Saturday, 3 September 2022

TAKE IT AS WORK - The Key To Quick Profiting!


God told me, "if you want to excel in anything, take it as work."

What you don't take as work; you won't bring commitment of work to it. But if you know from the onset that you have no other call, no other path or means by which end would be met or fulfilment would be attained, you'll bring all the forces of attention and hard-work within you to bear on that singular thing you've found to do. You won't let slip.

Sowing and reaping is a law. As the earth remains, seed time and harvest won't cease. Sowing is reflexive. It's a kind of garbage in, garbage out. The process can't cheat you. Even if results tarry, it will come. So, if you've been definitive at the start and will only have eyes and faith for only one thing, you'll see that your profiting will be easily revealed to all eyes to see. The Bible says, "give diligence to make your calling and election sure (II Peter 1:10). That "diligence" there is also "commitment or hard-work."

Woe is he who does so many (not so much now) at the same time. Energy is disseminated around to different quarters as this and that request for suck from him. But he who lays down his all at the feet of the hill he has found to conquer is such who will easily ascend and at the peak of the same hill get observed one day. 

So, run away from anything that seems profitable for the meanwhile but which break your fountain source into multitude water heads. A rushing flood with one head is much more forceful to carry away than one broken into springs and running in their courses. Such can't sweep the feet. It will lack depth, intensity, awe, swiftness and unpredictability to catch unawares. It is better if you're one and you pursue as one. Be whole and not disseminated or butchered!

How can I fight this distraction? Take for instance, if you're in the Arts or Humanities, many things may appeal you to do. You want to sing, write, act, model, present or even politics. At times, such people are confused which to focus on. Try all possible means to locate which is the core of your calling, the one which hits you more than anything. Most often, all others which you perceive are peripherals which are but by-products of that central one. As a matter of fact, if you can fulfill that mother call, from it all others will break forth and begin to peep out also for recognition. Take for instance men of God with us today. Some of us are. They founded churches, spread that and take same to the highest pinnacle by their calling (supernatural equipping given them by God). From that colonized area then comes educational institutions, orphanages, media houses and all other institutions their ministries are now known for. However, it began with the mother call - ministry. But concentrating on the minor, having taken it for the major is dangerous. It reduces your future and steals your everlasting rewards or legacy.  Calling encases callings. It's like a nut containing many seeds. One well impregnated and ballooned will give birth to others.

Also, if you're still young, you may test out many grounds before you see which tunes most with your primal inclination. If you're an adult who can't go experimenting around, look back and see which deep calls to your deep the most. Which of all those interests presses itself much on you. Mark that and run with it. You may as well pray for discovery since He Who knew Jeremiah from the beginning was the One who ordained him a prophet to the nations. Our mandates are always with the Creator just like the secrets of Innoson motors is with the manufacturer.

For those of you who have found calling or that vocation to endure with. That ain't the conclusion. You'll still be fought. Side attractions will come to make you stray off or let go. Something will still want to negotiate with you. But, belt yourself, give more bodies to what you have received as your life vocation. This will make it difficult for you to turn back. Imagine someone who has been known for a thing, has disciples in that and his life work has brought him rewards already, such have enough witnesses around him. Such have enough anchors that won't want to let him drift away even if he wants to reconsider. This is what you should quickly allow to befall you once you have found your calling, predestination or destiny. Quickly go and be with it. Give time to let it spread and you'll always think yourself irrecoverable. You'll confess like a hardened criminal who's still indebted in guilt to his past, "but I've done collosal damage already. How can I be forgiven, repent and retrace my steps?" I say, anchor yourself to your calling so much that in latter days, few are the things that can command your attention off it. In that way (having become like Mount Zion) which can't be moved, you'll last in your call.

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 37 04 68 12.


Friday, 2 September 2022





DESPITE ALL - He Cares Series 005

Read Matt. 6:25-34

Matthew 6:26, KJV

"26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Who's failing? Who's there worrying over all humanity's basic needs? God is saying, "behold!" He's saying, "see, let your attention be on these creatures." God needs to show you something that'll settle your fretting around. Birds of the air as we know don't take thoughts for tomorrow. They don't sow, reap or gather into barn (save for the future), yet that place speaks contradictorily that your heavenly Father feeds them. That seems shocking. To our minds, if you do not sow, reap or save up, you'll lack what to feed on. However, it is not so with these birds. They're still fed despite their non involvement in responsible labour. Then the big question, "are you not much important than they?" If you are, why won't God command same commitment towards you?

