Monday, 20 June 2022


MONDAY - 20TH JUNE, 2022



Read Gen. 4:1-3

Genesis 4:2, KJV

"And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground."

"I'm not fulfilled, I'm not fulfilled" can come from your mouth after a search of heart and the desire to amount in this life. The next question should be, "how can I be fulfilled? How will I know I'm fulfilled with what I've found doing or by the way I now live?" It is an answer of the soul. It is an answer of whether you're contented with what you have found to do or you're still aspiring to another colony of career or calling. I found out by experience that fulfilment comes by finding your field and going to till it. When we speak of fulfilment and contentment, they are two things of the same mother that will begin to happen to you as soon as you find the life work God destines you do here. You'll be contented with what you're called to but you'll have fulfilment on and on as you pursue what you have settled for once and for all. This found life work may be breathed or inspired by flair, passion or desire. It may even be entered into because of experiences, training, education that dug what was already wired into your nature out. This calling of the soul might have been the sole reason why you're directed or influenced towards a choice of a career or calling but which you don't know.

God has not ordained that all humans who come here be same thing. Cain and Abel aren't. Esau and Jacob aren't also though twins (Gen.25:27). Men will always be different things in our world. It is for our good. For you to have a whole functional body, the parts can't be the same. Or, is your own body only composed of your eyes? Ask yourself how useful you'll have been as a person if all you have is your eyes. To our surprise though reality, when dealing with calling, we don't consider how prestigious or rewarding our calling might make us before we heed it. If God proposes you to be an artist, He's not expecting you to stop the process of becoming one because you discover being an engineer rakes in more money. God who ordains you to become an artist has given you ability in there. Even in ministry, though calling is general, yet there are peculiar callings that authorise the called to do certain things. God has destined it is there you'll have the attention of men and also be acclaimed. If you go to till another man's land, you won't be able to operate effortlessly by leveraging on your gifting or grace. Later, you'll lose them for lack of use and only be out of service having been driven solely by what money can offer you and not what calling can make you if you surrender to its wheel.  

As far as I know, once you discover calling and follow it, you'll be only what you only can be in that area occupied by even many ahead you. I mean God intended you'll become a surprise to your world whether your calling is such that men respect or despise. Find it and get better. Once you find calling, there's a level of fulfilment you'll have whenever you do the work of your calling. Not that you'll be totally fulfilled once and for all. God will be calling you to come up hither often by the so many things He'll shine into your mind to do or take as the next steps. That's why you'll see a pastor who started with just a branch put out to have more in order to reach more people. As we follow this calling of God further to become our calling wholly, we'll be accumulating measure of fulfilment upon fulfilment. When you observe you're becoming a better person in your calling, there will be satisfaction, inner peace and contentment until you're one day assured you've fulfilled the mind of God wholly without withholding. It's then you can contemplate being called home by God like Paul. Why you have to find your calling and go into it now is because it is a burden you must live out and you don't have all the time as a mortal. A burden not discharged do haunt. Live it out and please Eternity who inscribed what you should become in you. His pen is fiery. That's why living out calling do reveal itself passionately. It do drive people. May you be driven by its power to achievement.

PRAYER: Lord, I banish confusion. I receive clarity on my life work. I won't be distracted from it. I become in it until the day is dawn. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 20:1-21:29; Acts 12:24-13:15; Psalm 137:1-9; Proverbs 17:16

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Sunday, 19 June 2022



I didn't want to do this but it kept coming because it could be the comfort of some. From the gulf of my heart, a place where spontaneous blessings could be only called forth, I thank all sons and daughters, children in the quantity God has allocated me, who first submitted to me, believe in me, follow me and even esteem me as their checker of things. 

I am not your Lord and this I'll never trespass. I shall continually offer my suggestions, instructions, guidance and where necessary firmness. Just like you owe God and me an obligation of not faltering or failing eventually, I also owe you. As a father in my little corner, I promise to be more fervent for you, remembering you in prayer and in act. Your battles are my battles if you'll carry me along. 

