Friday, 31 December 2021






Luke 11:31, KJV

"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here".

If you look at this statement of Jesus, you'll see how stern it was. Jesus didn't make this stern statement out of pride. Indeed, we've established He was greater than Solomon. It was He who came to redeem the world from sin and give them eternal life. If the wisdom of Solomon preserves for a good earth living, Jesus' value transcends the earth into giving us an eternity with the Father. Judge for yourself who should be more respected. He whose wisdom not only preserves on earth but offers life for eternity or He that is earth bound.

Jesus made this statement that seems hard to bring all the doubters and unbelieving men listening to him to repentance. He didn't say it to exercise glory or outrightly sought their destruction. May I tell you something? It is not sin or pride for a minister to tell people to receive him. If people don't know you or your worth, give them an exposition probably they may better receive you. Jesus did it and your reason for doing it shouldn't be for fame or vain glory but so that they won't miss God's provision through you. If you're a healer and you're not received, some will die in their sicknesses. What good will it do them to die untimely when their salvation is at hand and to be brought through you.

What Jesus said here was a rebuke and exhortation to receive Him and give Him the proper attention or honour that befits a greater than Solomon and Jonah. A greater than those two deserves more than those two. If Jesus was someone who didn't care, He ought not to open the eyes of these perishing people to the fact that He was greater than Solomon. Do you know that anyone that opens your eyes to who he is for correct acceptability is actually helping you to see the blessing that could have bypassed you. Jesus is indeed a giver of life and He still doesn't want any stumble by Him though that was and is impossible. As Life and life giver, He tried all to bring all men to the knowledge of their prepared salvation in Him. Why would He be telling them a greater than Solomon is here? A greater than Jonah whose message should be believed  is here? He wanted them to accept God's provision of salvation which is Himself for them. Has the Bible not done well to have said:

John 3:16-17, KJV

"16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved".

What Jesus wanted to achieve by revealing  Himself to them in the image they should receive and esteem was to help them believe in Him and have everlasting life. Is it the person saying He casted out devils by Beelzebub that would trust in Him or those who sought signs? In that state of error, no one believes but they must be brought out of it. The fact that Jesus isn't a destroyer but the Redeemer is revealed in that statement of rebuke and correction. If He delights in the death of sinners, He'll just close His eyes or mouth and never open their understanding to who He is and what He worth to them. He'll let them stray and stray to hell. His noise making was to show them to stop over and receive salvation. It is in knowing a thing's worth that you celebrate it. Without its identification, you toil with it.

Who's there and knows not the importance of  Jesus in his or her life? He is actually Life and your life giver. He offers the hope of eternity with the Father after the termination of life here on earth. Don't disdain Him or be offended by how He was birthed even if it seems like a fable to you. Believe the message of the gospel, receive Christ and have your name written in the book of life. In so doing, you'll escape the second death. You must know that God doesn't love the death of sinners but that they'll be saved. That's why Jesus was shouting at the top of His voice that, "a greater than Solomon is here and a greater than Jonah is here to receive". He was not doing so to be commended but to save men from their inevitable destruction. See reasons to turn back today.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see my impoverishment and receive my salvation. Lord Jesus, I believe and receive you. Salvation is mine.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Malachi 1:1-2:17, Revelation 21:1-27, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 31:10-24

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READ I kings 10:1-10

I Kings 10:6-7, KJV

"6 And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom.  7 Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard".

The Queen of Sheba saw and wasn't quiet. She brought honour to Solomon by her confession. As an admirer and one who was not contesting with Solomon in wisdom or prosperity, she confessed how Solomon had touched her. One continuous way to receive a greater presence is to confess in truth how they've impacted you which of course will reassure them they are making impact. Yesterday, the Samaritan woman left her waterpot and noised Jesus abroad as the man who told her all she ever did. In surprise, she asked, "is not this the Messiah?" She had seen the supernatural in operation in Jesus' life. Her conclusion was to begin to think Him to be the long awaited Messiah and she was correct [John 4:29].

The Bible says, "4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built, 5 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD; there was no more spirit in her".

