Wednesday, 24 November 2021





Read Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44-45, KJV

"44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him."

Those of you God has put in places of authority, one thing you should not recline in is to assume. There's a thing known as costly assumption. It's to assume your children are living morally on campus without having being assured upon investigation and gathering of evidences they are. If you assume so when you've not checked whether it is so or not, one thing is the result, you will never find out whether they're living contrarily if they are. Those of you parents or leaders beating your chest that "it can't be my child. My own child has not been left behind. He can't but travel in the company of other children". The finding will shock you at the last day which is Discovery Day (D.D). My humble prayer is just that it won't have been too far for you to redeem what assumption has been hindering you from discovering. Assumption is a demon. Once it enters into a fellow like this, the demon of procrastination will begin to befriend that fellow also. So, when it is coming to his mind to take a step, launch out, put a call through or enquire and settle the doubt in his mind, he'll still be holding unto the shadow of reality that he has believed. He'll ease himself with "all can't but be well". This is what assumption does. It partners with procrastination to make a prey and hold captive his victim until the undesirable that could have been prevented happens.

How many of you are guilty of this? How many of you has the Holy Spirit being troubling or impressing on to take a step yet declines from same. While I was growing up, I heard of rats that will eat one's toes while asleep and will cool their victim down to ease by fanning him to sleep or late discovery. That may be fable but that's the exact thing that demon of assumption does. Joseph and Mary could have investigated the matter intricately to see whether Jesus was in the company of their kinsmen indeed or not instead of assuming he can't but be. Nobody has right to make declarative statements until investigation and gathering of beyond doubt evidences. Later on, they have reason to return to Jerusalem for Jesus' search when they discovered to their amazement they've been presumptuous all this while.  How you think it to be may not be how it is? So, click and check. Stop postponing. Stop saying, I believe it's as I'm thinking or have thought without taking a step to check. Won't you be guilty the way you're going when it is not once or even thrice you're being aroused to investigate what is coming to your mind? Should you not share the understanding to discern that what you assume on may be wrong by the often doubt of such matter in your mind? When a thing keeps coming to your mind, always double check it. Such things are established to come to pass.  Develop a nerve and take action. Open the file and see what it contains. You'll receive the shocker of your life. Don't use assumption to pastor, lead or direct. Don't think Jesus will journey in the company of his kinsmen because you're assuming so. You, check whether He's in their midst first of all. After then, you can then go and sleep the sleep of Jonah. If they ask you why such sleep, tell them you have being translated from assumption to assurance. Assurance when it's possessed gives guaranty and establishment. Doubts don't raise its head again cause there's an evidence which has been gotten or derived that shuts it up every time it tries peeping out. Today, all parents, leaders, authorities and individuals must graduate from the classes of assumption to assurance.

PRAYER: Give me the obedience to obey promptings to solve doubts in my mind. I receive insight to identify and amend assumptions into truths. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 47:1-48:35, 1 Peter 2:11-3:7, Psalm 119:49-64, Proverbs 28:12-13

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Tuesday, 23 November 2021





READ Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44, KJV

"But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance".

Do you know when many finds out? After a day's journey. After the deed might have been done or reversing painful to do. Some years ago, I heard a Nigerian minister told the unfortunate story of a family that lost a man child. The parents were in the house with a female visitor they had that day. Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. They ran into the boy's room and witnessed the horror of his death. He shot himself! Later in time, this woman told the parents, "A gun was in the possession of your son and you didn't know. You didn't know he was passing through something until he blew himself up". You see, that was after a day's journey. A day had passed before discovery was made. At the entry point, no one learnt the symptoms pervading and ravaging the world of that boy. It didn't happen to them he was just coping with life until a bullet reveals everything. Discern before you walk a distance. Catch it young to have it easier. God wants you to be aware when it is just brand new. As it hits the market or touches the ground like this, it should fall into your hands. You can even ascend to the level of "before it springs forth, I tell you of them" [Isaiah 42:9]. If you can reach here where before it even touches the ground, you've caught it, you'll prevent a lot of evil and multitude of things outside God's will from happening. By knowing ahead of the event also, you could also team mate with God to birth divine realities that Satan will be too late to stop. To reach here may take constant fasting, praying and yielding to the Holy Ghost even at inconvenient times. Obeying is hard. When you're being prompted to take yield to an act that will open you to divine communication, your spirit may be willing but your flesh weak. This is where by increase in growth, you must beat down your flesh to the desire of your spirit. The Spirit may wake you up and ask you to take a peep into the children's room. If you're unwilling to follow that insignificant leading, you may not know that Satan is beginning to lure your children into masturbation, homosexuality or even incest. It may be your female house help the Lord is saying you as the woman should go and spy on. Yet, your excuse of not wanting to break into anyone's privacy may hinder you from discovery. What if God is saying, "go search her things" while to your shock, you discover strange things that have opened your family to demonic assaults? God told Gideon to go to the camp of the Midianites and there he was let into the discovery of all times [Judges 7:10-15]. Even Jeremiah didn't hear God until he went to the potter's house [Jeremiah 18:1-6]. Discovery comes by acting on instructions and promptings. It is the Spirit of prophecy that knows what's going on that wants your walk to coincide with what's beginning to happen. Divine appointment is real.

