Saturday, 8 October 2022




READY! - Discipleship Series 004

Read Acts 9:10-17

Acts 9:10, KJV 

"And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord."

Another mark of a disciple is readiness. They must always be at hand. If you're not filled with your own ways, if you've not being employed by another spirit but this same Holy Spirit, then your availability should not come under siege whenever the Lord calls. This is where Christians as soldiers should not be underdeveloped. Many Christians aren't seeing themselves so. They have entangled and comforted themselves with the life of a civilian for long. At the call of God for duty, they're usually no where to be found and the work of the Lord suffers. It's when ministration knocks that some ministers would desire they had been praying, fasting and possessing their vessels in honour. They'll then begin to experience like the disciples whom Jesus told, "this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting (Matt.17:21)" A disciple must therefore be ready. No sin must have singed his mind in order to convince him he's incapable but he must rather believe in the finished works of Christ to cast out devils and heal the sick. Here's Paul already in a broken stage. He needs ministry and ministration. Who will bear it to him is now what matters? A sacrificial life is a calling on any disciple. A life that can do away with their own ways and be useful for the Lord whenever he calls. Are you always ready or once called, you'll take awhile to be found? If you are, many souls would slip off being harvested. Your emergency sanctification is eyesore to the Lord. 

This same readiness is what Philip lived out. An angel told him, "arise and go toward the south unto the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza... (Acts 8:26). All other events after that were history. That Ethiopian Eunuch didn't escape Jesus that day and he was as well baptized. God must be able to lay hands on you any time any day. That's if you call yourself His vessel. A mark that the Lord has not possessed you is your unavailability whenever He has works immediately to do. You must have built reputation with the Lord so much more that if he calls at a minute to an occasion, you could sacrifice your sleep to pray on the dream He gives you (to evade what might happened). The recruitment going on is that of ready, at hand disciples. Those that'll be called and will say, "here I am, Lord." May God wean you of all things that has made you its own so you'll be a ready disciple of God. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me mature into readiness. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 8:8-9:26, Colossians 3:1-17, Psalm 78:32-55, Proverbs 24:27

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Friday, 7 October 2022




NOTHING TOO PRECIOUS - Discipleship Series 003

Genesis 22:2, KJV

"And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of."

God is not bothered with your loving anything He has given you. His concern is that there'll be nothing you possess that you prefer and love above Him. This may be hard but it is the requirement bearing on us. God said, "take thy son, thine only son, Isaac whom thou loves..." First, there's nothing you have that's really yours. You're just a steward. Someone God has found worthy to have such custodied and administered on earth. Out of everything He has even given us do we give Him. So, we can't boast of actually doing God any favour because from Him and of His fullness have we received grace after grace and blessings after blessings in their varieties and shades (John 1:16). A mark that you've grown is that there's nothing God demands of you to slaughter or let go that you argue about or reason its loss. The refining and purging of our character isn't easy but it's like the refining of gold and its passage through the fire. But at the end, all will testify to the beauty thereof. "Take thy son" was the command. Why his son? Why not his fatted calf? God knows what's Abraham's chief joy of all his possessions. So, it's on that the test will be based and not on what any man would not sacrificially give. Some of us are faithful until God says, "give thy son." We stop being a follower of God and prove unfaithful at this juncture. And if you won't allow your grain of corn to be sown to die in the ground, how will you have a bountiful harvest of same? Abraham gave one and he became the father of all nations.

"Thy only son" God also said. If it's more than one, we may easily give it up but when our fate is tied to only one, we guard it with all our life. Yet, Abraham didn't have two let alone more. Being called to yield up his one is hard but he submitted.

"Isaac whom you love", He says again. You see that? God confirms Isaac is Abraham's life. That's why He's asking for same. Like David says, "I'll not sacrifice to the Lord what will cost me nothing (II Sam.24:24)." God's emphasis on whom to offer here will disheartened a pretentious Christian and force him to be declared for who he is.

