Monday, 7 November 2022




THE WAY OF THE LORD - Large Place Series 022

Isaiah 40:3, KJV

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

Who's not wise enough who has something to bring to others who will not devise a channel by which they will be reached? God won't fall from heaven to reach men. It is men He sends to men. It is men He uses for men. Many times, they are those called ministers. Those who should be known with strict consecration of themselves to God as to be positioned not to shortchange God, the people or themselves in serving as channels. 

Whenever civilization hit a place, one major thing that's non negotiable is a road. First of all, a way, a road, a path, a channel, a thoroughfare, a passage, a means that will extend from this end where the journey is beginning to the end it will end must be made. There's no civilization and transportation without roads. Such road must run to and fro. It must connect. It is this road whether it is very motorable or not that'll first provide the reacher the privilege to reach the unreached. The unreached are waiting but what can the reacher do if there's no road at all? So, you might have receive Christ and in your capacity you're praising yourself to have tried and to have been useful. Yet, God is saying, you're mistaken because it's a way and not a highway you've made Him in your life. God is saying, you need to submit your ambition, self love and obsession to follow Him, bear His yoke daily so that the manifestation of all He has for the earth and for you might not be hindered at all but rather revealed through you. All these things you have refused to submit to Him constitutes hindrances to His having your life as a highway and using it for transportation. A way is good but a highway is better. Creating something to pass through is a mercy on its own but how good and smooth sailing is such road? Is it wide enough? In many countries, the problem is not that they don't have roads. The problem and lament has been to have motorable roads. If you ask anyone from a country where their leaders are neglects and have been incapacitated building express or high ways, they'll have much to tell you on how they're suffering. You might have made a way, thank you. At least, God occasionally use you but He often do bypasses you to another also because there's something in your life that's not allowing Him land or rest on you for total possession and use. So, God is always leaving you to depart to another. The same thing that motorists do by neglecting a bad road to take a better one even if it'll mean cost in fuel consumption. You can stop this mandated boycott you usually force on God. It is by preparing a highway and not just a way for the Lord in your life. Give all, surrender all and the Lord will gush through you to invade the earth. None of us just wants to pass through any way, we want a wide, paved, tarred road. One that's large enough as to allow us run in it. This will ensure speed and facilitate easy transportation. It's such highway where vehicles are known for speed you should create for the Lord.

PRAYER: Catch me the little foxes in my life. Lord, widen, pave, tar my life for your transportation. May I be useful in bringing you to men.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Sunday, 6 November 2022



Welcome To The Union Week Of "OreOlu." You're Specially Invited!



Isaiah 40:3, KJV

"The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

In being taken to your "large place" as a person, we'll need to consider how important it is for you to make a highway for the Lord in your life. We'll be questioning whether He'll find you for use upon His arrival. Imagine! Look at what the jingle and awareness is all about. Look at the reason for which the preacher (in Isaiah) preached and for which the preacher (in me) now preaches. What? The preparation of a way for the Lord. So, a way could be prepared for the Lord? So, one could create such a thoroughfare in his life for the Lord to pass through to reach and touch lives? What a wonder! So, if a man clears himself of all unwanted as instructed by the Bible and as the terms of his consecration will have him do, he'll have prepared a way for the Lord? A resounding "YES." Now, I see!

What use is a pipe that can't pass the flow? Will the flow that can't be passed ever reach or bless anyone also? And what usefulness is both pipe and flow that men and end users can't benefit from? What use? God is loud in the streets and has gone public through His servant to lament that "people are not letting Him through." People are seriously hindering Him. Though He's the God of all possibilities and His reign or capabilities knows no end, yet the vessels in humans that He could use and flow through have not made a suitable express road for Him to run and speed in. So, end users are not becoming beneficiaries or of all that God's heart desires and has planned for them.

God is crying and showing ministers and all Christians who have failed to clear themselves for the Lord's use that we're actually the cause for which the earth has not felt His mightiness. His deposit is not all felt and all His intentions are not being done yet. While there's a cry that "His will be done on earth" as it's in heaven yet some vessels and conduits He could move through have yet not sanctify themselves for the Lord. He's however not leaving us without any witness. He rather like a gentle Father proffer to us a solution and remedy. He's saying, "if a man therefore purge himself from these (what is ignoble of which sin and making a habit of it is part), he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work" (II Timothy 2:21, KJV). Until this is done, may it not be that you'll just be hearing of God using people yet never moving towards your tent. God needs a highway. He doesn't need less of that. He requires a standard road in your life to flow and bring heaven's transportation, communication, blessings and benefits through to the people. The oil that stopped was not God's fault. He's never stingy. He wants to give and express Himself but man has no room for this visitation and when the announcement went out that, "there are no more vessels", God had no choice but to restrain Himself (II Kings 4:6). See how humans restrict their Maker! Make room rather. Make a highway for the Lord. He wants to flow ceaselessly. He wants to pass to reach men through you. May availability be paved for the Lord in your own very life.