Joseph and Mary were presumptuous and it costs them journeying back to Jerusalem after travelling far. It even costs them three days extra before they located Jesus. Their assumption  was, "He's among our relatives". Some are also saying as well, "my own children are free of those." Let that be after your inspection and not a statement from assumption that thinks they should know what's right to do.

When it is just a leaking secret that affords one to turn back and reach quickly, may you be awake and aware. May God give all parents and leaders the overseeing spirit of a shepherd whose heart is always with his sheep and knows if one is lacking or missing. Like that prostitute we read of yesterday, may you be able to discern promptly without a walk over that something is happening. May your spirit be stirred and troubled where it should until you locate by prayer and reality search what's wrong. May your daughter not get pregnant under your nose! May you observe the withdrawal of your once cheerful child. May you see and pick immediately!

PRAYER: Lord, don't let me sleep the sleep of death. Arrows that lures to sleep or birth insensitivity in me, fall off me. The chariot of the enemy is burnt. The curtain torn and the secret exposed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 45:13-46:24, 1 Peter 1:13-2:10, Psalm 119:33-48, Proverbs 28:11

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Monday, 22 November 2021

Chinese - 23/11/2021

 星期二 - 2021 年 11 月 23 日

 早晨之翼每日灵修指南 - Olusola ADEJUMO

 抓住年轻 - 入门系列 002

 阅读列王纪上 3:16-28

 列王纪上 3:21,KJV


 有一种精神可以帮助基督徒在年轻时抓住它。 那是圣灵。 当它像这样新鲜发生时,他们不会让它停留,而是将其捞出。 住在同一个房子里的两个妓女生了孩子。 更糟糕的是,当他们被提出时,没有证人知道他们的所有叙述。 因此,从说真话的人那里找出骗子变得很困难。 一个人声称另一个人躺在她自己的孩子身上,这个孩子已经死了,但她用这个孩子代替了她自己活着的孩子。 所有这些戏剧都发生在她睡着的时候,显然是真的睡着了。 母性的压力让她陷入了死亡的沉睡。 与此同时,当她清醒过来,有机会去调查这件事的时候,她立刻发现,死去的孩子不是她的。 她坚持自己的立场,并充满信念地继续拒绝他们刚刚向她展示的新结果。 昨晚不是这样的。 今天早上不能这样。 这不是我的!

 不能求这个女人。 她不得不向国王上诉。 搁置她的手或怀疑死去的孩子是否是她的,很快就解决了。 一天没有过去。 在她醒着调查的一个小时里,这件事并没有过去。 随即,她斥责了这种情况,最终当她找回了自己的亲生孩子时,正义得到了伸张。

 圣,你可能在夜里睡着了,你可能昏迷不醒,你可能疲倦或无聊等等被利用了。 醒来后,你要多久才能看出他们是来打包你的货物然后用假货代替的,这样你就可以接受谎言代替真相,永远不知道真相? 这就是为什么我喜欢侦探、部队成员(情报人员)等。如果你进入他们的房间并从它的位置移动一个东西,在他们回来时,如果那个东西被转动或移动,他们可以钓鱼。 他们的训练使之成为可能。 您也需要接受培训才能准确挑选。 那个女人通过在晨光中对他的好感来挑选出她的孩子不是死者的启示。 他们卖给你的不属于你的一切,是时候向国王上诉了。 是时候拒绝这一切了。 我们今天对它说不。 我为你祈祷,没有人能够再次欺骗你。 在你睡梦中免费与你同眠的精灵(魅魔和梦魔)会遇到一堵墙。 从今以后,这种精神会发现你很聪明。 来了解一下。 找回你的理由,认为死去的孩子不是你的。 发现你家里的孩子中有混蛋,但伪装成他们是你的。 看看他或她是谁的假货。 看到魔鬼假装在你的会众里说预言。 在弹指之间,让您对自己真正拥有的记忆浮现。 让面纱撕裂。 挂锁打开,挂钩损坏。


