Tuesday, 8 February 2022



One of the things I enjoy whenever I pray is remembrance. Apart from direction, I enjoy remembrance. This remembrance often times then do lead to direction to take afterwards.

Whenever I pray, things I had said I'll do, I should do or desire to do (but which I've not started doing but which I should do) would come to mind. They'll not only come to mind but come very persuasively. It will rise as a voice. A voice so speaking that you'll know a rising is happening inside you. A voice so serious like the voice of Abel calling from the ground. Therein, I know it's a person (the Holy Spirit) speaking inside me to me.

God in times past has sensitized me to great opportunities by telling me to check on the expert who has a say on it. That's even when I don't know announcement has been made concerning the availability of such opportunity. I have been reminded to call people in prayer many times. At times as I pray, solutions come freshly to a thing I've been contemplating on yet without necessarily seeking or praying for solution at that time. Suddenly, there just appears a path.

If you'll check, you'll also bear witness that when you pray, remembrance do come to you though you might have been neglecting yours. I believe that's the Holy Spirit at work who doesn't want us leave a stone unturned in our lives. He doesn't want any issue get swept under the carpet. The more you therefore relate with God, the more He'll be willing to tell you things to actively give attention to. He doesn't do it only at the times of prayer when our heart is only set on Him but even while we're busy with life. Doing it only at prayer time may be doom to us. Sensitization should be received everywhere and every time especially when God sees an emergency He wants you pay attention to. So, God makes remembrance occur and reoccur.

Don't forget, not that God has not been speaking and speaking repeatedly all this while. Even as we go about our daily businesses, He speaks but man is just too busy to give attention. Some haven't cultivated sensitivity enough to discern Him even in the midst of daily relations.

Job 33:14, KJV

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not".

What could be the cause of not perceiving despite repeated speech? Ask yourself. However, at the time separated for prayer, whenever we come to Him with a single heart, it gives the Holy Spirit ample opportunity to flood our heart with things we should take steps on which He has been bringing but hindered due to busyness with daily affairs which distracts us from such hearing.

Is there any there whose perception is dull? At the scent of water, it shall bud up again. The Lord would speak once but you'll perceive twice. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

8/02/2022 - 5:45-6:05am

Monday, 7 February 2022





READ Ecclesiastes 4:8-12

Ecclesiastes 4:12, AMP

"12 And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken".

A thing that's quickly broken is a thing easily conquered. The right substituting word for "quickly" in that usage would therefore be "easily" for it means "very soon". If a thing proves difficult, it can't easily succumb to your devices of mastering it. So, such (even if it would be defeated) can prolong the time of its defeat or accessibility. A singular chord folded into three layers obviously becomes stronger compared to leaving it as a layer. Isn't that the reason why a secured building has many layers of doors. It is to make penetration difficult while delaying intruders' accessibility. Buildings housing treasures in ancient or even our times are of more than threefold layers. No strong room is of a layer or fold. The more the doors, the secured it is. The intention is to barricade immediate entrance even if there would be any at all.

A strand of broom has been broken many times by you. You did that effortlessly. What you haven't tried breaking is a bunch of broom itself. Even if you've tried breaking it, the witness you'll give is "it is not easily broken" and indeed, it won't break. It won't just yield. You may try but you'll come to the realization that there's a great insulation against that bunch of broom being broken. Force has been pulled together against you. Though effort is being applied and increased but it seems the resiliency of the broom proves you inaccessible. A strand is a weakling. A bunch is strength.

When you're alone without a second, there's a level of resiliency you can weave. You can prove stubborn just for awhile, refusing to be conquered. However, your resiliency and refusal is just at a level that we can't call trustworthy. We can ascertain or predict when you'll break. It can't be very lengthy. It is one that could easily cave in. Meanwhile, there is the effort of a second in any man's life. When a second man's effort is added to what you're doing, you're not easily broken. What could have easily defeated your partner or you finds it difficult overcoming two of you who are now a force. The thing will assault you but the ability to withstand, resist and persist will be doubled and much more persisting. You can become a troop against anything in life. We all know that a troop is not easily defeated. When you're more than one, you double not only energy but outcomes. Two always have a better reward. The Bible didn't say two can't still be defeated but it is not easily defeated unlike one that caves in very soon. That tells you, you will need to elongate yourself in battle and daily life affairs by the number of two. You simply need to buy time. Where a person is quickly beaten by his opponent because he is one within five minutes; if they become two against same opponent, even if he'll beat them, they can prolong and draw the battle for minutes more than five. This is the secret of lasting longer and staying there continually. Do you know how many people that would have been quenched if not for the contribution of the second. They would have been broken down long time ago except for a timely intervention of another that eradicates their being put to shame, entering into debt or even dying etc until a later time that even didn't come. When these acts of giving in is therefore postponed, they become strong and ready for new fights in the process of time. You must know that the devil, your major opponent capitalizes on situation and seasons of life to securing winnings against you. If at a dry season, you're easily defeated but for a timely intervention of a second, the chances of your being defeated then is postponed. If it is thus postponed, it means it may not even happen again. How did I know?

