Saturday, 3 September 2022

TAKE IT AS WORK - The Key To Quick Profiting!


God told me, "if you want to excel in anything, take it as work."

What you don't take as work; you won't bring commitment of work to it. But if you know from the onset that you have no other call, no other path or means by which end would be met or fulfilment would be attained, you'll bring all the forces of attention and hard-work within you to bear on that singular thing you've found to do. You won't let slip.

Sowing and reaping is a law. As the earth remains, seed time and harvest won't cease. Sowing is reflexive. It's a kind of garbage in, garbage out. The process can't cheat you. Even if results tarry, it will come. So, if you've been definitive at the start and will only have eyes and faith for only one thing, you'll see that your profiting will be easily revealed to all eyes to see. The Bible says, "give diligence to make your calling and election sure (II Peter 1:10). That "diligence" there is also "commitment or hard-work."

Woe is he who does so many (not so much now) at the same time. Energy is disseminated around to different quarters as this and that request for suck from him. But he who lays down his all at the feet of the hill he has found to conquer is such who will easily ascend and at the peak of the same hill get observed one day. 

So, run away from anything that seems profitable for the meanwhile but which break your fountain source into multitude water heads. A rushing flood with one head is much more forceful to carry away than one broken into springs and running in their courses. Such can't sweep the feet. It will lack depth, intensity, awe, swiftness and unpredictability to catch unawares. It is better if you're one and you pursue as one. Be whole and not disseminated or butchered!

How can I fight this distraction? Take for instance, if you're in the Arts or Humanities, many things may appeal you to do. You want to sing, write, act, model, present or even politics. At times, such people are confused which to focus on. Try all possible means to locate which is the core of your calling, the one which hits you more than anything. Most often, all others which you perceive are peripherals which are but by-products of that central one. As a matter of fact, if you can fulfill that mother call, from it all others will break forth and begin to peep out also for recognition. Take for instance men of God with us today. Some of us are. They founded churches, spread that and take same to the highest pinnacle by their calling (supernatural equipping given them by God). From that colonized area then comes educational institutions, orphanages, media houses and all other institutions their ministries are now known for. However, it began with the mother call - ministry. But concentrating on the minor, having taken it for the major is dangerous. It reduces your future and steals your everlasting rewards or legacy.  Calling encases callings. It's like a nut containing many seeds. One well impregnated and ballooned will give birth to others.

Also, if you're still young, you may test out many grounds before you see which tunes most with your primal inclination. If you're an adult who can't go experimenting around, look back and see which deep calls to your deep the most. Which of all those interests presses itself much on you. Mark that and run with it. You may as well pray for discovery since He Who knew Jeremiah from the beginning was the One who ordained him a prophet to the nations. Our mandates are always with the Creator just like the secrets of Innoson motors is with the manufacturer.

For those of you who have found calling or that vocation to endure with. That ain't the conclusion. You'll still be fought. Side attractions will come to make you stray off or let go. Something will still want to negotiate with you. But, belt yourself, give more bodies to what you have received as your life vocation. This will make it difficult for you to turn back. Imagine someone who has been known for a thing, has disciples in that and his life work has brought him rewards already, such have enough witnesses around him. Such have enough anchors that won't want to let him drift away even if he wants to reconsider. This is what you should quickly allow to befall you once you have found your calling, predestination or destiny. Quickly go and be with it. Give time to let it spread and you'll always think yourself irrecoverable. You'll confess like a hardened criminal who's still indebted in guilt to his past, "but I've done collosal damage already. How can I be forgiven, repent and retrace my steps?" I say, anchor yourself to your calling so much that in latter days, few are the things that can command your attention off it. In that way (having become like Mount Zion) which can't be moved, you'll last in your call.

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 37 04 68 12.


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