BUT HE WAS ALREADY A RICH MAN - Large Place Series 014
Luke 12:16, KJV
"And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully..."
Some are saying, "God, why are you blessing him again? Is he not already rich?" Why should it be him his ground, business, venture will bring forth plentifully again? God is saying, "as for me, there's no better yesterday. My better to you is always unfolded by the day. So, I'll bless him and bless him more as he goes."
God is interested in journeying with you and blessing you so much that people would say, "what's he looking for again? Does he not have all things?" Once people begin to say these, you have become their envy. I found out that all the patriarchs became that in their surroundings. All of them begin little but they become great into thousands even under defying situations.
God always have a plan. He has not ended with you. He's just starting. The Bible has this testimony to say about that agriprenuer. "The land of a certain rich man brought forth abundantly." Again? He has been blessed but by the abundance yielding of his land, blessing is being rolled on blessing for him. No wonder, he himself took time out to meditate on how he'll solve his new problem of storage and warehousing. It's because goods are still in his store and now more abundant ones have arrived. How will he then survive this great pile of stock? He has never known the large place or its experience before but because of this layer upon layer, he's getting there.
Quickly, let me say what God is bringing to me. "I want to build new houses for some of you. A larger, better and more accommodating houses. One that will has all your desires and meet your taste and demands. I'm building you a new house. I'm relocating you soon." I built a new one for this agriprenuer to accomodate all his new desires. I'm accommodating you too anew.
People, God has not stopped raining. He will rain and rain until it is tangible enough in your life to become a flood; then water enough to bear your ark and make you float. I see you surviving and continuing because God is increasing you to be in the now of wealthy people. If your growth stops economically, you'll see that you'll soon be described as once rich. You're topping the table and you could still be listed and regarded to be in the now in what you do and what you've found to colonize because God is always bringing fresh deliveries and equalizing you with better and greater things. So, you or another shouldn't say, "but I already have enough." Look, your enough is not enough before God. He has the goods and He'll pour it out." Therefore, I cause your land, tool, business, venture, endeavour, ways to be prosperous, ever yielding plentifully and increasingly. Add weight from time to time. Break boundaries and shed that of yesterday on all sides for the growth of today. Let metamorphosis happen to you economically. This man pulled down old barns to build new, larger and more accommodating one. That's proceeding forward. Have such experience. No backwardness.
PRAYER: I haul blessings upon blessings. I receive of him wealth after wealth.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16
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