Obviously, Jesus wasn't teaching irresponsibility. He's neither saying, don't work, save up or invest but His teaching there is drumming one thing to us. Stop the worry. If you check the next verse, Jesus asked, "which of you by taking thought (worrying) can add one cubit to his life?" In your concern and haste to see things work, can you make yourself grow taller? Absolutely no! So, what should be our disposition if worrying won't do a thing for us; if worrying won't still meet our needs. Simply put, trust God for all your needs. Have faith enough in Him that He cares. That place calls Him your heavenly Father. Your earthly father does the caring, thinking to ensure your needs are met. God does same. That doesn't mean you'll be useless to the human community or not go to school. You will but going to school, working or earning doesn't still cure worry. It is believing in God's commitment that does. 

There's something I have found out, "God created me and He did to you as well. If that be, there's a commitment He has to all His creatures. It is still this same commitment that makes Him see to it that birds of the air take a living despite the fact that they do no work. That's level one of God's commitment. God shines His sun and gives His rain on both the just and the unjust. A sign of God's commitment to humans. Let me ask you, "are there moments that you were pressed, having nothing and severely in need, did God not somehow meet your needs? You'll say He did because if He has not done that and has not been doing that, probably you'd be dead now. But He ensures your continuity. However, there comes a time when bills press on us, when the demands of the adult life comes sweeping at us, at such moments we may not find it funny practicing this principle of leaving things in God's hands. This is where uncultivated faith would be tested and revealed as immature. But do you know that you can so much trust God to meet your needs that you don't even spend your salary even though you're working? You can trust God until you reach that climax of needs where you'll prove to God, "I have none" and He'll by then send help. If you really have intimacy with God and you're a disciple who exchanges words with God, you'll quickly have this side developed because He'll prove to you that you can live without working for money to feed you. 

I waited and I thought, how would God tell a fellow to pack and go somewhere he never knew a man? Is something wrong with God Himself? What will he eat? Where will he stay? You see, this principle is coming around again. We humans think that way but God must have put provision in place. God must have ordained somebody who will receive him in that place, cater for his needs and give him shelter. But to an unbelieving mind, he wants to see the preparation on ground before he moves. I remember a time Jesus sent his disciples to go and check where they'll eat the Passover. He told them they'll meet a man at the entrance of the city carrying a pitcher and that they should follow him and request of the householder where they'd prepared for the master to dine (Mark 14:13-16). As spoken, so it was. But you must obey first. The problem is that only ministers, missionaries etc who have cultivated faith enough are living this life. Those ones are not really working for money. They know if they don't still work this principle, they'll be really grinded. But you, you seem to have hope and so you recline in your salary. That's why many Christians fear that life. It makes them lonely. They'll do all but to live a life of "non-challance", they'll say no. Are you thinking you're no longer God's child because you're now an adult, works and even has given birth. God cares for you enough as to command resources to you. What if you lose your job? Are you expecting death by hunger because of that? No! You'll still take living. God wants you believe in His commitment to see to your continuity. He's not saying you shouldn't work, save up or invest. You should but He's telling you to believe in His sovereignty that oversees and ensures none of His own want. While we were kids, we all were fed though our parents didn't have a mill or a bakery. From where? We don't know but we were fed. Did you concern yourself with tomorrow's food or your parents did? You'll say, your parents. But you can graduate to a place of being carefree also as an adult -  where you just believe your staff of provision can't be broken. You can trust God to meet your needs though you work. You can have the unlimited life that spends money beyond what he earns. How? God meet his needs without his paying for them. I pray that you'll stop unnecessary worry that if you lose your job, you'd die. Even a good job isn't a save from worry. It's rather a quiet, settled, believing mind. 