God is expecting us that we shall regard ourselves as an unprofitable servant whose life is tied to his master's. No Christian has his own life to live. It is because God is Lord and Administrator of His kingdom. If He wants you leave the comfort of the world where you live to relocate to a noisy overpopulated city, you have no choice but to obey. If He's sending you there, He has need of you there to meet need. If all of us Christians ever listen to God and submit to be administered, in no time, the gospel will reach the whole earth. I found out that God's resources are much more concentrated in human population and even material resources in some places than others while there are villages, hamlets and towns without churches or anyone to knowledge them on Christ. Has God not sent a man there? He did but he wouldn't go because he cannot slaughter his Isaac of city  and modern comfort. So, some places seems poorly funded while the others have resources in humans and materials that are being wasted and used selfishly and carelessly by those it is custodied. If you are a Christian, you have a call on you. It's to be submissive and sendable. The day God can't administer you again, you've outgrown the faith. God should be able to say, "arise, take this and that and journey Eastward or Westward." You don't have to know the details before you obey. Prove who's leading you and let trust stabilize you. Abraham was not told the exact mountain at the onset but same was shown him after obeying. Yours is therefore not to enter into bargaining with God. That's rather a clay struggling with the potter and asking, "why form me thus?" Let me ask, "what's in your life that you cherish so much that seems you can't give? Slaughter it today. Show no attachment to it any longer. You might even sow it away. The day God is no longer your highest love but is another which you can't let die, just know that you've trespassed to the worshiping of idol.

PRAYER: Lord, I lay all before you: my fame, accolades, wealth, family, sex, ambition etc.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 6:16-8:7, Colossians 2:8-23, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 24:26

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Thursday, 6 October 2022




THE ASK OF DISCIPLES - Discipleship Series 002

Acts 9:6, KJV 

"And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?..."

There's nothing that indeed reveals the lordship of Christ over you than that above. "Lord, what will you have me do" is weightier to God than any request for goodies that you may tender. At salvation, Jesus becomes your Lord and Saviour. Meanwhile, you have responsibility acknowledging Him as Lord continually by your obedience to His revealed will. The extent you let Him reign and own you also determines the extent of His lordship in your life. God has expanse of lands in some people's lives while in some, it's just a room and some, a narrow passage. You've been saved and that's a one thing off but Christ's lordship must daily be allowed in your life. If you refuse, you'll never know Christ likeness because you'll stiff the process of being changed and so you won't grow. But as He says this and that and as  you obey, you'll not only be acknowledging Him as your master and possessor but you'll begin to take His semblance. Character can't but be formed in you. You'll be broken and rebuilt in the process of doing what He (as He has chosen for you in all His wisdom) will have you do. God is practical. He'll come to test your discipleship. We not only take lessons under God. We take tests too. He told Abraham to offer Isaac. You may want to travel abroad but the Word of the Lord may come to you to forbear. God may be testing your humility and obedience. If you've been the independent and proud one, he may want to build dependence in your character. He may also be developing strength in you to stand alone when people are falling for what is wrong but popular (though nothing sinful and wrong in travelling abroad except you defy a straight order). Saul asked, "what would you have me do?" We should ask same because only God knows the thoughts He thinks towards us though we know they're generally thoughts of good and not of evil (Jer.29:11). We should ask because we don't want to miss any of His provision for us lest we give room to be tempted and assaulted. Did you see submission in Saul's question? At that point, he could no longer boast of his eyes. So, he knew what it means to be humble even if it'll be for remedy's sake. People, God is looking for Christians who will acknowledge daily that they were bought with a price and so glorify God in their living. One way is to have all you'll do proceed or ordered from the Lord. When you run to do your thing, it proceeds from this false sense of thinking that you know what you should do. What do you know? Many even short change themselves by running ahead of God. At times, they choose lesser than God planned for them. Since there's no acknowledgement, God let them have their good instead of His better. Stop exercising too know and living separately from God's disclosures that really prosper a man. All of us have how it has been written of us in the volume of the books. The books are with God. Find it out and fulfill them. God's book to you is likely not mine to live and vice versa. Paul said, "Lord, what will you have me do?" He has been purged of his own will or way. This is the man that's no longer thinking of what people would say if he obeys settling in a village as God may command it. He's not under the siege of prestige or keeping of appearance not to accept anything beneath his status. A disciple is any adult (spiritually) who has learnt to submit to the will of the Holy Spirit. His one major heart desire is to find what God will have him do and then do it. That's why Jesus said, "my meat is to do the will of He that sent me and to finish His work (John 4:34)."' Even before that will is revealed, a disciple keeps an open mind of willingness to obey. It shows in how long he could wait to enquire until he gathers assurance as to what God would have him do. For this is true worship and reference of our God. Anyone may confess, "Lord, what will you have me do?" But indeed, even before you pray, do you have that sincere and ready heart that you'll do whatsoever He says or you're just here for lips acknowledgement? Things are first of all mind issues. Abraham didn't slay Isaac physically but we knew he had carried it out in his mind (Heb.11:17). As God was concerned, he already did because God judged his reins to see that he had indeed killed Isaac though without shedding his blood. He showed willingness and obedience and never withheld him. May you too have this heart to know and do what is the acceptable will of God for you on every matter. 

