Sunday, 21 November 2021




ARE YOU JUST KNOWING? - Entry Series 001

READ Luke 2:40-50

Luke 2:44-45, KJV

"44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. 45 And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him."

It is a day something will begin. The day something starts may not be the day you are notified of it. Awareness is therefore important in tracking and discerning what has been done, what is being done or will be done. Today, just like the Lord asked me to teach me, He's putting same question in my mouth to ask you. "Are you just knowing? When you just know is when turn around could happen. If you discover late, it's then you can begin to put in preparation to turn back. In this life, there are two people. Those that discover at the point of entry or happening of an event and those that discover a great while - when the journey has been made and a time or season has passed over the event. That's when they're discovering. Such people are late discoverers and late discoverers are always late possessors.

This place concerns Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus. After the feast, their presumptuousness didn't put them at alert to discover that Jesus (twelve then) had stayed back at the temple or church as we'll call it in our day. They thought and reasoned automatically that He must be amidst the company or great crowd of relative and friend that they took the journey together. They did not see Him and they did not enquire because of that presumption. At this time, they didn't have any entry or insight into the fact that Jesus has been left behind. As a matter of fact, they were not troubled because it has not come to their senses that they've 'lost' a boy - a whole human being and a special child for that matter. When they knew, the heat hit them and they sought to journey back to locate Him. However, when did they know? That's the question we should answer. They didn't know immediately. They knew after going a day. Imagine discovering that you left your child at a place you had visited after 24 hours had passed. If people hear, with what salute will they greet you as a parent? Under whatsoever excuse and reason you have to give, they'll call you careless and nonchalant. This their late discovery now costs them to turn around and about to journey back to the past they had left behind to obtain what they should have obtained and put on the journey with them. Your not discovering earlier doesn't cancel the journeying back to address the matter. If a problem entered into a Christian brother's or sister's life at 23 and he had journeyed for awhile before discovering it, he will still turn back even at 46 to address it. Mandate is laid on him to turn back since what he has left behind is 'can't do without". So that you won't serve twice when you could have served once, God said I should ask you to check yourself, people around you etc to discover if something strange is happening or has happened that you need to fetch out and deal with immediately. What has entered into your business, marriage, ministry etc that you haven't found out now yet you're journeying at full speed when you should first stop to address it. God said, "wait, turn back and go and deal with the matter you left not dealt with." Is it until your spouse brings you divorce papers to sign that reality will hit you? It has been happening for long. The nursing of love for another has been going on under the carpet. Know now!

There's no journeying into the future without Jesus also. If He dropped or alighted from your vehicle just yesterday, stop at where you discover. Don't say, "I've gone a day's journey. I've spent energy and resources. I can't go back to the source or foundation to make corrections again." Those excuses if you successfully give them will make you not have a future. Today, go back. Look back and make amendments on all things that happened in the past which determines the future.

PRAYER: Lord, as your prophet has said, give me a knowing of all matters that should be addressed which had happened or is happening. I receive sensitivity to be aware promptly, on time and on the spot.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20,Psalm 119:1-16, Proverbs 28:6-7

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Saturday, 20 November 2021




TO THE SALTLESS SALT - Use Me Series 004

READ Judges 16

Matthew 5:13, KJV

"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."

It is a saltless salt that we call 'good for nothing'. One which has no more value but to be thrown out and useless by men. It is a dog that can't bite that is dared. If the saltless salt however receives his savour back, who sure can face it to embarrass same? Today, God is coming for ministers that have been shaven. Condemned prisoners or patients in wards. For as many whose case has been signed and sealed to have ended, such like you is set to witness the rise of an army.  A great come back! A recalling back to the former days!  It happened to the dry bones that none thought could be called back to stand on their two feet. Their former state vacated when breath entered into them. Today, the slain and long forgotten soldiers in the sand of time who were once on God's mountain shall be restored. Your place you shall again take.  Reinstatement to what you use to do and who you use to be is happening now in Jesus name. 

Samson was shaven. At the Spirit's departure, he was captured and then reduced to a none entity. Instead of being in the field wrecking havoc on God's enemy, he was in the prison grinding. Purpose and assignment always change once anointing is lost. They disarmed him to the extent that he needed help to be led. Samson acknowledged his fault. He didn't argue not sinning. He begged rather for God's remembrance as to be able to do like the former days and be a useful vessel even once again in his dilapidated state. This, the Lord must have granted him. The mistake the enemy also made to aid him made a come back was to only cut Samson's hair and not his throat. Therefore making him a living dead. Like we know, no condition is hopeless if there's still life.

Ecclesiastes 9:4, KJV

"For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion."