 一年中的圣经:以西结书 44:1-45:12,彼得前书 1:1-12,诗篇 119:17-32,箴言 28:8-10

 由 Morning Wings Ministries 提供支持。 用英语、法语、阿拉伯语、斯瓦希里语和中文与他人分享。 通过 +234 80 77 63 85 50 或 +234 8137 04 68 12 查询或咨询

Arabic - 23/11/2021

 الثلاثاء - 23 نوفمبر 2021

 الدليل الإرشادي اليومي للأجنحة الصباحية - Olusola ADEJUMO

 اصطياد الشباب - سلسلة الدخول 002

 اقرأ ملوك الأول ٣: ١٦- ٢٨

 ملوك الأول 3:21 ، طبعة الملك جيمس

 "وعندما استيقظت في الصباح لأرضع طفلي ، إذا كان قد مات: ولكن عندما كنت أفكر في الأمر في الصباح ، إذا لم يكن ابني هو الذي حملته."

 هناك روح تساعد المسيحيين على اللحاق به في سن مبكرة.  هذا هو الروح القدس.  عندما يحدث طازجًا مثل هذا ، فإنهم لا يتركونه يتباطأ بل يصطادونه.  أنجبت مومتان تسكنان في نفس المنزل.  لتفاقم حالتهم عند تقديمهم ، لم يعرف أي شاهد عن كل روايتهم.  لذلك ، أصبح من الصعب إخراج الكذاب من قائل الحقيقة.  ادعت إحداهما أن الأخرى وضعت على طفلها الذي مات لكنها استبدلت بطفلها الحي.  حدثت كل هذه الدراما عندما كانت نائمة ومن الواضح أنها نائمة حقًا.  لقد أصابها ضغوط الأمومة بالضرب حتى نوم الموت.  في هذه الأثناء ، عندما أصبحت واعية وأتيحت لها الفرصة للتحقيق في الأمر ، اكتشفت على الفور أن الطفل الميت ليس طفلها.  وقفت على أرضها وبكل قناعة استمرت في رفض النتيجة الجديدة التي أطلعوها عليها للتو.  لم يكن الأمر على هذا النحو الليلة الماضية.  لا يمكن أن يكون مثل هذا الصباح.  هذا ليس لي!

 لا يمكن استجداء هذه المرأة.  كان عليها أن تناشد الملك.  وقف يديها أو الشك فيما إذا كان الطفل الميت لها أم لا استقر في لمح البصر.  يوم لم يمر عليه.  ساعة واحدة على استيقاظها للتحقيق لم يتم تجاوز الأمر.  على الفور ، وبخت الموقف وفي النهاية وجدت العدالة عندما استعادت طفلها الحقيقي.

 يا قديس ، قد تكون نائمًا في الليل ، وقد تكون فاقدًا للوعي ، وقد تكون متعبًا أو تشعر بالملل وبالتالي يتم استغلالك.  بعد الاستيقاظ ، إلى متى ستستغرق لتمييز أنهم أتوا لتعبئة البضائع الخاصة بك ثم استبدالها بأخرى زائفة حتى تقبل الباطل بدلاً من الحقيقة ولا تعرف الحقيقة أبدًا؟  هذا هو السبب في أنني أحب المحققين وأفراد القوة (الضباط الأذكياء) وما إلى ذلك. إذا دخلت غرفتهم وقمت بنقل شيء من موقعه ، عند عودتهم ، يمكنهم الصيد إذا تم قلب هذا الشيء أو تغييره.  جعل تدريبهم ذلك ممكنا.  أنت أيضًا بحاجة إلى تدريب لتختار بدقة.  التقطت تلك المرأة الوحي بأن طفلها لم يكن ميتًا من خلال اعتباره جيدًا في ضوء الصباح.  كل شيء ليس لك والذي باعوه لك ، حان الوقت لتقديم مناشدة للملك.  حان الوقت لرفض كل شيء.  نقول لا لها اليوم.  أدعو الله ألا يخدعك أحد مرة أخرى.  ستلتقي الأرواح (succubus and incubus) التي تنام معك مجانًا أثناء نومك بجدار.  سوف تجدك هذه الروح من الآن فصاعدا حكيما.  تعال إلى الفهم.  استعد سبب كون الطفل الميت ليس لك.  اكتشف أن لديك الأوباش وسط الأطفال في منزلك ولكنهم متخفون بأنهم ملكك.  انظر إلى المزيف لمن هو أو هي.  انظر إلى إبليس متظاهراً أن يتنبأ في جماعتك.  بلمسة من أصابعك ، دع ذاكرتك لما تمتلكه حقًا تأتي إليك.  دع الحجاب يمزق.  القفل مفتوح والخطاف تالف.