Revelation 12:15-16, KJV

"15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. 16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth".

The earth came to the help of this woman. When that happens, there is a deferment of what should have happened to her there and then into the future. Consequently, it becomes "it may still happen or may not happen again". You just need help to get out of the danger zone. Once you do, you may actually survive it forever. One is easily broken but not two. Engage the power of two and show to Satan, life and any hard task that though humans are conquerable yet two can elongate their defeat into evasion. So, persist and insist in the power of two.

PRAYER: Lord, if my fall is scheduled for today, may it be deferred by the help you'll bring into my life. Let it always be postponed until the fall is no longer sure. I enter into strategic partnering.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 26:1-27:21, Matthew 25:1-30, Psalm 31:1-8, Proverbs 8:1-11

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Sunday, 6 February 2022





II Kings 7:3,KJV

"And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die?"

Have you ever suddenly come to the realisation of a truth before? Before then, you're stationary. You are contented with your present prevalent situation. You might have even settled in the less and call it the best. Recently, I had a settled mind on a subject matter. I've had this settled mind for more than a month until the veil was taken off. When it was, I saw clearly that what I have settled for isn't the best.

When the covering is taken away, understanding dawns on one. Look at these four lepers. They've been watching in front of the gate of Samaria for only God knows. No progress nor forward movement. Nobody thought contrarily to their immobility. All of them regarded it good to maintain their status. Meanwhile something happened. They suddenly came to the realisation of a hidden truth. I call it revelation because they were permitted to see or observe what they've never given attention to before. There and then, they began to analyze their condition. They became unsatisfactory. They said:

2 Kings 7:4,KJV

"If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die."

For sometimes (which only God knows), they've not had forward thinking which only could produce forward movement. But at that juncture where understanding of their prevalent situation flooded them, they sought to relocate.

Meanwhile relocation was never part of their consideration from the beginning. They were contented to stay at the gate though they were dying. However, they received a change in their mindset when the blindfold of their hearts was taken away.

Look at me saint. There are some directions you'll never think towards until time comes for you to implement something in that direction. Did you agree that it was the Lord's doing that stung these lepers to awareness? They were stung to notification of where to go and what to do at that particular time because God wanted to bring about the prophecy of Elisha. Without the veil being done away with, one cannot enter into his inheritance nor take it by knowledge. One will always be contented with the less. Mind you, the devil has a plan to substitute your calling with a career. So, be careful to discover where God wants you be and where you should go. Without the dispensing off of the veil, you can't look at yourself and ask WHY SIT I HERE UNTIL I DIE? Therefore, receive understanding!

PRAYER: Father of all light, let my heart be free of darkness. Always sting me to action with illumination and light unparalleled.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 23:14-25:40, Matthew 24:29-51, Psalm 30:1-12, Proverbs 7:24-27

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Isaiah 53:12,KJV

"Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."

There is a thing that God does for a man with the calling. Any man that carries the calling should be encouraged by this promise even if he has not gotten to a place where indeed what was said about him would take place. Because Jesus fulfilled His assignment, He was rewarded. The reward was that He was given space amidst the mighty. At least, we know that a name that's greater than any other name was given to Him. He was assembled and numbered amidst those that could be called influential. Name is a very important thing. The name you carry or the name of whom you bear to do your operations determines the doors that will open to you (Philippians 2:9-11).

Jesus' name is very powerful because He was numbered amidst those whose names should be respected after passing through the sacrificial process of saving and redeeming man. He was not only numbered amidst them, His name carries the most precious value.