PRAYER: Purification by fire. Show me areas of amendment and I shall sacrificially in God's grace do away with such.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Saturday, 5 November 2022




IF YOU MAKE ROOM ENOUGH FOR ME - Large Place Series 020

II Kings 4:6, KJV

"And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."

God told me, "you determine to what extent I'll have reach in your life, possess or use you. I want to show My unlimitedness in your vessel of honour. I have enough oil to pour into your vessel but will you make me accommodating room enough or the reply will soon be, "and there's not a vessel more", thereby stopping the willingness of the ever ready flow?The oil flowing in this passage still has intention to fill vessels more and more. It's a stream that never ends but rather one that demands "more room" for its outpouring. The reply however was that there's no more room for its accommodation. God is ready to work but man is unprepared to accomodate Him. Instantaneously, the oil stayed. This is the oil that could have flown on and on but human activity and inactivity stopped it. Therefore, the extent or the reach to which any man would be used by God is not determined by God Himself but that man himself. 

I heard the word of that ancient prophet that cries with lament saying, "3 the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.  4 Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain: 5 And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it (Isaiah 40:3-5, KJV).

What does this mean? God wants to have free hand, free course and free flow in our lives. He wants to move smoothly and at His own desired speed while running and flowing through us to minister to our world. There's no vessel God wants to use that won't keep himself from what hinders the transportation of the Spirit while keeping himself in shape, availability and update to the increment of anything that won't curtail, stop, hinder or grieve the Holy Ghost. If there's no way prepared for the Lord to pass through in your own life and the Lord is always stumbling at pebbles while being reduced in motion by the much potholes of your undedicated life, you'll tone down the ability and capacity of God like that widow did by not making available very much vessels to trap the oil and the ever willingness of God. That woman could have seen a greater glory of God but her preparation was what she got. Therefore, it's not consequent upon God to determine how much you'll receive, the growth you'll grow, and the extent you'll go in depth but rather you're the determiner. If you're always making room daily, asking and desiring more, laying down your will and repenting from your ways and ambition, you'll see God use you and take you to the tower of the achievement that you could never have forecasted yourself. I believe that many people whom God used that we call God's Generals still restricted God and so God achieved less with them. Not asking God always what He'll have you do per term can restrict how far He could take you. So, where people could have gone further, they only went far. What we on the earth realm are now praising and celebrating is the "far" they went and not the "farther" that God had in mind. And we are deceived to be believe that because what was birthed through their callings was so gigantic before us that we believe that's all God had ever wanted to do with them. No! He wanted to do more but they gave Him no expression. They shut Him up. They forced Him to recline and hold on. That's what this woman did to the oil. The oil was forcefully shut up where it could have continued to speak and pour.

If you never fulfill this scripture above as a Christian or minister, you can't become all God wants to make you or use you to do because your own will, plans, ambitions, love, desires and breathings might contradict with God's. Once it does, you'll hinder, block and restrain Him from having free hand. So, the unlimited God will become limited in your life. You'll just see the oil staying where it could have healed all but rather get curtailed because of your inadequate obedience. God, deliver us from ourselves, self will and adequacy of being roomy enough in one's sight. May we always shift ground and make you win. For that's when we can wear you out and see Your inside while experiencing "Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory."

PRAYER: I clear and rid myself of anything that hinders the flow and transportation of God in my life. I shall be used maximally. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 12:1-14:11; Hebrews 7:1-17; Psalm 105:37-45; Proverbs 27:3

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Friday, 4 November 2022





II Kings 4:6, KJV

"And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed."

Be reminded, heaven hates wastages. They always stay their hands once there are no more vessels to fill. God is never incapacitated. He's always full, willing and constantly reloaded no matter how much He has afore given. He's always ready to give because He never knows decrease. The Bible says it is of Him we have received grace after grace (John 1:16). We not only receive once or in thousand times but just continually. 

