Friday, 2 September 2022





DESPITE ALL - He Cares Series 005

Read Matt. 6:25-34

Matthew 6:26, KJV

"26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Who's failing? Who's there worrying over all humanity's basic needs? God is saying, "behold!" He's saying, "see, let your attention be on these creatures." God needs to show you something that'll settle your fretting around. Birds of the air as we know don't take thoughts for tomorrow. They don't sow, reap or gather into barn (save for the future), yet that place speaks contradictorily that your heavenly Father feeds them. That seems shocking. To our minds, if you do not sow, reap or save up, you'll lack what to feed on. However, it is not so with these birds. They're still fed despite their non involvement in responsible labour. Then the big question, "are you not much important than they?" If you are, why won't God command same commitment towards you?

Obviously, Jesus wasn't teaching irresponsibility. He's neither saying, don't work, save up or invest but His teaching there is drumming one thing to us. Stop the worry. If you check the next verse, Jesus asked, "which of you by taking thought (worrying) can add one cubit to his life?" In your concern and haste to see things work, can you make yourself grow taller? Absolutely no! So, what should be our disposition if worrying won't do a thing for us; if worrying won't still meet our needs. Simply put, trust God for all your needs. Have faith enough in Him that He cares. That place calls Him your heavenly Father. Your earthly father does the caring, thinking to ensure your needs are met. God does same. That doesn't mean you'll be useless to the human community or not go to school. You will but going to school, working or earning doesn't still cure worry. It is believing in God's commitment that does. 

There's something I have found out, "God created me and He did to you as well. If that be, there's a commitment He has to all His creatures. It is still this same commitment that makes Him see to it that birds of the air take a living despite the fact that they do no work. That's level one of God's commitment. God shines His sun and gives His rain on both the just and the unjust. A sign of God's commitment to humans. Let me ask you, "are there moments that you were pressed, having nothing and severely in need, did God not somehow meet your needs? You'll say He did because if He has not done that and has not been doing that, probably you'd be dead now. But He ensures your continuity. However, there comes a time when bills press on us, when the demands of the adult life comes sweeping at us, at such moments we may not find it funny practicing this principle of leaving things in God's hands. This is where uncultivated faith would be tested and revealed as immature. But do you know that you can so much trust God to meet your needs that you don't even spend your salary even though you're working? You can trust God until you reach that climax of needs where you'll prove to God, "I have none" and He'll by then send help. If you really have intimacy with God and you're a disciple who exchanges words with God, you'll quickly have this side developed because He'll prove to you that you can live without working for money to feed you. 

I waited and I thought, how would God tell a fellow to pack and go somewhere he never knew a man? Is something wrong with God Himself? What will he eat? Where will he stay? You see, this principle is coming around again. We humans think that way but God must have put provision in place. God must have ordained somebody who will receive him in that place, cater for his needs and give him shelter. But to an unbelieving mind, he wants to see the preparation on ground before he moves. I remember a time Jesus sent his disciples to go and check where they'll eat the Passover. He told them they'll meet a man at the entrance of the city carrying a pitcher and that they should follow him and request of the householder where they'd prepared for the master to dine (Mark 14:13-16). As spoken, so it was. But you must obey first. The problem is that only ministers, missionaries etc who have cultivated faith enough are living this life. Those ones are not really working for money. They know if they don't still work this principle, they'll be really grinded. But you, you seem to have hope and so you recline in your salary. That's why many Christians fear that life. It makes them lonely. They'll do all but to live a life of "non-challance", they'll say no. Are you thinking you're no longer God's child because you're now an adult, works and even has given birth. God cares for you enough as to command resources to you. What if you lose your job? Are you expecting death by hunger because of that? No! You'll still take living. God wants you believe in His commitment to see to your continuity. He's not saying you shouldn't work, save up or invest. You should but He's telling you to believe in His sovereignty that oversees and ensures none of His own want. While we were kids, we all were fed though our parents didn't have a mill or a bakery. From where? We don't know but we were fed. Did you concern yourself with tomorrow's food or your parents did? You'll say, your parents. But you can graduate to a place of being carefree also as an adult -  where you just believe your staff of provision can't be broken. You can trust God to meet your needs though you work. You can have the unlimited life that spends money beyond what he earns. How? God meet his needs without his paying for them. I pray that you'll stop unnecessary worry that if you lose your job, you'd die. Even a good job isn't a save from worry. It's rather a quiet, settled, believing mind. 

PRAYER: I cast all my cares on You Lord. I heard you care. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 40:1-42:17; 2 Corinthians 5:11-21; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 22:14

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