Sunday, 26 January 2025




ELIJAH: A MAN SUBJECT TO LIKE PASSIONS - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 013

James 5:17-18, KJV

"17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit."

I've taught on this topic years ago but the Holy Spirit is reviving same topic and teaching in me again. It is for a purpose and may it be fulfilled. 

We've been talking on celibacy, your calling and giving oneself away to one's call and the demands it might make on one whatsoever. We've emphasized that for you to ply a path in life, you must be made into a container like those who have walked that path before you. I believe I qualify as a minister. Though I'm prospered, I'm not covetous or seeking to be wealthy. I'm not chasing after shadows. If we have food and raiment, we shall be content the Bible says. 

I Timothy 6:6-7, KJV 

"6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."

That doesn't mean I don't have the good things of life. Meanwhile, what I'm saying or teaching is that I've been made like my predecessors who what they live by is the food given to them. You can't be a minister of Christ if you don't have His spirit or attitude to things. Though bodily exercise is profitable a little and I do little exercise yet I don't have what it takes to be an athlete or a boxer. However, I have indulged and overindulged in all practices by which one could receive impartation and separation into being called a minister. I have done it and still do them often. They must not wear off. It is in its not wearing off that we remain who we are - a fellow and member of this path of the called to ministry. A minister must not neglect the Word but look unto himself and the flock committed to his care, enjoy prayer, find it loving to preach or teach, love sobriety and enjoy it and cherish other exercises, attitudes and characters of the Lord Jesus. 

Today, we look at Elijah, a man subject to like passions but one who rose and did extraordinarily beyond his human passions, weaknesses and limitations. When the Bible says, "Elijah is a man subject to like passions yet he prayed that it would not rain...or that it should rain", God wanted us to be without excuse. As a matter of fact, what God was doing is drawing an example and a model for us in Elijah. He was saying, "you have no excuses. Elijah was a man like you. However, his human passions (which includes all passions and cravings in human) didn't get the better of him. Rather, he excelled. In what did God make an example of Elijah to having excelled. The Bible says, "he prays fervently that it would not rain and for three and half years, it didn't rain and again he prayed that heaven would open and it was so." Yet, he was a man surrounded by weaknesses and limitations. If you had seen Elijah in the flesh, you would have known this. He looked like any of us. He talked like any of us. He ate rice and beans like any of us. He slept and farted like any of us. He was scared and threatened like any of us. He had sexual urge like any of us. He was hungry, thirsty and helpless like any of us. He even once wished he died like some of us might have had. Elijah is no better than us. He was tempted in every way as we are. Despite all these vulnerabilities or frailties, he still did the extraordinary. He still went on to pray fervently (exerting energy physically) and (spiritually as one whom virtues went out of in the process of praying like it went out of Jesus when touched by the woman with the issue of blood) but had his requests answered.

If Elijah is therefore a man as we are (with our frame, composite and mind) and could achieve the impossible or extraordinary; we ought remember that if we share in his passions, we can share in his possibilities and achievements also.

You may be a man subject to like passions. You may be another Sola, Joshua, Chioma or whatsoever. However, you have a role model who inspired to great things despite being a man who was surrounded by human weaknesses. The only thing in place is that he was a righteous man who prayed an effectual fervent prayer (James 5:16). "Effectual fervent prayer" hints at doing whatsoever your hand finds to do with your whole might. I pray for you that you'll break all human barriers in you or around you to great success. Every human being is lazy. We want to sleep; we want to rest and we want to procrastinate things. But despite all these, you can achieve beyond the limit and circle of human weaknesses that came with you because you're a human made of flesh and blood. No matter how strong you are, if you run some miles, you'll want to rest. You'll want to because you're human. A robot might not necessarily feel that way because it is iron or steel. But that you're flesh or blood limits you, fills you with certain destructive and distracting yearnings. You possess will and you may tend to do or go the opposite direction like Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. But for a robot, once programmed, it sticks to its commands. However, despite all these limitations, you can still be used of God to do the extraordinary. It just takes a little consecration. For Elijah, he was a righteous man (one carrying a consecration and a way of life) who prayed and had results. If you'll harness yourself with discipline, focus, strong consecration and abandonment to the path you've discovered, you'll achieve the surprising also. May this be our testimony. 

PRAYER: I live above my inherent and inherited human passions or weaknesses; I shall do wondrously. I embrace the consecration and ways of life that makes great.


Matthew 18:15-35 & Exodus 10-12

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