If this mind of being conservative of God's plentiful that was in Elisha, that widow and that certain rich man on God hating wastages is not in you, you'll not see it fit to put preparedness in place to trap and receive whatsoever God might rain down. God wants to show His almightiness and He sincerely wants you to be His witness by making grounds to contain and reserve these blessings that eyes can see and ears will hear to the praise of God. Never blame God that He's not enough, ready or willing. Are you ready, submissive and obedient to go where He'll lead you and do what He'll tell you? God seeks vessels to use and vessels to manifest to the world but which are full of oil that He solely pours into them. Are you ready to be used by God? One, are you ready to contain Him or be full of yourself? Are you ready to be given a mandate or you wanna run your race? Are you emptying yourself to receive divine vision, mission and mandate by which you'll run or you're still contemplating running with what you've cooked and your hands have carved you? God hates wastages and though He's all powerful and able, you can restrict what He can do. That woman did. They borrowed vessels not a few but their vessels soon wear off and the commanded and ever flowing oil stops. The oil could have flowed for days. The oil expressly and ceaselessly could have run on and on if not for the smallness, inadequate and the limitedness of man that stopped it. What that woman gathered in human word was much but her much was too narrow. How soon the oil stopped when she could have put God into debt by how billion she could have borrowed. God is ready to bless. Are you willing to possess? Are you even in the right mindset to manage and contain plenty? Have you been cultivated and grown to manage, compute and see to millions? Hope God's blessings won't reveal your weakness and make you run amoral and mad into doing the ungodly. Hope in God's blessings, you'll still attend church and officiate. Plenty is coming but are you really made ready to contain this blessing or it would be to your detriment?

PRAYER: I empty myself to be roomy to receive God's graciousness and oil. I receive the humility to continue with God after my blessedness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 10:1-11:25; Hebrews 6:1-20; Psalm 105:16-36; Proverbs 27:1-2

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Thursday, 3 November 2022



Happy New Month!!!



II Kings 4:2-3, KJV

"2 And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few."

Yesterday, you saw the inadequacy, deficiency and unpreparedness of that certain rich man. His land brought fought plentifully but it actually caught him unawares. He lacked foresight to afore put preparedness in place though in no time, he made greater erections and mastered the situation. If not, he'll have wasted heaven's blessings when his land defied all odds to bring forth plentifully. However, it was at arrival he was saying, "but I don't have room enough for this." Unpreparedness in action!

But that's the kind of blessing some are praying for. God gave him quadruplets where he was expecting one and he's confessing, "but I don't have room and resources enough to take care of them." You should know once you marry, it is a call to greater consequences and responsibilities. I pray that even if it comes suddenly, you'll have wherewithal to put readiness in place. In no time, that rich man built greater warehouses, silos and barns. Why? He has the fund. He only needed the solution and that one too was not far fetched from him. In every situation, may you always receive a way of escape.

However, let's see differently from this certain rich man's story. I want to show you the display of foresight. Elisha in trying to help a widow break even economically asked her what she has. She said, "just a little oil in a cruse." Elisha said, "Ok, that would do. Go and borrow vessels of thy neighbours. Ensure you borrow much vessels." Why would Elisha counsel this way? He knew God was about to give His rain, blessings and plentiful abundance to her. Though he knows she might have her own vessels yet she counselled her to go beyond the limited vessels she might have to borrow more. The emphasis was, "borrow and borrow not a few." That woman regretted one thing later on though that was not written black and white in the Bible. It is the fact that she never knew what Elisha had in mind when he said, "borrow and not a few." If Elisha had given an exposition and hack to that woman on what would happen, that woman would have taken the pain to collect more vessels than she did. However, she didn't know and so restricted the Holy One of Israel. The One who has an enough inside that nobody can have emptied into himself. Elisha had foresight on what was coming unlike our certain rich man in Luke 12:16. So, He told that woman to put preparedness in place. Or else, what will happen will escape and be curtailed from being delivered because there'll be nothing to trap it. Because of this, she gathered vessels enough that made her settle her debt, free her two sons and considerably live on the left over without knowing stringencies. People, I see an inflow of blessings. God is intentionally seeking to bless someone lavishly. God wants to throw Himself to someone's chest. He wants to give Himself to fill your hollow but God is saying, "carve out a space for this blessing. Enlarge your territory. Enlarge your vision, mandate and the motion at which you'll now race to level up." The question is, "are you ready to give the labour of borrowing vessels not a few?" If you never know, that woman was going from house to house. She even needed extra persuasion before many could trust her with their vessels but she endured all to fulfill the requirements for experiencing the running and never stopping oil. Are you indeed ready for church growth? Then, make room available for souls. Are you really ready to nurse children? Then, prepare as a waiting mother. I'm saying this because like Elisha, God will come to you like a flood and an ever flowing oil but do you have vessels not a few to house His blessings. This will overwhelm you and confound you. So, before this great day of visitation, quickly seek every means possible to be ready and not waste heaven's deposit at arrival. Put preparedness in place in obedience to awaiting the ever running oil. 