PRAYER: I cast all my cares on You Lord. I heard you care. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 40:1-42:17; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 22:14

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Thursday, 1 September 2022






Psalms 139:17, KJV

"17 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!"

Yesterday, we saw how God's thoughts are part of God's jealous systems to us. We saw they were thoughts of good, peace or welfare and their end result is to give us an expected end. God thinks them to have us blessed and have a life not different from the blessed one already highlighted in the Bible. However, one thing was kept away from the disbursement of revelation yesterday. It was that these thoughts are precious and then numerous. What a thing! We all know what asset is in this our world. Asset is precious or of great worth. Asset includes money which is a means for all exchange on earth. Now, imagine your parents having left you very valuable assets which includes landed properties, cryptocurrency etc and then having it in large quantity. What sort of millionaire will that make you? You have what is valuable but you also have it in large quantity. That hints at how great you'll be. Such are God's thoughts. 

"Precious" in the sense that they're highly valuable. You can't and shouldn't despise them. They're given to govern your results. You see, God's thoughts which are tangibilities are revelation of what you can become. They are important intentions of God that pertains to the becoming of your destiny. If you're detached from these precious thoughts of God or vice versa, you'll see that there's no expected end or destiny in front. The fact that they're thoughts of great worth is what reveals your destiny as of great worth as each of them unfolds and finds fulfilment. 

However, these thoughts are just much. They are very valuable thoughts, that any should covet because they hold the force to lift someone from the dunghill to the throne, however, many of such thoughts there be also. That's why that place says, "how great is the sum of them!" The Psalmist was actually alarmed that they're numerous. He just exclaimed at their quantity after finding out. God's thoughts covers every aspect of your life. There are God's thoughts for your finances, family, children, spouse, health, longevity, body parts, properties etc. All these spheres that need to be covered makes God's thoughts numerous. No wonder the Psalmist says, "if I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee."

In counting these precious or great thoughts, it's breath taking. Look at how numerous they are. Thoughts manifesting as God's promises and prophecies for each day you live. Brethren, which father cares like God as to have such precious and numerous thoughts towards His children? Our earthly fathers as we know have a lot planned out for us. If you can't envisage how much they have laid out for us, begin to think of how much thoughts you've begun to think towards your own children. How much more God? His thoughts are not only precious but the sum of them is uncountable. They are thoughts that would continue to be unleashed daily until your old age and then passing away. Even at your passing away, God's thoughts are still finding fulfilment. I pray that these tangible thoughts of God which reveal His jealousy over you (in that they've been given to set us in distinction) and how much He wants you enjoy and not suffer shall comfort you. If you're currently at a level and it seems things aren't working, a spouse isn't coming for instance etc. Just search the scriptures and look for God's thoughts on that area of life, lift it to God in prayer. Thoughts of God are not meant to be redundant or stay just as written words in the Bible, they're rather to find expression in our lives. When God says, "I set the solitary in families  (Psalm 68:6), He obviously has revealed His thoughts to all His children. It means there's a commitment of God to you to get you married irrespective of how much you've been afore rejected. God's thoughts are precious, great and important to our earthly comfortable living. Thank God also they aren't one, two or three. It's a long list that covers our entire ramifications and each day of our lives. Tap them!

PRAYER: I am the head and not the tail. I shall tend upward only and not downward 

ACTION POINT: Find a Scripture to confess that has to do with your need. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 37:1-39:30; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10; Psalm 44:9-26; Proverbs 22:13

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Wednesday, 31 August 2022





Jeremiah 29:11, KJV

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

He said, "He knows the thoughts He thinks towards you." You may or may not know same. Satan may or may not know same. But He certainly knows the thoughts He thinks towards you. Thoughts? Thoughts! That someone takes thought about you is enough proof that he or she cares. Our parents are always taking thoughts over us. From being concerned, they tend to slip into worry over us and fret themselves around. They'll wonder if their children would do well academically, if they'll succeed in life and not fall victims like some they know. But more importantly, they take thoughts by putting plans in place for us even before our birth. Many there be who are not married now but who are heavily taking thought for their unborn children on all matters of life. They have on ground how they'll want them instructed, what their destinies would be, likely schools they'll be educated and skills they must acquire. That's taking thought for. You carefully meditate, arrange events, plan it and time them as things that must begin to happen one after the other to such you're taking thought over. If you're a parent, much are your thoughts over your children. 