He was in this condition until his hair began to grow. An appearance of unsuspected hope where it had been cut off. This is how at the scent of water, Samson bud up again. Have you lost your anointing? Have you by so many persuasions being assured it has ended for you? Who knows whether if you yourself is asked whether your dry bones could live, you'll say in disbelief and caution as not to be termed unbelieving that "only God knows?"

Even if it has gotten there, it has not if your life has not been cut off. Even in that most critical condition, the lifeless bones still lived. The hopeless can still receive hope also. He came for Samson and his last day exploit surpassed all he had done in total ahead of time. Can you find a place to grab the horns of the altar like Joab did and cry to the Rekindler of hope to snap you awake once and forever more. The work is yours to do. This is grace hour. God's ears are opened to receive your petition. It is now "ask of me the heathen and I'll make them your inheritance". Find a place to crest or lean on, fall off your face and let Him know you've tasted how it is being without the Spirit. Let Him know you'll cherish Him than before if He comes back. Your education is now full. Nothing lacking. A broken and a contrite heart, He doesn't reject.

PRAYER: [For others]. Lord, let me not learn the value of the Spirit by first losing it. May a season in ward not make me cherish freedom. May time in hospital not make me cherish good health and walk in such advantage.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Psalm 118:19-29, Proverbs 28:3-5

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Friday, 19 November 2021




THE VESSEL OF MERCY - Use Me Series 003

READ Genesis 40

Genesis 40:21-22, KJV

"21 And he restored the chief butler unto his butlership again; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand: 22 But he hanged the chief baker: as Joseph had interpreted to them."

Yesterday, we saw two destinies and two destinations that are the lots of vessels or the sons of men in this life. Today, we further this thought. The chief butler and baker offended Pharaoh and for this were imprisoned. As the day drew near for him to show his mercy and wrath on each of these vessels, God gave each a dream that foreshadowed their eventual destinations. According to Joseph's interpretations, the chief butler shall be restored while the chief baker shall shall be hanged. Both events will happen in three days time. The interpretation was to get them ready for their destinations. In real life situation, it is not all prisoners that made it out alive. It's not all that will find the grace of parole. The dungeon is a place where men are filtered either to the grave or to grace. So, the prediction was fulfilled on Pharaoh's birthday when he gave party to all his servants and decided to restore one and hang the other. On that day, he decided to show his lordship as king. He decides to spend his mercy on one and reveal his judgement on another. Sons and daughters of God, it is either a marred or rejected vessel is reinstated or eliminated. He'll go one place. It's elimination when he is sent to where he can not find usefulness again. That's exactly what happened to the baker. He was as well fallen as the butler but the mercy of his lord was not revealed  to him. This is where God's word to Moses, the man of God still finds relevance.

Romans 9:15, KJV

"For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."

Mercy still determines a lot of things. May God dot your life with it. It's that mercy God spends on whomsoever He'll spend it that made Pharaoh spare one and sentence the other. When two heads are contesting for who will be shown mercy, may your head be always located. May you escape the grave. Pharaoh here is symbolic of God. According to the Egyptian system, he is even recognized as a god and worshipped so. So, who has the mouth to check him out? In a great house, when people are going their way (as if that's their lot ahead of time), may you find your way back into the king's hands. Joseph witnessed of the butler.

Genesis 40:13, KJV

"Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thine head, and restore thee unto thy place: and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou wast his butler." Read the verse again. The witness said, "he shall deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand after the former manner when thou wast his butler." I pray for somebody that has fallen from grace that you'll find grace again. Your salt which has become saltless shall now receive savour. You will be called back. Wives shall take their places in their husbands' hearts. Children in their parents' hearts. Workers in their employees' hearts. All terminated appointments through whatsoever are reviewed 'cause mercy will be used to judge you. I declare reinstatement in your relationship with God and men.

PRAYER: Is it not possible for Thee to choose me as a vessel of mercy on whom you will spend mercy and make known mercy? Exemplify mercy through me today and henceforth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Psalm 118:1-18, Proverbs 28:2

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Thursday, 18 November 2021




FORM OR ELSE! - Use Me Series 002

READ Jeremiah 18:1-10

Jeremiah 18:3-4,KJV

"3 Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. 4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it."