As a minister persists in ministry and refuses to relent, God will make it possible for such upcoming aspiring minister to begin to cause waves. First of all, he must have earned the approval of God secretly. Then, God will begin to create an awareness of him and His works in his hands until he is accepted by the body of Christ. Once this is done, this man that was an unrecognized minister sometimes ago will be seen sitting amidst fathers and elderly ministers. 

There is an inheritance in God's house that I believe can go round. It is go-round the table blessing. It is God that allocates and administers portions to us in the kingdom. No man can receive anything except it's sovereignly given to him from above. That scripture above said " I will divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong."

It is God that can reserve a seat for a man that's nobody today amidst the some bodies of today. There are already great people in your venture or profession but God is saying "you will be given a part of yours that makes those people great." That is, until you're given that portion, you can't be called great. 

I believe a chair has been reserved for me in the tall places of this earth amidst envoys. I believe God's intention is to path way for me to sit where those who we respect and admire to listen to are. My space is where they are. God is watching over my seat amidst them to ensure that no one else sits or takes it. When a man begins to divide the  spoil with the strong, he is no longer an ordinary man. The strong are warriors that have gone to the battle and have brought a lot of captives and booties of war. Now, because this mean man (previously) has now being numbered with the strong (promoted to stay and operate in the midst of the strong), he'll begin to enjoy the affluence, respect and admiration given the strong. Why? Because he also is now a strong man. There is nothing like it can't go round. By the time you get where you should get, those that have been there before you will divide the goodies they've been enjoying and sharing amidst themselves with you. They'll remember the number has increased. They'll have to recognize that a new member has been added to their big table by God. They'll have to share what they've been managing with you too. None would say "no!" May you fulfill divine mandates that creates space for a man amidst the strong. May you get to a place where you will take your place with the great. Don't think there are no more seats up there. For those that God has intention for, there is a big written order that says RESERVED on their seats. I pray, your seat is yours.

PRAYER: Lord, ascend and bear me to mount to take my seat amidst those that can't be pushed aside.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 21:22-23:13, Matthew 24:1-28, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 7:6-23

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Friday, 4 February 2022





READ I Kings 16-28

I Kings 3:27, KJV

"Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof."

Two prostitutes were in a house. One had switched her dead baby for the living of another. The other in the morning light discovered she had been robbed by careful consideration and refuses to go with what is not hers. 

These two prostitutes finally landed at Solomon's court. They wouldn't have appeared there if the case was settled after the discovery of that exchange and while argument for the retrieval of the living child by the rightful mother lasted. But because the false woman won't agree, the real mother appealed to the king as the only way of escape. This is affirmed in her narrating what happened explicitly to the king. She desires to be vindicated and tendered the case before Solomon.

If a thing can't be settled by you, it is wisdom if you seek an external power - one that's greater than you, the thing you're fighting or that's fighting you. Anointing is represented by the sword in that passage. It has not lost effectiveness in getting things done.

This woman that appealed is wise. Should arguments continue till the day is spent? To stop the rivalry, she needed somebody who could hear both of them out, discern the genuine and separate it from the false. Her desire to put an end to their rivalry made her appeal.

Saint, the court of heaven is opened. Have you been robbed? Have you been cheated? Is somebody infringing on your rights? Report it to the King. He is for the just while He'll rebuke the unjust. I pray for you that wherever there's a contest with you over what is yours (which has been robbed you), the sword of God will severe your lot for you without harm today.  Restoration in Jesus' name. This month, value won't be exchanged for shamble in your life.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to the belief in Your ability to bring solutions to all my problems. My soul thus rest in you.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 21:22-23:13, Matthew 24:1-28, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 7:6-23

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Thursday, 3 February 2022






ACTS 1:26, KJV

"And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles."

While some people are mounting into places, some are losing their places. In today's passage, Judas need be replaced. After the casting of lot, a fitting replacement was found for him in the person of Matthias. The Bible recorded afterwards that he (Matthias) was then numbered with the eleven.

Something will always cause an opening to be. Matthias was numbered with the apostles. These apostles are the ones known as the apostles of the Lamb. They are the apostles that Jesus promised a special reward.  Their names are written on the new Jerusalem. 

Revelation 21:14, KJV

"And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

Amidst these chosen and lucky men was he joined to. He who was just an ordinary brother was therefore lifted up to become somebody who now enters into the first class relationship and cycle of the apostles of the Lamb. It looks like an overnight miracle but the preparation for that began since the baptism of John. A time of numbering is coming. Will you be qualified?

