. It is the will of God, yes we know that but are you the hands to do that will of God? Nowadays, people go out of their described jurisdictions and never stick to the pleasure of God concentrated in their hands. As mighty as John the Baptist was, he only came baptizing in order to fish out He who's the Messiah on whom the dove is said to alight and stay. He never tried to be the Saviour once despite the pressure from the company of the elders. He stayed to discharge and was able to fulfill his calling as Jesus' forerunner when he identify and have Him revealed to Israel. 

When the pleasure or will of God prospers, it means it flourishes. A thing that flourishes flows freely like water with a passage and blossoms like a tree planted by rivers of water (Psalm 1). You may begin to think of a body of water that's not being hindered but rather goes where it wants to go and does what it wants to do. Prosperity of God's pleasure in one's hands doesn't mean it won't be contested but that at the end of the day, that pleasure of the Lord and the man ordained to do it will still be standing when the antagonists have been pebbled and powdered by that will of God and now can't be found again. There was a time resistance rose against one minister I once served. Later, all the unrepentant critical people who stood against doing God's will died. I knew two who spearheaded that move. Those who didn't were severely punished. I was eyewitness. The pleasure or will of God when it prospers also comes with the picture of a vegetable garden that's usually well watered. If you look at the leaves, they'll be healthy and fresh. You'll delight having them for yourself. All these are the images given me to describe the picture of a prosperous pleasure of God in a man's hand. If you say you're doing something for God and it is not moving, flowing, gushing and making headway, you should stop, think and reassess whether you're doing the pleasure of the Lord at all or you're indeed the true man in whose hands such desire, purpose or intention of God should be situated. We know many times that the pleasure or will of God is settled and has nothing wrong with it but the wrong man in whose hands it's concentrated may not let it flourish. Today, I want to pray for anyone who has a service they're rendering or giving practically with their hands. May that thing prospers in your hands. For all those who are ministers, in the land God has placed you and you're obedient to go and labour, may God's pleasure prosper in your hands. May you be above contention and striving in the land.

PRAYER: I find Your pleasure and I do it. Will of God, carry me and bear me up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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Thursday, 24 November 2022




CLEFTED IN THE ROCKS - Breaking Needs Series 006

Read Exodus 33:18-23

Exodus 33:22-23, KJV

"22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by 23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen."

God said to me, "apart from the bearing (intervening) work that I do to save your feet from being dashed on a stone, there's another and that one is called "clefting." Who was clefted in the rocks in the Bible? Think quickly and think of Moses. Moses was clefted. Why was Moses clefted? He requested to see God's glory. That's how we must desire knowing more of God until we're totally united with Him and lost in Him. God however replied that no man will see him and yet live. To help Moses to fulfill his desire which is righteous and yet care for Him, God told Him, he'll be clefted so that when He passes, Moses will be privileged seeing His back only. And so, when Jehovah passed, Moses was hidden in the rock and clefted. Or else, the contact with God face to face could have swallowed him up. God therefore used that clefting to hide and keep him safe from injury. 

God made it known to me, this way is how I'll save some from disgrace. It's not by bearing up (intervening or interrupting to stop an ongoing process of disgrace) but by clefting, hiding or keeping secured from an impending doom (by not letting them take a step of doom at all). And now, I'm receiving an enlightening on a verse that very much applies. This place says, "the prudent foresees the evil and hide himself but the simple passes on and are punished (Prov. 22:3).

What is consequent if you pass on? You suffer! That's what that place calls "punishment." It may come in any form depending on which rule or law you're breaking and in what field or aspect of life it's being broken. But what did the Bible proffer as the remedy to not being punished? It's foreseeing the consequences of taking a likely step and then refraining from it. This is where divine revelation will be granted you so that you'll see what others do not see and by same be refrained. That "refraining from it" is what is called "clefting, being clefted or hidden." By hiding yourself, that thing will still occur but it can't beat you because you have taken caution by taking shelter. It will just pass you by. Your shelter is that you do not go ahead to strike the iron others are striking. It's that you do not go ahead to invest in the same market others are investing into. You saw that the time is not ripe and so retrace your steps back and so you are saved. 

Today, lay your hand on your head. "Receive an impartation of wisdom. When Moses laid hands on Joshua, the latter received his wisdom. Manifest special understanding of time and seasons to know when, where and what. Have cause to see beyond what appears. See dangers as dangers even if they're masked. May you always be clefted and hidden from dangers that could and should be avoided. May you not pass on (take same steps like the simple) and be punished like them. I rid you of all simplicity (foolishness) and have you filled with financial wisdom from above. Any step or decision in business or personal economy etc that you'll take that'll consequent in your being punished won't be allowed you by the Spirit. May the Spirit of God rather strive with you until you let go of what you've planned doing. This way, you'll be clefted: having taken caution and refrained from going ahead.