Form or else! It is not a threat. So, don't see it as one. Let your perspective be straight. Regard it as a warning rather; for if you don't form, it has consequences. There are two destinies that await clays that won't form or vessels that get marred. The word "destiny" tells you of destination also. That is, where they may end their existence. In today's reading, the vessel the potter wrought on the wheels was said to mar in his hands. A marred vessel is a broken, spoiled or destroyed one. Such vessel could go either the road of the potter's field or the road of refashioning and then find usefulness in a great house. Those two destinations are so sure. That is why it is better to form at once because of the road of the potter's field that we have experiences and testimonies of many having gone. If while making a vessel, it mars, the probability is very high that the potter may discard it to begin working on a new clay to form a new vessel or same like unto the one that didn't form. Substitution is a reality! Do you know after moulding a thing into a vessel, it takes effort returning it to clay to use to remould? That's why if you enter the potter's house, you may see a lot of incomplete and spoilt vessels. They may tarry at the potter's house but he may consider discarding them one day to clear the house. Meanwhile, that of this vessel is different. This vessel witnessed a great come back. Repentance is key if you want the chance of great come back. The onlookers that watched the potter at his wheels were anticipating the discard of this marred vessel as one that has refused to yield. They're awaiting the potter to declare him unwanted any longer and send it to the circle of those who couldn't make it. However, a witness given us is that the potter refashioned it into another vessel as it seems good in his eyes to do. Here, the potter manifests indeed why the vessel is in his hand. He exercises a kind of dominion on it. Thank God it was the positive one. Herein is the blessing. May God call you too back. May you witness reinstatement. When it seems you're going or gone in the sight and calculation of onlookers and the devil, may you be drawn back. Look at the reappearance of that vessel. It came back another vessel as the potter dims fit. My prayer is just that after you're recovered from having being spoilt (by sin and works of darkness) and you're reinstated, you'll still come as a vessel in the category of honour God previously intended for you since it's possible for the vessel that is reformed to be of lower grade or use to the one the potter previously intended it to be. May your having proved unfaithful at first time not lower your grade as it had proved the reality of many anointed vessels in this life. 

PRAYER: In restoration, let me come back as a whole vessel. Mercy of God!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Psalm 117:1-2, Proverbs 28:1

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Wednesday, 17 November 2021





READ Jeremiah 18

Matthew 27:7-8 KJV

"7And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. 8 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day."

When you read Jeremiah 18, you saw the potter working at his wheels. While he worked, a vessel he was making was marred in his hands and so he refashioned it into another. His refashioning it into another is what saves this vessel from joining other vessels who couldn't form where they're usually disposed. There's a portion or plot known as the potter's field. This field is where all work of art made of clay that couldn't become the hope of the potter are discarded. That is after they might have been found wanting as the clay itself may determine or turn out to be. If it's fashionable and yielding, it is safe. 

Since a potter is a professional who uses clay to mould things into existence, it becomes of him to have the stretching ability of using clay to form anything. Despite this however, there will be clays that may be stubborn and not submit to be formed into a vessel. If he discovers that what he calls clay isn't clay enough, he may discard such work of art that he wrought but which couldn't form properly. So, such work of art are discarded to a land known as potter's field. It's like having a special place where you discard broken bottles etc. At this time, there's a place like that where all vessels that refuse to be formed are dropped. Not only that but also broken vessels or ones that are no longer needed. 

Now, the Lord told me and I heard, "you, don't get to the potter's field". There will be ministers or Christians who will end on the potter's field. God has great plans for them to become vessels of honour in His great house but because of their making practices of sin and living contrarily to the very core of their consecration, they will find themselves as unusable but to be discarded to a place called the potter's field in reality. In the potter's field, if you take a walk there, you'll see so many vessels that once decorated the house and were the obsession of the master of the house and envy of visitors. Their time has elapsed and is over for them. These are minstrels and anointed men who were once on stage. They were once listened to and gathered around by men. But now, they have left the shelf of display to the potter's field where the feet only threads on them and says, "shame to you who couldn't concur". When you inspect carefully, you'll see vessels of clay that are yet to dry. These are the category that God was training to send but who begin to despise the training and discipline of God over their lives. Seeing they were these reprobate, God handed them to be sent to the potter's field. Once a vessel of clay or clay itself gets to the potter's field, it rarely finds its way back to the potter's house except on very few and uncommon situations when the master by mercy may need such vessel for a reason that only he (He) knows best. Today, God is coming for everyone who names the name of the Lord. The foundation of the Lord stands sure. This Father of ours that we must not take His generosity for granted knows those who are His. So, He's saying, "let everyone who names the name of Christ or claims identification with Him depart from iniquity." If not, one thing is the consequence even if such is an esteemed minister. He will end where others who couldn't form or were formed but were marred and not refashioned ended. He'll finish his race on the shattered, scattered, vulnerable and ugly potter's field where multitude of clay works resides who have failed to meet the Master's expectation. How I pray for you that as you confess your sins and turn from them, that mercy will locate you. Your heart will be changed so that you won't live habitually disobediently to God. Beware, the potter's field is real. It is carved for the rejected just like hell is created for all whose name won't be found in the book of the Lamb.

PRAYER: Lord, don't exclude me from your will. Grant me divine inclusion and another chance. Let your mercy find me. I am reinstated. A miraculous come back.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 27:23-27

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Read I Kings 18

I Kings 18:41, KJV

"And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain."