Who are the people that you're numbered with? You can be numbered with mockers, vain people or people of purpose (Psalm 1). The testimony that should follow you should be your numbering amidst good people in God's book. What privilege is it rather to be numbered amidst the apostles. How I pray for you that you'll take your place. You won't be distributed amidst fools. When your lot is falling, it will fall amidst men who will be  blessings to you. It won't be amidst those that will reduce God's grace, gift and unction on you. 

There are people currently where they are who are numbered amidst those to be executed. These are hardened criminals that the law will go sour against. There are those who are currently numbered with sinners. Whenever your association is investigated, it's a blessing if found that you're numbered with those who have good records with God. If you're numbered with those God is angry with, expect God's anger.  He who companies with a fool will surely become one and vice versa.

One of the ways by which God protects your destiny and aligns you continually into who to become is by numbering you amidst those who are purposeful. When you are numbered with the great, you weave power, think like them and enjoy their privileges. You're let into special secrets and always put ahead of time. When you have much of them around you, they become your lamp and your eyes. It becomes very difficult for you to be defeated by the devil.  A Christian that's numbered amidst such fellows as the apostles here and yet misses it will be a brand that has first been plucked out of the fire like Satan did to Joshua (Zechariah 3:2). If you're separated from your number, you can then be handled by Satan. However, may you forever stick with your group. This is a call to forever be numbered amidst those God takes pleasure in. This is your security when the enemy comes like a flood.

PRAYER: Lord, number me amidst the great and strong. May I not discard anointed relationships in my life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalm 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26

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READ Luke 15:11-end

Luke 15:31, KJV

"And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, AND ALL THAT I HAVE IS THINE.

This statement when it was said was given out as an assuring statement. Who was in doubt? Who needed to be reassured? It was the elder brother of the fellow popularly known as the prodigal son. The younger brother had found his way back home. The father had thrown him a welcome party with lavishness. The elder brother on enquiry and detection of what was going on refused to go in. He'll rather cut himself off from participation to show his disapproval and protest against his father's perceived unfairness. To him, the father accords favour to his younger brother than him though the younger brother has been the waster. One who has brought grieve and many sleepless nights to the father until he was found. He never knew the whole truth until the father's explanation.

"You're ever with me. All that I have is yours. The father said, "your brother was lost and he's found. It is good we celebrate". 

This statement ends all his inner agitation and contention. It's just a statement but one that casted away the spell that Satan rubbed on him to rob him of the father's love. That statement also shows how the younger brother and father would from thence live on the elder brother's allocation. Don't forget, the father had two children. The younger brother had collected his lot - the one that fell unto him and had exhausted it. Automatically, that leaves only one portion which is that of the elder brother. 

This is also a message that God loves sinners or backsliding Christians and would do all to have them back with cheers but God never celebrates a repentant sinner at the expense of a faithful believer who all the days of his life tarries in the Father's house without shifting position. So, if you've decided to backslide, don't just think you'll be equated with a faithful Christian. There's joy in heaven that you're back but much more than that are the privileges enjoyed by loyal sons and daughters who stay with God under seasonal weathers.

Until this was said, the elder brother never saw reasons to continue to esteem the father as one with a right sense of justice. When he saw that indeed his younger brother has been made like a servant unto him, he let go of contention. Who will be in his shoe amidst us that won't be jealous? If somebody wastes his own portion, should he come back and allow another not to enjoy his fully when at first, his was measured out in full to him? However, thank God for forgiveness. 

Brethren, who are the ones you need to assure?  Assurance answers cries of the heart. It comes by speaking the right word to change perspective, solidify perspective and concretize it. If there's no assuring word from parents to their children, the children may lose faith in themselves, their parents and what their parents' ability can do for them. If a lover don't give constant assurance and reassurance to his lover, she won't know her place. She'll have tough times believing wholly in the man especially if such man is popular or object of desire. 

So, don't withhold to say, "all that I have is yours." This plus some other assuring words will bring encouragement to your lover and win them to your side. What will it costs you to exert your energy and say some words of affirmation? 

PRAYER: Loving Father, the author of assurance and reassurance, put words in my mouth and acts in me that fit their seasons to win my lover always. Teach me the laws of assurance.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 17:8-19:15, Matthew 22:34-23:12, Psalm 27:7-14, Proverbs 6:27-35

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