Monday, 3 February 2025





Read Gen.39:1-6

Genesis 39:3, KJV

"And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand."

Did you read that verse above? That verse testifies to God trying to make a room for Joseph. To be noticed or observed isn't far fetched. God only needs to act on your behalf. Men only need to be persuaded to give you a trial. Acceptance is not something you buy with money. Trust is not something you bargain for with mere words. You must earn it one way or the other. When God was set to make Joseph privileged though a slave, "He was with him." Now, what are the things that the Lord being with any would cause? Favour, prosperity, divine attraction for attention are three which were visible in Joseph's life. Immediately the Lord was with him, all he does prospers. It is no longer Joseph now but the covenant blessing of Abraham giving him flourishing, excelling and productive results. If Joseph should dig where others couldn't get water initially, you'd see him discover and come back with water. Why? A Spirit has joined and mixed Himself with his output so much more that this became known to all. They've been shocked and shocked over at the unusualness of his results. There's just nothing he does that he does not prosper in. This is where it is not of work lest any man should boast but of grace. This is where it is no longer of Joseph but of God. As far as we know, his prosperity was because God was with him. What would he have achieved if God was far from him? This should keep any with prosperity humble and makes him an eternal steward and subordinate under the righteous hand of God. How we ought to also desire and covet like Moses and other men of old that if His presence doesn't go with us, we wouldn't go. His presence is enough and the overall determiner of what might happen to us on the journey. It's that presence Joseph didn't lack and it paid off. 

Joseph also was said to have found grace. He seems to be loved above others. Something seems to be calling attention to him and what he does. Pharaoh seeing the Lord is with him tends to be having soft spot for him now. He wants to treat him specially and entrust something in his hands which others couldn't have because they haven't been certified to him. But Joseph could because he has been recommended to him by the Lord who made all he does to prosper in his hands. And since he's not ready to suffer harm or losses in what he has at home or the field, he needs such a man that can watch his back yet nothing would be marred in his hands. He needs a man that would watch over all he has and same won't decrease but rather multiply. For this reason, he made him the General Manager and Overseer of his household. That's wisdom. He saw that all he does prospers and he's now leveraging on the fact that once it touches that boy's hands, it becomes gold. All these things are steps taken by God to ensure Joseph was carved a space of recognition in Potiphar's house. At least, he had some degree of privilege, respect and special treatment unlike the ordinary slaves and staff (even the Indigenes). Don't forget that Joseph is Hebrew - a stranger. It therefore becomes difficult persuading an Egyptian who must have seen slaves act as slaves over the years to set a slave as the head of his house. It even looks diminishing. Others could have said, "why don't you look for one of us and entrust him with such job? Why that odd one?" But we all know why? Potiphar was necessitated making Joseph the head of his house because God made room for "that boy." How? God made all he does to be prosperous and this was not hidden to Potiphar. That verse says, "and when Potiphar saw that God made all he does to prosper in his hands..." It was that observation that led to the making of the room and the flinging open of that special door he enjoys. Look at me, there's no where you are that God goes with you that any would be able to push you aside.

Never! Except you don't go with God. Except his presence has left you. That's when you can be taken for granted but if He be with you, you'll be the centre of attraction without trying. God will just appease men on your behalf and draw attention to you. He did for Joseph. He made him have special results. The mathematics equations that others couldn't solve, when it got to his own hands, he cracked it open. From this and more, all the departmental and college professors began to take cognizance of him and commit into his hands. This is how God makes people who are nobodies to ride on their high places. He only needs to pull a string. God is doing that for you today. He'll speak for you like He spoke to Potiphar on behalf of Joseph. He'll persuade people to receive you without a speech from you. Your space won't be vacant any longer because you shall arise and take your place even if you're a stranger in a strange land. I see a room being made for you. I see men being convinced about you. I see fathers in their fields saying, "he's the man for the job." They're hiring you right away and all shall be traced to "God being with you" that no man may boast. 

PRAYER: Lord, make a room for me career wise. Recommend me to men of high places. Anoint my hands for special productivity and prosperity. Let my good deeds be noticed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4-21, Psalm 74:1-23, Proverbs 24:15-16

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