While I didn't want to make any jealous, I appreciate all who have sent me appreciative messages today. I woke up to see them. I also thank those who so much believe in this "Bro Sola" so much more as to support him and this ministry financially. You've shown beyond confession your belief in my calling. I thank that fellow who often will say, "sir, I'm sending something for mission." May I say here that the last money you sent the ministry was fragmented as led and sent to bless the ministries of fathers from whom also we've derived blessings.

To those who are now married who still seek my counsel and won't think less of me, I say, "you're really humble."

To those sons especially who now have their own ministries yet still acknowledge me, I say, "you've proved yourself."

I assure you that I'll be a continuous example of the father you want to hear from. In discipline, purity, charity, speech and act! What we are saying you shouldn't do or fall into, we also won't even when it will cost us resisting until the shedding of blood. 

I really pray that our Father in heaven will not withhold all the blessings of a father from you. Be blessed today, tomorrow and the third day. I love you and it's not small. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.


SUNDAY - 19TH JUNE, 2022



READ Psalm 139

Psalms 139:12, KJV

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee."

Don't we know that it's adversely out of order for night to shine as the day?

Is this not why we all require illumination when night falls? Night ushers in darkness. Even when awake with open eyes, yet vision is always impaired at night. However, the reverse is the case in this revelational Psalm of today. I'm already  apprehended, noising Yahweh because His ways are past finding. Night couldn't become night to Him. What a fellow! For God, when people are saying, "I can't see"; He sees. He does because of the spiritual faculty that makes the physical night as day to Him. This matter has gotten to the head as it has hit the crescendo of all seriousness which necessitates you to enter into this realm of activity also. When other professionals, artisans or people are saying "off season" in your field; because of this medicine that will become a reality in your life, you will stand akimbo with mouth agape and wonder aloud in sincerity "you don't mean it?

They'll say, "aren't you experiencing same? Who don't know our business is seasonal? You're not an apprentice but a master in this profession, yet you're asking why sale has not been forthcoming."

Those ones are category A and that's the album they release often.  However, what is yours as one that Christ is his hope of glory? 

"The night shines as the day".

Nothing changes for bad for you though seasons, times, periods be altered. Your day experience however is translated into the night of world's affairs for you. By an invention in the laboratory of spirituality, we're causing a replication of your day experiences even in the night. We have captured the night and subdued it for you. It is now your slave and you will rejoice in every moment men hollers, "something has suddenly gone wrong!" This remedy worked for Joshua, for he cheated the night by the agreement of the Almighty and went on operating when the whole world knew it should be out of season for him.

Joshua 10:13, KJV

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Look, when others are lacking in spiritual strength, what is night to them will be day to you. By the Spirit of prophecy on me, I call you to begin to have distinct results even at night time. Your outcome will deviate from that of the great congregation at the outer court of life. In war, you will know peace. In recession, you will know abundance because of grace, mercy, power of preparation and the anointing that empties supernatural outcome into your container. Yours is different in this December. Let night function as the day for you. 

PRAYER: Thick darkness will cover the earth but the Lord will arise on me.  When people's confession is "it is night/bad, I'll testify it's day/good."

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Amos 7:1-9:15, Revelation 3:7-22, Psalm 131:1-3, Proverbs 29:23

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Saturday, 18 June 2022





READ Psalm 124

Psalms 127:4, KJV

"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth."

It is a blessing having children in one's youth. Or let me say, it is a better blessing. We must know that some things are best done and verily beautiful when they happen without trespassing the appropriate time for it. You can't be graduating as an undergraduate at forty and think you're a superstar. The media might take notice of your perseverance and success but it isn't a very nice testimony.  "As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are CHILDREN OF ONE'S YOUTH."

That place didn't read, " children of one's old age." So, if you're giving birth late when as a woman for instance, you should have closed all under 35 or 40, the result might face one. That's why that place says, "just like arrows are in a warrior's hand, so are children of one's youth." Why don't you ask why children of one's youth is likened to arrows in a warrior's hand? It takes a fellow who's also a youth - with strength, initiative, skill, aspiration etc to harness a growing child and shape such into what God would desire he becomes. Parents are moulders and if issues break forth into their arms when there is still capacity and interest of a youth for adequate training there, you'll see them bring a force into grooming such child into becoming one that could be sent on an errand of destiny without being afraid. If a man has a child at sixty, the man would be eighty by the time the child hits 20. Is it an eighty year old man that wants to train a complete child at that old age? You know youths. Despite the fact that many parents are youths also who are still relevant in the world of their children, these children wearies them and see them as far back and ancient. Now, is it an eighty year old man that would now do better? The old man might be too feeble curbing his youthful exuberance. He'll be tired and let him be. Yet, God doesn't want that. That's why that place read, " are children of one's youth."