 الصلاة: أدركت ما هو ملكي وهو هدية جيدة ومثالية بينما أميز نفسه من الممتلكات الزائفة.

 الكتاب المقدس في سنة: حزقيال 44: 1-45: 12 ، 1 بطرس 1: 1-12 ، مزمور 119: 17-32 ، أمثال 28: 8-10

 مدعوم من وزارات اجنحة الصباح.  شارك مع الآخرين باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والعربية والسواحيلية والصينية.  الاستفسار أو الاستشارة من خلال +234 80 77 63 85 50 أو +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

FRENCH - 23/11/2021



 CATCHING IT YOUNG - Série d'entrée 002

 LIRE I Rois 3:16-28

 I Rois 3:21, LSG

"Et quand je me levais le matin pour donner le sein à mon enfant, voici, il était mort; mais quand je l'avais considéré le matin, voici, ce n'était pas mon fils que j'ai enfanté."

Il y a un Esprit qui aide les chrétiens à l'attraper jeune.  C'est le Saint-Esprit.  Comme cela arrive frais comme ça, ils ne le laissent pas s'arrêter mais le repêchent plutôt.  Deux prostituées hébergées dans la même maison ont accouché.  Pour aggraver leur cas lorsqu'ils ont été présentés, aucun témoin n'était au courant de toute leur narration.  Ainsi, il est devenu difficile d'extraire le menteur du révélateur de la vérité.  L'une prétend que l'autre a mis sur son propre enfant qui est mort mais qu'elle a substitué à son propre enfant vivant.  Tout ce drame s'est produit quand elle était endormie et visiblement vraiment endormie.  Le stress de la maternité l'avait poussée jusqu'au sommeil de la mort.  Pendant ce temps, lorsqu'elle a repris connaissance et a eu l'occasion d'enquêter sur l'affaire, elle a immédiatement découvert que l'enfant mort n'était pas le sien.  Elle resta sur son terrain et refusa avec conviction le nouveau résultat qu'ils venaient de lui montrer.  Ce n'était pas comme ça hier soir.  Ça ne peut pas être comme ça ce matin.  Ce n'est pas le mien !

Cette femme ne pouvait pas être suppliée.  Elle dut faire appel au roi.  Rester ses mains ou douter que l'enfant mort soit le sien ou non a été réglé en un tournemain.  Un jour ne s'y passa.  Une heure pour qu'elle soit réveillée pour enquêter n'a pas permis de régler le problème.  Immédiatement, elle a réprimandé la situation et a finalement trouvé justice lorsqu'elle a récupéré son vrai enfant.