PRAYER: Lord, baptize me with foresight to train, enlarge capacity and do all that's required for me to be able to contain my coming blessings. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 3:16-6:14; Hebrews 4:1-16; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 26:27

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Wednesday, 2 November 2022



Happy New Month!!!



Luke 12:16-18, KJV

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.

Welcome to the season where you have to run so that growth won't outgrow you. God is ready to force you to exercise yourself. This agriprenuer on whom we've been studying for awhile has a breakthrough that he never planned for. His land was reported by the mass media to have brought forth plentifully. Journalists, reporters and all sorts of exaggerators came in to have recorded and have him interviewed over same. Even, the president called in and sent emissaries to congratulate him for same. His plentiful yield like no other was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.  In Nigeria, there's a festival called Argungun festival. It's a festival where people go to fish and the fellow or fellows with the biggest catch get rewarded. Such kind of reward for bountiful, plentiful harvest is what turned in for this agriprenuer. Even foreign nations were astounded at how the land (the instrument of wealth of someone) which is an equal gift of God to all could have been partial in bringing forth plentifully in that manner to just one man. Research started as to detect what type of soil he planted in to have had such bumper yield. Soil scientists were carrying samples of his soil to the lab, yet the land was reported to be like any other. This can't but be God's blessings.

Many visited and he and his land became the news but when all departed home, this man became unhappy, sick and confused. The reason isn't because God hasn't blessed him but because God has blessed him so much that he lacks room and preparation to contain it. So, he was forced to begin to rack his brain as to how to trap all these blessings. This kind of reasoning, he hasn't done it before. He was used to managing his small barns. Those were the ones he probably earlier constructed when he set out in agriculture. But now, he's in trouble. Like a man that growth has caught up with and one growth could kill if not properly managed, he's desperately doing thinking and seeking a means of escape. At the end, heaven gave him another breakthrough. He insightfully resolved and concluded that he'll build larger barns. How would he get that done? He'll vanquish these by pulling it down and building larger on same ground? This is how the blessing of the Lord destroyed the first housing of this man which he had built as a warehouse sometimes ago. God is speaking to me now. He said, "some of you have related with narrowness and strictness for long that you have become narrowed yourself. So much more that you're saying, "I'm comfortable with this space. I'm used to it and it's serving me. I don't want to be stressed or shaken out of my comfort zone by any other work." This attitude and belief system is counter productive. God said, "I want to give you a larger room but your clinging to the old, former, less is not letting Me do that." So, this attitude is making some tell God to keep His blessings. It's not everyone who has the courage for hard-work or accommodation of stress like this woman (II Kings 4:24). She admonished her beast's handler to go at the maximum speed possible with her. Kai! Lazy people, God is here. He's saying, "I want to tear heaven and rain. Are you ready to do the thinking and hard-work that being blessed always require like this agriprenuer? Are you ready to pull down your old barns (thinking or way of life) for a new and better ways of doing things. When blessings come at a higher level, strategies also can't but change. How you handle money can't but change. You must reason and think faster than before and work with such effectiveness that only a calculator has. Today, if you're ready to be exercised - to be put to work and maximized by God who created you, raise your hand and say, "here I am." Now, God has identified you. Get ready for blessings that will tear your barns, sink your ships and indeed could endanger your life. Get ready. You'll discern them to have come from God  and this morning's move. When it does, share your testimonies. Bless you!

PRAYER: Lord, put me to work. Exercise me to my maximum capacity. Give me the blessing challenge that'll do that to me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 1:1-3:15; Hebrews 3:1-19; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 26:24-26

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Tuesday, 1 November 2022



Happy New Month:Welcome To The Union Month of "OreOlu."



Luke 12:16-18, KJV

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods."

