Read Judges 14, 15
Judges 14:4, NLT
"But Samson told his father, "Get her for me! She looks good to me." His father and mother didn't realize the Lord was at work in this, creating an opportunity to work against the Philistines, who ruled over Israel at that time."
There are those who where they are, it is the troubling of the water they are waiting for (John 5:1-7). Once they sight the water troubled, it'll be to them a shot in the air. It will herald their take off. That'll immediately launch them into what they have been waiting or hoping to do. However, if the troubling of the water never comes, they might tarry, waiting for the opportunity to launch into the water. That's because the arrival of the stirring angel and the moving of the water is the only provided occasion to launching into the healing pool.
To do something or become something, you need the rightful leverage or opportunity. You can't manifest more than the open door God has given to you. If you're agitating inside you to manifest and be revealed to the world in your own day but you have no divinely granted opening, occasion or opportunity for that, you might remain at the backside of the desert for life. For David to leave obscurity and be revealed to Israel, the entire Israelites' army including King Saul were paralyzed for forty days. They couldn't take on the Goliath challenge. It took God to sovereignly send David to the battle through the hands of Jesse, his father. The occasion God found for that was the checking on the welfare of his brothers at battle. However, that was just a front God hide the real purpose behind. Even David had to respond to Eliab saying, "is there not a cause?" (I Sam.17:29).
How I pray today that those of you where you are who are seeking an occasion to launch into something or start something would see that door opened unto you so soon. Until then, you'll have no accommodation or granted space to manifest. You'll just remain pregnant with your vision without a platform created for you to give birth to it. If not, one might even die waiting.
In today's reading, Samson was thought to have been frivolous. At Timnath, he saw a beautiful woman who he sought to marry. He troubles his parents over getting her for him. Knowing that a believer must not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever, the parents would not. They wanted him to make a choice of an Israelite. However, the Bible adds this side comment to vindicate Samson and his desire.
Judges 14:4, KJV
"But his father and his mother knew not that it was of the LORD, that he sought an occasion against the Philistines: for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel."
So, it was the Lord roaming about - moving and vibrating on the earth seeking an occasion to give to Samson to begin to live out the calling of being a deliverer. However, that occasion - the first of it that'll open the door of ministry to Samson began by being couched in an unequally yoked marriage. Not that God seeks to work against Himself or contradict His everlasting principles. If you follow the storyline, you'll see that Samson eventually didn't marry this Philistine woman. All that God needed was to create an incident that can avail Samson the opportunity, leverage and open the door for the fulfillment of why He called him. Samson's inability to enter into his wife coupled with the fact that he was angered and outwitted by the Philistines who ploughed with his heifer started the beginning of the deliverances God started to wrought with him and give to Israel. While you may mourn the fact that Samson lost a wife to his friend, God's thought was established firmly on that advancing purpose and the bringing of Israel the predicted deliverance.
Samson couldn't have started on his own. An occasion had to be presented to him from heaven to take. That's why I believe the verse that says, "a man can receive nothing except it be given him from above" (John 3:27). I know those who'll break their backs trying to have what has not been given them from above. If you have a destiny to fulfill, while you're eager to manifest, one wisdom you must watch out for is God's divinely ordained moment coupled with an open and granted platform for that. I know those who out of desperateness to manifest soiled their garments because they took a leverage and sought to rise, kill and eat from a sheet that never descended from God. At day's end, they polluted their callings having been joined to the uncircumcised. Samson however had to receive an open door in order to begin to manifest the stirrings he had felt in Mahaneh-dan, between the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol. God has been moving, training and coming on him for that purpose. The intent for that stirring is therefore about to be fulfilled and it couldn't have found expression until God had found the rightful occasion or opportunity for Samson to begin to manifest through. If you'll follow this storyline to chapter 15 of Judges, you'll see how this little door or occasion led to the many killings of Philistines - the beginning of deliverance for Israel.
May God allow you too to manifest your calling. May God ordain an occasion that's ripe for you. Have you been waiting for a time or an opportunity that'll avail you swift moves? I pray, let there be orchestrations of that. You'll see signs and you shall know that, "now is the time and this day is the day."
PRAYER: Father, give me a door to avail me my heart desires. Cook for me an opportunity that'll become my launch pad into destiny.
Matthew 21:1-32 & Exodus 18-19
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