It was after all these that she said herself, "half was not told me". If the Queen of Sheba was someone contesting with Solomon, she wouldn't have said that. You must know it is hard bringing another honour especially when you also think you're something.  Did you read the words she said that brought honour to Solomon? Half was not told her means what she now sees surpasses what she was told far off in her homeland. It even means all she had heard never amounted to what she has contacted now with her eyes. So, Solomon is bigger than reported. That's what she confessed out of admiration. This is how an admirer does. He expresses his surprise or testimony when touched. He doesn't withdraw what can make another great in front of many witnesses. If there were men in Jerusalem or Solomon's court who had begun to get familiar with Solomon and view him to be small, this testimony would reinstate them to have a boosted estimation for him again since they're hearing from a stranger greater than them all. This proves to us that Solomon was indeed a great presence of his day. This is the testimony of another royalty concerning another royalty. You as a minister, can you testify of another minister to have ministered very powerfully? Ok, you can't because you're his contestant. After Sheba Queen had seen all, her mind must have gone to her own wealth and the wealth of the surroundings she had seen and how none equals that of Solomon. From this background or knowledge, she confessed in truth and didn't lie that, "half was not told me of your prosperity and wisdom". People's report previously is that there was a king far away with acts and wisdom that's none to equal. That was what she affirmed. She said, "it was a true report she heard in her land concerning Solomon though she didn't believe until she had seen it". Mind you, she didn't dress the reputation of Solomon or lied to cover him up. It was what Solomon manifested she affirmed. So, when we say confess, we're simply saying, "give people the fruits of their hands and let their works praise them at the gates".

That day Solomon would have appreciated God more than enough for blessing him in such a way that a heathen queen testifies of his blessing in relation to God's name. The blessing of God upon your life is meant to be radiated so that through you God will be brought praise and that all may know there's no other source of greater blessing except God. Those of you that have seen, heard and were moved, don't withhold. Speak of what you've seen and what you've heard and let God be glorified. It is what you sow you'll reap. You can by your act teach some to follow your precedence.

PRAYER: Teach me to bring another man honour. Give me humility that praises another. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 14:1-21, Revelation 20:1-15, Psalm 148:1-14, Proverbs 31:8-9

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Tuesday, 28 December 2021






Read John 4:4-42

John 4:28-29, KJV

"28 The woman then left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men, 29 Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?"

Admiration won't make you keep quiet. If you admire a model, you'll speak of him. You'll noise him and his great and mighty works which are wrath by the anointing and in wisdom abroad. How can you receive a greater than Solomon again? It is by giving back truthful feedbacks about how much they've been a blessing to you. If impact is being made on you and you're being changed from one level of glory to another, don't withhold your testimony even in their sight. I have heard people say, "if you 'praise' him, his head would swell up. He may even backslide. He may take himself for God." All these may be truthful because there were people in history who praise have led to their downfall. What God used them accomplished penetrated their hearts to their hurt. They became Herod and Nebuchadnezzar at heart which made the Most High to humble them. However, it is not your own responsibility to prevent someone from backsliding. It is the work of the Spirit in him which convicts of sin and righteousness. If we say all people's head would be swollen, then we shouldn't be awarding prizes, awards etc to motivate people to more success after doing well lest they're proud and it leads to their downfall. We shouldn't even show gratitude to men. We should rather turn into a die hard ungrateful fellow. So, you can't but reward, compensate and give to someone a feedback of what He has done. The Bible says in Proverbs 31:31, "Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates". That's what my book, "Praise at the Gates" is all about. 

In today's reading, Jesus revealed Himself to the Samaritan woman as the living water. Afterwards, she identified Jesus as a prophet because He had told her of her past of having had five husbands and present life of having a man who's not her husband. This shocked this woman so much that as their discussion goes on and as Jesus claims to be the Messiah she said would show them all things clearly when He comes, she left her waterpot with straight course to begin to express her surprise and shock in great noise after Jesus affirmed being the one. She was shouting, "come and see the man who ever told me all I did. Is this not the Messiah (as Jesus had claimed)?"

She didn't hold back. You can't see an admirer admiring his model keep quiet and not declare the good he has done him in particular. It encourages the model that he is having impact. In other words, that feedback of surprise or shock is what we call "testimony" in Christian parlance. It is not to exalt the minister through whom God wrath the work but to show that God is indeed real and can as well do that for any other. Many have misconceived testimonies to be elevating the minister. He himself knows he must return the "thank you" of all souls to God. That's why I advise people to stop saying, "Thank you sir. Very powerful sir". God owns those because they don't profit the minister. Give we ministers money, build us houses, buy us vehicles, volunteer to sponsor the publishing of our books, sponsor our crusades etc. All praises must be to the Lord. He is jealous as He shares His glory with no man [Isa. 42:8, 48:11]. 