People, God wants you to laugh and you will. God's revelation of this current teaching to me actually made me laugh also. As you do, manifestations that'll cause laughter will follow. But before then, let's recap all that God has dealt us on "The Large Place Series." "The large place" is a room, spacious space, height, hill or mountain top. It's where God has created room for you to settle in because He allows you to find acceptance. The room He has therefore created for you without restriction is what gives you free hand and free hand enough to manifest as you so desire. Being in the large place means arrival at destination or the  designated. Being where your soul as preordained by God has long awaited. Been where the earnest expectation of the creature awaits your manifestation. So, at arrival and occurrence to them, they eagerly watch you and listen to receive what God has slated you to give them at that time. "The large place" is a place where all eyes are on you. You role model to multitude who has caught your rising light. All in all, because your time has come and you've been delivered out of narrowness and brought into your large place - your Rehoboth that's free of contention left and right but rather with rights to exercise, you can't but prosper in that destiny land. Once the time comes and heaven says, "now", heaven and earth must gather to make you king. At "The Large Place" also, there's enlargement and a breaking forth into God's larger portions. All at "The Large Place."

But what does our loving Father has for us this very day of November as a continuation of "The Large Place Series." The Spirit asked me, "what does it mean for one's land to bring forth plentifully?" What does "ground" even signify in that verse? For this agriprenuer that we've been studying on, land to him is off course that naturally fixed estate that he plants on. Land is his own instrument of wealth. Land is land and when planted on, it may yield little, big or bogus harvest. This agriprenuer sowed seeds and we read that his land (instrument of wealth) brought forth plentifully. That may be because of manuring and doing of anything that could boost harvest. However, let us give all the glory to God because it is God who owns the rain and the sun by which what he planted got fed to give him such plentiful harvest. A place also says, "I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase (I Corinthians 3:6, KJV). So, who's the ultimate decider of humans' outcome in life? God controls the natural factors that make one reap bountifully well or sparingly. If God shuts His heaven and there results a drought, I hope you know what that will mean to any land even if it's naturally fertile. In the absence of water, manuring a land for planting is even useless. All in all, his land brought forth plentifully due to God's blessing of the work of his hands. 

People, you can have special results and this day is your day of special result and testimony. It was a land that brought forth plentifully here. What if it's your own she goat or cattle that's bringing forth plentifully? Yes, God wants you own cattle if you don't know. It's a fertile source of wealth nowadays. A she goat is seen as very fertile if it brings forth four or five. To shock you, your own goats, cows may begin to break grounds by giving birth to nine-ten children alive! They're covenant cattle! They're meant to be exceptional and break boundaries like yourself! Why won't you become rich then? Why won't you have to eat, sell and spare? What makes people wealthy is that they possess and retain more than they expend. Their reserve and income always exceeds what they could think or decide to spend in actual reality. Today, let your inflow surpasses your outflow. Did you read in that place that the land of that agriprenuer brought forth plentifully? Now tell me, when will a thing that's plenty finish? You'll use it and you'll get tired of it. Because it's not finishing, you'll be forced to begin distributing same round town. You'll intentionally announce a bonanza or reduction in price so that people can buy in order to make room for another stock. God says I should ask you to present your instrument of wealth. What is it? For some, it is land, animals, vehicle, building or even themselves! In a manner that you can't comprehend, that your instrument of wealth will surpass all expectation to begin to bring forth plentifully. Multiple yield is breaking loose into your life now in order to hasten your steps to God's large place of achievement and fulfilment. Without sinning, committing crime or joining the occult, I declare that your own "land" (your instrument of wealth) be capacitated to bring forth plentifully. If you are, begin to think more creatively, insightfully, motivationally, spiritually, maturely as to bring to this world plentiful tangibles that'll be acknowledged and seriously rewarded. Let God posses you to write, compose, draw, paint, programme, invent plentifully. Deliver in bulk. Enter a cycle of spree production. Production that will proceed in mass to shock the world. Begin to mass produce non stop. Like the tree of the Lord that's full of sap, be fertile, full of vitality and nutrients. Have something to bring forth always (Psalms 104:16). Get oil. Anoint yourself and anytime that instrument of your wealth. At seasons of devouring and destruction, same will be passed over and spared. It's your instrument of wealth, it must be redeemed and always kept alive to produce and reproduce. I declare over you in this Nov. month that you'll produce non stop. Some did prophesy non stop in the Bible (Num. 11:25). So, it's possible to produce and not run out of production and that's actually your experience. So, begin to bring forth plentifully in what you do and yet remain in production.

PRAYER: Thank God for the potent power making you and your tools yield plentifully henceforth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 4:1-5:22; Hebrews 2:1-18; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 26:23

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