From this context, we'll get to relate more with that verse that says, "I know the thoughts I have towards you...." At times, it's only our parents who know what thoughts they have towards us. Since we can't see their mind and they didn't reveal it, we may not come into their revelation. As such, it is hidden but as we walk with them, obey them, we'll see each unfold and we'll be surprised. It's then you'll hear confessions like, "daddy, I love you. Mummy, you're the best." Those are our confessions whenever God begins to make a release of His thoughts over us become manifestations also. Only that unlike our parents, we have certain knowledge of God's thoughts to us as written in the Bible. However, some measures are still hidden which by search in prayer would be revealed as revelation.

That place also says, "they're thoughts of peace or good or welfare." Did the Bible not say will a father not know how to give his children good gifts even if he were an evil father (Matt.7:11). "How much more God", Jesus asked? That tells you the nature of man still wants to do good to himself despite his corrupt state. Anyone's children is himself. Even if that man or woman is acting stubborn or irresponsibly, all that may be a cover and disguise against not wanting to own up to not having. He can't have and close his bowels to his own. God's thoughts are good towards you. They're of welfare. Do you know what "welfare" means. It encompass all the goodies their be. If you've ever traveled to Europe or any well developed nation before, especially if you stay for awhile, you'll know what it means to live in heaven on earth. The welfare package even as an employee (when you're labouring) makes you believe this is all that is. There are facilities and amenities. That's why Africans want to die there. They are thoughts of welfare - one that's meant to see to your survival, continuity, benefit, good health and wealth. Did God not say, "with long life will I satisfy you and show you my salvation (Psalm 91:16)?" That's part of those good thoughts. He has given us exceeding and great precious promises. That the Bible verse says, "thoughts of good and not of evil" immediately shows a contradiction and contrast of what the devil serves. God thinks and serves good. That's why every good and perfect gifts are from Him. The devil serves otherwise which is why He has come to steal, kill and destroy. These three attributes, does it esteem anyone as having good intention towards you or caring in same regard. 

Then it says, "to give you an expected end." Do you know things can always go as you have expected it. As you have "expected it" must have been based on "God's promises in the Bible or personal prophecies to you." Because you know God esteems His Word even above His name, that becomes your solid foundation.You knew He has said you'll be in good health and prosper just as your soul prospers, you'll immediately discern it contradictory if you're being constantly harassed with sickness or penury. So, what's the expected end? That irrespective of how much you lose in business or owe anyone as debt now, you'll come out to become a billionaire. There's always an expected end. There's always a prediction to await its fulfilment. That's why Job in all could still say, "though He slay me, I'll yet trust in Him (Job 13:15-16). He knows his "Redeemer lives still and shall stand upon the earth at the latter day (Job 19:25-27)." I pray that God's sum total thoughts to you would begin to be unleashed and fashioned into manifestation towards you. Be blessed by His thoughts in motion towards you. 

PRAYER: Thank you for your thoughts towards me. They are of good and not of evil. I receive them all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 34:1-36:33; 2 Corinthians 4:1-12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 22:10-12

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That day, I came to campus to pack my remaining books. That was when I met this newly priest posted to St.Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Ahead of time, during my excoship as the fellowship president, I had told my second tenure excos that the Lord would have me go to Nicopolis. God gave me Titus 3:2. However, I didn't know where Nicopolis was or who my trainer would be there. But I was very sure God would have me trained for ministry. I told them that.

If you ever knew #EuniceOlabode, #OgunlanaSamuel, #OreoluwaRunsewe, #NguBarak, #OluwabusayomiAdams, #OduroyeMoninuola, #OgunsekanFolakemi, #AnjolaTella, # MelekiDaniel etc, they'll tell you Bro Sola kept repeating Nicopolis and how God would have him trained there. 