You can't be an admirer and keep shut. If the light of that greater than Solomon has shone on you, you'll shout out. Did you not see how that woman out of awe, shock, great surprise and admiration noised Jesus abroad as He who told her all she ever did. That Jesus even claimed to be that Messiah long awaited even set her ablaze. You could see she won't have problem receiving or giving honour to Jesus as the Messiah upon confirmation. Who will hear this woman's testimony and won't be drawn to such prophet and his ministry. You'll want to come and see with your own eyes. That's why after the noising around of Jesus, the entire city came to Jesus and transcended the report of the woman into believing themselves for having heard Jesus one on one. Your testimony is to bring more souls to Christ. Don't say, "it will be lifting the minister". Even if it would bring him some honour, that isn't your concern. Just focus on what you as a beneficiary vessel is called to discharge. If you're the output of someone's labour, it isn't hard if they reap over you. Only those who contend with the vessel being used will deny bringing him public praise. Rather, stop arguing and bring God glory today.

PRAYER: Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that you might still the enemy and the avenger. Give me testimony to share.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 12:1-13:9, Revelation 19:1-21, Psalm 147:1-20, Proverbs 31:1-7

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Monday, 27 December 2021






Read Luke 10:38-42

Luke 10:39, KJV

"And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word".

There's a connector known as the bridge of admiration. When you greatly admire someone, you naturally surrender and open up to whatsoever they have to say. This is why critics have called a lot of followers of great men in their fields blind followers. Do you know why? He that you admire, you don't criticize. What he does is kind enough for acceptability to you. This, as simple and delicate as it may be is the secret of receiving a greater than Solomon. 

If you're challenging, resisting, refusing, refuting someone, you don't have to carry an axe to do that. It happens in the mind. The moment you don't have admiration for a model God wants you receive from, you can't receive because what He has to offer can never be assimilated by somebody playing defensive game. Receiving is a two way thing. It can be felt by the model as he speaks and give himself to receivers. If you truly receive a minister, he'll know because a to and fro affirmative process will occur between you both. If a couple is having intimacy and the wife is defending, the man would know. The wife won't participate and send back the same communication of love. She'll just become rigid like a dead, graven image. The man may occupy this position also. It is through this that the deception of those who pretend to be receiving is revealed. You're not hidden. We know you!

Mary in today's reading sat at Jesus' feet. This is not a small girl though younger than Martha but admiration for Jesus and what He has to say is making her take a posture and position that shows she is not at all equal with the Master. She sat at His feet! There are people who are equating and equalizing with a model by taking wrong postures when he ministers. Learn the art of posture taking here. Kathryn Khulman while alive knew this and so won't allow anyone who has not learnt how to open himself/herself to her anointing sit on the very front row. Those who have been long with her and thirst for what she has to offer who won't sleep or show tiredness, who won't seem to show interest in another thing while she's ministering are those she specifically requested to sit in front. If you don't know, how people react to the anointed can shut him down. That's why Jesus could in no wise do any mighty work in His hometown [Matt. 13:54-58]. Attitude at times is reflected through body postures and demeanours that people carry round someone they feel is not worthy to be esteemed or applauded. This includes not taking note when a speaker is speaking. They are still questioning why he is the one God is using. They are still clamouring why he should be speaking with much confidence which off course Satan has helped them to interpret as pride. You'll never see someone that has admiration for a model set in front of him watch or listen to him with the eyes to find his faults or criticize him. No critics ever pick up the mantle of those he has chosen to feast on. He defends him. 

Look at Mary and how she became a child to receive. Her fallen down is out of respect. This reminds me how we gathered round an elderly man at vacation at my paternal grandmother's town in West Africa to listen to this man's folklore. We looked forward with expectation for the next night and would persuade him to tell us stories and great fables. You see, anyone who will receive a greater than Solomon must go with estimation and burning admiration for him. I never thought he was saying rubbish. Due to this, till date, I could reproduce all the great stories I heard him told us. I knew how he'll start, how he'll ask us sing and clap our hands. Through admiration, you'll know what your place is and then take it. Mary sat on the floor. She did without being instructed by Jesus. You're self taught to be more receptive when at first you have seen no iniquity in that model. If you don't know, a minister cherish people who are ready to hear him. On several occasions in the Bible, Jesus' anointing to teach was triggered when He saw admirers and thirsty hearts who have come to receive. It's then He climbed up to a mountain or requested they push a boat into the water [Matt.5:1-2, Luke 5:1-3]. Immediately He saw the yearning, burning and sponge like heart of the sons of men, He readily makes them a pulpit to communicate as God's oracle. Openness is what collects words from a minister's mouth. Watch your attitude to God. It is marked by how you give off attitudes (right or wrong) to those He sets as shepherds. May you not offend God through them. 