PRAYER: Lord, cleft me from every financial difficulty. Give me wisdom to hide and not be punished. I foresee the danger. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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Wednesday, 23 November 2022




WHEN TRUSTING GOD IS EASIER - Breaking Needs Series 005

Genesis 22:6-8, KJV

"6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together."

There's a time when trusting God is bread and butter. You yet don't break a sweat. It's the time when if asked by your spouse, children, siblings, associate pastors etc how a need would be met, your defaulted reply would be, "God will provide." Anyone could mistaken you to be in faith at this time but they wouldn't know you're maintaining positive confession because your need has not yet reached its climax of desperation. 

In the past devotional, I made mention of something troubling known as the peak or mount of need. It's when a man has no wherewithal and his chances of survival have been leaned down to nothing. So, it's either he looks up to heaven or he forgets and let slip. Abraham once got to the mount of need on the mount of the Lord but before then, let me take you by the hands and lead you into the court room of how Abraham began to trust God and how trusting God to meet his needs was easier at first.

If you're trusting for a need to be met and the need is still in a long distance before you, it is easier maintaining faith or being in faith because that need is still a year time to come. Then, you'll be full of many soothing comforting words. You'll still believe and be strong at heart that "God is the God of all flesh and that nothing is too difficult for Him." Ok, let's see. But, confessions like this should not be confidently trusted because they've not being tested. God will like to prove your faith in Him by making you near your need and your need not nearing you. If you read today's passage, Isaac asked the dad - Abraham where the ram was or would come from. Abraham didn't have to think twice before he said, "the Lord would provide." He could say that for so many reasons. One of which is that they're still far from Moriah where the sacrifice will take place. So, Abraham still has some respite that God can still show up. Though some loss is at sight yet Abraham is not yet feeling it deeply because the knife is not yet in his hand nor at the throat of Isaac. There's still respite and a hope that God won't disappoint Himself and him too. At this point in any brother's or sister's life, it's easier trusting God. It's easier confessing the scriptures and making declarations but if you're two days, a day or some hours to the closure of an application you have to pay and apply for and you're yet in faith and confession of the Scriptures and all you've been doing when closing date has not drawn near, "God will endorse you to be a true seeker and there's no true seeker who goes off empty handed." But do you know what rather happens? As people draw near and near the slated time to get a thing accomplished and same is unaccomplished, fear steps into their lives because they haven't gotten the wherewithal to meet that need. In the nearest distance, they're seeing disgrace and being left behind already. These altogether created more fears which lead to doubt in them. So, they outrightly stop believing to rather run helter-skelter to any place or person who could meet their needs in their estimation. They'll begin to exercise the opposite of faith or positive confession. They'll therefore undo all they've done for days if not years. At the time of their accusation of God that He's not listening is when they've really reached the mount or peak of their need. That's when things are desperate! When you haven't reached it, you may have peace and believe the earth is under your feet but as the day draws near and your need is yet to be met, one bolt of fear stronger than the East wind will first jolt you to your senses. You've been in faith but now you'll be woken to your senses to be sensed ruled. You'll suddenly have awareness of time and at that time, you may cast off restraint and go any length to seek help from where God does not sanction or where you wouldn't have looked twice if recommended to you during your days of buoyancy. At this period (peak of need), people backslide for short in the process of wanting to meet needs. 

I pray that angels will rather bear you up. The Bible says, "you won't be tempted more than you can bear." I pray that with your temptation shall come a way of escape so that you may always escape every day and every time. I declare, you won't disappoint God or let go when your breakthrough is just stone throw away. May it never never be recorded that you're of those who shrink back. Never. Never I say! Your salvation is around the corner. If you're trusting God for provision, divine health or whatsoever, keep being in faith and in persistence on the mount of need (when situations might have reached their peak and pressure is pressurizing). God will show up. This is what surprises us and makes us call God the miraculous God. This is what will make you call Him your Salvation. Until you reach the mount or peak of need, anything you receive of Him seems to have been delivered to you by your swiftness, prayer abilities or righteousness. Then, you may share the glory with God. May God train you as children and take you through all the processes that make a son so that you'll be lacking in nothing. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not attribute salvation at any point to myself. Train me in all the processes of sonship. Help me overcome my hour of temptation and remain in faith and with You. I shall not shrink back. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26; James 4:1-17; Psalm 118:19-29; Proverbs 28:3-5

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