When my path crossed with Canon's (as he was formerly called), I was at the gates of St. Peter's Anglican Church also known as Anglican Bus stop in Tai Solarin University of Education waiting to board a vehicle going to Ijebu Ode where I stayed then. He met me at the gate and we started a discussion. He said he had learnt I was the previous fellowship president. He requested for what I had in those bags and I revealed same as, "my books." He said, "come and see."

O my God! Come and see shelves. Come and see books. All the books I coveted to read were there. Kenyon is what I'm seeing. Look at Haggin peeping at me. What about those big big books? Those are on theology. O Jesus! I've never seen an orthodox minister having much books like this. That's how we knew ourselves. So, I'll come to the vicarage to do vigil with him often. From there, I packed into the vicarage. Like he'll say, "I didn't know how 'Sola got into my house.' Indeed, he didn't because we didn't sit down formally to agree, "tomorrow, I'll pack in." Only that as I came, something about him, the anointing -  Holy Spirit and his words which carry spirit and life)  kept drawing me back until I tore myself from Ijebu Ode and became apprenticed to him.

It was said of Enoch that he walked with God and was not again. That happened to me. As I went back and forth from him, I conclusively and decisively weaned myself to be given away to him and what God would have him do to me. After all, I remembered the Nicopolis instruction and concluded after examination that, "this is it." People (especially the ASFITES I handed over to) were later shocked finding me living with this holy prophet and anointed teacher. Since he was their vicar, I'll follow him to observe his ministration with them once in a month. It was then these students saw their former revered papa carrying the Bible of this holy man in honourable service but what probably might have been labelled a reproach. They wouldn't believe it. All those who would call me papa after the campus order having being the campus president and fellowship's might have thought it diminishing for me to submit to someone who's within our jurisdiction and least of all, an Anglican Priest. Even many Anglicans don't esteem Anglican Priests as authentic. They just believe they're sloppy and undiscerning spiritually. But as all of those students would later come to recon, they knew Oyebode was different. He would teach as if he shouldn't stop. You always want to hear him more. Something ties you to whatsoever he utters. The interest is always there. Deliverance would be ongoing. Demons screaming and fleeing their hidden places. His parting and pathing anointing would make people fall hither and thither while he'll bluntly instruct in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Terrible teacher and prophet.

It must be for a reason like that the then #BishopAyodeleAwosoga of Ijebu Anglican Diocese who's of blessed memory posted him from Waterside to Ijagun to till the land of students and break up their fallow grounds. And he still did in his little years full of striving against forces hell sent against his ministry. I was eyewitness to all as I fought side by side with him in warfare at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Ijagun.

Since 2015 till date, I'm still with daddy. His family opened up to me and many children that the star guided to their Bethlehem. What they (the family) ate was what I ate. Nothing hidden, nothing amiss. Mummy Oyebode would ensure any don't miss home in her home. A woman fervent in prayer and spirituality herself. May the Lord bless daddy and mummy Oyebode for #EmmanuelOyebode, #FavourOyebode, #MercyOyebode, #GraceOyebode and all of us.

I call them my siblings because that's who they are. Grace (their last born) one day asked daddy, "is Bro 'Sola our elder brother?" For a little girl of 6 to be asking this, "it means that Bro Sola must have stayed long enough as to have been counted in as one." Am I not one? I am because I have inherited that minister though he yet lives.

Daddy, you're my father. Your oil is on me. The works you do I do. I won't badly repay you. I won't waste all the secret impartations or even the words unverbalized but which I understood. It's the intention of good fathers that their children would double their work.  Elisha requested for the "double portion of Elijah's spirit." He doubled him. Jesus promised His disciples greater works and they did. I'm doubling you as your soul might have blessed me. This oil of yours on me has opened doors unto us to enter Europe, America and Asia. We've already surrounded the Scandinavian nations with our gospel and are progressing. However, I still seek opportunity to come and serve you though I'm in my own destiny land. I long for home to tarry round your grace while you instruct me and others in wisdom. I want to INCREASE LEARNING! I want to wash your car, polish your shoes, wash your handkerchief, accompany you to ministrations, jingle the bell while you sing (which I was first embarrassed doing the first time you said I should) and above all, "see light in your light."