Saint, vous pouvez être endormi la nuit, vous pouvez être inconscient, vous pouvez être fatigué ou ennuyé et ainsi mis à profit.  Après le réveil, combien de temps vous faudra-t-il pour discerner qu'ils sont venus emballer vos marchandises et les remplacer ensuite par le pseudo afin que vous acceptiez le mensonge à la place de la vérité et ne parveniez jamais à la connaissance de la vérité ?  C'est pourquoi j'aime les détectives, les membres de la force (officiers intelligents) etc. Si vous entrez dans leur chambre et déplacez une chose de sa position, à leur retour, ils pourraient repêcher si cette chose était tournée ou déplacée.  Leur formation l'a rendu possible.  Vous aussi, vous avez besoin d'une formation pour choisir avec précision.  Cette femme a choisi la révélation que son enfant n'était pas le mort en le considérant bien dans la lumière du matin.  Tout ce qui n'est pas à toi qu'ils t'ont vendu, il est temps de faire appel au roi.  Il est temps de tout refuser.  Nous lui disons NON aujourd'hui.  Je prie pour vous que personne ne puisse plus vous tromper.  Les Esprits (succube et incube) dormant gratuitement avec vous dans votre sommeil rencontreront un mur.  Cet esprit vous trouvera désormais sage.  Venez à la compréhension.  Retrouve ta raison que l'enfant mort n'est pas à toi.  Ayez la découverte que vous avez des bâtards parmi les enfants dans votre maison mais sous le déguisement qu'ils sont à vous.  Voir le faux pour qui il ou elle est.  Voyez le diable faire semblant de prophétiser dans votre congrégation.  En un claquement de doigts, laissez venir à vous le souvenir de ce que vous possédez réellement.  Que le voile se déchire.  Le cadenas est ouvert et le crochet est corrompu.

PRIERE : J'arrive à la connaissance de ce qui m'appartient qui est cadeau bon et parfait en le discernant des pseudo possessions.

BIBLE EN UNE ANNÉE : Ézéchiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Pierre 1:1-12, Psaume 119:17-32, Proverbes 28:8-10

Propulsé par Morning Wings Ministries.  Partagez avec d'autres en anglais, français, arabe, swahili et chinois.  Renseignez-vous ou conseillez au +234 80 77 63 85 50 ou au +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

SWAHILI - 23/11/2021



KUIkamata KIJANA - Mfululizo wa Kuingia 002

 SOMA 1 Wafalme 3:16-28

 1 Wafalme 3:21, KJV

 “Nami nilipoamka asubuhi ili kunyonya mtoto wangu, tazama, alikuwa amekufa;

Kuna Roho ambayo huwasaidia Wakristo kuikamata mchanga.  Huyo ni Roho Mtakatifu.  Inapotokea mbichi hivi, hawairuhusu ikawie bali kuivua.  Makahaba wawili walioishi katika nyumba moja walijifungua.  Ili kuzidisha kesi yao ilipowasilishwa, hakuna shahidi aliyejua masimulizi yao yote.  Kwa hiyo, ikawa vigumu kumtoa yule mwongo kutoka kwa msema kweli.  Mmoja alidai kwamba mwingine alimlalia mtoto wake ambaye alikufa lakini alimbadilisha na mtoto wake aliye hai.  Drama hii yote ilitokea akiwa amelala na ni wazi amelala kweli.  Dhiki ya akina mama ilikuwa imemshinda hadi usingizi wa kifo.  Wakati huo huo, alipopata fahamu na kupata fursa ya kuchunguza suala hilo, mara moja aligundua kuwa mtoto aliyekufa sio wake.  Alisimama kidete na kwa imani yote aliendelea kukataa matokeo mapya ambayo walikuwa wamemwonesha.  Haikuwa hivi jana usiku. Haiwezi kuwa hivi asubuhi ya leo.  Huyu si wangu!

Mwanamke huyu hakuweza kuombwa.  Ilibidi akate rufaa kwa mfalme.  Kukaa mikono yake au kutilia shaka ikiwa mtoto aliyekufa ni wake au la kulitatuliwa kwa mshangao.  Siku moja haikupita.  Saa moja kwake kuwa macho ili kuchunguza halikuendelea juu ya jambo hilo.  Mara moja, alikemea hali hiyo na mwishowe akapata haki alipomchukua mtoto wake halisi.