PRAYER: What will you have me do?

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 4:19-6:15, Colossians 1:18-2:7, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 24:23-25

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Wednesday, 5 October 2022




WILLINGNESS AND OBEDIENCE - Discipleship Series 001

Read Gen.2 2:1-3

Isaiah 1:19,KJV

"If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:"

Men and brethren, there are many marks of a disciple but for our benefit, one or two is at hand. God told me, "the marks and costs of being a disciple is that they are willing and obedient." It's that they're ready to go always. It's that they don't harbour a way in themselves which they'll later resort to at being discontented or offended. When you are willing, "you're pleased to act." You believe you're not being coerced and so you operate from same mindset. Since you're positive in your mindset, the energy there vigorously fuels your entire body for action (obedience). Anyone who's willing is contented and never becomes a murmurer. The mark of being unwilling is discontentment, murmuring and sluggishness in heeding or taking the instructed step. But, it's not only willingness that makes a disciple who God calls him. What about "obedience?" Our willingness is in vain unless we make it a reality by acting. The same way bones without tendons and flesh can't walk also. "Faith without work", men of old says "is dead". No one sees and eats the reward of willingness without obeying! Willingness finds expression in obedience. Willingness is the water flowing through the pipe of obedience or action. You can be prompted or stirred but you must wake up and agree to make promptings a reality; or else, you'll have a horse in a book. Willingness is the drive, energy, passion, inner stirring and standing up or momentum one gather towards achieving a commanded goal (as a disciple). Willingness is also your resolution or resoluteness and final decision to take a course of action. "Obedience" is doing that thing (starting it) and finishing it. That reminds me of what Jesus, our Master says somewhere. He said, "I have food to eat that you know not of. My meat is to do the will of He that sent Me and to finish it (John 4:32,34)." You see, no other agenda. What have you been commanded specifically by the Lord that you're cultivating willingness for but which obedience must help you act out and finish? There should be a thing. If there's none for now, there'll be one or some by the morrow. A young believer may be receiving every good and perfect gifts but a day will come that from the same sky will fall every instruction that'll look tedious and unwelcoming. Such may have to confess like Job, "can we receive good of Him and not evil?" Yet, he'll finally see that His commandments are not tedious to bear but are rather way of life to any who finds them. 