Anglican Students Fellowship, TASUED BRANCH and Ijebu Anglican Diocese obviously know Venerable Johnson Oyebode. He's a worthy man to learn Christ from. You're a righteous man. Your family is blessed having you. I lived with you before concluding that. I saw you well. 

Discipleship is the goal even if you mistaken daddy for an archaic, rugged and demanding minister. He's a successful minister who has produced children after his own kind. Many in ministry today and other spheres of life. May I speak of #OluwabusayomiAdams, #ToluAdams, #AlfredGod's-Gift (Pastor), #TheophilusSeunKhale (Rev) and those ministers I'll like to cover. From your healing anointing that broke the shackles of a mad man, to your teaching anointing that could stay on a verse or run concordance on a singular word to study, to the prophetic that I've seen dived and divine to fetch secrets hidden about people, I covet all. All is what we all your children covets.

Father, as you hit a milestone and celebrate your birthday, may it be "long life and God's salvation." May you be preserved to do more in the body of Christ. May you eat the fruits of your labour and be rewarded to your face. Morning Wings Ministry and I, #OlusolaADEJUMO M'Wings recognize your impact on us and celebrate you as our father. Baba Mi Oyebode!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry.


Tuesday, 30 August 2022




STILL JEALOUS GOD - HE Cares Series 002

Job 2:6, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life."

Satan incited God against Job. If you know what incitation is, it is rousing or tempting someone to take action. Satan wouldn't stop talking, "do you think Job fears you without a reason." Remove all the reasons for which he fears you, allow his wealth disappear, allow his children perish, let him be deserted and let's see whether Job would still be that child of integrity that you boast of. God granted this and all Job had was lost. God while approving that he might be touched did all to jealous for Job.

Job 1:12, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand.

He commanded Satan sternly first time "to not fall on him." What was God trying to do? He was seeking to preserve him. This is the jealousy of a father over his child. After the taking away of all he had anyway (which Satan might have thought would break and make him curse God but which didn't happen), Satan seeing his goal wasn't accomplished won't still let go. He kept pressuring. He told God, "skin for skin, everything a man has he'll give for the ransom of his life." Why would Satan be speaking suggestively like this? He was advising God to have him get unleased upon Job. God granted this but what permission did God give him again. 

Job 2:6, KJV  

"And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life."

Did you read, "but save his life." That's the jealousy of God over you. Despite how pressing all were on Job, God didn't allow Satan exercise one power. That was to take his life. Job could be afflicted with any sort of sickness, Satan could shoot arrows of denying thoughts into his mind and he may be humbled to become a man of sorrow and one acquainted with grief. However, Job is preserved because what could finally justify all Satan would do to him, God didn't allow it. He drew a boundary for Satan to go and go no further. If you're a parent here, I know you won't tell your three year old to carry a load the twelve year old would carry. You know their capacity. So, your mercy, jealousy and consideration would always weigh to each according to his capacity. That's what God did to Job. With that temptation , God granted him a way of escape. When God told Satan to preserve him alive, God was indirectly prophesying the end of Job - that he'll make it. Because Job's life was preserved and held by God's upholding word, he was able to live and recover all he had lost. I know a God who watches over you same way and wouldn't allow you to be tempted more than you can bear. Even with that temptation (that you can bear), He'll still with it create a way of escape (I Cor.10:13). This is God's jealousy towards children. He watches over us in this way. He reserves an area for Himself where we won't be swallowed. In all Job's test, even as Satan kept asking for more, his life was not handed over. If God weren't caring and jealous, He could have given that away to Satan to toil with as well. You know Satan, he's an opportunist. He'll kill Job the next second. He'll maximize that jugular delivered to him by God. Rather, God colonized that place for Himself. He called it the "tithe" that Satan must to him reserve. May I say to you, "let the earth be removed and planted in the waters, you're still in God's hands. He takes thoughts for you behind you and He's advocating for you even in all the pressures. Your end has bee prophesied. You'll come out refined as gold at day's end.

PRAYER: Thank you for "tithing" unto yourself my life. Thanks for this jealousy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 31:1-33:33; 2 Corinthians 3:1-18; Psalm 43:1-5; Proverbs 22:8-9

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Monday, 29 August 2022




"HE WILL JEALOUS FOR ME" GOD - He Cares Series 001

Read Genesis 20:1-12

Genesis 20:3, KJV

"3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife."