Only children of your youth are like arrows in a warrior's hand. A warrior is a trained fellow. Arrow itself is useless even when polished without a handler. It would just be in the quiver without its purpose for invention being accomplished. If arrows - polished arrows, made ready for battle should however find its way into the hands of a warrior - one who's skillful in shooting it, you'll see what he'll achieve with that arrow. You will watch with mouth agape how someone uses arrows to accomplish great things. Yet, you had tried doing the same but it was not happening for you. The difference is that he is trained to use arrows while you are untrained. Arrows don't use themselves. Men does. Unless they're concentrated in a man's hand, the destiny, endowment and potentials of arrows won't appear for recognition. Arrow can kill. It can injure. It can pierce. All these capacities of arrows would only be felt if the right person (fitted for the arrows and one the arrows are fitted for grabs it). Until then, expect nothing.

So also are children of one's youth. Since the parents are still young with so many dreams of what they might want these children to become - it is these dreams, thoughts and desire that would drive them into raising children that could discharge the potentials of arrows in them. Those of you with children, do you know how to use your children? Do you know what to turn them into? Arrows in a warrior's hands are turned into killers. That's its purpose. Children in your hands would become what? 

I pray that this God's free gift in your hands would be trained in God's fear, discipline and knowledge that their discharge in life would appear so different and contrast from those raised by those not in their youths. Have you not observe that children grandparents helped their own children raise are always over pampered. Instead of their lording it over those children in godliness and enforcing their godly will on them for a better future, it's such children that dictates things. They'll be eating without brushing! Why? The grandparents strong will or forces has done what it could do in raising the parents. At their stage, it has pedaled down into accommodating and tolerating. That's why you'll see grandparents advocate their grandchildren from being dealt with many times by their parents who are still focused in discipline and what should be. Force of leadership can reduce by age too. This and many more contributes to the raising of arrows. God has you in mind. Today is your day, it won't be tomorrow. The waiting mothers would receive opening of womb and those due for marriage shall marry. Some things are best done in your youth.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me the harnessing of arrows. May I bring up children to meet purpose.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:36-16:15, Psalm 142:1-7, Proverbs 17:24-25

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Friday, 17 June 2022


FRIDAY - 17TH JUNE, 2022



Ecclesiastes 9:10, KJV

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest".

"With all your might" is the phrase that should be unforgettable. It is your target and you have to make it count.Sometimes ago, a fellow said he was in meditation and he remembered his undergraduate days. He said he didn't regret what he came out with but he would have regretted it if it wasn't his best he gave to finally get what he came out with. Should you find out you could have done better, would you be happy with yourself? Obviously no. Many times at the time of duty, we'll get tired and say, "That's how far I could go. Whatsoever would happen, let it". May you not mean those words. These words are words that make people settle down and become an average man. These words hinder them from doing what their hands have found to do with their might. 

Do you know what it means to do "with all your might?. I'll give you an illustration. Imagine a fellow who a flood of water is to sweep away but has a tree by the bank to hold unto. How do you think he'll hold unto that tree as to be saved against this dangerous current? Do you think he'll have reserved energy somewhere that he won't use up once and for all to the saving of his life? That's what we're telling you to activate. Let the operations of your life be with all your might. At every time that a job, a task or duty would call, let it be your best shot you're giving to it and not chicken feed you're bringing to it. 