Abraham suddenly received a call one day. "Take your son, your only son Isaac (as if he didn't know how many he has) whom you love to  Moriah and offer him as sacrifice where I'll show you there." What a rude shock! It looked like the devil just spoke. It is unseemly you'll say that was God's voice. Nothing could be a greater hurt. Imagine God telling him to go and kill his only son and then somebody he loves. This is hard to cultivate willingness for let alone obeying. Our minds can't even conceptualize it let alone accept or deem it fit. If people hear, even those of the household of faith, they'll say, "a demon had spoken to Abraham because our own God is peace." But Abraham can't pretend not to have heard God or acknowledge the voice which spoke. He can't become pretentious now.  He had proved that voice long enough as to know who's commanding this. What did Abraham do? I thought he'll debate it and plead with God not to cause him shame and embarrassment before all those who had known he has a child. I thought he'll suddenly break down like David and begin to fast overnight so that God might change his mind (II Sam.12:15-17). No! Abraham is a disciple - ever willing, ever obedient. He rather gathered gears for the journey and went the next day to do God's bidding. That's a disciple. He hears - receives a command and doesn't contemplate let alone debates it. Disciples like this have lost their will. Their confession is, "for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Let me ask you if you're developing these traits of willingness and obedience. The last time God wanted to collect a thing from you, you knew how much debate went over it. Same was not let go until later situations made you see what God was protecting you from. You're not willing and obedient. A willing heart gives up anything, yields up whatsoever. At a call, he leaves all to heed God. He's always at hand to serve His will because He sees himself as an unworthy servant who after serving him must still tarry to wait on Him. Yet, he discharges all in elatedness. God is putting willingness and obedience in your custody. He can't be willing and obedient for you. He only issues commands. It's not only every good and perfect gifts that comes from above; every command and instruction do come from above too. When it does, may you not throw them out. May you rush to embrace them in order to have them manifested in your life. 

PRAYER: Humble me Lord. Teach me willingness and obedience. Let me eat the good of all instruction and command from above. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Tuesday, 4 October 2022





Read Psalm 121

Psalms 121:1-2, KJV

"1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."

The Psalmist in a puzzling manner says, "he looks up to the mountains" but then contradicts it with, "does my help come from the mountains?" The mountain is literally big and up to the sky. You can call it the height. Metaphorically as the Psalmist intended, the mountains are those who have made their marks. They are cities set in their different places of colonization. These are men of substance. You can't but regard, esteem and believe them to be able to do something concerning your case when tendered to them. But unfortunately, the Psalmist had another confession to make. He says, "does my help come from the mountains?" One, he once looked there but was disappointed. Thus, being a man of experience, he could say and he eventually did say, "does my help come from the mountains?" But his saying that might not be because of a fresh disappointment or what he knows just recently but because he had learnt who man is and who he'll always be. So, he's saying, "does my help comes from the mountains?" That was a sincere ask! Yes, it is! He's affirming something to our faces and trying to redirect and establish in us where to really look for help. Being a man of experience, one who had leaned on flesh and had witnessed his first class failure, he's qualified to mentor us and take us under advisory on where and Who we should direct and focus our gazes, attention and expectation on. This man is qualify because he has known by contact or revelation. May I ask, "where have you been directing your gazes? To the hills or to the Lord?" You're making a mistake that you may regret if you do not soonest U-turn and be saved from the snare of trusting in men and institutions. Did you not see their description?

Isaiah 31:3, KJV 

"Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the LORD shall stretch out his hand, both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is holpen shall fall down, and they all shall fail together."