What did I hear that's special that I'm telling you before it springs up? You should ask me what I heard that has become declaration in my mouth to be handed out. Look here, it is, "the sound of the abundance of rain." What makes a prophet a prophet is that he hears and he speaks. What he says is what he hears and what he hears is what he says. Therein is where result is for him and the great congregation that eagerly awaits God through this channel only. I'm hearing the sound of abundance of rain. Rain might have tarried for long in your house. Joy might have gone on vacation for long but God has had mercy, the floodgate has now burst open. I said, "it is open!" Something blessed is to happen. The heaven is about to give its rain for you even if it seems this is not the season of that rain. That I said it by the Lord rather means it will rain. I say one more time that I hear the sound of abundance of rain in your life. Things that have dry will spring up again at its arrival. That's what rain does. It rekindles hope. Receive rain!

Those of you that have been afore sad, gloomy with all head bowed down should revive because of the news of rain. Rain is what Ahab was looking for. It was absent in his nation and land for three and half years until this declaration by Elijah. Elijah told him, "go and celebrate" because I see good news, your very long expectation at hand. For Ahab, it was rain. For you, it may be expectation A or B. That thing, I hear it is at hand. For that sake, begin to rejoice even as it seeks to descend like the sheet that was led down from heaven by its four sides [Acts 10]. 

Your dancing, rejoicing that it's coming is both an act of faith and thanksgiving to God that you have received what has not happen but will. Prophets are one of the great exercisers of faith 'cause they call what be not as though it is. The prophet said, "I hear the sound... That is, though it is not raining yet it will rain. That he hears it means it is near or very near. And before they knew it, rain rushed at them. They even had to run to escape it or else it will beat them mercilessly. Look, what you've been expecting is coming with full force, with shoots and roots. You must quickly put preparation on ground for it lest you're stopped. It will be heavy. I hear the sound of abundance of rain. The kind that will lead to a mighty flood like one that can sweep away. Weeping might have tarried for a night but I hear joy and rejoicing. Like a mighty rushing wind, it will rush at you. Receive rain into your life. Water shall be in your house. Receive the  long awaited blessings. So shall it be. Because I said it, it is so. God said, "say it". I said it and now it is so. So, go and sleep on that!

PRAYER: Thank God for refreshing moment He'll bring on you, family and your nation. It is just so.

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Monday, 15 November 2021





Matthew 14:20-21, KJV

"20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full. 21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children."

There's a blessing I have seen and it is that I bring to you by the Spirit. You can possess; after making do with what you possess; find out you have more than you had needed. In this world, all will never get resources equally. Some will lack this earth's goods. Some will have it to only meet needs while not enough but some will have it to meet needs and it will equalize their needs. A few will have it to meet needs and then to spare. God wants to move you to the last level. To have bread and to spare. It takes a blessed fellow to have for himself and then give out to others. When I said, "have for himself", I meant having enough that fills him for himself and then sharing it out. I never insinuates someone who's managing in order to accommodate another. I'm talking of eating to your fill without concern and then scattering seeds unto others.

In today's reading, Jesus wrought a miracle whereby multiplication of bread and fishes takes place. After multitude have eaten from five loaves of bread and two fishes, twelve baskets were still picked up afterwards. When they ate, they didn't eat to save Jesus' resources or save food for others. They actually ate to their fill. Despite eating to their fill, they couldn't finish the food. The food contained them. They didn't contain it. After doing all they could think of doing with food, left over still tires them. It's a blessing if you can begin to have leftovers. You can commence a demanding building project and find out that after all expended on the building, you still have tangible left over. Nails, asbestos can remain where it has never been enough for others and they had to look up for another breakthrough.  You can always have it enough at once. Today, you need to breakthrough into the circle of wealthy men who have resources, take their fill of it and yet still have testimony of it remaining.

They had twelve baskets to spare after 5,000 men had eaten yet without numbering the females and children. May your resources always remain after going into it to do whatsoever with it. After all deduction from your account or store house etc, you'll find out that it still remains. God will begin to shock you henceforth by an unusual aid of prosperity that will cause you to have remnant after paying bills, doing deductions etc. The miracle will be "despite the expenditure, it looks as if we've not expended." It looks like that to Jesus and His company. From what shouldn't be enough, they spent and spent enough that went round, yet the testimony was that the account still stands gallant. How wealthy men becomes wealthier is because after all projects, they have remnants that they store up which they either give away to show generosity or sell for wealth when such good is being demanded for. May God aid you.  May your remnant prove your expenditure wrong. 

PRAYER: After all expending, may there be a place for testimony. [For those doing any project, especially building], pray that your nail, asbestos etc will remain.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 31:1-32:32, Hebrews 12:14-29, Psalm 113:1-114:8, Proverbs 27:18-20

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