Are you a student? Study in such a way that your conscience can't crucify you later. If something didn't add up, let it be known to your inner of inner that the faults were not yours. You went all the way to make it happen but something was not adding up and that ain't your cause. Do you know why you have to begin to apply this principle to your life? Reasons were already given in that same verse but I won't focus on those. It's because you'll come to maturity and better understanding in the future and you'll  challenge, beat and question yourself as to why you couldn't have done better than what you now have at hand. This discovery may hit you when demand is being made for those who have done better. Such days do arise you know that'll bring you to the realization of the petty seeds you've sown which would cause you beat your chest and smite yourself. It may be if you had worked with all your might also, you could have set an example of excellence for your children and people around you to emulate but now you're being called to questioning and accountability. So that there won't be any reason for any regret, slam the pedal to the drum and go all out. 

Jehu drew the bow with all his strength. When it hits, it pierced to the other side. But mind you, he drew with all his strength first of all.  

II Kings 9:24, KJV

"And Jehu drew a bow with his full strength, and smote Jehoram between his arms, and the arrow went out at his heart, and he sunk down in his chariot".

It is not all arrows that do pierce its victim inside out when shut especially if it is not drawn with full strength. However, Jehu intentionally drew this so that even if Jehoram escapes, the wound can't be nursed but rather eventually kill him. That's leaving a mark and he necessarily manufactured that shut to take him down. 

This task, job of yours etc that you're doing from a partial heart can't groom you and process you for a future you don't yet see. There is more that meet the eyes than what we see. To this end, I challenge you to go disrobe laziness off you and put on the garment of "with all your might" and give all your energy, will power in its concentration to achieve. This is when you can be first amidst many. 

PRAYER: May I make this resolution and not turn back. Grant me the will power.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 34:1-35:9, Matthew 27:15-31, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 9:1-6

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Proverbs 12:1, KJV

“Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.”

O children of men, may you remember when you should remember. Some remembrance may not be able to turn anything by the time it dawns on man. So, I’m not praying for you that you will have late remembrance. Late remembrance always comes after a loss and with sighs and mouthfuls of regrets. I’m praying that you will remember now: when God wants you remember and not when your life will have been spent and almost used on what doesn’t count.

You see, when a man remembers when he should remember, his soul is saved and his life is saved. Those two things don’t happen to everybody. Imagine a 62 year old man that is just giving his life to Christ and a 7 year old boy doing the same. That old man has a saved soul but the larger percentage of his life has been wasted in so many crooked things outside the will of God. He has done assignments that God didn’t commission and author he should do in life. Meanwhile, the young boy has both a saved soul and a saved life. He has years in front of himself that God can teach him what to do with it and how to live within it. If he hearkens to the whole counsel of God, he can’t be trapped in the things that wastes one’s time and makes mockery of one’s years. He will live a pruned life as if he were born naturally to live that because the word of the Lord and God’s fear will naturally be his caution. He could find out what the will of God for him is on earth and use his saved soul, renewed mind and regenerated spirit to do it. The years he has left to plough the earth and discharge God’s will to the maximum of his strength is still long. 

Compare that with the old man who only has a saved soul without much left to do. As a matter of fact, at sixty two, one has started losing interest in so many things with a lot of depreciation having sets in. One is thinking of retiring from active service with attention on grandchildren or some petty matters. Why get born again around such time when you can start your morning at 6:00am, why do you want to start yours at 12:00pm of the same day? Why not choose a time that will give you a handful of period to do and do what you will have to do. Why start operation in deficit with an unnecessary sense of urgency to catch up with time? Life in Jesus truly imposes restrictions on whosoever accepts Him; meanwhile, this boundary is what enhances a life without confusion and crookedness. You can’t embrace those restrictions and be the kind that will die untimely. Why? Your restrictions will have curtailed misbehaviours that can open you to early death and lot more of packages with which the devil gifts those he finds outside God’s drawn line. 

More so, look at what the best of men have turned into. The fate of man seems not different from that of animals at the sight of this world pandemic. Is that not another cause to remember that God is worthy of your being contacted and seriously known at this time? Everything is ticking and racing towards eternity and a time that the silver cord of time will break giving way to everlasting to everlasting.  This is a time to remember. It is a privilege God is giving to you to repent and meet the sweet Saviour of your soul. He died to see you saved. He has waited long enough. Let today be the end of His waiting for you. A time like this may not freely come your way even if you seek it with tears and utmost desire next time especially if the curtain of time has been drawn. An opportunity at your front now without price is worthy and can save you from eternal agony in a place that inconvenience any who enters there.