Man is mortal. He doesn't abide forever. He's weak and he has his own failings. He's not self contained and the strongest or conglomerate of them that the weak look up to could be taken away just suddenly by God (Lk 12:16,20). What then would become your hope? But thank God we were not left without a witness. The Psalmist shows us the secured room. He said, "my help comes from God Who made heaven and earth." What a mighty revelatory utterance! First, God dwells above any physical mountain and that includes the Everest that we know. As He's high above them all, so is he higher and greatly to be referenced and trusted in than any man. He and any aren't mates. Then, the Psalmist subtly let us into why we should indeed look up unto God. He showed us what He's capable of by showing us  what He's reputed for or had done. He said, "He made heaven and earth." The earth He made is where man (the one you're mistakenly looking up unto for bread) lives in. May I ask you a question? Who's greater between the landlord and his tenant? If somebody gave habitat to the big men you're trusting in to live and take their being, who should we go to? He or they? On this note and not another, the mightiness of God is being unwrapped for our acknowledgement and we'll all be unreasonable creatures if we live the Creator to put faith and hope in His created. Today, God is correcting some of you who are waiting, hoping and are seriously on tip toes to stop stirring Him to jealousy and undermining His power by acknowledging mere mortals as givers of all hopes and meeters of all needs. God is still the One who shines His sun and gives His rain upon both the righteous and the unjust alike. It is from His hands all living feed and it's in Him they should trust. May you however not know what it means to look up to the hills but for redirection because your hope get dashed. However, how can any who trust in mortals not experience same?

PRAYER: I look up to you. My help comes from you Maker of heaven and the earth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 1:1-2:30, Philippians 4:1-23, Psalm 75:1-10, Proverbs 24:17-20

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Monday, 3 October 2022





Read Gen.39:1-6

Genesis 39:3, KJV

"And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand."

Did you read that verse above? That verse testifies to God trying to make a room for Joseph. To be noticed or observed isn't far fetched. God only needs to act on your behalf. Men only need to be persuaded to give you a trial. Acceptance is not something you buy with money. Trust is not something you bargain for with mere words. You must earn it one way or the other. When God was set to make Joseph privileged though  a slave, "He was with him." Now, what are the things that the Lord being with any would cause? Favour, prosperity, divine attraction for attention are three which were visible in Joseph's life. Immediately the Lord was with him, all he does prospers. It is no longer Joseph now but the covenant blessing of Abraham giving him flourishing, excelling and productive results. If Joseph should dig where others couldn't get water initially, you'd see him discover and come back with water. Why? A Spirit has joined and mixed Himself with his output so much more that this became known to all. They've been shocked and shocked over at the unusualness of his results. There's just nothing he does that he does not prosper in. This is where it is not of work lest any man should boast but of grace. This is where it is no longer of Joseph but of God. As far as we know, his prosperity was because God was with him. What would he have achieved if God was far from him? This should keep any with prosperity humble and makes him an eternal steward and subordinate under the righteous hand of God. How we ought to also desire and covet like Moses and other men of old that if His presence doesn't go with us, we wouldn't go. His presence is enough and the overall determiner of what might happen to us on the journey. It's that presence Joseph didn't lack and it paid off. 

Joseph also was said to have found grace. He seems to be loved above others. Something seems to be calling attention to him and what he does. Pharaoh seeing the Lord is with him tends to be having soft spot for him now. He wants to treat him specially and entrust something in his hands which others couldn't have because they haven't been certified to him. But Joseph could because he has been recommended to him by the Lord who made all he does to prosper in his hands. And since he's not ready to suffer harm or losses in what he has at home or the field, he needs such a man that can watch his back yet nothing would be marred in his hands. He needs a man that would watch over all he has and same won't decrease but rather multiply. For this reason, he made him the General Manager and Overseer of his household. That's wisdom. He saw that all he does prospers and he's now leveraging on the fact that once it touches that boy's hands, it becomes gold. All these things are steps taken by God to ensure Joseph was carved a space of recognition in Potiphar's house. At least, he had some degree of privilege, respect and special treatment unlike the ordinary slaves and staff (even the Indigenes). Don't forget that Joseph is Hebrew - a stranger. It therefore becomes difficult persuading an Egyptian who must have seen slaves act as slaves over the years to set a slave as the head of his house. It even looks diminishing. Others could have said, "why don't you look for one of us and entrust him with such job? Why that odd one?" But we all know why? Potiphar was necessitated making Joseph the head of his house because God made room for "that boy." How? God made all he does to be prosperous and this was not hidden to Potiphar. That verse says, "and when Potiphar saw that God made all he does to prosper in his hands..." It was that observation that led to the making of the room and the flinging open of that special door he enjoys. Look at me, there's no where you are that God goes with you that any would be able to push you aside. Never! Except you don't go with God. Except his presence has left you. That's when you can be taken for granted but if He be with you, you'll be the centre of attraction without trying. God will just appease men on your behalf and draw attention to you. He did for Joseph. He made him have special results. The mathematics equations that others couldn't solve, when it got to his own hands, he cracked it open. From this and more, all the departmental and college professors began to take cognizance of him and commit into his hands. This is how God makes people who are nobodies to ride on their high places. He only needs to pull a string. God is doing that for you today. He'll speak for you like He spoke to Potiphar on behalf of Joseph. He'll persuade people to receive you without a speech from you. Your space won't be vacant any longer because you shall arise and take your place even if you're a stranger in a strange land. I see a room being made for you. I see men being convinced about you. I see fathers in their fields saying, "he's the man for the job." They're hiring you right away and all shall be traced to "God being with you" that no man may boast. 