People, I am made bold to declare to you that God is a "jealous for me God." He takes thought. He cares. He concerns. He worries if there's a thing like that and that's all for your sake. Who in this life can look unto the things of a man like that man himself? That's why each person is always selfish, putting himself or herself first in everything. However, I and many disciples have known He Who jealous and cares for one more than the fellow himself or herself! Who's He but God? Brethren, I'm bold to say, "God is a jealous for you God."

Here is Sarah hooked up in the palace of Abimelech because of the survival instinct that had kick-started itself in Abraham. This, "live at all cost" keeps costing people and it almost cost Abraham if not for the prompt decisive stepping in of God. If your wife is snatched by another man for himself - a greater man who has the wherewithal to own you and takes her into his bedroom before you, may I ask what the thoughts of your mind would be? Exactly. Your mind is racing. Your heart is pumping blood as if it wants to fall. That's how Abraham felt. He was jealous. He wondered when Sarah she confessed was his sister is actually his sister though his sister indeed. Only that this is a sister who has become a wife and if we're to go by her current role in Abraham's life, she isn't his sister but wife and that's correctly who she is. Abraham never knew what harm he had done to himself until by his own words and the affirmation of Sarah they had signed her off to Abimelech. But Abraham wouldn't let go. He couldn't sleep in his tent. He could be seen pacing up and down probably entreating God to go and ameliorate his mistake and cause a redemption. These must have been the cares of Abraham and more. He must have requested for the rapid response squad of God to do a thing concerning Sarah immediately immediately. His thought and greatest concern must have been, "God, don't tell me that man is currently having sex with my wife." You could see Abraham closing and opening his eyes in pain and regret while hitting the furniture and saying, "no, no, I hurt myself." In all, there was a hush perfect silence. God neither break the silence nor assure Him of His doing a thing. However, on God's own, God entered into Abimelech's dream and told him, "how dead he was" for having taken, "another man's wife to himself." Abimelech declared to God his innocence. It is here we knew what could have been the greatest prayer of father Abraham. The Bible says, "but Abimelech had not yet come near her (v.4)." Where is this coming from when no question was asked in that line? God is simply showing us the obvious which Abraham's mind was set on as he had been relegated to sleep lonely in another tent. Tell me which man would bear another man doing with his wife? In a later reply, God Himself said, "it was He Who kept Abimelech from going near her as to have sinned against Him (v.6). Did you see that God's work which He did on behalf of his son, even his unfaithful son? Did you see God's thought and jealousy for unfaithful Abraham? I believe it wasn't Abraham's prayer or let's say confession of his sin of lying and repentance from impersonation that made God hurry to stop Abimelech from doing as Abraham wouldn't want. It's rather the jealousy of God which cares, takes thought and concerns for all true sons and daughters that burnt to curtail and hold Abimelech by his bosom. 

May I ask, "what are your concerns?" Before your prayers, God knows what to till, which key to press, who to awake and who to cease sleep from. He jealous for you. He takes thought for you before you remind Him. The reason is simple. You're obligated to Him and He's obligated to you. The covenant between you is stronger than that between thoughtful and committed couples. Even if anything isn't right between you and God, it'll be a chamber thing between you both. I have seen this God's jealousy in the release of provision, meeting of my needs and settling of all my cares. If you're indeed God's serving child - one who worships in spirit and in truth (all sincerity, without guile), God can't but be jealous for you and all that concerns you. So, what are your cares? He takes thought over them before you do. Before Abraham asks God if He were watching, God had put plans in place to have Abimelech realize the trouble he's stirring. Your family is God's business. No one can successfully collect what is yours if God knows you. I pray for you that you'll know God's burning commitment. At all times, you won't be termed forsaken. Even in unseemly places, God will jealously advocate your cause. Do you receive it?

PRAYER: Teach me to cast all my cares on You because you care. Lord, rage and jealously burn to always be at hand for me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 23:1-27:23; 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11; Psalm 41:1-13; Proverbs 22:5-6

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