PRAYER: The God of time and eternity: who planted eternity deep down in me that nothing else can satisfy but You, hint me of what time is it that I have entered into with a heeding of such time’s call. May I understand times walking circumspectly.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23, Luke 8:40-9:6, Psalm 71:1-24, Proverbs 12:5-7

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Wednesday, 15 June 2022





READ Gen.28:16-22

Genesis 28:20-21, KJV

"20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:"

New phases because they are unknown always terrify us. The journey into the unknown can make a fool of anyone. We'll wonder if we are up to the task. This is Jacob on the way to Padanaram where Isaac admonished he goes to marry. He is uncertain about his journey but he fully trusting in God that can keep all of humanity made requests in a vow on what he wants accomplished. We all have expectations on our journeys and it is our delight that each step we take brings us to them. "How I wish you make me this or that?"

Don't think you're different or you could have performed better. Humans have a gulf in them that only eternity can satisfy. That's why they'll one way or the other turn to that God at critical moment even if they had not known Him (Jonah 1:6). The fact that there exists a cause behind all causes is being established here. In your day of shaking, when it seems things are unclear, the day of labour or uncertainty, you might cry to the One who saves, to the One unto whom all flesh comes. There's nothing like, "why is much being ascribed to God?" Why not another god or fellow? There are those ascribing it to other gods or goddesses. However, when you're really cornered, lacking in brain as to what to do, when your wisdom has become foolishness and all you've trusted in aren't working, even if you had not believed in God before, you'll look upstairs and say in heavy sighing, "if there be a God up there, do hear me." Then, you'll tender your requests because He is the One we have all found to send requests to in our days of shaking.

Hebrews 5:7, KJV

"Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared."

That day shall come, it shall not tarry when your needs shall make you cry to God. That's why Paul said, "it is in him we move, live and take our being." He encompasses us. Our lives are roundabout round Him. This same statement made by Paul was also affirmed by some secular poets who had discovered the place of God in the community and life of humans when they said, "we are his offsprings" - issues from Him who should consequently look at Him (Acts 17:28).

Jacob was pinned. This is a journey he has not taken before. It is like entering the airplane for the first time to take a journey to a strange land where you'll meet people of strange tongues. While you're happy gaining admission overseas or for the relocation, yet you have fear partly in your soul because you don't know what might happen to you in that land. If the place you're even going is notorious for some evils, your fear might double. This is the same fear with which we have transited into new levels in our lives. This fear do come back on a new job or task but as we spend time there, we tend to become masters at it and forget the days when we fidgeted mastering the field or ask whether we shall amount in it all. At such time of humble beginning, you might be prompted to seek the commitment of God to you. Mind you, not that God has not been available but human mind is easily deceived that God is far and our mind believes until some measures are put in place for assurance (of course which is needed at the lack of assurance), God is not with us. We always want to have the assurance that I have possessed God. He is for me and is for me only. He is with me and I'm sure of it. That's why Jacob vowed. He wants to fulfill all requirements and carry God along. His conscience requested that and he gave it. Afterwards, he is satisfied of God's accompaniment.

Saint, are you in an uncertain moment of life? Has that labour exceeded 24 hours? Are you scared of the future like Jacob? Are you contemplating if all you've seen revealed in your soul will come to pass? Are you doubting if you can become a known face? God is more than able to do all these. Jacob requested of him bread, raiment and safety back to his father's house and He did it. He not only did, he made him return double (Gen.32:10). This is he who had crossed to Padanaram only with his staff. God is saying by the time you'll return to recount your life or tell your story, by the time you look back at the days of your youth (of course at old age or as you grow), you'll have reasons to give ME thanks. "I am the God that answers desires or inner breathings, thoughts, speeches and acts of men."

PRAYER: God, may your commitment ever be with me. May I have a testimony of having fulfilled destiny when I shall recount my story. You see my inner cravings and groaning, make them realities. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 14:1-15:24; Acts 10:1-23; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 17:7-8

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