Stream of Inspiration on DILIGENCE!
There's something like inspiration. When you work under it, your work almost becomes effortless. It eases you on just like that. The anointing on me does that for me to preach, teach and write. When I do, I give out season words and I'm always on point. That's why I always ensure my phone is very full. Do you know why? Once it hits me like this, it is typing throughout. I seek to trap and bring into tangibility and world of reality all the spiritual ideas, concepts and illustrations etc coming to my mind as poured into it from my spirit by God's Spirit.
You can rob yourself of not team working with your muse or as it applies to me, the Holy Spirit who daily inspires me. Nothing spiritual will become physical tangibility unless intentionally brought into the sense realm where it could be contacted with the eyes, ears or related with with other senses etc. This writing you're reading now once resides in my mind as thoughts but I have now fleshed them here for you to relate with as a human being of senses. You didn't know my thoughts until then. This is where the giving of diligence comes in to make anything spiritual or divine communications and entries coming to you a reality here on earth. How? Package it into something people could relate with. Even if you had the greatest spiritual experience before angels in your closet or on the mountain and you have refused to give a handle to it by which men of senses could intercept and relate with it, you would still be deemed fit as having not profited from such experience because it will die with you. That's why we write books, record in audio and videos so that our testament won't be lost and so that the calling or anointing we say we have might be seen to be real by men of senses that what is visible is more real to than what is spiritual. We seek to make into hard copies every soft copies that God illustrated to us. God can be doing well by relating with you while you yet waste all the resources. That's why right from our little age as Christians, we were told to always keep a book with us at devotion or while intercoursing with God so we would document His communication down. That's it! That's that truth we're stumbling on again. They taught us that long years ago and I have found it out to be true through and through. Only God knows how many books I have written that I am seeking for time to collate. Just many. That came from proper documentation and good storage system in my e-archive. You have an obligation to give diligence. Diligence means hard work, attention, concentration, focus, allocating of time to make to appear to human eyes the fact that you were called and elected.
It is only diligence that could make your calling and election sure.
II Peter 1:10,KJV "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give DILIGENCE to make your CALLING and ELECTION SURE: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall."
Calling is spiritual. It is an equipment meant to aid any one who God has chosen to bear burden with Him on earth and represent Him. However, how do we know you're called since all of us are men of sense knowledge and can't perceive what is beyond our sense realm unless it is dragged and put here (on earth) first of all or we're taken back to the world of spirits where you received them and then are made sure of same. The recent is hard! We however know by contacting! Knowing this, what manner of man ought ye to be as a man who has sensed God's call on himself or herself. Seek its manifestation physically. Let it transform from spiritual to being physical. Like Bishop Dag Heward Mills, write books and take it everywhere to advertise. The minister i know whose books have reached the ends of the earth greatly in this dispensation is that. Leverage on every form that could spread it. As it spreads, your calling spreads and it becomes hard for any to say you were not called because the proofs answer them. You're known to have been birthed and to have carried such and such calling. Like Pastor E.A Adeboye, build churches. Do you think it doesn't take more than brilliance or what appears to build branches? It does. If not, that guy selling wears should have opened many branches across his city or town (don't let us mention his country now for that would be too much for a man not being aided by the Holy Ghost). If those doing business for donkey years couldn't even extend yet they wished but someone is acquiring more branches and having more pastors, then it means, he's been helped by something invisible. But none would have seen his proofs of calling if he didn't give a handle to them. He dragged them where they could be seen. If you have the call, you have the enablement and it's that that would help you plant churches like Pastor Adeboye or Bishop Mills himself. But, you must still see to it. You must be zealous to spread and then see to it practically by asking, "how do I create another branch or how do I come on ground?" So, you may need to rent a place or buy land to spend huge money to raise a structure that would be proof of your calling. When people see worshippers in there, they won't have doubt over your call again. Only by then would you have made your calling and election sure.
You must be vindicated and to be, practicality must come in. Attention to details, sleepless night, fasting, praying, steps of wisdom, waxing albums, authoring a magazine, going on missions, on air etc are just little of the evidences of a calling that has been made sure. Generally, it is by doing the work of ministry. There's a thing like that and I think I'm doing that and we promise to give more effort to doing more. I'm your brother in Christ, do please, keep praying for us that God might enlarge space for our feet and give us a Rehoboth!
Olusola ADEJUMO,
Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.
+234 81 37 04 68 12