PRAYER: What is the attitude that will soon put me in trouble? I sight and exterminate it. Make me like a child to receive. May I stop equalizing in my mind.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 10:1-11:17, Revelation 18:1-24, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 30:33

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Sunday, 26 December 2021






Read John 4:5-28

John 4:16-19, KJV

"16 Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17 The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: 18 For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. 19The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet".

This is the part B of yesterday's teaching I subtitled "Perceive His Presence For Who He Is". This woman perceived by symptoms. In receiving a greater than Solomon where you are, you can be assisted to identify him just by symptoms. Such greater than Solomon may give off signs or symptoms by his calling or what God has made him. In today's reading, Jesus struck a conversation with a Samaritan woman on water which went into Jesus' advertisement of living water to the woman. While the conversation was ongoing however, Jesus requested this woman to call her husband to come also when she begged Jesus to give her the water that'll make her not to thirst again or come to fetch the well water often. On this note, she said she has no husband. Jesus then commended her for speaking well and as well reveal her past life as one who has had five husbands in the past. To take it further, the one she has now is not even her husband. 

Seeing this, the woman in rude shock said, "I perceive you're a prophet!". How did this woman get to the place of smelling Jesus as a prophet? She saw symptoms of Jesus being one. How could He know my past and even my present when He's a total stranger. From her comment of enquiry, she knew no human gave Jesus any information about her. They were just meeting. To affirm the authenticity of Jesus' prophecy, one was a Jew and the other a Samaritan. These two don't have dealings together. 

If someone begins to tell you of yourself: of things that had been, that are in being or will be, such can't but be a prophet. He is if he has no fore knowledge of these things from any source except from the Spirit of revelation. Despite her earlier refusal, this is how Jesus was revealed to the woman as a greater presence or somebody to receive. If you study downward, you'll see that it became easy for Jesus winning her heart because of this miracle of prophecy by which her life was dissected. So, when she said, "I know that the Messiah comes who will tell us all things" while Jesus responded being the Messiah, she didn't act stubborn like before but rather received and responded to Jesus by immediately going into the city to shout, "come and see the man who ever told me all I ever did". Did you see that this woman didn't hold back when she discovers a greater than Solomon. She shouted and said, "Come and see Him. Come and see a man of great deed who knows the past and even the present". 

Anyone who's greater than Solomon must be a fellow who impresses by his works. Solomon was regarded as wise and there were proofs that he was wise. He had great and mighty works to his testimony. One was how he discerned who owned the baby claimed by two mothers yet without a witness to prove one wrong or the other right. This prophecy here amidst other reveals Jesus as a presence to honour. The woman did this to the utmost by bringing the whole town to Jesus. Don't forget that by your believing and testimony, others will believe in Jesus or any you testify of as being a greater presence. So, whomsoever honour is due, give to such. If such is a man who has told you all you ever did (and has really impressed you), don't keep shut and deny his works. Spread why He's a greater presence in admiration and love.  As you go, mark symptoms so you won't be tempted to treat a Jesus like a nobody or even equate Him to a Solomon. Glory differs from glory. There's the glory of the sun, moon or even the stars but one excels others. Jesus differs from Solomon in assignment and destiny. He that comes to save man from their sins ought to be given better attention if one will have an eternity. 

PRAYER: May I not be dull in seeing, hearing and knowing even when the signs are obvious. May I see and be moved.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 9:1-17, Revelation 17:1-18, Psalm 145:1-21, Proverbs 30:32

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Read II Kings 4:8-17

II Kings 4:9, KJV

"And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holy man of God, which passeth by us continually".

We have great presence but we have greater presence. A greater than Solomon is one with a greater presence that only greater honour could correspond as well.

Perception is what many are lacking. You're blessed if you can perceive who people are even if they are not dressed so. This woman told the husband who Elisha was. She said, "I've come to a discovery. This is a holy man of God that has been bypassing us". For awhile, she couldn't conclude Elisha was a man of God though they've known him and to an extent have been showing concern for this their fellow human being. Why couldn't she grab who he was as a greater presence that shouldn't just come around, eat and go like that? Elisha can be detained. He can be made unto a family member. If such kind of relationship is possible, why should the man of God just be passing by them continually and not be theirs indeed? Reasons may be because Elisha was not obviously looking like a greater presence though a mighty prophet that not only has authorities' hearing but God's. It may also be because she was taken her time to observe rightly and reach a conclusion or because at first, she couldn't detect at all who Elisha was and so treated him as he that shouldn't be trusted with their home or made a householder instead of remaining a visitor.