Mtakatifu, unaweza kuwa umelala usiku, unaweza kuwa na fahamu, unaweza kuwa na uchovu au kuchoka na hivyo kuchukuliwa faida ya.  Baada ya kuamka, itakuchukua muda gani kutambua kwamba wamekuja kubeba bidhaa zako na kuzibadilisha na za uwongo ili ukubali uwongo badala ya ukweli na kamwe usipate ujuzi wa ukweli?  Hii ndiyo sababu ninawapenda wapelelezi, kuwalazimisha wanachama (maafisa wa akili) n.k. Ukiingia kwenye chumba chao na kuhamisha kitu kutoka kwenye nafasi yake, wanaporudi, wanaweza kuvua samaki ikiwa kitu hicho kimegeuzwa au kuhamishwa.  Mafunzo yao yalifanya iwezekane.  Wewe pia unahitaji mafunzo ya kuchagua kwa usahihi.  Mwanamke huyo alipata ufunuo kwamba mtoto wake hakuwa amekufa kwa kumfikiria vizuri asubuhi.  Kila kitu ambacho si chako ambacho wamekuuza, ni wakati wa kukata rufaa kwa mfalme.  Ni wakati wa kukataa yote.  Leo tunasema HAPANA.  Ninakuombea kwamba hakuna mtu atakayeweza kukudanganya tena.  Roho (succubus na incubus) zinazolala nawe bila malipo katika usingizi wako zitakutana na ukuta.  Roho hiyo itakupata mwenye hekima.  Njoo ufahamu.  Rudisha sababu yako kwamba mtoto aliyekufa sio wako.  Pata ugunduzi kwamba una watoto haramu kati ya watoto ndani ya nyumba yako lakini ukijificha kuwa wao ni wako.  Angalia bandia kwa yeye ni nani.  Ona shetani akijifanya kutoa unabii katika kusanyiko lako.  Kwa haraka haraka, acha kumbukumbu yako ya kile unachomiliki ikujie.  Acha pazia kupasuka.  Kufuli iko wazi na ndoano imeharibika.

SALA: Ninapata ujuzi wa kile ambacho ni changu ambacho ni zawadi nzuri na kamilifu huku nikipambanua sawa na mali za uwongo.

BIBLIA KWA MWAKA: Ezekieli 44:1-45:12, 1 Petro 1:1-12, Zaburi 119:17-32, Mithali 28:8-10

Inaendeshwa na Morning Wings Ministries.  Shiriki na wengine kwa Kiingereza, Kifaransa, Kiarabu, Kiswahili na Kichina.  Uliza au ushauri kupitia +234 80 77 63 85 50 au +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @




CATCHING IT YOUNG - Entry Series 002

READ I Kings 3:16-28

I Kings 3:21, KJV

"And when I rose in the morning to give my child suck, behold, it was dead: but when I had considered it in the morning, behold, it was not my son, which I did bear."

There's a Spirit that helps Christians catch it young. That's the Holy Ghost. As it happens fresh like this, they don't let it tarry but rather fish it out. Two prostitutes housed in the same house gave birth. To worsen their case when presented, no witness knew about all their narration. So, it became difficult fetching out the liar from the truth teller. One claimed the other laid on her own child which died but which she substituted for her own living child. All this drama happened when she was asleep and obviously really asleep. Motherhood stress had beaten her down to the sleep of death. Meanwhile, when she became conscious and had the opportunity to investigate the matter, she immediately found out that the dead child was not hers. She stood on her ground and with all conviction kept refusing the new result they had just shown her. It wasn't like this last night. It can't be like this this morning. This isn't mine!

This woman couldn't be begged. She had to appeal to the king. Staying her hands or doubting whether the dead child is hers or not was settled in a jiffy. A day didn't pass over it. One hour to her being awake to investigate didn't go over the matter. Immediately, she reprimanded the situation and at the end found justice when she retrieved her real child. 

Saint, you may be asleep in the night, you may be unconscious, you may be tired or bored and so taken advantage of. After waking, for how long will it take you to discern they've come to pack your goods and then replace it with the pseudo so you'll accept falsehood in place of truth and never come to the knowledge of the truth? This is why I love detectives, force members (intelligent officers) etc. If you enter their room and shift a thing from its position, at their return, they could fish out if that thing was turned or shifted. Their training made it possible. You too need a training to pick accurately. That woman picked the revelation that her child wasn't the dead one by considering him well in the morning light. Everything that is not yours which they've sold you, it is time to make an appeal to the king. It is time to refuse it all. We say NO to it today. I pray for you that nobody will be able to deceive you again. The Spirits (succubus and incubus) sleeping with you free of charge in your sleep will meet with a wall. That spirit will henceforth find you wise. Come to understanding. Regain your reason that the dead child isn't yours. Have the discovery that you have bastards amidst the children in your house yet under disguise that they're yours. See the fake for who he or she is. See the devil pretending to give prophecy in your congregation. At the snap of the fingers, let your memory of what you really possess come to you. Let the veil be torn. The padlock is open and the hook is corrupted.

PRAYER: I come to the knowledge of what is mine which is good and perfect gift while discerning same from pseudo possessions. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 44:1-45:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Psalm 119:17-32, Proverbs 28:8-10

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