PRAYER: Lord, make a room for me career wise. Recommend me to men of high places. Anoint my hands for special productivity and prosperity. Let my good deeds be noticed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4-21, Psalm 74:1-23, Proverbs 24:15-16

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Saturday, 1 October 2022





ARE YOU A PIONEER? - Open Heaven Series 023

I Corinthians 16:8-9, KJV

"8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

9 For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

If you are, one major thing you need is the door of ministry. You need it to open to you lands and the hearts of men. This is if you'll ever do any effectual work for the Lord in the land. It is not everyone who'll carry the call of a pioneer but some are called as Apostles - sent ones to go and break a land and open it up to future wayfarers. Their work is tedious because the land is unfamiliar with what they bring and so might face strong initial resistance since the land has its own religion, beliefs and practices before their arrival. When they arrive at a place, it is usually crude, raw, unattractive and pretty basic. Many would have nothing to do with such lands because it is not always their dream land but a pioneer has eyes of the mind to see what it'll become if the room God opens up to him in that land for effective work is maximized. Also, many pioneers are like Paul here. They build amidst debates and contentions. They have God's permission to plough a land through and erect on it. A mark of God's open door to them but they're always faced with oppositions like Nehemiah faced from Sanbalatt and Tobiah (Neh.2:10). You can't be a pioneer and not have some measure of the gift of faith. This is what makes you act differently and not lose heart when others chicken out. That heart was what Caleb and Joshua possessed. They always see possibilities even in places with strong outlook. 

Today, God is also raising foreign missionaries. These are those who'll be sent as seeds and planted in places other than they know or originate from. God wants to take you away from home. If you are, you need God to grant you this manifestation of open heaven which is a wide open door. People must make room for you in such land. People must agree with you in such land. It is this that causes you acceptance and makes you build what generations and downlines would one day meet. If God suffers a pioneer with an open door to a new place, he'll definitely achieves nothing or little. If you're on a foreign mission and you're not opened up to, one major thing that could then kill you is hostility. But if you're a called pioneer whom God has decided should open up a place to the gospel, you'd see the people accept you and you'd see a productive or tangible work result because of the open door. This is pretty God's work. The Bible says, "while they move from nation to nation, He allows none to touch them (Psalm 105: 13-14). That's a function of an open door. It is what I'm praying on you today. Wherever you may go as God's envoy to situate for Him and His kingdom, may it always be, "touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." In six troubles, even in seven, God will keep all of you who have left parents, spouses and houses to obey the great commission. May God be your inheritance and always make the provision of pillows for you even if it'll be a stone (Gen.28:11).

PRAYER: Bear burdens on behalf of those on mission. Ask that lands open up to them and heart warm up to receive them. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 60:1-62:5; Philippians 1:27-2:18; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 24:11-12

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