Meanwhile one day, she confessed in truth to her husband that they've been fools all this awhile because "this is a holy man of God" who has been bypassing them. Mark the word "holy". Elisha wasn't just a minister but a qualified minister with qualities that stood him out which were off course visible to those who aren't dull in perception. How many times has God send people their blessings in disguise but for their blind sight. So, they couldn't mark it as their long awaited blessing. It therefore passed them by just like that. Don't you think God was merciful on this woman to have continued to make Elisha continually pass by this woman's house until she could voice out to say in recognition, "I have been a fool and I know not. This is a greater than Solomon bypassing us". She knew how great and mighty Elisha was. It showed in how she described his greatness by calling him, "a holy man of God".

If you don't see, how will you honour? There is Solomon. He is great but there are those greater than Solomon. One is Jesus! Your not seeing them will lead to your being seen as disdainful, disobedient, unbelieving child. It is always to the detriment of those who couldn't acknowledge that greater presence. Those who couldn't identify Jesus and submit to Him as the Messiah didn't have life. If this woman never see to take her act of generosity to the rank that befits a greater presence like Elisha (as to detain him by building him a house), she may never know the joy of being a mother.  That tells me there are blessings, promotions and diverse goodies awaiting you only if you'll see and acknowledge that greater than Solomon. Through them, God ordains you get satisfied. 

PRAYER: Like an open vision, may I see greater presences for who they are. All disguised blessings outsmarting and bypassing me, I overcome your veil.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 6:1-7:14, Revelation 15:1-8, Psalm 143:1-12, Proverbs 30:24-28

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Friday, 24 December 2021





Read Matthew 13:53-58

Luke 11:31, KJV

"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here".

A great man of God whose ministry is headquartered in Ghana travelled abroad to listen to Kenneth Hagin one time. While He was with the principal of Hagin's Bible School, he asked him if they had any problem. The man said, they do. He pointed to the residence of Hagin's Bible School which was close to where Hagin was doing the meeting which brought Bishop Himself from Africa to America and said, "but the Bible School students would have none of it. They won't even show up there yet it's in the same compound".

There's nothing you can do to it. There will still be people who will take for granted what is near them and won't pay homage to what is obvious and should be brought tributes. They may begin to say, "I can as well do what he does". When things like this begin to stem out, estimation decreases and attraction is weakened. So, "we are equal" mantra sets in. This is what kill people and hinders portions of kingdom envoys from falling on them. There's no way to it, you can't receive from the anointing you esteem lightly. 

Jesus wondered why people of His days were not paying attention to receive Him. The fact that He was a son of the soil, of Mary and Joseph they knew was fighting them. We saw that somewhere also. Many wouldn't receive Him in the name of a prophet let alone Saviour. That your salvation is so close doesn't mean it doesn't come at a price. Jesus in shock then said "You will be judged this way since Sheba Queen came from the farthest (paying a great price) to listen to the wisdom of Solomon yet greater than Solomon is here whom you're refusing?" Where people should quiver, they're not again. They've lost the heart that can be moved. Awe has been exterminated from their heart and God's fear. They've become Balaam at heart. Despite the obvious fearful miracle of an ass talking, he did not run away but was exchanging words with the strange speaking animal. Even after hearing the angel with sword threatening to have killed him, he was still bantering to go because it shows in the reply he gave to that angel [Num. 22:27-33].

Jesus was saying in essence, if for estimation sake, Sheba Queen sacrificed to cover such distance to listen to Solomon, should it be difficult for you opening up to receive me? Yet, I am greater than Solomon. "Someone who was lesser was enthusiastically received, if you see me as greater, what should be your attitude?" It is unfortunate for all those who can't recognize grace, anointing and gift  wherever God places it when they should. Be weaned from prejudices on time from taking for granted He who could bless you as ordained by God. Ask yourself if any of those who rejected Christ had life. Where would they end it? Some resist the anointed on account of age, race, status, stature, nature, gender, place (country, continent), lineage etc. To you, Jesus said you'll be condemned in judgement by those who receive such grace you refute, slander, libel which God intentionally positioned for you to give attention to. Open your eyes and don't joke with any greater than Solomon.

PRAYER: Give me sight and heart to discern and give honour to whom honour is due. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 6:1-7:14, Revelation 15:1-8, Psalm 143:1-12, Proverbs 30:24-28

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