Happy New Month:Welcome To The Union Month of "OreOlu."
Luke 12:16-18, KJV
"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods."
People, God wants you to laugh and you will. God's revelation of this current teaching to me actually made me laugh also. As you do, manifestations that'll cause laughter will follow. But before then, let's recap all that God has dealt us on "The Large Place Series." "The large place" is a room, spacious space, height, hill or mountain top. It's where God has created room for you to settle in because He allows you to find acceptance. The room He has therefore created for you without restriction is what gives you free hand and free hand enough to manifest as you so desire. Being in the large place means arrival at destination or the designated. Being where your soul as preordained by God has long awaited. Been where the earnest expectation of the creature awaits your manifestation. So, at arrival and occurrence to them, they eagerly watch you and listen to receive what God has slated you to give them at that time. "The large place" is a place where all eyes are on you. You role model to multitude who has caught your rising light. All in all, because your time has come and you've been delivered out of narrowness and brought into your large place - your Rehoboth that's free of contention left and right but rather with rights to exercise, you can't but prosper in that destiny land. Once the time comes and heaven says, "now", heaven and earth must gather to make you king. At "The Large Place" also, there's enlargement and a breaking forth into God's larger portions. All at "The Large Place."
But what does our loving Father has for us this very day of November as a continuation of "The Large Place Series." The Spirit asked me, "what does it mean for one's land to bring forth plentifully?" What does "ground" even signify in that verse? For this agriprenuer that we've been studying on, land to him is off course that naturally fixed estate that he plants on. Land is his own instrument of wealth. Land is land and when planted on, it may yield little, big or bogus harvest. This agriprenuer sowed seeds and we read that his land (instrument of wealth) brought forth plentifully. That may be because of manuring and doing of anything that could boost harvest. However, let us give all the glory to God because it is God who owns the rain and the sun by which what he planted got fed to give him such plentiful harvest. A place also says, "I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase (I Corinthians 3:6, KJV). So, who's the ultimate decider of humans' outcome in life? God controls the natural factors that make one reap bountifully well or sparingly. If God shuts His heaven and there results a drought, I hope you know what that will mean to any land even if it's naturally fertile. In the absence of water, manuring a land for planting is even useless. All in all, his land brought forth plentifully due to God's blessing of the work of his hands.
People, you can have special results and this day is your day of special result and testimony. It was a land that brought forth plentifully here. What if it's your own she goat or cattle that's bringing forth plentifully? Yes, God wants you own cattle if you don't know. It's a fertile source of wealth nowadays. A she goat is seen as very fertile if it brings forth four or five. To shock you, your own goats, cows may begin to break grounds by giving birth to nine-ten children alive! They're covenant cattle! They're meant to be exceptional and break boundaries like yourself! Why won't you become rich then? Why won't you have to eat, sell and spare? What makes people wealthy is that they possess and retain more than they expend. Their reserve and income always exceeds what they could think or decide to spend in actual reality. Today, let your inflow surpasses your outflow. Did you read in that place that the land of that agriprenuer brought forth plentifully? Now tell me, when will a thing that's plenty finish? You'll use it and you'll get tired of it. Because it's not finishing, you'll be forced to begin distributing same round town. You'll intentionally announce a bonanza or reduction in price so that people can buy in order to make room for another stock. God says I should ask you to present your instrument of wealth. What is it? For some, it is land, animals, vehicle, building or even themselves! In a manner that you can't comprehend, that your instrument of wealth will surpass all expectation to begin to bring forth plentifully. Multiple yield is breaking loose into your life now in order to hasten your steps to God's large place of achievement and fulfilment. Without sinning, committing crime or joining the occult, I declare that your own "land" (your instrument of wealth) be capacitated to bring forth plentifully. If you are, begin to think more creatively, insightfully, motivationally, spiritually, maturely as to bring to this world plentiful tangibles that'll be acknowledged and seriously rewarded. Let God posses you to write, compose, draw, paint, programme, invent plentifully. Deliver in bulk. Enter a cycle of spree production. Production that will proceed in mass to shock the world. Begin to mass produce non stop. Like the tree of the Lord that's full of sap, be fertile, full of vitality and nutrients. Have something to bring forth always (Psalms 104:16). Get oil. Anoint yourself and anytime that instrument of your wealth. At seasons of devouring and destruction, same will be passed over and spared. It's your instrument of wealth, it must be redeemed and always kept alive to produce and reproduce. I declare over you in this Nov. month that you'll produce non stop. Some did prophesy non stop in the Bible (Num. 11:25). So, it's possible to produce and not run out of production and that's actually your experience. So, begin to bring forth plentifully in what you do and yet remain in production.
PRAYER: Thank God for the potent power making you and your tools yield plentifully henceforth.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 4:1-5:22; Hebrews 2:1-18; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 26:23
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