Wednesday, 15 June 2022





READ Gen.28:16-22

Genesis 28:20-21, KJV

"20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, 21 So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:"

New phases because they are unknown always terrify us. The journey into the unknown can make a fool of anyone. We'll wonder if we are up to the task. This is Jacob on the way to Padanaram where Isaac admonished he goes to marry. He is uncertain about his journey but he fully trusting in God that can keep all of humanity made requests in a vow on what he wants accomplished. We all have expectations on our journeys and it is our delight that each step we take brings us to them. "How I wish you make me this or that?"

Don't think you're different or you could have performed better. Humans have a gulf in them that only eternity can satisfy. That's why they'll one way or the other turn to that God at critical moment even if they had not known Him (Jonah 1:6). The fact that there exists a cause behind all causes is being established here. In your day of shaking, when it seems things are unclear, the day of labour or uncertainty, you might cry to the One who saves, to the One unto whom all flesh comes. There's nothing like, "why is much being ascribed to God?" Why not another god or fellow? There are those ascribing it to other gods or goddesses. However, when you're really cornered, lacking in brain as to what to do, when your wisdom has become foolishness and all you've trusted in aren't working, even if you had not believed in God before, you'll look upstairs and say in heavy sighing, "if there be a God up there, do hear me." Then, you'll tender your requests because He is the One we have all found to send requests to in our days of shaking.

Hebrews 5:7, KJV

"Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared."

That day shall come, it shall not tarry when your needs shall make you cry to God. That's why Paul said, "it is in him we move, live and take our being." He encompasses us. Our lives are roundabout round Him. This same statement made by Paul was also affirmed by some secular poets who had discovered the place of God in the community and life of humans when they said, "we are his offsprings" - issues from Him who should consequently look at Him (Acts 17:28).

Jacob was pinned. This is a journey he has not taken before. It is like entering the airplane for the first time to take a journey to a strange land where you'll meet people of strange tongues. While you're happy gaining admission overseas or for the relocation, yet you have fear partly in your soul because you don't know what might happen to you in that land. If the place you're even going is notorious for some evils, your fear might double. This is the same fear with which we have transited into new levels in our lives. This fear do come back on a new job or task but as we spend time there, we tend to become masters at it and forget the days when we fidgeted mastering the field or ask whether we shall amount in it all. At such time of humble beginning, you might be prompted to seek the commitment of God to you. Mind you, not that God has not been available but human mind is easily deceived that God is far and our mind believes until some measures are put in place for assurance (of course which is needed at the lack of assurance), God is not with us. We always want to have the assurance that I have possessed God. He is for me and is for me only. He is with me and I'm sure of it. That's why Jacob vowed. He wants to fulfill all requirements and carry God along. His conscience requested that and he gave it. Afterwards, he is satisfied of God's accompaniment.

Saint, are you in an uncertain moment of life? Has that labour exceeded 24 hours? Are you scared of the future like Jacob? Are you contemplating if all you've seen revealed in your soul will come to pass? Are you doubting if you can become a known face? God is more than able to do all these. Jacob requested of him bread, raiment and safety back to his father's house and He did it. He not only did, he made him return double (Gen.32:10). This is he who had crossed to Padanaram only with his staff. God is saying by the time you'll return to recount your life or tell your story, by the time you look back at the days of your youth (of course at old age or as you grow), you'll have reasons to give ME thanks. "I am the God that answers desires or inner breathings, thoughts, speeches and acts of men."

PRAYER: God, may your commitment ever be with me. May I have a testimony of having fulfilled destiny when I shall recount my story. You see my inner cravings and groaning, make them realities. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Kings 14:1-15:24; Acts 10:1-23; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 17:7-8

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