Happy New Month!!!
Genesis 2:18, KJV
"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."
There's a time when it is no longer good to be alone. It might have been good and okay before then. However, as any man or woman grows and progresses in his or her life's journey, he or she will get to a place where he or others would discover for him that it's no longer good or ethical that he or she should be alone.
If you're a Bible reader, you'll observe that it wasn't the first day God created Adam He came to the realization that it was not good for Adam to be alone - therefore making or bringing him a mate. God had created Adam for awhile; Adam had lived for awhile as a fully grown up body or adult before the thought of creating the woman or giving her to Adam ever came up. If we were to look at the Bible, we would see proof of this in verses that ran ahead of the verse that says, "it is not good that the man should be alone."
God formed the man in Gen.2:7 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. From that verse to 15 where Adam was put in the garden to dress and keep it while navigating downward to 16-17 where he was instructed not to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden which can cause death; you'll see through this walk that Adam existed and was allowed a time to breathe before the issue of marriage was brought up into his life. First is the work given to him. He was given the work of dressing and tilling the garden. From there, he was instructed on what not to do in order to test his love and obedience.
It is dangerous bringing the issue of marriage up with a man who has not first discovered his purpose and put within the confines of God's allowing. If we were to metaphorically take this process of Adam and spread it on ours, I'll say getting to the stage or state where you realize you need a spouse takes time. It won't happen while you were in primary school and God didn't plan it happens while you were in secondary school also. God plans that you should have succeeded in finding your foot - knowing your purpose - having a life work you're pouring yourself into amidst the many instructions of God you're living up to before a season would come in your life where community of men, either through your parents or those with oversights over you would say, "don't you think you need a wife or husband? Imagine! You have everything. Here's a job! Here's an apartment and more importantly, you have a purpose or calling you're fulfilling that needs the help of a partner - one who'll be closer than a friend. Even your age also demands one! At such a time as this, one should consider marriage indeed.
This is when it is no longer good to be alone. At such times, seeing the opposite sex near you brings comfort and not anxiety or fear. There are times and stages of one's life when it is thoroughly good to be alone however. If you aren't alone at that time, you might later become a failure in life. At such time, you need focus and the concentration of a single lady or man who needs time to have become somebody and have some achievements etched before any other person joins you. For Adam, God didn't just bring Eve to join him. God created and brought Eve to him when some foundations of achievements had been laid - part of which includes work or purpose.
There's a time to be alone and a time when before God and humanity it is no longer good to be alone. What season are you? Ensure you do not desire one season to the detriment of another. Become who you should be and lay the foundation while a single so that when you bring another person into your life, there can be enough work for the fellow you're bringing into your life to do with you.
PRAYER: I know "when" and when "when" is not! I understand seasons of life and manifest marriage or other key blessings at its time.
Mark 9:33-50 & Numbers 9-10
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